;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; MANDELBROT ; PURPOSE: ; Compute Mandelbrot images ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Menu driven. ; INPUTS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NOTES: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner, 2 May, 1990 ; R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. ; ; Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- pro mandelbrot, help=hlp if keyword_set(hlp) then begin print,' Compute Mandelbrot images' print,' Menu driven.' return endif device,decomp=0 erase wshow, 0, 0 flag = 0 print,' ' print,' Mandelbrot set exploration' print,' ' makevlt color ; Force 255 = white. menu = ['Mandelbrot',' Quit',' Compute initial image',' Zoom in',$ ' Recompute current image',' Change image size',$ ' Change number of iterations (currently 100)',$ ' Save image',' Retrieve image',' New random color table',$ ' Rotate color table (Press any key to stop)',$ ' Color printout',' Hide this menu (click to unhide)'] in = 2 mx = 100 loop: wshow, 0 in = wmenu(menu, title=0, init=in) if in lt 0 then begin in = 2 goto, loop endif if in eq 1 then return ; Quit. if in eq 2 then begin ; Compute initial image. print,' Computing initial image . . .' for ix = -1, 1 do begin for iy = -1, 1 do begin xyouts, 5+ix,5+iy,'Computing',/dev,color=0 endfor endfor xyouts, 5, 5, 'Computing',/dev r = [-3, 1, 100, -2, 2, 100] mx = 100 print,' Magnification = ',4./(r(1)-r(0)) mcompute, r, img, last=30 tvscl, img flag = 1 goto, loop endif if in eq 3 then begin ; Zoom. if flag eq 0 then begin print,' Nothing to zoom. First compute the initial image.' goto, loop endif mzoom, r, img, r2 r = r2 for ix = -1, 1 do begin for iy = -1, 1 do begin xyouts, 5+ix,5+iy,'Computing',/dev,color=0 endfor endfor xyouts, 5, 5, 'Computing',/dev print,' Magnification = ',4./(r(1)-r(0)) mcompute, r, img, /show, last=mx goto, loop endif if in eq 4 then begin ; Recompute. for ix = -1, 1 do begin for iy = -1, 1 do begin xyouts, 5+ix,5+iy,'Computing',/dev,color=0 endfor endfor xyouts, 5, 5, 'Computing',/dev print,' Magnification = ',4./(r(1)-r(0)) mcompute, r, img, /show, last=mx goto, loop endif if in eq 5 then begin ; Change image size. nx = r(2) ny = r(5) x = 50 & y = 50 movbox, x, y, nx, ny, /noerase, xsize=1. r(2) = nx r(5) = ny goto, loop endif if in eq 6 then begin ; Change number of iterations. wshow,0,0 print,' Change number of iterations. Currently = '+strtrim(mx,2) txt = '' read,' Enter new number of iterations (def = current): ', txt if txt ne '' then mx = txt + 0 menu(6) = ' Change number of iterations (currently '+$ strtrim(mx,2)+')' goto, loop endif if in eq 7 then begin ; Save image. wshow, 0, 0 txt = '' read,' File name to save image in (no extension): ', txt if txt eq '' then goto, loop tvlct,rr,gg,bb,/get save2,txt+'.mand',img,r,rr,gg,bb print,' Image saved.' goto, loop endif if in eq 8 then begin ; Retrieve image. f = findfile('*.mand') if f(0) eq '' then begin in = wmenu(['No files found. Click to continue']) goto, loop endif f = ['Select image file to retrieve',' None',f] in = wmenu(f, title=0, init=2) if in lt 2 then goto, loop f = f(in) restore2,f,img,r,rr,gg,bb tvlct,rr,gg,bb tvscl,img flag = 1 goto, loop endif if in eq 9 then begin ; New random color table. print,' Press SPACE bar for new table, RETURN when done.' tmp = bytscl(img) loop9: k = get_kbrd(1) k = (byte(k))(0) if (k eq 13) or (k eq 10) then goto, loop makevlt color ; Force 255 = white. tv,tmp goto, loop9 endif if in eq 10 then begin ; Rotate color table. print,' Press any key to quit.' tvscl,img wait, 0 rotvlt goto, loop endif if in eq 11 then begin ; Color printout. nx = r(2) ny = r(5) a = tvrd(0,0,nx,ny) tekcolor, a goto, loop endif if in eq 12 then begin ; Hide menu. cursor, x, y, /dev ; This hides menu and waits for a click. goto, loop endif goto, loop end