Format of clim file: filled driver data for each site based on a nearest neighbor type regression of each tower to all other ChEAS towers localmet has time step of 1 hour localmet-2d has time step of half-daily (variable) 10yr is filled for all 10 years (1997-2007), otherwise it is filled only for years where flux data are measured for the site Columns: Location - default is 0, for Sipnet Year Day of Year Hour Length of time period (days) - hourly is 1/24 Mean air temperature (degrees C) Mean soil temperature (degrees C) Total Incoming PAR (mol/m2/time step) to convert hourly data to umol/m2/s, mutiply by 1e6/3600 (277.778) Total Precip (mm / timestep) - *NEEDS MORE QC* Mean VPD (Pa) Mean VPD_soil with respect to Soil T (Pa) Mean Vapor pressure (Pa) Mean Windspeed (m/s) Mean soil wetness (fraction sat) - *DATA IS SUSPECT AT MOST SITES*