;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; XMERGE ; PURPOSE: ; Widget based routine to merge multiple color images in one. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; xmerge ; INPUTS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; Keywords: ; DIRECTORY=dir optional initial directory (def=current). ; /DEBUG means add a few debug buttons. ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; xmerge_event_com ; NOTES: ; Notes: Click on HELP button for details. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner, 1995 Mar 14 ; R. Sterner, 1998 Jan 15 --- Dropped use of !d.n_colors. ; ; Copyright (C) 1995, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;=================================================================== ; Table of routines ; Explanation of coordinate systems used. ; pro xmer_gen = Genrate final combined image. ; pro xmer_tv = tv command that handles transparent background. ; pro xmer_bkg = Set overall background color. ; pro xmer_rdimg = Read an image. ; pro xmer_add = Add an image to list. ; pro xmer_restore = Restore an *.mer file. ; pro xmer_rescale = Rescale a displayed image. ; pro xmer_maxscale = Compute max scale factor allowed. ; pro xmer_boxes = Slider bar scaling: outline images. ; pro xmer_update = Update screen. ; pro xmer_imageorder = Rearrange image order. ; function xmer_findi = Find which image was selected by cursor. ; pro xmer_count = display image count in widget window. ; pro xmer_image = Interactively position an image. ; pro xmer_window = Create or recreate a layout window. ; pro xmerge_event = Event handler for xmerge. ; pro xmerge.pro = Widget based image merge routine (main). ;=================================================================== ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_gen = Generate final combined image. ; 1995 Mar 23 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_gen, m if m.pcnt le 1 then begin bell print,' Nothing to merge.' return endif print,' Generating merged image . . .' ;------- Find combined image size for scale 1.00 ------------ widget_control, m.id_siz, get_val=val ;--- Size. t = strupcase(strmid(val,0,1)) if t eq 'L' then begin bx0 = 2000 by0 = 2000 endif else begin t = 'L' ;--- Rotation. widget_control, m.id_rot, get_val=val if strupcase(strmid(val,0,1)) eq 'P' then t = 'P' if t eq 'L' then begin bx0 = 2000 by0 = 1500 endif else begin bx0 = 1500 by0 = 2000 endelse endelse ;-------- Find actual scale factor and correct size ----------- widget_control, m.id_xytxt, get_val=scale ;--- Scale. scale = scale(0)+0. ; bx = round(bx0/scale) ; by = round(by0/scale) bx = bx0/scale by = by0/scale ;--------- Setup R,G,B component background ----------- bigr = bytarr(bx,by) + m.rbk bigg = bytarr(bx,by) + m.gbk bigb = bytarr(bx,by) + m.bbk ;--------- Loop through images ------------------------- for i=0, m.pcnt-1 do begin print,' '+m.pname(i)+': '+strtrim(i+1,2)+' of '+ $ strtrim(m.pcnt,2)+' . . .' xmer_rdimg,m.pname(i),m.ptyp(i),a,r,g,b,err=err ; Read image. if err ne 0 then goto, skip sz=size(a) & nxa=sz(1) & nya=sz(2) ; Image size. ix1=m.px0(i) & iy1=m.py0(i) ; LL image corner. ix2=ix1+nxa-1 & iy2=iy1+nya-1 ; UR image corner. ar = r(a) ; Image R,G,B. ag = g(a) ab = b(a) if m.trans(i) ge 0 then begin ; Trans back? wtb = where(a eq m.trans(i), ctr) ; Yes, where? if ctr gt 0 then begin ; Image has some bkg. bk = bigr(ix1:ix2,iy1:iy2) ; Copy red background. ar(wtb) = bk(wtb) bk = bigg(ix1:ix2,iy1:iy2) ; Copy green background. ag(wtb) = bk(wtb) bk = bigb(ix1:ix2,iy1:iy2) ; Copy blue background. ab(wtb) = bk(wtb) endif endif bigr(ix1,iy1) = ar ; Insert image R,G,B bigg(ix1,iy1) = ag ; components into bigb(ix1,iy1) = ab ; combined image. skip: endfor print,' Merging color components . . .' img = bytarr(bx,by,3) img(0,0,0) = bigr img(0,0,1) = bigg img(0,0,2) = bigb write_jpeg,'temp.jpg',img,true=3,quality=100 ; Save in jpeg file. read_jpeg, 'temp.jpg',c,cc,colors=250,/dither,/two_pass print,' Displaying result . . .' if (bx gt 1000) or (by gt 900) then begin swindow, xs=bx, ys=by endif else begin window, xs=bx, ys=by endelse tvlct,cc tv,c m.genwin = !d.window ; Remember generate window. widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_tv = TV comand that handles transparent background. ; 1995 Mar 17 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_tv, img, x, y, trans=indx ; indx=array of backgr pixels. sz = size(img) ; Size of image. nx = sz(1) ny = sz(2) if indx(0) ne -1 then begin ; Do transparent background. back = tvrd(x,y,nx,ny) ; Read behind image. img(indx)=back(indx) ; Move backgrnd into img. endif tv,img,x,y ; Now display image. return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_bkg = Set overall background color. ; 1995 Mar 16 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_bkg, m, rgb=rgb, hsv=hsv xhelp, /wait, $ ['The selected background color may change slightly', $ 'when the Done button is pressed. This', $ 'happens because the closest color in the',$ 'working directory is used. The actual',$ 'color selected will be used for the final',$ 'combined image.'] tvlct, r, g, b, /get ; Original color table. in = m.bk ; Index of background. ;------- Set background ----------- if keyword_set(rgb) then xced1,in,/wait,exit=ex if keyword_set(hsv) then xced1,in,/hsv,/wait,exit=ex if ex eq 1 then return ; No change. tvlct,r2,g2,b2,/get ; Get new color. r2=r2(in) & g2=g2(in) & b2=b2(in) ; Pick off color in. m.rbk=r2 & m.gbk=g2 & m.bbk=b2 ; Save selected background colors. ;------ Find closest color in working color table ----- d = long(r-r2)^2 + long(g-g2)^2 + long(b-b2)^2 w =where(d eq min(d)) m.bk = w(0) widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m ; Save updated map. xmer_update, m ; Update screen. return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_rdimg = Read an image. ; 1995 Mar 15 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_rdimg, f, typ, a, r, g, b, error=err ; file,typ,img,r,g,b. err = 0 f2 = findfile(f, count=cnt) if cnt eq 0 then begin bell err = 1 print,' Could not read image '+f print,' Ignoring this image.' return endif case typ of 'TIF': begin a = tiff_read(f,r,g,b,order=order) ; Read image. if order eq 1 then a=reverse(a,2) ; Needs reversed. if n_elements(r) eq 0 then begin ; Default to BW. r = indgen(256) g = r b = r endif end 'GIF': read_gif, f, a, r, g, b 'JPG': begin read_jpeg, f, a, ct, colors=!d.table_size-1, /dither, /two_pass r = ct(*,0) g = ct(*,1) b = ct(*,2) end endcase return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_add = Add an image to list. ; 1994 Sep 20 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_add, tin, m, type=typ, trans=tr ; tin=input txt, m=map strct. f = getwrd(tin) ; Pick off file name. if n_elements(tr) eq 0 then tr=getwrd(tin,3) ; Transparent index. if n_elements(typ) eq 0 then typ=getwrd(tin,4) ; Image type. xmer_rdimg, f, typ, a, r, g, b, err=err ; Read in image. if err ne 0 then return widget_control, m.id_xytxt, get_val=sf ; Get slider bar scale. mag = sf(0)+0.0 ; Mag factor. sf = sf(0)*800./2000. ; Overall scale factor. sz = size(a) ; Current image size. dx = round(sz(1)*sf) ; New image size. dy = round(sz(2)*sf) a = congrid(a,dx,dy) ; Resize image. rr = r(a) gg = g(a) bb = b(a) wtb = -1 ; Assume no transparent background. if tr ge 0 then wtb=where(a eq tr) ; Find indices of given bkgr. c = color_quan(rr,gg,bb,r,g,b,cube=m.cube) x0 = getwrd(tin,1) ; Pick off possible position. y0 = getwrd(tin,2) ;--------- This section finds screen position (x,y) ----- ;--------- Interactive image position ---------- if x0 eq '' then begin ; Interactive position. m.add_mode = 1 x = 10 y = 10 xmer_image, x, y, dx, dy, m ;--------- Image position from *.mer file ------------- endif else begin ; From mer file. x = round(sf*x0) ; Screen X. y = round(sf*y0) ; Screen Y. endelse ;---------------------------------------------------------- m.pcnt = m.pcnt + 1 ; Number of images. in = m.pcnt-1 ; Index into image table. m.px(in) = x ; Displayed image position. m.py(in) = y m.px0(in) = fix(x/sf) ; Full page coordinates of image. m.py0(in) = fix(y/sf) m.pdx(in) = dx ; Displayed image size. m.pdy(in) = dy m.pdx0(in) = sz(1) ; Original image size. m.pdy0(in) = sz(2) m.pname(in) = f ; Actual image name. m.ptyp(in) = typ ; Image type (GIF, TIF, JPG). m.trans(in) = tr ; Transparent index. name = strtrim(in,2)+'.tmp' resopen,name,/write resput,'img',c resput,'back',wtb ; Save backgr indices. resclose m.pres(in) = name ; Displayed image name. widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m xmer_count, m xmer_tv,c,x,y, trans=wtb xmer_maxscale, m return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_restore = Restore an *.mer file. ; 1994 Sep 12 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_restore, file, m ;------ Read *.mer file ------------ txt = getfile(file) ; Read mer file. txt = txt(where(strlen(txt) gt 1)) ; Drop null lines. txt = txt(where(strmid(txt,0,1) ne '#')) ; Drop comments. ;------ Initialize key search ----------- val = txtgetkey(init=txt, delim=' ') ;------- Handle printer setup parameters --------- val = txtgetkey('size',delim=' ',/start) ;--- Size if val eq 'S' then begin widget_control, m.id_siz, set_val='Small' endif else begin widget_control, m.id_siz, set_val='Large' endelse val = txtgetkey('rotation',delim=' ',/start) ;--- Rotation if val eq 'L' then begin widget_control, m.id_rot, set_val='Landscape' endif else begin widget_control, m.id_rot, set_val='Portrait' endelse val = txtgetkey('scale',delim=' ',/start) ;--- Scale widget_control, m.id_xytxt, set_val=val sxy = float(val)>m.mag1m.mag10<(nx-dx(i)-1) ; Keep in bounds. (-1 added 95/11/14 RES) yy = yy0>0<(ny-dy(i)-1) if (xx ne xx0) or (yy ne yy0) then begin print,' Shifting image '+strtrim(i,2)+' to fit on page.' endif m.px(i) = xx ; Save new display positions. m.py(i) = yy plots,/dev,xx+[0,dx(i),dx(i),0,0],yy+[0,0,dy(i),dy(i),0],col=0 endfor widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m ; Update sizes and positions. return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_update = Update screen. ; 1994 Sep 2 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_update, m nx = !d.x_size ; Screen size. ny = !d.y_size n = m.pcnt ; Number of images. widget_control, m.id_xytxt, get_val=scale scale = scale(0)+0. sf = 800./2000.