aaplot:P Antialiased plot routine. aaplotp:P Antialiased plotp routine. aapoint:P Antialiased point routine. aatext:P Antialiased text routine. add_margin:P Add space to left margin and top of a text file. align:P Vector text justification (positioning). all_factors:F Return sorted array of all factors of a given number. animals:F Return a string array of animals. apodize:F Weighting array for apodizing an image. Cosine taper. arcs:P Plot specified arcs or circles on the current plot device. array_list:P List an array in a form useful to cut and paste. arrow:P Draw arrows on screen. arrow2:P Draw arrows on screen. axis2:P General axis routine for screen. axval:F Find nice axis values. aztick:F Tick mark formatting function for azimuth. basecon:F Convert a number from one base to another. bell:P Ring terminal bell. best_fft:F Attempts to find size of fastest FFT from given choices. binbound:F For binary image return array with boundary points set to 1. blend:F Sets up weighting array for blending arrays together. box1:P Single mouse button interactive box on image display. box2b:P Simple two mouse button interactive box on image display. box_size:P Used by MOVBOX to change box size using the cursor. boxarea:P Select an area with a box. build_arr_struct:F Build a structure from arrays of tags and values. byt2strarr:P Unpack a string array from a byte array bytarr_get:P Extract a byte array from a byte buffer. bytarr_put:P Insert a byte array into a byte buffer. c2rgb:P Convert a 24-bit color value to Red, Green, Blue values. cbar:P Make a color bar. cgm:P Toggles graphics redirection to a *.cgm file on or off. check5:F Check if running IDL version 5 or greater. checker:P Return a checker board pattern array of 0 and 1. chinit:P Initializes chart setup. Good for viewgraphs. clr_scale:P Clear image scaling values embedded by put_scale. cm2norm:P Convert from cm to normalized coordinates. color:P Set a color in the color table by specifying color name. color_quanj:F Combines Red, Green, Blue components into a color image. color_wheel:P Pick a color using a color wheel. colorize:P Colorize an image. colors8bit:P Show array of 256 colors in a window. colorwarn:P Warn if available IDL colors too few. commalist:F Return a given array as a comma delimited text list. concoord:P Convert between two linear coordinate systems. congrid2:F Alternate (and limited) congrid using interpolate. congrid8c:F Do 24 bit congrid interpolation on 8 bit color image. convert_ind:F Convert a text description of runs of indices to numbers. convert_list:F Convert a text description of numbers to a numeric array. cosfilt:F Cosine tapered weighting array to use for FFT filtering. costap:F Cosine taper weighting from 1 at center to 0 at ends. cposprint:P Print a string showing character positions. created:F Return file creation host, user, and time stamp or tag. crossi:P Interactive cross-hair cursor on screen or plot. crossi2:P Interactive cross-hair cursor on screen or plot. crs_edit:P Edit a bitmap to use for a cursor image. cspec:F Compute ensemble averaged frequency spectrum of complex data. ctint:P Interpolate between two color table entries. ctool:P Modify a color table using widgets. ctrim:F Do a circular trim on an array. cumulate:F Array with the cumulative sum of an array. Integrate. cw_droplist2:F A pop up list from which to select an item. cyph:P Construct a cycle/phase array from time series data. d2dms:F Function to convert from degrees to deg, min, sec. data_block:P Read the block of data following data_block call. datatype:F Datatype of variable as a string (3 char or spelled out). date2dn:F Find day of year number from date. date2doy:P Date to Day of Year conversion. date2jd:F Convert a date string to Julian Day number. date2ymd:P Date text string to the numbers year, month, day. dayglobe:P Show the area of daylight/night on a globe. decompose:P Device independent decompose set or get. delchr:F Delete all occurrences of a character from a text string. detab:F Replace tab characters by spaces. dirmem:F Update a directory list for easy access. diskcenter:P Find center and radius of a disk in an image. dist_scale:P Display a distance scale on an image. dist_scale2:P Display a distance scale on an image. distance_scale:P Plot a distance scale in graphics screen. dms2d:F Convert from Degrees, Minutes, and seconds to degrees. dms_form:F Convert degrees to a deg, min, sec vector font string. dot:F Used by SUN_SHADE for dot prod. of surf. normal & sun vect. draw:P Graphics draw from last point to given point. drawpoly:P Draw a polygon using mouse. drop_comments:F