! Input file to set up a forward run of SIPNET ! --- INPUTS FOR ALL RUN TYPES --- RUNTYPE = standard ! RUNTYPE must be one of 'standard', 'senstest', or 'montecarlo' FILENAME = lef ! FILENAME.param is the file of parameter values & initial conditions ! FILENAME.param-spatial is the file of spatially-varying parameters ! (first line must contain a single integer: # of locations) ! FILENAME.clim is the file of climate data for each time step LOCATION = 0 ! Location to run at (-1 means run at all locations) ! (If doing a sensitivity test or monte carlo run, location defaults to ! 0: can only do these types of runs at a single location) DO_MAIN_OUTPUT = 1 ! If 1, do the primary output to FILENAME.out (time series of all output ! variables) ! If 0, suppress this output ! Ignored for montecarlo run with statsonly (treated as 1) PRINT_HEADER = 1 ! If 1, print header on main output file; if 0, don't print header ! (default: 0) DO_SINGLE_OUTPUTS = 0 ! If 1, do extra outputs: one variable per file (e.g. FILENAME.NEE) ! If 0, don't do these extra outputs ! (These extra outputs are setup in sipnet.c : setupOutputItems) ! Ignored for montecarlo run with statsonly (treated as 0) ! For a spatial run (LOCATION = -1), with RUNTYPE = standard, the first ! value on each line is the location, followed by the time series ! For RUNTYPE = senstest, the first value on each line is the parameter ! value, followed by the time series ! For RUNTYPE = montecarlo, there is no leading label value - these ! files just contain the time series ! --- INPUTS FOR SENSTEST --- ! These inputs are ignored for run types other than senstest CHANGE_PARAM = none ! Name of parameter to change in a sensitivity test LOW_VAL = 0 HIGH_VAL = 1 NUM_RUNS = 10 ! Parameter is varied from LOW_VAL to HIGH_VAL over a total of NUM_RUNS ! Note: output from sensitivity test will be put in FILENAME.sens ! Note that it is only possible to run at a single location using this option ! --- INPUTS FOR MONTECARLO RUN --- ! These inputs are ignored for run types other than montecarlo MC_PARAM_FILE = none ! File of parameter values to use in multiple runs, ! in place of FILENAME.param ! The first line of this file must contain the names of the parameters ! whose values are given (in the order in which they are given), and ! each subsequent line contains one set of parameter values. MC_OUTPUT = none ! Will hold output from montecarlo run NUM_TO_SKIP = 0 ! Number of elements on each line to ignore (e.g. leading likelihood ! values) STATS_ONLY = 0 ! If 0, output each run to MC_OUT_FILE#.out ! If 1, output only means and standard deviations to MC_OUT_FILE.out ! Note that it is only possible to run at a single location using this option