;+ ; NAME: ; FXPOPENR ; ; AUTHOR: ; Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 ; craigm@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov ; UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: ; http://cow.physics.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/idl.html ; ; PURPOSE: ; Internal routine to open a Unix pipe command for read access. ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; See the following procedures for appropriate documentation. ; ; FXGOPEN - open resource ; FXGCLOSE - close resource ; FXGREAD - read from resource ; FXGWRITE - write to resource ; FXGSEEK - seek on resource (i.e., perform POINT_LUN) ; ; FXGFILTERED - determine if resource is a normal file. ; ; Usage: FXPOPENR, UNIT, COMMAND, ERRMSG=ERRMSG ; ; PARAMETERS ; ; unit - FXPOPENR returns the pipe LUN, created by GET_LUN in this ; parameter. The LUN should not be "pre-opened". ; Unformatted reads on this LUN should be performed with ; FXPREAD. ; ; command - a scalar string, the pipe command to execute. The ; standard output of the command is redirected into UNIT. ; Standard error is not redirected. ; ; A failure of the command can only be discovered upon ; trying to read from the LUN with FXPREAD. ; ; Keywords ; ; errmsg - If set to defined value upon input, an error message is ; returned upon output. If no error occurs then ERRMSG is ; not changed. If an error occurs and ERRMSG is not ; defined, then FXPOPENR issues a MESSAGE. ; ; Side Effects ; ; The pipe command is opened with SPAWN, and an additional cache file ; is opened with read/write access. ; ; The FXFILTER family of commons is updated. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Changed copyright notice, 21 Sep 2000, CM ; ; $Id: fxpopenr.pro,v 1.2 2001/03/25 18:10:46 craigm Exp $ ; ;- ; Copyright (C) 1999-2000, Craig Markwardt ; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or ; unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer ; are included unchanged. ;- ; Utility program to protect the pipe command PRO FXPOPENR_WRAP_CMD, CMD, SHELL ; SHELL = ['/bin/sh', '-c'] SHELL = '/bin/sh -c ' WHILE STRMID(CMD, 0, 1) EQ '|' OR STRMID(CMD, 0, 1) EQ ' ' DO $ CMD = STRMID(CMD, 1, STRLEN(CMD)-1) CMD = SHELL + '"' + CMD + ' 2>/dev/null"' ; CMD = 'exec '+ CMD RETURN END ; Utility program to generate a name for the cache file. It is ; uniquely generated based on the time, the command string, and the ; current call number. ; FUNCTION FXPOPENR_TMPNAME, CMD @fxfilter COMMON FXPOPEN_TMPNAME, RANDOM_SEED, SEQ_COUNTER IF N_ELEMENTS(RANDOM_SEED) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN RANDOM_VAL = LONG(SYSTIME(1)) RANDOM_SEED = LONG(RANDOMU(RANDOM_VAL)*DOUBLE(ISHFT(1L,31))) SEQ_COUNTER = 0L ENDIF ;; Take the first fifteen and characters of the command TMPNAME = STRCOMPRESS(CMD, /REMOVE_ALL) ;; Build a unique hash name based on the command, the current time, ;; and a session-specific seed. Possible problem here: if several ;; sessions are started at the same time with the same command, and ;; the commands are executed at the same second, then the temporary ;; name will