Drop comment and null lines from a text array. dt_tm_brk:P Break a date and time string into separate date and time. dt_tm_chk:F Check date & time string that both parts exist & are valid. dt_tm_dif:F Find time interval in seconds between two date/time strings. dt_tm_fromcr:F Convert from Carrington Rotation Number to Date/Time. dt_tm_fromjs:F Convert "Julian Seconds" to a date/time string. dt_tm_full:F Add missing parts of date to get a full date/time string. dt_tm_inc:P Increment a date/time by a given number of seconds. dt_tm_mak:F Set up a time and date string from reference JD and offset. dt_tm_range:P Extract date/time range from string with two date/times. dt_tm_tocr:F Convert from Date/Time to Carrington Rotation Number. dt_tm_tojs:F Convert a date/time string to "Julian Seconds". earthrad:F Return earth radius in specified units. ell_cyl_eq_area:P Compute area of given lng/lat polygon on an earth ellipsoid. ell_ll2rb:P For two points on an ellipsoid return range and bearing. ell_llh2xyz:P Ellipsoidal Long, Lat, Height, to x, y, z. ell_loxodrome:P Deal with loxodromes on ellipsoidal earth. ell_merc:P Mercator projection on an ellipsoid, forward and inverse. ell_polygon:P Fill sides of a polygon on an ellipsoid with small steps. ell_rb2ll:P From range and bearing on an ellipsoid compute a point. ell_xyz2llh:P x, y, z to ellipsoidal Long, Lat, Height. ellfit:P Fit an ellipse to a 2-d probability distribution. ellipse:P Plot specified ellipse on the current plot device. ellipsoid:P Set or get earth ellipsoid structure. embed:F Embed an array in a larger array. endian:F Function indicating which endian the current machine uses. enter:F Prompted entries allowing defaults. Help, IDL/DCL commands. envelope:P Return the min/max envelope of a time series. epsinit:P Redirect plots and images to Encapsulated Postscript File. epsterm:P Terminate Encapsulated Postscript plotting. eqv:P Interactive equation viewer and curve fitter. eqv2:P Interactively plot a function on current plot. eqv3:P Execute IDL code using interactively varied parameters. etc:F Return estimated time to completion in seconds. event_log:P Enter an event into the latest event log file. exdiff:F Return difference between array extremes. exif_reader:P Read values from an Exif file (digital camera file). exif_reader50:P Read values from an Exif file (digital camera file). explore:P Image stats in a 16 x 16 box movable with the mouse. exrange:F Return a range array with range expanded by given fraction. extremes:F Find all the local extremes of a 1-d array. extremes_2d:F Find local extremes in a 2-d array. f2fi16:F Convert feet to feet, inches, and fractions to 1/16 inch. factor:P Find prime factors of a given number. fast_map:P Make a quick IDL map. fft_filter:F Do FFT filtering of time series data. file_test:F Test if file readable &, optionally, has specified contents. filebreak:P Breaks file name(s) into components. filename:F File names with system independent symbolic directories. fill_cont:F Returns a byte array with filled contours. filljumps:P Find indices needed to fill in value jumps in an array. findfile2:F Find files and sort them. findfile3:F Find files and sort them. findplace:P Find a place from the Pop_places database firstchar:F Position of first non-whitespace char in string. firstchr:F Set first character of a string, add if needed. fit:P Curve fit program. Polynomial, exponential, power law. fit12:P For internal use by FIT only. fit6:P For internal use by FIT only. fixang:F Fix angle discontinuety at 0-360. fixangh:F Fix angle wraparound using a hysteresis method. fixgaps:F Linearly interpolate across data gaps in an array. flat2sph:P Map a flat map onto a sphere. fndwrd:P Find number, locations, lengths of words in a text string. fshift:F Compute IW doppler shift for given DK freqs. fslider_setrange:P Set new min/max for cw_fslider. gauss:F Return a fitted gaussian curve for a given histogram. gen_fit:F Fitted Y array for given X array from given fit parameters. genarrow:P Generate an arrow polygon. genellipse:P Generate points on an ellipse. genshape:P Generate x,y coordinates to draw named shaped. gentile:P Generate a Netscape web page background tile. get_count:F Get next count value, from 1 up. get_ellipsoid:P Return an ellipsoid structure. get_visual_name:P Device independent get_visual_name. getbits:F Pick out specified bits from a value. getenv2:F Version of getenv portable across operating systems. getfile:F Read a text file into a string array. getfileln:F Get a line from a text file. getgroup:F N'th group of identical elements from a given