XVIEW user defined buttons XVIEW allows the user to defined options which are set up as XVIEW buttons at run time. These options are defined in a simple text file called xview.txt in the user's home directory. Currently two types of options are supported, print and process. The setup file has a simple format of one line per option: type: label text / comand or printer type is either the word print or process. label text is the text that will appear on the button so should not be too long. comand or printer can a printer number or substring of the printer description given by psinit,/list, or a command to be executed if type is process. Null lines and lines with * as the first character are ignored. An example setup file is *------ xview.txt = user defined xview commands --------- * R. Sterner, 1997 Oct 1 print: Phaser 340 paper / Paper Color print: Phaser 340 trans / Transparency Color process: Negative / imgneg Note: if printer numbers were used the vivid color option would not work. This option appears after the print command is requested.