pro imap,data,xax=xax,yax=yax,title=title,sub_title=sub_title $ ,step=step,post=post,filename=filename $ ,noimage=noimage,nocontour=nocontour,nobar=nobar $ ,ytitle=ytitle,xtitle=xtitle,bar_title=bar_title $ ,time=time,reverse=reverse,y_n_ticks=y_n_ticks $ ,x_n_ticks=x_n_ticks,y_b_ticks=y_b_ticks $ ,overplot=overplot,coloff=coloff,area=area ;+ ;routine to make colour image of temperature data with overlayed countour ;plot and color bar. by choice also to a postscript file. ; created : jan-1995 last update : 25.11.96 ; G. Kargl MPAE ;area keyword (structure) contains information about used device window size, margins... ;example : imap,data,/nocontour ; contour,ins,position=[area.px(0),,area.px(1),] $ ; ,/device,col=100,/noer,xst=1,yst=1 ;produces contour plot into the same area ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- on_error,2 if not keyword_set(step) then step=20 ;Number of contour steps if not keyword_set(title) then title=' ' ;Image Title if not keyword_set(sub_title) then sub_title=' ' ;Image Sub Title if not keyword_set(filename) then filename='' ;default filename if not keyword_set(bar_title) then bar_title=' ' ;Y axis title of bar if not keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle=' ' ;Image Y axis title if not keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle=' ' ;Image X axis title if not keyword_set(time) then time=0 ;Make Time axis if not keyword_set(reverse) then reverse=0 ;Reverse Y axis range if not keyword_set(y_n_ticks) then y_n_ticks=5 ;Number of Y axis ticks if not keyword_set(x_n_ticks) then x_n_ticks=6 ;Number of X axis ticks if not keyword_set(y_b_ticks) then y_b_ticks=4 ;Number of Bar Y axis ticks data_size=size(data) if not keyword_set(xax) then xax=findgen(data_size(1)) ;default for X axis if not keyword_set(yax) then yax=findgen(data_size(2)) ;default for Y axis ;if not keyword_set(coloff) then coloff=[0,0] ;offset index for color table ;if not keyword_set(nobar) then nobar=0 ;plot without color bar if keyword_set(post) then begin plot_dev=! ;save current plot device set_plot,'PS',/copy device,/color,bits_per_pixel=8,/encapsul,/landscape,/time,/bold ,file=filename ; coloff(1)=coloff(1) > 15 ;minimum color offset for postscript print,'Postscript on and plot to ',filename endif max_data=max(data) ;Data maximum value min_data=min(data) ;Data minimum value bins=fix((max_data-min_data)/step) ;Number of contour bins (max 30) if bins lt 1 then bins=1 if bins gt 30 then begin bins=30 step=fix((max_data-min_data)/bins) endif print,'Contour Steps : ',bins level_vec= fix(min_data)+findgen(bins)*step ;position of contour levels siz=size(level_vec) label_vec=replicate(1,siz(1)) ;label contour levels ;select ratio of image window if keyword_set(noimage) or keyword_set(nobar) then begin shrink=1. endif else begin shrink=0.85 endelse siz=size(data) ;get size of image if not keyword_set(overplot) then begin xmargin_save=!x.margin ;save old margins ymargin_save=!y.margin !x.margin=[10,10] ;enhance x margins !y.margin=[6,6] ;enhance y margins plot,[0,1],xstyle=5,ystyle=5,/nodata $ ;dummy plot ,title=title,subtitle=sub_title ;to establish ;coordinate system endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;plot contour and image of datafield xwinsave=!x.window ;save old plot window ywinsave=!y.window ;get size of plot window in normalised coordinates ;contains the image xpos= [!x.window(0),!x.window(1)*shrink] ypos= !Y.window ;get size of plot window in device coordinates px= xpos * !D.X_vsize py= ypos * !D.Y_vsize ;size in x and y in device units swx = px(1) - px(0) +1 swy = py(1) - py(0) +1 ;image size six= float(siz(1)) ;image sizes siy= float(siz(2)) area={xpos:xpos,ypos:ypos,px:px,py:py,swx:swx,swy:swy $ ,xmargin:!x.margin,ymargin:!y.margin $ ,xwinsave:xwinsave,ywinsave:ywinsave} ;erase ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- mx= !d.n_colors ;brightest color tvlct,r,g,b,/get ;save color table ;stretch color table if keyword_set(coloff) then begin print,'!d.table_size',!d.table_size,' Color offset',coloff ;available colors print,'Create new color