array.' getkey:F Return a keyboard key. Interpret escape sequences. getrun:F N'th run of consecutive integers from a given array.' getstr:F Get delimited strings from a text string or array. getsysnams:P Get a list from a file specified by an environmental var. getview:P Return current viewport. getwindow:P Get data window coordinates. getwrd:F Return the n'th word from a text string. gif2jpeg:P Convert a GIF image to a JPEG image. gif2png:P GIF to PNG converter gifadd:P Add R,G,B color components for list of GIF images. gifscreen:P Save current screen image and color table to a GIF file. gmt_offsec:F Return offset in seconds from local time to GMT (UT). grab_commands:P Grab command line recall commands and save in a text file. graphfile:P List a file on the graphics device. help_save2:P Look at files made by save2 and list what they contain. helpfile:P Display a file of help text. hexdump:P Display a file in hex. hget:F Get a handle value. hist:F Compute histogram and corresponding x values. Allows weights. hist2d:F Compute a 2-d histogram for an array of points. hline:P Plot a horizontal line after erasing last plotted line. hlp:P Variant of HELP. Gives array min, max. hor:P Plot a horizontal line on a graph at specified y value. hori:P Interactive horizontal line on screen or plot. hset:P Set a handle value. ibilin:P Inverse bilinear interpolation. iglobe:P Plot a globe. imagesize:P Compute actual postscript image size given available space. img_adjhsv:F Adjust Hue, Saturation, and Value for a 3-D image array. img_ce:P Color image contrast enhancement. img_cfilter:F Apply a color filter to an image (both 24 bit color). img_clrw:F Set specified pixels to a given color in a 24-bit image. img_disp:P Display a given image. img_ice:P Color image interactive contrast enhancement. img_illuminate:F Apply color illumination to an image (24 bit color). img_insimg:F Insert a subimage into an 24-bit color image. img_interpolate:F Do interpolate on a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_merge:F Merge color components into a 24-bit color image. img_plot:F Plot on a 24-bit image without using X windows. img_plotp:F Do a plotp on a 24-bit image without using X windows. img_point:F Plot a filled point at given position on 24-bit image. img_radial:F Radially distort a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_redim:F Change the interleave dimension of a 3-D image. img_repclr:F Replace a color in a 24-bit image. img_resize:F Resize a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_rot:F Rotate a 2-D or 3-D image array by any angle. img_rotate:F Rotate a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_shape:P Returns the shape of a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_sharpen:F Sharpen a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_shift:F Shifts a 2-D or 3-D image array in x and y. img_smooth:F Box smooth a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_smooth2:F Multi-pass box smooth a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_smoothc:F Convolution smooth a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_split:P Returns the color components of a color image. img_spread:F Spread image values over total range of image data type. img_stretch:F Stretch a 2-D or 3-D image array. img_subimg:F Returns a subimage from a color image. img_text:F Plot text on a 24-bit image without using X windows. img_wclr:F Find where a color is in a 24-bit image. imgarray:P Create an array of small images given a list. imgfrm:P Puts a specified border around an image. imgline:P Interactive line on the screen. imgmask:P Create a mask from an image. imgneg:P Display negative of current image. imgopen:P Prepare a large image to be read. imgpolrec:F Map an angle/radius image to an X/Y image. imgread:F Read part of a large image. imgrecpol:F Map an X/Y image to an angle/radius image. imgregion:F Interactively extract a selected image region. imgscale:P Interactive image scaling. imgsqz:P Squeeze number of image colors used for current image. imgunder:P Display image in same area as last plot. imgwindow:F Compute plot window needed to display given image. inbox:F Test if given point inside given box. inrange:P Find multiples of given step just inside given range. int_low:F Drop an integer data type to the lowest precision. interp1:F Linear interpolation. interpx:F Interpolate data with possible gaps and missing (bad) values. interpx_demo:P Demonstrate the use of interpx. intersect:F Return the elements common to two given arrays. invinterp:F Inverse interpolation. isarray:F Tests if the argument is an