;+ ; NAME: ; IMAG ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function returns the imaginary component of a complex number. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Mathematics ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = IMAG( Z ) ; ; INPUTS: ; Z: A scalar or array of type complex. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Result: The imaginary component(s) of Z. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; This function runs the IDL function IMAGINARY. I just like the ; shorter call name. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Define a complex number. ; z = 1. + 2 * im() ; Extract the imaginary component of z. ; result = imag( z ) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Daithi A. Stone, 2000-06-09. ;- ;*********************************************************************** FUNCTION IMAG, Z ;*********************************************************************** ;Extract imaginary component y = imaginary( z ) ;*********************************************************************** ;The End return, y END