Data and header information Year - 2003 Day - 206 (July 25) Timezone - Local time is UTC - 6 hours All timestamps reported here are in UTC time Time is recorded at the beginning of average period. Measurement height - 36 m Canopy height - 27 m Roughness length is ~ 2-3 m (displacement is ~ 18 m) Location: Sylvania Wilderness old-growth maple/hemlock in upper Michigan, USA More info at: Missing or invalid data is -999 Hi-frequency files 03206xxxx.csv xxxx is starttime of data in hours and minutes (hhmm) - UTC Frequency is 10 Hz Data are not lag or spectrally corrected Primary instruments - Licor 6262 Infrared gas analyzer - CO2/H2O CSAT-3 sonic anemometer - u,v,w,T mm - Minutes sec - Seconds u - towards sonic wind speed (sonic axis is 228 degrees of true North) m/s v - cross sonic wind speed (left to right) m/s w - vertical wind speed m/s ** information on the meaning of the sign of u and v and meaning of Ts an be found at: ur - roatated wind speed into mean wind direction m/s vr - rotated cross wind speed m/s wr - rotated vertical wind speed (to correct for sonic tilt, etc...) m/s ts - sonic virtual temperature - C C - calibrated, temp/pressure/water corrected CO2 mixing ratio - ppm q - calibrated, temp/pressure corrected water vapor mixing ratio - g/kg LI_P - internal Licor cell pressure - kPA LI_T - internal Licor cell temperature - C Wspd - horizontal wind speed - m/s Wdir - horiztonal wind direction - degrees from true N Medium frequency micromet file 03206b.csv Frequency is 1 min hhmm - hours and minutes t - Air temperature 36 m - C p - Atmoshperic pressure - mb rh - relative humidity - percent dp - dew point - C Rnet - Net radiation - W/m2 leafwet - Leaf wetness (not eq -999, moisture is condensing) - kOhms q - Water vapor mixing ratio - g/kg PAR - Total photosynthetic active radation - umol/m2/s dPAR - Diffuse photosynthetic active radiation - umol/m2/s Low frequency flux parameter file 03206flx.csv Frequency is 30 min hhmm - hours and minutes Cflx - CO2 flux ppm m/s Qflx - Water vapor flux g/kg m/s Tflx - virtual temperature flux K m/s Mflx - Momentum flux m2/s2 theta - horizontal rotation angle radians (not long term) phi - vertical rotation tilt correction radians (not long term) lagc - CO2-W lag time - seconds (negative = CO2 lags W) lagq - Q-W lag time - seconds (negative = Q lags W) cfactor - CO2 spectral correction factor - multiply Cflx by this value qfactor - Q spectral correction factor - multiple Qflx by this value Low frequency final flux output file 03206flux.csv Frequency is 30 min FORTRAN Format code is: (i4.4,i3,i3,f5.1,i4,f6.3,9f12.3,i4,f12.3) Value of flag (Column 16): -1) Preliminary data – no full year calibrations or screening 0) Non-preliminary data, no screening tests 1) Non-preliminary data, good or no data Storage terms for LE,H and G are computed 2) Non-preliminary data, small u*, NEE is gap-filled 3) Non-preliminary data, NEE from lake (30-90 degrees). NEE is gap-filled 4) Gap-filled missing or bad NEE- using PAR/T fitted functions 5) Gap-filled missing or bad NEE- using NEE multi-week moving window ensemble -2,-3,-4,-5 preliminary screened data, same meanings as positive values if flag has a one in front = (11,12,13,14,15) = C storage term is filled Column Name Description Unit Range/Notes 1 Year Year Year 2000-3000 2 Month Month Month 1-12 3 DOM Day of Month Day 1-31 4 UTC Universal Coordinated Time Hour 0.0-23.5 5 DOY Day of Year Day 1-366 6 F_day Fraction of Day 0-1 7 Storage Rate of change of umol/m2s CO2 storage - 36 m 8 Flux CO2 flux - 36 m umol/m2s 9 NEE Net ecosystem exchange umol/m2s (Flux+Storage), filled 10 NetRad Net radiation – 36 m watts/m2 11 PAR Photosynthetic active