PRO windroseplot,val,wspd,wdeg,rr=rr,mtext=mtext,valtext=valtext,zrange=zrange,badval=badval,halt=halt,ztitle=ztitle ;Produces a 2-D gridded plot of val sorted by wspd and wdeg ;Also produces a plot of wspd,wdeg histogram (frequency occurence) ;The output is in u,v space ;val is the array of values to be sorted by wind speed and direction ;wspd is the array of wind speeds ;wdeg is the array of wind direction (in degrees) ;the above three arrays should have the same length ;rr is the range for wind speeds (default is max to min windspeed) ;mtext is additional text in the title ;ztitle is the units of val ;badval is the number for missing values (Default is -999) ;halt keyword will stop the procedure after completion ;You must press enter after first plot is drawn to get next plot ;Created by: Ankur Desai 7/2002 ;Modifed 8/26/2002 to be universal for any data ;contingencies ; include:, ; ;be sure that the following variables have been set: ;device,retain=1 ;device,decomposed=0 ;loadct,0 ;!p.background=255 ;!p.color=0 ;! ;! ;!order=1 IF NOT keyword_set(zrange) THEN zrange = [-20,20] IF NOT keyword_set(valtext) THEN valtext = 'NEE' IF NOT keyword_set(mtext) THEN mtext = '' IF NOT keyword_set(ztitle) THEN ztitle = 'umol/m2 s' IF NOT keyword_set(badval) THEN badval = -999 goodb = where(val NE badval AND wdeg NE badval AND wspd NE badval,numgood) IF numgood GT 0 THEN BEGIN val = val[goodb] & wspd = wspd[goodb] & wdeg = wdeg[goodb] oldval = val uv = vector_uv(wspd,wdeg) ux = uv[*,0] uy = uv[*,1] fixux = round(ux) fixuy = round(uy) IF NOT keyword_set(rr) THEN BEGIN rr = max([abs(min(fixux,/nan)),max(fixux,/nan)]) rr2 = max([abs(min(fixuy,/nan)),max(fixuy,/nan)]) rr = max([rr,rr2]) ENDIF rr2 = rr outgrid3 = make_array((rr*2)+1,(rr2*2)+1,/float,value=badval) outgrid4 = outgrid3 - badval FOR x = rr*(-1),rr DO BEGIN FOR y = rr2*(-1),rr2 DO BEGIN gridx = x-(rr*(-1)) gridy = y-(rr2*(-1)) r = where((fixux EQ x) AND (fixuy EQ y),numr) IF numr GE 1 THEN BEGIN outgrid3[gridx,gridy] = mean(val[r],/nan) outgrid4[gridx,gridy] = numr ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR bb = where(finite(outgrid3,/nan),numbb) IF numbb GT 0 THEN outgrid3[bb] = badval outgrid4=outgrid4/total(outgrid4,/nan)*100.0 nn = where(finite(outgrid4,/nan),numnn) IF numnn GT 0 THEN outgrid4[nn] = 0.0 tvplot,outgrid3,title=valtext+' as f(Ux,Uy) for '+mtext,$ xtitle='Ux (m/s)',ytitle='Uy (m/s)',$ bartitle=ztitle,/creverse,zrange=zrange,xrange=[rr*(-1),rr],xticks=rr*2,$ yrange=[rr2*(-1),rr2],yticks=rr2*2,/order,barcharsize=0.66,charsize=0.5 oplot,[0,0],[rr2*(-1),rr2] oplot,[rr*(-1),rr],[0,0] s = '' read,s tvplot,outgrid4,title='Wind histogram for '+mtext,$ xtitle='Ux (m/s)',ytitle='Uy (m/s)',$ bartitle='% occurence',/creverse,zrange=[round(min(outgrid4)),round(max(outgrid4))],xrange=[rr*(-1),rr],xticks=(rr*2),$ yrange=[rr2*(-1),rr2],yticks=(rr2*2),/order,barcharsize=0.66,charsize=0.5 oplot,[0,0],[rr2*(-1),rr2] oplot,[rr*(-1),rr],[0,0] ENDIF ELSE print,'No good data' IF keyword_set(halt) THEN stop END