I found some files including one-year hourly ratios of veg in the footprint area. For 30m, Calculations indlude the cases with unstable, netural, and weak stable conditions. So at night, footprint under very stable conditions are not computed. (in that case, I guess many NEE values are screened out since U* is small). For 122 and 396m, only footprints under very unstable conditions are computed. Attached files are for year of 2003. The footprints of WLEF final products have been screwed up due to filling, screening,....., so maybe need to figure out what level of fluxes are used in the final product. 0-yyyy 1-month 2-day 3-hour 4-jday 5-fjday 6-N/A 7-N/A 8-NA 9-NA 10-PAR 11-NEE of co2 12- ratio of 'Urban/Dev/Agr' 13 'Water' 14- 'Grassland' 15- 'Pine' 16- 'Mixed Coniferous' 17- 'Aspen' 18 'Mixed Broad leaf Deciduous' 19- 'Mixed Dec/Con' 20 'Lowland Shrub Wetland' 21 'Forested Wetland' 22- 'Barren' 23- 'Shrubland';Emergent