be the same. I judge the likelihood of all of these ;; events to be small. B = BYTE(CMD) & N = N_ELEMENTS(B) ;; Construct a semi-unique hash value for the command string HASH = 0L FOR I = 0L, N-1 DO HASH = ISHFT(HASH, 2) XOR B(I) HASH = HASH XOR LONG(SYSTIME(1)) XOR RANDOM_SEED XOR ISHFT(SEQ_COUNTER,16) SEQ_COUNTER = SEQ_COUNTER + 1 IF STRLEN(TMPNAME) GT 20 THEN BEGIN TMPNAME = STRMID(TMPNAME, 0, 15) + STRMID(TMPNAME, N-6, 5) N = 20L ENDIF NEWNAME = '' ;; Strip away any non-alpha characters FOR I = 0L, N-1 DO BEGIN CC = STRMID(TMPNAME, I, 1) IF NOT (CC EQ ' ' OR CC EQ '>' OR CC EQ '&' OR CC EQ '|' OR $ CC EQ '/' OR CC EQ '*' OR CC EQ '?' OR CC EQ '<') THEN $ NEWNAME = NEWNAME + CC ENDFOR IF NEWNAME EQ '' THEN NEWNAME = 'fxp' RETURN, SCRATCH_DIR + '/' + NEWNAME + STRING(ABS(HASH), FORMAT='(Z8.8)') END ;; Main entry PRO FXPOPENR, UNIT, CMD, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, ERROR=error ;; Access the general FXFILTER family of commons, and the ;; FXPIPE_COMMON, which has pipe-specific info. ERROR = -1 @fxfilter @fxpcommn ;; Sorry, useful pipes are only available under Unix. IF STRUPCASE(!VERSION.OS_FAMILY) NE 'UNIX' THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ERROR: FXPOPENR ONLY FUNCTIONS ON UNIX SYSTEMS.' GOTO, ERR_RETURN ENDIF IF N_PARAMS() LT 2 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Syntax: FXPOPEN, UNIT, COMMAND' GOTO, ERR_RETURN ENDIF ;; Wrap the command to make sure it is safe NEWCMD = CMD FXPOPENR_WRAP_CMD, NEWCMD, SHELL ;; Run the program ON_IOERROR, SPAWN_FAILED ; EXEC = [SHELL, NEWCMD] ; SPAWN, EXEC, /NOSHELL, UNIT=UNIT, PID=PID EXEC = NEWCMD SPAWN, EXEC, UNIT=UNIT, PID=PID ON_IOERROR, NULL ;; Check for error conditions IF UNIT LT 1L OR UNIT GT 128L THEN BEGIN SPAWN_FAILED: MESSAGE = 'ERROR: SPAWN of "'+NEWCMD+'" FAILED' GOTO, ERR_RETURN ENDIF ;; Prepare the FXFILTER dispatch table for function calls FILTERFLAG(UNIT) = 1 SEEK_CMD(UNIT) = 'FXPSEEK' READ_CMD(UNIT) = 'FXPREAD' WRITE_CMD(UNIT) = '-' ;; This pipe is not writable CLOSE_CMD(UNIT) = 'FXPCLOSE' ;; Start filling in the FXPIPE_COMMON POINTER(UNIT) = 0L ;; Start of pipe PROCESS_ID(UNIT) = PID ;; Save process ID of pipe ;; Build a unique cache name CACHE_FILENAME = FXPOPENR_TMPNAME(CMD) ;; Open the output cache file, retrieving a LUN ON_IOERROR, OPEN_ERROR OPENW, CACHE, CACHE_FILENAME, /GET_LUN ON_IOERROR, NULL ;; Error condition on the cache file IF CACHE LT 1 OR CACHE GT 128 THEN BEGIN OPEN_ERROR: ;; Reset to default behavior FILTERFLAG(UNIT) = 0 SEEK_CMD(UNIT) = '' READ_CMD(UNIT) = '' WRITE_CMD(UNIT) = '' CLOSE_CMD(UNIT) = '' FREE_LUN, UNIT MESSAGE = 'ERROR: Unable to open cache file ' + STRTRIM(CACHE_FILENAME,2) GOTO, ERR_RETURN ENDIF ;; Finish filling the pipe information CACHE_UNIT(UNIT) = CACHE CACHE_FILE(UNIT) = CACHE_FILENAME POINTER(UNIT) = 0 ;; At beginning of pipe CACHE_LEN(UNIT) = 0 ;; Currently no data cached EOF_REACHED(UNIT) = 0 ;; Not known to be at end-of-file GOOD_RETURN: ERROR = 0 RETURN ERR_RETURN: IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN ENDIF ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE RETURN END