/* zero_srcsnk.c fill the source and sink variables with 0.0 at the start of the simulation *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Biome-BGC version 4.1.2 Copyright 2002, Peter E. Thornton *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "bgc_struct.h" /* structure definitions */ #include "bgc_func.h" /* function prototypes */ #include "bgc_constants.h" /* zero the source and sink state variables */ int zero_srcsnk(cstate_struct* cs, nstate_struct* ns, wstate_struct* ws, summary_struct* summary) { int ok=1; /* zero the water sources and sinks */ ws->prcp_src = 0.0; ws->outflow_snk = 0.0; ws->soilevap_snk = 0.0; ws->snowsubl_snk = 0.0; ws->canopyevap_snk = 0.0; ws->trans_snk = 0.0; /* zero the carbon sources and sinks */ cs->psnsun_src = 0.0; cs->psnshade_src = 0.0; cs->leaf_mr_snk = 0.0; cs->leaf_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->froot_mr_snk = 0.0; cs->froot_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->livestem_mr_snk = 0.0; cs->livestem_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->deadstem_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->livecroot_mr_snk = 0.0; cs->livecroot_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->deadcroot_gr_snk = 0.0; cs->litr1_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->litr2_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->litr4_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->soil1_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->soil2_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->soil3_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->soil4_hr_snk = 0.0; cs->fire_snk = 0.0; /* zero the nitrogen sources and sinks */ ns->nfix_src = 0.0; ns->ndep_src = 0.0; ns->nleached_snk = 0.0; ns->nvol_snk = 0.0; ns->fire_snk = 0.0; /* zero the summary variables */ summary->cum_npp = 0.0; summary->cum_nep = 0.0; summary->cum_nee = 0.0; summary->cum_gpp = 0.0; summary->cum_mr = 0.0; summary->cum_gr = 0.0; summary->cum_hr = 0.0; summary->cum_fire = 0.0; return (!ok); }