;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; SUNCLOCK ; PURPOSE: ; Show world map with day, twilight, and night. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sunclock, plat, plong ; INPUTS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; Keywords: map_set keywords may be given to control the map ; display. ; TIME=dt_tm Specify a date and time. ; Format is flexible but requires month name (3 char min). ; Default is current system time. Ex: "1994 jun 22 13:45" ; ZONE=n Specify a time zone as hours ahead of GMT. ; Default is local time zone. Ex: zone=-4 for EDT. ; Only needed if in another time zone. ; /USA plots U.S. states. ; LNG=tlng, LAT=tlat Lat and Long array to plot. ; COLOR=clr Plot color [r,g,b]. ; /QUIET means suppress status messages. ; /SAME_WINDOW means use last window instead of a new one. ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; sunclock_com ; NOTES: ; Notes: The meaning of the colors is as follows: ; Subsolar point: Red. ; Daylight: Yellow-Orange. ; Sun rise/set line: Red. ; Twilights: Pink, Blue, and Darker Blue bands. ; Civil: Sun is 0 to -6 degrees below horizon. ; Nautical: Sun is -6 to -12 degrees below horizon. ; Astronomical: Sun is -12 to -18 degrees below horizon. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner, 1994 Apr 5 ; ; Copyright (C) 1994, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- pro sunclock, time=dt0, plat, plong, help=hlp, usa=usa, _extra=extra, $ zone=zone, quiet=quiet, same=same, lng=tlng, lat=tlat, color=tclr ;------- Save constants in common -------- common sunclock_com, wlng, wlat, win if keyword_set(hlp) then begin print,' Show world map with day, twilight, and night.' print,' sunclock, plat, plong' print,' plat = map projection central latitude (deg).' print,' plong = map projection central longitude (deg).' print,' West longitude < 0: 90 W = -90.' print,' Keywords: map_set keywords may be given to control the map' print,' display.' print,' TIME=dt_tm Specify a date and time.' print,' Format is flexible but requires month name (3 char min).' print,' Default is current system time. Ex: "1994 jun 22 13:45"' print,' ZONE=n Specify a time zone as hours ahead of GMT.' print,' Default is local time zone. Ex: zone=-4 for EDT.' print,' Only needed if in another time zone.' print,' /USA plots U.S. states.' print,' LNG=tlng, LAT=tlat Lat and Long array to plot.' print,' COLOR=clr Plot color [r,g,b].' print,' /QUIET means suppress status messages.' print,' /SAME_WINDOW means use last window instead of a new one.' print,' Notes: The meaning of the colors is as follows:' print,' Subsolar point: Red.' print,' Daylight: Yellow-Orange.' print,' Sun rise/set line: Red.' print,' Twilights: Pink, Blue, and Darker Blue bands. print,' Civil: Sun is 0 to -6 degrees below horizon.' print,' Nautical: Sun is -6 to -12 degrees below horizon.' print,' Astronomical: Sun is -12 to -18 degrees below horizon.' return endif ;-------- Color check ---------------- window,xs=50,ys=50,colors=185,/pixmap wdelete if topc() lt 184 then begin print,' Error in sunclock: not enough colors.' print,' Need 185, have '+strtrim(topc()+1,2) return endif ;-------- Init common ---------------- if n_elements(wlng) eq 0 then begin makexy,-180,180,.5, -90, 90, .5, wlng, wlat ;----- Sun Symbol ----------- a=maken(0,360,17) r=maken(1,1,17)+(1-findgen(17) mod 2) polrec,r,a,x,y,/deg usersym,x,y,color=90,/fill ;------ Also make CT -------- r=bytarr(256) & g=r & b=r r(0)=255 & g(0)=255 & b(0)=0 r(90)=200 & g(90)=60 & b(90)=60 r(91)=120 & g(91)=120 & b(91)=160 r(180)=0 & g(180)=0 & b(180)=130 ctint,r,g,b,0,90,2 ctint,r,g,b,91,180,2 r(90)=255 & g(90)=0 & b(90)=0 