table' rp=congrid(r(coloff(0):mx-coloff(1)-1),mx-1) rp(0)=r(0) gp=congrid(g(coloff(0):mx-coloff(1)-1),mx-1) gp(0)=r(0) bp=congrid(b(coloff(0):mx-coloff(1)-1),mx-1) bp(0)=r(0) tvlct,rp,gp,bp ;load new color table endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;check plot device and plot image if not keyword_set(noimage) then begin if (!d.flags and 1) ne 0 then begin ;scalable pixels? ;scalable pixels (eg. Postscript) resc_data=congrid(data,256,256) ;rescale image for more colors tvscl,resc_data,px(0),py(0), ysize=swy ,xsize=swx,/device endif else begin ;non scalable pixels tv,poly_2d( bytscl(data) $ ;expand image ,[[0,0],[(six-1)/swx,0]] $ ,[[0,(siy-1)/swy],[0,0]] $ ,1,swx,swy ),px(0),py(0) endelse endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not keyword_set(nocontour) then begin ;nocontour=1 -> no contour plot contour,data,xax,yax,/noer,xstyle=5,ystyle=5, $ ;make contour plot to plot window levels=level_vec,c_labels=label_vec, $ ;make contour leves, no axes position=[px(0),py(0),px(1),py(1)],/device ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;left y axis if reverse then begin yrange=[yax(n_elements(yax)-1),yax(0)] endif else begin yrange=[yax(0),yax(n_elements(yax)-1)] endelse tick_value=findgen(siz(2)) axis,yaxis=0,yminor=1,ystyle=1,yticks=y_n_ticks, $ ytitle=ytitle,yrange=yrange ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;right y axis ;could be used for independent axis ;axis,yaxis=1,ystyle=1,yticks=1 ;axis,yaxis=1,yminor=1,ystyle=1,yticks=y_n_ticks, $ ;on right side of plot ; yrange=yrange ; ytitle=ytitle, $ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;lower x axis axis,xaxis=0,xstyle=1, $ xtitle=xtitle,xminor=3,xticks=x_n_ticks, $ xrange=[min(xax),max(xax)] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;upper x axis if time then begin ;make rotation period to virtual axis,xaxis=1,xstyle=1, $ ;24 hours xtitle='Local Time',xminor=4,xticks=x_n_ticks, $ xrange=[min(xax*24./360.),max(xax*24./360.)], $ xtickformat="(f6.2,'!U h')" endif else begin ;could be used for independent axis ;axis,xaxis=1,xstyle=1,xticks=1,xrange=[min(xax),max(xax)] ;axis,xaxis=1,xstyle=1, $ ;on upper side of plot ; xtitle=xtitle,xminor=3,xticks=x_n_ticks, $ ; xrange=[min(xax),max(xax)] endelse endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;plot color bar ;if >noimage< then no image and color bar, if >nobar< no color bar if not keyword_set(noimage) and not keyword_set(nobar) then begin bar=fltarr(2,siz(2)) ;define bar array bar_step=(max_data - min_data)/siz(2) ;color step of bar over range of bar(0,*)=findgen(siz(2))*bar_step+min_data ;image dynamic bar(1,*)=bar(0,*) broad=10 ;default broadness of c-bar bar=rebin(bar,broad,siz(2)) ;make bar image ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- siz=size(bar) !x.window=xwinsave ;restore total plot window size !y.window=ywinsave ;get size of bar window in normalised coordinates xpos= [!x.window(1)*shrink+0.11,!x.window(1)] ypos= !Y.window px= xpos * !D.X_vsize py= ypos * !D.Y_vsize pxc=px(sort(px)) swx = (pxc(1) - pxc(0) +1) >4 swy = (py(1) - py(0) +1) >1 six= float(siz(1)) ;bar image sizes siy= float(siz(2)) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!d.flags and 1) ne 0 then begin ;scalable pixels? ;scalable pixels (eg. Postscript) tvscl,bar,pxc(0),py(0), ysize=swy ,xsize=swx ;plot bar image endif else begin ;non scalable pxels (eg. Bitmaps, X-Window) tv,poly_2d(bytscl(bar), $ ;expand bar image [[0,0],[six/swx,0]],[[0,siy/swy],[0,0]], $ 1,swx,swy),pxc(0),py(0) endelse ;make frame and establish new plot contour,bar,/noer,xstyle=1,ystyle=9,/nodata, $ position=[pxc(0),py(0),pxc(1),py(1)],/device, $ ;window xticks=1,yticks=1,ytickname=[' ',' '], $ xtickname=[' ',' '],xminor=-1,yminor=-1 axis,yaxis=1,yrange=[min_data,max_data],ystyle=1,ytitle=bar_title; $ ;plot bar axis ; ,yticks=y_b_ticks !x.window=xwinsave ;restore total plot window size !y.window=ywinsave !x.margin=xmargin_save ;restore old margins !y.margin=ymargin_save endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(post) then begin device, /close set_plot,plot_dev ;restore plot device if keyword_set(coloff) then tvlct,r,g,b ;restore color table Print,'Postscript off' endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- end