*scale ; Overall scale factor. ;-------- Rescale image sizes and positions before display ------ if m.last_scale ne scale then begin xmess,'Rescaling images . . .',wid=wid,/nowait for i=0, n-1 do begin xmer_rescale, m, sf, i endfor widget_control, wid, /dest ; Drop Rescale message. m.last_scale = scale ; Scaling OK. endif ;----------- End rescale -------------- ;--------- Display images ---------------- erase, m.bk ; Erase display. for i=0, n-1 do begin ; Loop through all images. resopen,m.pres(i) ; Read image i. resget,'img',img resget,'back',wtb resclose xx0 = sf*m.px0(i) ; New display position. yy0 = sf*m.py0(i) xx = xx0>0<(nx-m.pdx(i)) ; Keep in bounds. yy = yy0>0<(ny-m.pdy(i)) if (xx ne xx0) or (yy ne yy0) then begin print,' Shifting image '+strtrim(i,2)+' to fit on page.' endif m.px(i) = xx ; Store position in case new. m.py(i) = yy xmer_tv,img,xx,yy,trans=wtb ; Display. endfor widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m ; Update positions. return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_imageorder = Rearrange image order. ; 1994 Sep 1 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_imageorder, in, m if in(0) lt 0 then begin m.pcnt = 0 endif else begin j = indgen(n_elements(in)) ; Subscripts to modify. m.px(j) = m.px(in) m.py(j) = m.py(in) m.pdx(j) = m.pdx(in) m.pdy(j) = m.pdy(in) m.px0(j) = m.px0(in) m.py0(j) = m.py0(in) m.pdx0(j) = m.pdx0(in) m.pdy0(j) = m.pdy0(in) m.pname(j) = m.pname(in) m.pres(j) = m.pres(in) m.ptyp(j) = m.ptyp(in) m.trans(j) = m.trans(in) m.pcnt = n_elements(in) endelse widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m return end ;=================================================================== ; function xmer_findi = Find which image was selected by cursor. ; 1994 Sep 1 ;=================================================================== function xmer_findi, x, y, m if m.pcnt eq 0 then return,-1 ; No boxes. ;--------- Find which box(es) given point is inside -------- x1 = m.px(0:m.pcnt-1) y1 = m.py(0:m.pcnt-1) dx = m.pdx(0:m.pcnt-1) dy = m.pdy(0:m.pcnt-1) x2 = x1 + dx y2 = y1 + dy w = where((x ge x1) and (x le x2) and $ (y ge y1) and (y le y2), cnt) if cnt eq 0 then return, -1 ; Outside all boxes. if cnt eq 1 then return, w(0) ; Inside just 1 box. ;------ Inside multiple boxes, Find closest box center ---------- in = (indgen(m.pcnt))(w) pxc = x1(w) + dx(w)/2 ; Image centers. pyc = y1(w) + dy(w)/2 d = float(pxc-x)^2 + float(pyc-y)^2 ; Find closest center. i = (where(d eq min(d)))(0) return, in(i) end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_count = display image count in widget window. ; 1994 Sep 1 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_count, m n = m.pcnt txt = ' images' if n eq 1 then txt = ' image' n = strtrim(n,2) widget_control, m.id_cnt, set_val=n+txt+' ' return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_image = Interactively position an image. ; 1994 Aug 31 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_image, x, y, dx, dy, m wset, m.win dx2 = dx/2. dy2 = dy/2. xmn = dx2 ymn = dy2 xmx = m.sc_x - dx2 ymx = m.sc_y - dy2 xc = (x+dx2)xmn yc = (y+dy2)ymn tvcrs, xc, yc tvbox, xc-dx2, yc-dy2, dx, dy, -2, /noerase repeat begin tvbox, xc-dx2, yc-dy2, dx, dy, -2 cursor, /dev, xc, yc, /change xc = xcxmn yc = ycymn txt = string(xc,yc,form='(2I5)') widget_control, m.id_crs,set_val=txt endrep until !mouse.button ne 0 x = round(xc - dx2) y = round(yc - dy2) tvbox, x, y, dx, dy, -1 ; polyfill, /dev, color=72+m.pcnt, [x,x+dx,x+dx,x],[y,y,y+dy,y+dy] widget_control, m.id_crs,set_val=' ' widget_control, m.id_crs2,set_val='(Last: '+txt+')' return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmer_window = Create or recreate a layout window. ; R. Sterner, 1994 Aug 31 ;=================================================================== pro xmer_window, m ;--------- Set up standard color table ---------- if !d.table_size ge 216 then cube=6 else cube=5 t = bytarr(5,5) c = color_quan(t,t,t,r,g,b,cube=cube) tvlct,r,g,b topc = cube*cube*cube m.topc = topc ; Save standard color table info. m.cube = cube m.bk = !d.table_size-1 m.rsc = r m.gsc = g m.bsc = b tvlct,m.rbk,m.gbk,m.bbk,m.bk ;-------- Determine window size and shape ----------- dx = 800 ; Assume large window. dy = 800 wsz = '11" x 11"' tt = 'Color Image Merge Layout. ' widget_control, m.id_siz, get_val=sz if sz eq 'Small' then begin widget_control, m.id_rot, get_val=rot if rot eq 'Landscape' then begin dy = 600 wsz = '11" x 8.5"' endif else begin dx = 600 wsz = '8.5" x 11"' endelse endif tclr = ' '+strtrim(m.topc,2)+' color approximation.' ;--------- Detroy any old window -------------- if m.winb ne 0 then widget_control, m.winb, /dest ;---------- Create new window ----------------- winb = widget_base(title=tt+wsz+tclr) id_draw = widget_draw(winb, xsize=dx, ysize=dy, /button, $ uval='MOVE', retain=2) widget_control, winb, /real m.winb = winb ; Draw widget base ID. m.win = !d.window ; Draw widget window number. m.id_draw = id_draw ; Draw widget ID. m.sc_x = dx-1 ; Last screen x. m.sc_y = dy-1 ; Last screen y. widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m ; Save window info. erase, m.bk ; Erase to selected background. ;-------- Register draw widget ------------ xmanager, 'xmer_window', winb, event_handler='xmerge_event', /just_reg ;-------- Bring control panel to front --------- widget_control, m.top, /show ;-------- Update screen ----------- xmer_update, m xmer_maxscale, m widget_control, winb, set_uval=m ; Save map in base. return end ;=================================================================== ; pro xmerge_event = Event handler for xmerge. ; R. Sterner, 1994 Aug 30 ;=================================================================== pro xmerge_event, ev common xmerge_event_com, seed widget_control, ev.id, get_uval=uval cmd = getwrd(uval) widget_control, ev.top, get_uval=m ; Uval from event top. widget_control, m.top, get_uval=m ; Uval from original top. if cmd eq 'QUIT' then begin widget_control, m.winb,/ dest widget_control, ev.top,/ dest xmess,'Please remove the *.tmp files generated by xmerge',/wait return endif if cmd eq 'BACKRGB' then begin xmer_bkg, m, /rgb return endif if cmd eq 'BACKHSV' then begin xmer_bkg, m, /hsv return endif if cmd eq 'MOVE' then begin if m.add_mode eq 1 then begin m.add_mode = 0 widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m wait,.2 return endif if ev.release eq 1 then return ; Ignore button release. i = xmer_findi(ev.x, ev.y, m) if i lt 0 then return widget_control, m.id_img, set_val=m.pname(i) ; Image name. x = m.px(i) ; Closest image. y = m.py(i) dx = m.pdx(i) dy = m.pdy(i) dx2 = dx/2 ; 1/2 box size. dy2 = dy/2 xmn = dx2 ; Box center lower limits. ymn = dy2 xmx = m.sc_x - dx2 ; Box center upper limits. ymx = m.sc_y - dy2 xc = (x+dx2)xmn ; Box center. yc = (y+dy2)ymn tvbox,xc-dx2,yc-dy2,dx,dy,-2,/noerase ; Outline box. tvcrs, xc, yc ; Jump to center. polyfill, /dev, color=255, [x,x+dx,x+dx,x],[y,y,y+dy,y+dy] ; Erase it. repeat begin ; Move image box. cursor, /dev, xc, yc, /nowait wait,.05 xc = xcxmn yc = ycymn txt = string(xc,yc,form='(2I5)') widget_control, m.id_crs,set_val=txt tvbox,xc-dx2,yc-dy2,dx,dy,-2 ; Outline box. endrep until !mouse.button eq 0 tvbox,xc-dx2,yc-dy2,dx,dy,-1 ; Erase box. x = xc-dx2 y = yc-dy2 m.px(i) = x ; Put new box in map structure. m.py(i) = y widget_control, m.id_xytxt, get_val=scale ; Get slider bar scale. scale = scale(0)+0. sf = scale*800./2000. ; Overall scale factor. if scale ne m.last_scale then begin xmer_rescale, m, sf, i endif m.px0(i) = (x+1)/sf-1 ; Update full page coordinates. m.py0(i) = (y+1)/sf-1 widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m ; Save updated structure. resopen,m.pres(i) resget,'img',img resget,'back',wtb