array. isnumber:F Determine if a text string is a valid number. izoom:P Zoom an image and display with labeled axes. izoom_sub:P Zoom part of an image that has scale embedded by put_scale. jd2date:F Convert a Julian Day number to a date string. jd2js:F Convert from Julian Day Number to Julian Seconds. jd2mdays:P Convert a range of Julian Days to month start and end JDs. jd2str:P Find year, month, day strings from Julian Day number. jd2ymd:P Find year, month, day from julian day number. jdselect:F Select Julian Day array subset by month or weekday. jpeg2tiff8:P Convert a JPEG image to an 8 bit TIFF image. jpeg_mag:P Change size of a JPEG image. jpegscreen:P Save current screen image and color table to a JPEG file. js2jd:F Convert from Julian Seconds to Julian Day Number. js2v:P Read a time (in "Julian seconds") vs value file. js2weekday:F Compute weekday given Julian Second. js2ymds:P Convert from "Julian Second" to year, month, day, second. js_incmonth:F Increment JS by one month. jscheck:P Check accuracy of "Julian Seconds" over a given time span. jsplot:P Make a time series plot with time in Julian Seconds. kurf:F Computes kurtosis inside a moving window. kurt:F Returns the kurtosis of an array (4th moment/2nd moment^2). lastchr:F Set last character of a string, add if needed. lastindex:P Returns last index for each dimension of the given array. lastplot:P Backup !p.multi to last plot position. latexoff:P Close the encapsulated Postscript file opened by LATEXON. latexon:P Generate encapsulated postscript file to include in LaTeX documents. lecture:P Select specified lecture notes from a notes file. leg:P Make a plot legend. lgradient:F Create a floating array with a linear gradient. limbox:P Interactively get new map limits. lincal:P Plot a multimonth linear calendar on one page. line_fit:P Fit a line to weighted x,y points. linepts:P Gives pixel coordinates of points along a line segment. linfill:P Fill gaps in array data using linear interpolation. lini:P Interactive line. lint:P Find the intersection of two lines in the XY plane. listruns:P Make a list of runs of consecutive integers. ll2rb:P From latitude, longitude compute range, bearing. ll2rbe:P For two points on WGS84 ellipsoid return range and bearing. lmst:F Give local mean sidereal time. locmax:P Find local maxima in an image. loglut:F Return a log lookup table useful for scaling images. ls:F Scale image between percentiles 1 and 99 (or specified percentiles). ls2:F Scale image between percentiles 1 and 99 (or specified percentiles). magcrs:P Show a magnified window around given point and wait for a cursor change. make_ruler:P Plot linear scales on the laser printer. make_scale:P Plot circular scales on the laser printer. make_window:P Make a window, regular or scrolling. makei:F Make a long array with given start and end values and step size. makelabels:F Make an array of tick mark labels. makems:F Make array of values from start to end with a max step size. maken:F Make an array of N values, linear between two given limits. makenlog:F Make array of N values, logarithmic between two given limits. makenxy:P Make 2-d x and y coordinate arrays of specified dimensions. makes:F Make a string array of integers from lo to hi by step. makev:F Make simulated 3-d data. Useful for software development. makevlt:P Generate and load a random color table (CT). makex:F Make an array with specified start, end and step values. makexy:P Make 2-d X & Y coord. arrays, useful for functions of x,y. makey:F Make simulated data. Useful for software development. makez:F Make simulated 2-d data. Useful for software development. mandel_gif:P Convert saved images from mandelbrot to gif images mandelbrot:P Compute Mandelbrot images map_get_bytes:P Get extra info from resmap embedded scaling array. map_pixdeg:P Return the map scale in pixels/degree at the map center. map_proj_text:P Return map projection descriptive text map_put_bytes:P Add extra info to resmap embedded scaling array. map_put_scale:P Embed map coordinates info in image. Use map_set2. map_set2:P Use instead of map_set to allow embedded scaling. map_set_scale:P Set map scaling from info embedded in a map image. map_space:P Set any points off a generated map to white. map_state_restore:P Restore last map_set state. map_state_save:P Save last map_set state. mapgc:P Plot a great route circle on a map. maplatlong:P Find complete lat/long range covered by map. maplatlong_grid:P Plot a lat/long grid on last map. mapwindow:P Find screen window used by last map. mcompute:P Compute mandelbrot set images. mean:F Returns the mean of an array. midv:F Return