umol/m2s radiation – 36 m 12 LE Latent heat flux - 36 m watts/m2 13 H Sensible heat flux – 36 m watts/m2 14 G Soil heat flux – 75mm below watts/m2 15 U* Friction velocity – 36 m m/s 16 Flag Data quality flag 17 oNEE original non-screened NEE umol/m2s Low frequency micromet / profile data / soil data output file Frequency is 30 min FORTRAN Format code is: (i4.4,i3,i3,f5.1,i4,f6.3,61f12.3) Column Name Description Unit Range/Notes 1 Year Year Year 2000-3000 2 Month Month Month 1-12 3 DOM Day of Month Day 1-31 4 UTC Universal Coordinated Time Hour 0.0-23.5 5 DOY Day of Year Day 1-366 6 F_day Fraction of Day 0-1 7 CO2_36m CO2 concentration at 36m/118ft ppm 8 CO2_21m CO2 concentration at 21m/70ft ppm 9 CO2_14m CO2 concentration at 14m/45ft ppm 10 CO2_7.6m CO2 concentration at 7.6m/25ft ppm 11 CO2_3m CO2 concentration at 3m/10ft ppm 12 CO2_1.8m CO2 concentration at 1.8m/6ft ppm 13 CO2_0.6m CO2 concentration at 0.6m/2ft ppm 14 Atm_P_36m Air pressure at 36m/118ft mb 15 Wind_Spd_36m Wind speed at 36m/118ft m/s 16 Wind_Spd_20m Wind speed at 20m/65ft m/s 17 Wind_Deg_36m Wind direction at 36m/115ft deg 0-360 18 Wind_Deg_20m Wind direction at 20m/65ft deg 0-360 19 Q_36m H2O mixing ratio at 36m/118ft g/kg 20 Q_20m H2O mixing ratio at 20m/65ft g/kg 21 Q_10m H2O mixing ratio at 10m/32ft g/kg 22 Q_2m H2O mixing ratio at 2m/6ft g/kg 23 RH_36m Relative humidity at 36m/118ft percent 0-100 24 RH_20m Relative humidity at 20m/65ft percent 0-100 25 RH_10m Relative humidity at 10m/32ft percent 0-100 26 RH_2m Relative humidity at 2m/6ft percent 0-100 27 Dew_Pt_36m Dew point at 36m/118ft degrees C 28 Dew_Pt_20m Dew point at 20m/65ft degrees C 29 Dew_Pt_10m Dew point at 10m/32ft degrees C 30 Dew_Pt_2m Dew point at 2m/6ft degrees C 31 Precip Total precipitation cm 32 Throughfall Precip at bottom of tower cm No snow adapter 33 Leaf wetness Leaf wetness at 36m/118ft KOhms 34 T_36m Air temperature – 36m/118ft degrees C 35 T_30m Air temperature – 30m/100ft degrees C 36 T_23m Air temperature – 23m/75ft degrees C 37 T_20m Air temperature – 20m/65ft degrees C 38 T_15m Air temperature – 15m/50ft degrees C 39 T_10m Air temperature – 10m/32ft degrees C 40 T_7.6m Air temperature – 7.6m/25ft degrees C 41 T_1.8m Air temperature – 1.8m/6ft degrees C 42 T_0.6m Air temperature – 0.6m/2ft degrees C 43 T_shed Temperature in control shed degrees C Disconnected in Jan 03 44 Ta_100cm Air temperature – 100cm/40in degrees C 45 Ta_50cm Air temperature – 50cm/20in degrees C 46 Ta_25cm Air temperature – 25cm/10in degrees C 47 Ta_5cm Air temperature – 5cm/2in degrees C 48 SoilT_0cm Soil temperature – 0cm/0in degrees C 49 SoilT_5cm Soil temperature – 5cm/2in degrees C 50 SoilT_10cm Soil temperature – 10cm/4in degrees C 51 SoilT_25cm Soil temperature – 25cm/10in degrees C 52 SoilT_50cm Soil temperature – 50cm/20in degrees C 53 SoilT_100cm Soil temperature – 100cm/40in degrees C 54 SoilLWC_5cm Soil moisture content – 5cm vol fraction 0-1 55 SoilLWC_10cm Soil moisture content – 10cm vol fraction 0-1 56 SoilLWC_20cm Soil moisture content – 20cm vol fraction 0-1 57 SoilLWC_50cm Soil moisture content – 50cm vol fraction 0-1 58 SoilLWC_100cm Soil moisture content – 100cm vol fraction 0-1 59 PAR_1m_1 Surface PAR (1m/3ft) umol/m2s 20 ft after 6/28/2003 60 PAR_1m_2 Surface PAR site 2 (1m/3ft) umol/m2s 40 ft after 6/28/2003 61 VPD_36m Vapor Pressure Deficit - 36m kPa 62 VPD_20m Vapor Pressure Deficit - 20m kPa 63 VPD_10m Vapor Pressure Deficit - 10m kPa 64 VPD_2m Vapor Pressure Deficit - 2m kPa 65 W_36m Mean vertical velocity m/s Only good for nonpreliminary flux data 66 PAR_36m_2 Delta_T total PAR umol/m2s installed 6/27/2003 67 PAR_36m_Diff Delta_T diffuse PAR umol/m2s installed 6/27/2003