resclose xmer_tv, img, x, y, trans=wtb if m.pcnt gt 1 then begin ; If more than 1 image in = intarr(m.pcnt) ; Bring active one to top. in(i) = 1 in = where(in eq 0) xmer_imageorder, [in,i], m endif widget_control, m.id_crs,set_val='' widget_control, m.id_crs2,set_val='(Last: '+txt+')' wait,.1 widget_control, m.id_img, set_val='' return endif if cmd eq 'DROP' then begin if m.pcnt eq 0 then begin xmess, 'There are no images to drop', /wait widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif xmess, 'Click on image to drop', wid=wid, /nowait wset, m.win x = m.sc_x/2 y = m.sc_y/2 tvcrs, x, y cursor,/dev,x,y,/up i = xmer_findi(x, y, m) widget_control, wid, /dest if i lt 0 then begin widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif x = m.px(i) y = m.py(i) dx = m.pdx(i) dy = m.pdy(i) tvbox,x,y,dx,dy,-2,/noerase if xoption(["Drop","Don't drop"],def=0) eq 0 then begin polyfill, /dev, color=255, [x,x+dx,x+dx,x],[y,y,y+dy,y+dy] in = intarr(m.pcnt) in(i) = 1 in = where(in eq 0) xmer_imageorder, in, m xmer_count, m xmer_update, m xmer_maxscale, m endif else begin tvbox,x,y,dx,dy,-1 endelse widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif if cmd eq 'LIST' then begin if m.pcnt eq 0 then begin xmess,'There are no images to list',/wait endif else begin tmp = m.pname(0:m.pcnt-1) n = max(strlen(tmp)) + 3 txt = tmp + spc(n, tmp) + $ 'Size: '+strtrim(m.pdx0(0:m.pcnt-1),2)+ ' x ' + $ strtrim(m.pdy0(0:m.pcnt-1),2) txt = ['Images listed in display order:',' ',txt] xhelp,txt,/wait endelse widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif if cmd eq 'UPDATE' then begin xmer_update, m return endif if cmd eq 'ADDTIF' then begin path = m.path f=pickfile(filt='*.tif', path=path, get_path=path2) ; Pick a file if f eq '' then return m.path = path2 xtxtin,t,titl='Enter index of transparent color (none=-1)',$ /wait,def='-1',menu=['0',strtrim(!d.table_size-1,2)] xmer_add, f, m, type='TIF', trans=t widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif if cmd eq 'ADDGIF' then begin path = m.path f=pickfile(filt='*.gif', path=path, get_path=path2) ; Pick a file if f eq '' then return m.path = path2 xtxtin,t,titl='Enter index of transparent color (none=-1)',$ /wait,def='-1',menu=['0',strtrim(!d.table_size-1,2)] xmer_add, f, m, type='GIF', trans=t widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif if cmd eq 'ADDJPG' then begin path = m.path f=pickfile(filt='*.jpg', path=path, get_path=path2) ; Pick a file if f eq '' then return m.path = path2 xtxtin,t,titl='Enter index of transparent color (none=-1)',$ /wait,def='-1',menu=['0',strtrim(!d.table_size-1,2)] xmer_add, f, m, type='JPG', trans=t widget_control, ev.id, /input_focus return endif if cmd eq 'SIZE' then begin widget_control, ev.id, get_val=val if val eq 'Small' then val = 'Large' else $ val = 'Small' widget_control, ev.id, set_val=val if val eq 'Large' then widget_control, m.id_rot, set_val='Landscape' if val eq 'Large' then widget_control, m.id_rot, map=0 else $ widget_control, m.id_rot, map=1 xmer_window, m return endif if cmd eq 'ROT' then begin widget_control, ev.id, get_val=val if val eq 'Landscape' then val = 'Portrait' else $ val = 'Landscape' widget_control, ev.id, set_val=val xmer_window, m return endif if cmd eq 'XY' then begin widget_control, m.id_xy, get_val=sxy sxy = m.mag1 + (m.mag2-m.mag1)*(sxy/560.) widget_control, m.id_xytxt, set_val=string(sxy,form='(F4.2)') if m.pcnt eq 0 then begin m.last_scale = sxy widget_control, m.top, set_uval=m endif xmer_boxes, m return endif if cmd eq 'XYTXT' then begin widget_control, m.id_xytxt, get_val=sxy sxy = float(sxy(0))>m.mag1