value midway between array extremes. month2name:F Convert a month number to a month name. monthdays:F Given a year and month returns number of days in that month. monthnames:F Returns a string array of month names. monthnum:F Return month number given name. more:P Display a text array using the MORE method. morefile:P Display a specified text file using more. movbox:P Interactive box on image diaply. movcross:P Interactive cross-hair on a plot. move:P Graphics move to a point. movlabels:P Interactively position labels and list xyouts statement. movtxt:P Interactively position text and list xyouts statement. ms2js:F Convert MicroSoft internal time to Julian Seconds. multicol:F Reformat a string array into multi-columns. mzoom:P Compute new region needed to zoom a mandelbrot image. namenum:P Break a name into a pattern and numbers in the name. naxes:P Find nice axis tics. nearest:F Return multiple of a given step nearest a target value. nextitem:F Return next line from a file, ignore comments & null lines. nextnum:F Return next number using the arrow keys. nextplot:P Update !p.multi to next plot position. ngroups:F Gives # of groupss of identical elements in given array.' nicenumber:F Find a nice number close to the given number. nruns:F Gives # of runs of consecutive integers in given array.' nthweekday:F Julian Day of N'th weekday of month (like 2nd tues).' num_dec:F Number of decimal places in given number. numfactors:F Gives the number of factors of a number. numfrac:F Convert a number to a decimal string with n places. numname:F Generate names or text strings with embedded numbers. numpersec:F Given values increasing with time return rate per second. nwin:P Convert from normalized window coordinates. nwrds:F Return the number of words in the given text string. obj_draw:P Display graphical object in a resizable window. one2three:P Convert from 1-d indices to 3-d indices. one2two:P Convert from 1-d indices to 2-d indices. opfit1d:F Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 1-d data. opfit2d:F Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 2-d data. orthopoly:F Calculates a set of orthonormal polynomials. outbox:F Test if given point outside given box. pack:P Find best packing of images (rectangles) on a page. paint:P Paint on an image. pan:P Pan around a screen image. Set pixels to a specified value. parcurve:P Return a curve parallel to given curve. pastel_sun_colors:P Load pastel sun color table path:P Examine and modify the IDL path. pckey:P Read PC keyboard. Interpret special keys. pcon:P IDL path control utility. May turn libraries on or off. ph:F Return the phase of a complex number. phase:F Return an array filled in to indicate specified moon phase. pickbits:F Pick out specified bits from a value. pickcolor:P Allow user to pick a color from current color table. pk:P Pick a set of points on a plot. plane_int:P Compute the intersection line of two planes. plint:P Intersection point of a plane and a line. plot_limbox:P Plot map limits array as a box on the map. plotp:P Pencode plot routine. Allows disconnected lines. plotpos:F Compute plot position for a plot of specified shape. plotseq:P Plot a movielike sequence of graphs. plotsh:P Plot curves with a drop shadow. plotwin:P Gives plot window (area enclosed by axes) in pixels. pltcrv:P Edit curve points with mouse. Overlay spline. plural:F Plural function: returns 's' if arg > 1, else ''. pmatch:P Find a given pattern in a 1-d array. pmod:F Find the positive modulo value of a number. png2jpeg:P Convert a PNG image to a JPEG image. pngscreen:P Save current screen image to a PNG file. point:P Plot a filled point at given position. pointid:P Use the mouse cursor to display an ID for a plotted point. points:F Convert from size in points to IDL charsize or pixels. polrec:P Convert 2-d polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates. polrec3d:P Convert vector(s) from spherical polar to rectangular form. poly_fit2:F Returns fitted Y values for each given X value. polystat:P Compute polygon statistics (# vertices, area, perimeter). pos_cm:F Convert keyword POSITION for PLOT from cm to norm. coords. posbox:P Test for a box drawn around the screen position, or plot one. precess:P Precess celestial coordinates to a new date. prime:F Return an array with the specified number of prime numbers. print_fact:P Print prime factors found by the factor routine. printat:P Print given items at specified screen column and line. protractor:P Measure angles on the screen. prwindow:P Print current window or gif image on color printer. psimg:P Display an image on postscript