r(91:96)=210 & g(91:96)=125 & b(91:96)=255 r(97:102)=150 & g(97:102)=115 & b(97:102)=230 r(103:108)=100 & g(103:108)=100 & b(103:108)=200 r(182)=0 & g(182)=255 & b(182)=180 ; Background. r(183)=0 & g(183)=221 & b(183)=151 ; Background shadow. r(184)=204 & g(184)=250 & b(184)=239 ; Background lighter. r(0)=0 & g(0)=191 & b(0)=130 ; 0 color. tvlct,r,g,b !p.background=182 endif ;-------- Handle time --------------- if n_elements(dt0) eq 0 then dt0 = systime() ; Current time is def. dt = dt0 ; Copy date/time string. off = gmt_offsec() ; Find correction from local to UT. if n_elements(zone) ne 0 then off = -3600.*zone ; Zone given. dt_tm_inc, dt, off ; Convert to UT. dt_tm_brk, dt, dd, tt ; Break input into date and time. date2ymd, dd, y, m, d ; Break date into y,m,d. jd = ymd2jd(y,m,d) ; Find Julian Day number. ut = secstr(tt)/3600. ; Convert time to UT in hours. ;-------- Solar RA/Dec --------------- sun, y, m, d, ut, app_ra=ra, app_dec=dec ;-------- GMST (Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time) ----- st = lmst(jd,ut/24.,0)*24 ;------ Subsolar point ------------ lat = dec lng = 15.0*(ra-st) ;-------- Do image ------------------- if not keyword_set(quiet) then $ print,' Computing solar altitudes around the world . . .' if n_elements(plat) eq 0 then plat=0. if n_elements(plong) eq 0 then plong=0. ll2rb,lng,lat,wlng,wlat,rr,bb ; Compute subsolar point range. rr = rr*!radeg ; Range in degrees (0-180). z = scalearray(rr,0,180,0,180) ; Scale to color table. if n_elements(win) ne 0 then begin if not keyword_set(same) then begin if !d.window ge 0 then wdelete, win window,xs=640,ys=640,/free,title=' ' win = !d.window endif endif else begin window,xs=640,ys=640,/free,title=' ' win = !d.window endelse ;-------- Dynamic text size ---------- szf = !d.x_size/640. ;-------- Set map position -------- pos = [.01,.17,.99,.88] pflag = 0 if n_elements(extra) gt 0 then begin tg = strmid(tag_names(extra),0,3) ; Deal with circular maps. po = strpos(tg,'ORT') ps = strpos(tg,'SAT') if max([po,ps]) ge 0 then begin dy = pos([1,3])*!d.y_size dx = (dy(1)-dy(0))/2. pos([0,2]) = ([-dx,dx]+!d.x_size/2.)/!d.x_size pflag = 1 ; Projection flag (1=circular map). endif endif map_set, plat, plong, pos=pos, color=181, _extra=extra img = map_image(z,x,y,/bilin,compress=1,/whole,miss=0) ; Warp to map. tv, img, x, y ymn = pos(1)-.002 polyfill,/norm,[0,1,.98,.02],[0,0,.02,.02],col=183 polyfill,/norm,[.98,1,1,.98],[.02,0,ymn,ymn-.02],col=183 polyfill,/norm,[.98,1,0,.02],ymn-[.02,0,0,.02],col=184 polyfill,/norm,[0,.02,.02,0],[0,.02,ymn-.02,ymn],col=184 map_set, /cont, plat, plong, _extra=extra, usa=usa, /noerase, $ color=181, pos=pos ;------- Sun symbol ---------- ll2rb,plong,plat,lng,lat,dist,azi dist = dist/!pi if pflag eq 0 then dist = 0 if dist le .5 then plots, lng, lat, psym=8, symsize=1.5*szf ;----- Track plot ---------- if n_elements(tlng) gt 1 then begin if n_elements(tclr) eq 0 then tclr=[255,255,255] tcol = tarclr(tclr) plots,tlng,tlat,col=tcol endif ;----- Title --------- xyoutb,.5+.01,.91-.01,/norm,align=.5,'!8Sunclock!X',chars=5.5*szf,$ col=183,bold=5*szf c=maken(150,1,10) d = maken(0,.01,10) for i=0,9 do xyoutb,.5+d(i),.91+d(i),/norm,align=.5,'!8Sunclock!X',$ chars=5.5*szf,col=c(i),bold=2*szf ;-------- Info -------------- js = dt_tm_tojs(dt0) tt = '!8'+dt_tm_fromjs(js,form='Y$ N$ d$ h$:m$') tt = tt+' '+string(-off/3600.,form='("(",f6.2," hours from GMT)")') xyoutb,.5,.0984,tt+'!X',col=181,align=.5,/norm,chars=2.*szf,bold=2*szf tt = '!8Subsolar point: Latitude '+string(lat,form='(f6.2)')+$ ' Longitude '+string(lng,form='(f7.2)')+'!X' xyoutb,.5,.0516,tt,col=181,align=.5,/norm,chars=2.*szf,bold=2*szf return end