
Willow Creek - Core Measurements Summary Table
Measurement Mean Value Units Description
Stand Characteristics
Core Measurements:
Species Composition 44.8/41.3/13.9 % of basal area A. sacharum/T. americana/F. pensylvanica, measurements described in Martin et al., 2005
Aboveground biomass 74.9 Mg/ha described in Curtis et al., AgForMet 2002, 113:3-19.
Root biomass 614.73 g/m3 soil measured to depth of 1 meter, does not include stump/rootball mass; described in Martin et al., 2005, JGR in press
Canopy Height 24.2 meters se = 0.88m, measurements described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
Maximum LAI 5.36 m2/m2 litter traps, measurements described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
Seasonal Change in LAI 100 % above/below canopy PAR, site observation - 100% deciduous
Understory LAI 0.2 unpublished clipped plots
MAX IPAR: Annual micromet tables online http://cheas.psu.edu
Seasonal Litterfall 280.31 g/m2/year measured over 4 years, litterfall, measurements described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
Site History see //cheas.psu.edu
Atmospheric N Deposition not measured
Desired Measurements:
LAI Profile measured as described in Radtke and Bolstad, CJRF, 2001, 34:410-418
height (m)
0.5 0.076392224 LAI (m2/m2) from previous to this interval
1.5 0.108333452
2.5 0.079230363
3.5 0.077897325
4.5 0.121353405
5.5 0.123866816
6.5 0.1550208
7.5 0.192882106
8.5 0.233321943
9.5 0.24563316
10.5 0.277448551
11.5 0.281618917
12.5 0.376840577
13.5 0.349688576
14.5 0.420038383
15.5 0.366353019
16.5 0.406738154
17.5 0.314620515
18.5 0.248823768
19.5 0.167054211
20.5 0.133108692
21.5 0.065291954
22.5 0.020523203
23.5 0.004087613
Ground and Canopy Albedo micromet data online see http://cheas.psu.edu
Satellite image - annual one date available
Aerodynameic roughness length not measured
Stand Physiology
Core Measurements:
Annual aboveground growth increment 528.91 g/m2/year measured over 5 years, measurements described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
Bole temperature in micromet tables C, hourly see http://cheas.psu.edu
Leaf total N and C N=2.15/2.79; C=47.2/48.5 % Acer sacharum/F. pensylvanicum, based on > 200 leaves each sampled in the canopy
Specific leaf area 177.7/236.1/118.3; 125.2/190.3/93.1 cm2/gm mean/max/min for Acer sacharum and F. pensylvanicum, respectively, > 200 leaves throughout canopy
Bole and sapwood N and C not measured
Desired Measurements:
Stomatal conductance paper in review, Tang et al. based on 3 years measurements, 2001-2004
minimum spring leaf water potential paper in review, Tang et al. based on 3 years measurements, 2001-2004
sap flow paper in review, Kreller et al. based on 3 years measurements, 2001-2004
light response curves (Ic, Amax) paper in review, Kreller et al. based on 2 years measurements, 2002-2004
A/Ci Curves paper in review based on 2 years measurements, 2002-2004
Foliar/bole respiration 0.565/2.332 Mg C/ha/year 1999-2002 as per Bolstad et al., 2004, Tree Phys. 24:493-504. Bole respiration 24-hour, year round, leaf nightime only, growing season
Leaf and woody tissue NSCH not measured
Tissue C12/C12 not measured
Atmospheric C13/C12 not measured
Soil Characteristics
Core Measurements:
Soil temperature profile in micromet tables C, hourly see http://cheas.psu.edu
soil moisture in micromet tables C, hourly see http://cheas.psu.edu
soil bulk density 0.972 g/cc 56soil cores, 10.16 cm diameter, described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
soil texture 59.3/34.0/6.9 %sand/silt/clay 56soil cores, 10.16 cm diameter, described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
root depth > 1 meter 56soil cores, 10.16 cm diameter, described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
fine root/coarse root, 0-30cm 148.4/107.4 g/m3
fine root/coarse root, 30-60cm 54.8/83.9 g/m3
fine root/coarse root, 60-100cm 44.2/175.9 g/m3
soil co2 flux 8.8725 Mg C/ha/year 1999-2002 average as per Bolstad et al., 2004, Tree Phys. 24:493-504.
litter decomposition not measured
Desired Measurements:
Litter C, N, and lignin 35.5/1.14/- % 56soil cores, 10.16 cm diameter, described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
Soil C and N 2.15/0.16 % 56soil cores, 10.16 cm diameter, described in Martin et al.,2005, JGR in press
N mineralization rate not measured
soil thermal and hydraylic cond. not measured
CEC not measured