printer. psinit:P Redirect plots and images to postscript printer. pspaper:P Plot a postscript layout sheet. Gives normalized coordinate system. psterm:P Terminate postscript plotting and send plots to printer. put_scale:P Embed in current image values needed to restore scaling. putbits:F Insert specified bits in a target. putfile:P Write a text file from a string array. radial_img:F Make an image array with a radial brightness distribution. radii:P Plot specified radii on the current plot device. radon:F Compute the Radon Transform using the FFT method. raout:P Write text along an arc in data coordinates. rb2ll:P From range, bearing compute latitude, longitude . rb2lle:P From range and bearing on WGS84 ellipsoid compute a point. rdcol:F Read columns of numbers or times from a text file. rdfile:P Read lines from a text file. readtokey:P Read an open text file until a given key word is found. recpol:P Convert 2-d rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. recpol3d:P Convert vector(s) from rectangular to spherical polar form. refract:F Correct true altitudes to refracted altitudes. regions:F Using specified breakpoints map image values into 0,1,2,... regionsbar:P Plot a color bar for a regions type image. repchr:F Replace all occurrences of one character with another in a text string. repword:F Replace a word in a text string. resclose:P Close results file. rescom:P Display values from the results common and also file header. resget:P Get a variable from a results files. resopen:P Open a results file for reading or writing. resput:P Put values into a results file. restore2:P Retrieve from a file IDL variables saved by save2. rev:P Reverse plot and background colors. rgb:P Explore RGB color system. rot_3d:P Rotate 3-d coordinate system. rotate_xy:P Rotate a set of X,Y points about a given point. rotvlt:P Rotate current vlt or part of it. round2:F Round that works for big double precision numbers. rspec:F Compute an ensemble averaged frequency spectrum of real data. rtics:P Plot labeled or unlabeled tic marks around a circular arc. runlength:F Give run lengths for array values. sattrackaz:F Return the azimuth of a satellite track given inc and lat. save2:P Save IDL vars in a file. Allows them to be renamed during restore2. scale_db:F Scale given data to db (meant for images). scale_rgb:P Interactively scale R,G,B image components. scalearray:F Linearly scale array values to specified range. scalebar:P Make an image bar indicating image min/max and scaling. scramble:F Scrambles an array or returns an array scrambled indices. screen:P Print a terminal screen layout sheet on PS printer. screengif:P Display a GIF image in a screen window. screenjpeg:P Display a jpeg image in a screen window. screenpng:P Display a PNG image in a screen window. screentiff:P Display a tiff image in a screen window. sdev:F Returns standard deviation of an array. sechms:P Seconds after midnight to h, m, s, numbers and strings. secstr:F Convert a time string to seconds. seedfill:P For an array fill a connected region bounded by given values. seedfillr:P For an array fill a connected region of constant pixel value. segment:F Set boundaries of constant value to 0. select_intervals:F Select all intervals within a given range. set_isoxy:P Set data window with equal x & y scales. Covers at least given range set_scale:P Set scaling from currently displayed (or given) image. set_window:P Set data window. setcolor:P Set a single color table entry. setminus:F Eliminate elements from a set that are also in another set. setwin:P Set which window should be currently active window. shade_clt:P Sets up color table used for sun_shade shaded relief displays. shade_img:P Shade a given image based on a shading array. shade_surf2:P Allow image overlay with surface shading. sharpen:F Returna sharpened version of the given image. shiftf:F Shift an array by a fractional number of indices. show_box:P Used by MOVBOX to display current box size and position. showbits:P Shows bits of an integer data type. showpath:P Show the path of the calling routine. sign:F Return the mathematical sign of the argument. simp:F Does Simpson numerical integration on an array of y values. size_img:P Return image size and true value. skew:F Returns the skew of an array (3rd moment/2nd moment^3/2). skewf:F Computes skew inside a moving window. skewint:P Give the near-intersection point for two skew lines. slowplot:P Plot data slowly in fading colors. smooth2:F Do multiple smoothing. Gives near Gaussian smoothing. soplot:P Make a shaded over plot. spc:F Return a string with the specified number of spaces (or other char). sph_demo:P Demonstrate some of the spherical plot (sph*) routines. sph_range_map:F Compute an array of ranges from a point on a sphere. sphdist:F Angular distance between points on a sphere. sphgc:P Find intersections of two great circles on sphere. sphic:P Compute intersection points of two circles on a unit sphere. sphinit:P Initialize sphere drawing package. sphlat:P Draw parallels of latitude on a sphere. sphlng:P Draw meridians of longitude on a sphere. sphplot:P Plot a curve in spherical polar coordinates. sphrad:P Draw sphere radius. sphtext:P Write text on a sphere. spl_angint:F Spline angular interpolation of a periodic function. splat:P Generate points on a splat curve. splot:P Make a shaded plot. sprint:P Print text on screen, allows easy update. state_name:F Return name of state given 2 letter abbreviation. stext_xyp:F Return stroke text plot arrays. str_cliptrail0:F Clip trailing zeros equally for given array of numbers. str_drop_punc:F Return a string with punctuation removed. strarr2byt:P Pack a string array into a byte array strep:F Edit a string by position. Precede, Follow, Replace, Delete. stress:F String edit by sub-string. Precede, Follow, Delete, Replace. strfind:P Find and list substrings in a string array. stringform:F Format a string array (1024 not a limit). stripshift:F Shift strips of an image in x or y. strlentab:F Gives length of a string with tab characters expanded. strsec:F Convert seconds after midnight to a time string. strsub:F Extract a substring by start and end positions. strtrm2:F Trim given character (and spaces) from ends of given string. subimg:P From current image select and redisplay a subimage. subnormal:P Convert from subnormal coordinates to normalized coord. sun:P Computes geocentric physical ephemeris of the sun. sun_colors:P Load sun color table sun_shade:F Make a colored shaded relief view of a surface array. sun_zd:F Return solar zenith distances for given position. sunaltazi:P Compute sun position from date/time and long/lat. sunclock:P Show world map with day, twilight, and night. sundisk:P Compute solar disk coordinates as seen from anywhere. sunjs:P Computes geocentric physical ephemeris of the sun. sunpos:P Compute sun position from date/time and long/lat. swap:P Swap two values. swdelete:P Delete current window, scrolling or not. swindow:P Create a scrolling window. Works much like window. swinfo:F Return info for current or specified scrolling window. swlist:P Display info for all scrolling windows, set new active one. swshake:P Shake an swindow. symasym:P Resolve an array into symmetric & anti-symmetric components. tag_test:F Test if given tag is in given structure. tarclr:F Find closest match to target color in current color table. testcolor:P Display colors selected by number. tetris:P Play tetris game. text_block:P Print or return a block of inline text (lines starts with ;). texti:P Interactive Text. textplot:P Plot text with 2-d alignment. Also return bounding box. textpos:P Find size and angle of text string given points at each end. thicken:P Thicken graphics in an existing image. Good for viewgraphs. thplot:P Plot a curve with varying thickness along it. three2one:P Convert from 3-d indices to 1-d indices. ticklen:P Compute ticklength for specified size in pixels. tiff2jpeg:P Convert a TIFF image to a JPEG image. tiffscreen:P Save current screen image and color table to a TIFF file. time2jdoff:P Find Julian day and offset from seconds. JS, Timeaxis time_label:F Make a time label array timeaxis:P Plot a time axis. timer:P Measure elapsed time between calls. timer object:O Timer object for elapsed time (t=obj_new('timer') & t->help). tnaxes:P Find nice time axis tics. todev:P Convert from data or normalized to device coordinates. topc:F Return top color number for current device. topcolors:P Reserve and define some colors at top of color table. topo:F Make a monochrome shaded relief view of a surface. tprint:P Turn print statements into a text array. translate:P Translate an image to regisiter with a reference image. tvbox:P Draw or erase a box on the image display. tvcirc:P Draw a circle on the display. tvcrs2:P Like tvcr but allows data, device, & normal coordinates. tvpos:P Gives screen position used by tv, tvscl. tvrd2:F Version of tvrd that allows out of bounds. tvrdbox:P Read part of screen image into a byte array. tvsharp:P Redisplay a sharpened version of the current screen image. tvwrbox:P Display byte array on screen using box for position & size. two2one:P Convert from 2-d indices to 1-d indices. txtdemo:P Demonstrate and test txt routines. txtfile:P