# makefile for: pointbgc # # Creates the executable for single-point, single-biome BIOME-BGC simulations. # Uses the BIOME-BGC core science library, Version 4.1.2 # # 9 April 2002 # # For a new compilation you will have to change the ROOTDIR # definition to match your directory structure ROOTDIR = ${PWD}/.. BINDIR = ${ROOTDIR}/.. INCDIR = ${ROOTDIR}/include BGCLIBDIR = ${ROOTDIR}/lib BGCLIB = ${BGCLIBDIR}/bgclib412.a ALLOBJS = ${OBJS1} ${OBJS2} ${OBJS3} ${BGCLIB} OBJS1 = pointbgc.o met_init.o restart_init.o time_init.o scc_init.o co2_init.o\ sitec_init.o epc_init.o state_init.o output_init.o metarr_init.o\ presim_state_init.o ramp_ndep_init.o OBJS2 = end_init.o ini.o OBJS3 = smooth.o INCLUDE1 = ${INCDIR}/ini.h ${INCDIR}/bgc_struct.h ${INCDIR}/pointbgc_struct.h\ ${INCDIR}/pointbgc_func.h INCLUDE2 = ${INCDIR}/ini.h INCLUDE3 = ${INCDIR}/misc_func.h LIB = -lm CFLAGS = -O -I${INCDIR} CC = g++ all : bgc412 bgc412 : ${OBJS1} ${OBJS2} ${OBJS3} ${CC} -o $@ ${CFLAGS} ${ALLOBJS} ${LIB} mv $@ ${BINDIR} ${OBJS1} : ${INCLUDE1} ${OBJS2} : ${INCLUDE2} ${OBJS3} : ${INCLUDE3} metarr_init.o : ${INCLUDE3} state_init.o : ${INCDIR}/bgc_constants.h pointbgc.o : ${INCDIR}/bgc_io.h pointbgc.o : ${BGCLIB}