FUNCTION readnarr,yr,mo,day,var,times=times,levels=levels,lats=lats,lons=lons,fixed=fixed,opendap=opendap ;READ subsets of data directly for the NOAA North American Regional ;Renalaysis using the OpenDAP protocol ;This version is designed for use with the "" reader, the ;DODS application package (writeval) - use on flux ;Can also use the official OpenDAP interface if it is installed and on ;the path (opendap_get) - currently not installed on flux (requires ; OCAPI and other packages) ;Inputs ;Yr = Year (1979 onward) ;Mo = Month (1-12) ;Day = Day (1-31) ;Var can be a string with the varname from the NARR files or an array ;of strings for mutiple variables ;Optional inputs ;Times - in UTC hours from 0-24, can be a single value, or a range ; vector (min to max) ;Levels - Range from 1-29, if not included, the variable is assumed to ; not have levels. MUST include if variables has vertical levels ;Lats - in degrees N (single value or [min,max]) ;Lons - in degrees E (single value or [min,max]) ;Fixed - Read "fixed" values from the AWIP32 fixed file - year/mo/day ; are disregarded ;opendap - Use the official opendap interface ;Outputs ;Returns a structure which contains a structure for each variable ;e.g. f = readnarr(2007,10,5,['hpbl','snowc'],lats=[40,45],lons=[-110,-100]) ; f.hpbl and f.snowc will be output - each is a structure ; (the actual PBL height data), f.hpbl.lon (lat and lons) timearr = findgen(8)*3 lonarr = numgen(-220.0,-0.625,numval=586) latarr = findgen(240)*(90./240.) lonarr = rebin(lonarr,1172) latarr = rebin(latarr,480) IF keyword_seT(fixed) THEN BEGIN lonarr = rebin(lonarr,1172) latarr = rebin(latarr,480) IF n_elements(lats) EQ 0 THEN glats = [0,479] ELSE BEGIN glats=lats FOR i = 0,n_elements(lats)-1 DO glats[i]=closest(latarr,lats[i]) ENDELSE IF n_elements(lons) EQ 0 THEN glons = [0,1171] ELSE BEGIN glons=lons FOR i = 0,n_elements(lons)-1 DO glons[i]=closest(lonarr,lons[i]) ENDELSE gtimes = [0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF n_elements(lats) EQ 0 THEN glats = [0,239] ELSE BEGIN glats=lats FOR i = 0,n_elements(lats)-1 DO glats[i]=closest(latarr,lats[i]) ENDELSE IF n_elements(times) EQ 0 THEN gtimes = [0,7] ELSE BEGIN gtimes=times FOR i = 0,n_elements(times)-1 DO gtimes[i]=closest(timearr,times[i]) ENDELSE IF n_elements(lons) EQ 0 THEN glons = [0,585] ELSE BEGIN glons=lons FOR i = 0,n_elements(lons)-1 DO glons[i]=closest(lonarr,lons[i]) ENDELSE ENDELSE ; IF n_elements(levels) EQ 0 THEN levels = [0,28] ;fix IF n_elements(levels) NE 0 THEN levels<=28 ;convert times in UTC, levels in Pa or ;m, lats in degrees, lons in degrees ;to model levels IF n_elements(glats) EQ 1 THEN latstr = '['+string(glats[0],format='(i0)')+']' ELSE latstr = '['+string(glats[0],format='(i0)')+':'+string(glats[1],format='(i0)')+']' IF n_elements(gtimes) EQ 1 THEN tmstr = '['+string(gtimes[0],format='(i0)')+']' ELSE tmstr = '['+string(gtimes[0],format='(i0)')+':'+string(gtimes[1],format='(i0)')+']' IF n_elements(glons) EQ 1 THEN lonstr = '['+string(glons[0],format='(i0)')+']' ELSE lonstr = '['+string(glons[0],format='(i0)')+':'+string(glons[1],format='(i0)')+']' IF n_elements(levels) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(levels) EQ 1 THEN levstr = '['+string(levels[0],format='(i0)')+']' ELSE levstr = '['+string(levels[0],format='(i0)')+':'+string(levels[1],format='(i0)')+']' ENDIF ELSE levstr = '' ;some variables are in b file ;get list to set ;for time series, can use subset files (Esp surfmet - see what it has) IF keyword_set(fixed) THEN BEGIN fname = '' f = loaddods(fname,var,'[0]'+latstr+lonstr,opendap=opendap) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN YYYY = string(yr,format='(i4.4)') MM = string(mo,format='(i2.2)') DD = string(day,format='(i2.2)') if (yr eq 2010 and mo eq 9 and day ge 10) or $ (yr eq 2010 and mo gt 9) or $ (yr eq 2011 and mo lt 3) or $ (yr eq 2011 and mo le 3 and day le 10) $ then prefixn = 'hh' else prefixn = '00' fname = ''+YYYY+MM+'/'+YYYY+MM+DD+'/narr-a_221_'+YYYY+MM+DD+'_'+prefixn+'00_000' f = loaddods(fname,var,tmstr+levstr+latstr+lonstr,opendap=opendap) IF f.error EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF prefixn EQ 'hh' THEN prefixn = '00' ELSE prefixn = 'hh' fname = ''+YYYY+MM+'/'+YYYY+MM+DD+'/narr-a_221_'+YYYY+MM+DD+'_'+prefixn+'00_000' f = loaddods(fname,var,tmstr+levstr+latstr+lonstr,opendap=opendap) ENDIF ENDELSE ; IDL> url = '' ; IDL> stat = OPENDAP_GET(url, data) return,f END