Enter a (new) file name. txtgetfile:P Select a file name. txtgetkey:F Get a keyword value from a string array. txtin:P txtmenu value entry. txtmenu:P Text screen menu routine. txtmenu_help:P Gives detailed help for the TXTMENU routine. txtmess:P Display a message on the screen and wait for any key. txtmeter:P Display a 0 to 100% meter on a text screen. txtpick:P Select file(s) from a screen menu displaying a file list. txtyesno:F Ask a yes/on question and read the answer. unique:F Return the unique elements of an array. unit:F Returns unit vector along given vector. upcase1:F Capitalize first letter in string. utnow:F Return current Universal Time in Julian Seconds. varf:F Computes variance inside a moving window. variance:F Computes the variance of an array of numbers. vase:P Draw rotationally symetric shapes. vclip:P Clip a vector to a clipping window. vecfld:P Plot a 2-d vector field. vect_angle:F Angular distance between vectors. ver:P Plot a vertical line on a graph at specified x value. veri:P Interactive vertical line on screen or plot. vimgseq:P Display a sequence of byte images. vline:P Plot a vertical line after erasing last plotted line. vumov:P View a res file movie. web_back:P Generate a random web background. webcaltab:P Generate HTML table code for a calendar. webshadow:P Add a shadow to a web page image. webtile:P Generate a Netscape web page background tile. weekday:F Compute weekday given year, month, day. wgs_84:F Return a structure with some WGS 84 Ellipsoid values. whelp:P Widget to display given help text. whichwrd:F Find which word is a given string is in. whoami:P Returns to the calling routine its directory and name. whocalledme:P Returns to calling routine its parent's directory and name. win_copy:P Copies graphics from a hidden window to the target window. win_open:F Test if a given window is open. win_redirect:P Redirects all graphics to a hidden window. winlist:P List windows in use. wmenu2:F Like wmenu but allows non-mouse menus. Uses widgets if available. wordarray:P Convert text string or string array to 1-d array of words. wordorder:F Re-arrange words in a text string. wordpos:F Find position of a word in a string. world_sunzd:F Compute Sun zenith distance for an array of world points. xautohelp:P Display auto help when mouse moves over a widget. xautohelp_example:P This routine shows how to use xautohelp. xbb:P Widget bill board utility for text display. xced1:P Simple widget to edit a single color table entry. xcursor:P Cursor coordinate display in a pop-up widget window. xcurve:P Draw a curve in the display window. xcyph:P Widget based cycle/phase images. xdatafile:P Explore a text file of unkown format. xdate:P Widget based date selection tool. xfiles:P Select files, individual or ranges. xgetfile:F Widget based file selection routine. xhelp:P Widget to display given help text. xhistpick:P Widget routine to select image scaling based on a histogram. xhotlist:P Widget based hotlist of items. xhsbc:P Adjust image hue, saturation, brightness, & contrast. Widget. xline:P Interactive line on image display. xlist:F Pop-up list selection widget. xmerge:P Widget based routine to merge multiple color images in one. xmess:P Display a message using a widget. xmeter:P Display a 0 to 100% meter on a text screen. xoption:F Widget option selection panel. xorplot:P Manage XOR plots. Erases last when plotting new. xprint:P Print text on graphics device. After initializing use just like print. xspec:F Compute an ensemble averaged cross spectrum of real data. xsubdir:P Widget based subdirectory selection tool. xtextfile:P Explore a text file of unkown format. xtextimg:P Create an image with text. Widget based. xtics:P Draw labeled tics for an X type axis. xtxtin:P Widget based text input. xview:P View and/or convert images (GIF, TIFF, ...). xyesno:F Widget Yes/No selection panel. xyoutb:P Bold text version of xyouts. ydn2date:F Convert year and day of the year to a date string. ydn2md:P Convert from year and day number of year to month and day of month. ydns2js:F Convert year, day of the year, and seconds to Julian Seconds. ymd2date:F Convert from year, month, day numbers to date string. ymd2dn:F Convert from year, month, day to day number of year. ymd2jd:F From Year, Month, and Day compute Julian Day number. ymds2js:F Convert to year, month, day, second to "Julian Second". yy2yyyy:F Convert a 2 digit year to a 4 digit year. zero_int:F Return a zero of the requested data type. zpan:P Zoom and pan around an image using the mouse. zplot:P Plot symbols in various colors. zwindow:P Z buffer window like normal x window.