FUNCTION daynight,startdoy,enddoy,yr=yr,interval=interval,rise=rise,set=set,noon=noon,lat=lat,lon=lon,utc=utc,timezone=timezone,doplot=doplot,doshortwave=doshortwave,$ pressureMb=pressureMb, ozoneCm=ozoneCm, waterCm=WaterCm, AOD500nm=AOD500nm, AOD380nm=AOD380nm, Ba=Ba, albedo=albedo, $ directBeam=directBeam, directHz=directHz, globalHz=globalHz, diffuseHz=diffuseHz, birdETR=birdETR, $ solarazimuth=solarazimuth, solarelevation=solarelevation, solarzenith=solarzenith ;when is it day or night? ;returns an array with interval points per day ;from startdoy to enddoy ;0 for night, 1 for day, 2 for solar noon ;total array size = interval * (enddoy-startdoy+1) ;More specifically: 1 means that the sun is up for some part of that ;time interval, 0 means that the sun did not rise or set in the time ;interval, 2 means solar noon occurred in this time interval ;if you don't provide startdoy or enddoy then startdoy and enddoy ;go from 1 to days_in_year ;More on output (example): to find when is it night in your array ;and set those values to 0.0: ; ;dn = daynight(1,365,yr=2003,interval=48,lat=45.0,lon=-90.0) ;night = where(dn eq 0) ;daytime = where(dn ge 1) ;array[night] = 0.0 ;default output is in Central Standard Time (-6 from UTC) unless ; 1.) UTC keyword is set -OR- ; 2.) keyword timezone is set to the difference between local and UTC ;default yr is current year (from computer clock) ;default interval is 48 (48 points per day = every 30 minutes) ;default lat and lon is Sylvania flux tower ;Negative lon is west ;Positive lat is north ;Keywords rise, set and noon contain arrays with the ;Sunrise, sunset and solar noon for each day ;from startdoy to enddoy ;if Keyword doshortwave is set, then the following will be calculated: ; directBeam - direct beam solar radiation - normal to beam ; directHz - direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface ; diffuzeHz - diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal suface ; globalHz - total (direct+diffuse) solar radiation on a horizontal surface ; birdETR - model of solar constant (extraterrestrial radiation) ; solarazimuth, solarelevation, solarzenith - solar position in degrees ; ; These arrays have the same length as daynight and have interval ; points per day in the same time zone as daynight ; ; Example: ; dn = daynight(150,200,yr=2003,interval=24,albedo=0.2,globalHz=g,solarze=z,/doshort) ; ; keywords pressureMb, ozoneCm, waterCm, AOD500nm, AOD380nm, Ba, and ; albedo are inputs to the shortwave model - see ; for more information ;keyword doplot will make a plot showing sunset,sunrise and solar noon ;Setup start and end day, figure out days in year caldat,systime(/julian),mo,day,year IF NOT keyword_set(yr) THEN yr = year lp = ((((Yr mod 4) eq 0) and ((yr mod 100) ne 0)) or ((yr mod 400) eq 0)) IF lp THEN days_in_year = 366 ELSE days_in_year = 365 IF NOT keyword_set(startdoy) THEN BEGIN startdoy = 1 enddoy = days_in_year ENDIF ELSE IF NOT keyword_set(enddoy) THEN enddoy = days_in_year ndays = enddoy - startdoy + 1 IF NOT keyword_set(interval) THEN interval = 48 ;point every 30 minutes ;Setup sunrise/sunset arrays tmarr = intarr(interval) rise = fltarr(ndays) set = rise noon = rise daynight = intarr(long(ndays)*long(interval)) IF n_elements(timezone) NE 0 THEN subval = timezone ELSE subval = -6.0 IF keyword_set(utc) THEN subval = 0.0 ;Setup arrays for calculating shortwave fluxes and solar position IF keyword_set(doshortwave) THEN BEGIN yrarr = make_array(n_elements(daynight),/float,value=yr) doyarr = rebin(dindgen(ndays)+startdoy,n_elements(daynight),/sample) tmarr = ((dindgen(n_elements(daynight)) MOD interval)/interval) fjday = doyarr+tmarr fjday_utc = fjday-(subval/24.0d) lstyr = where(fjday_utc LT 1.0,nly) IF nly GT 0 THEN BEGIN yrarr[lstyr] = yr - 1 lplstyr = (((((Yr-1) mod 4) eq 0) and (((yr-1) mod 100) ne 0)) or (((yr-1) mod 400) eq 0)) IF lplstyr THEN diyl = 366 ELSE diyl = 365 fjday_utc[lstyr] = fjday_utc[lstyr]+diyl ENDIF nxtyr = where(fjday_utc GE (days_in_year+1.0),nny) IF nny GT 0 THEN BEGIN yrarr[nxtyr] = yr + 1 fjday_utc[nxtyr] = fjday_utc[nxtyr]-days_in_year ENDIF doyarr = float(fix(float(fjday_utc))) tmarr = float((fjday_utc - doyarr)*24.0) hharr = float(fix(tmarr)) mmarr = (tmarr-hharr)*60.0 ssarr = (mmarr-fix(mmarr))*60.0 directBeam = make_array(n_elements(daynight),/float,value=!values.f_nan) directHz = directBeam globalHz = directBeam diffuseHz = directBeam birdETR = directBeam solarazimuth = directBeam solarelevation = directBeam solarzenith = directBeam ENDIF ;Calculate sunrise/sunset and shortwave fluxes FOR i = startdoy,enddoy DO BEGIN ss = sunrise(i,yr,lat=lat,lon=lon)+subval arrloc = i-startdoy rise[arrloc] = ss[0] set[arrloc] = ss[1] noon[arrloc] = ss[2] startrise = fix(rise[arrloc] * (interval/24.0)) endrise = fix(set[arrloc] * (interval/24.0)) IF finite(rise[arrloc]) AND ~finite(set[arrloc]) THEN endrise = fix(24. * interval/24.0) IF finite(set[arrloc]) AND ~finite(rise[arrloc]) THEN startrise = 0 IF ~finite(set[arrloc]) AND ~finite(rise[arrloc]) THEN BEGIN locstart = ((arrloc*interval)+0) > 0 < ((interval*ndays)-1) locend = (((arrloc+1)*interval)-1) > 0 < ((interval*ndays)-1) IF locend GE locstart THEN BEGIN IF (i LT (80+lp)) OR (i GT (265+lp)) THEN BEGIN daynight[locstart:locend] = 0 noon[arrloc] = !values.f_nan ENDIF ELSE daynight[locstart:locend] = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN locstart = ((arrloc*interval)+startrise+1) > 0 < ((interval*ndays)-1) locend = (arrloc*interval)+endrise > 0 < ((interval*ndays)-1) IF locend GE locstart THEN daynight[locstart:locend] = 1 ENDELSE IF finite(noon[arrloc]) THEN BEGIN closenoon = fix(noon[arrloc] * (interval/24.0)) locnoon = (arrloc*interval)+closenoon IF (locnoon GE 0) AND (locnoon LT (interval*ndays)) THEN daynight[locnoon] = 2 ENDIF IF keyword_set(doShortwave) THEN BEGIN FOR z = arrloc*interval,(arrloc*interval)+(interval-1) DO BEGIN BirdAndHulstrom,doyarr[z], hharr[z], mmarr[z], ssarr[z], yr=yrarr[z], pressureMb=pressureMb, $ ozoneCm=ozoneCm, waterCm=WaterCm, AOD500nm=AOD500nm, $ AOD380nm=AOD380nm, Ba=Ba, albedo=albedo, $ directBeam=dB, directHz=dH, globalHz=gH, $ diffuseHz=dfH, birdETR=bE, lat=lat, lon=lon, $ solarazimuth=s_az, solarelevation=s_el, solarzenith=s_ze directBeam[z] = dB directHz[z] = dH globalHz[z] = gH diffuseHz[z] = dfH birdETR[z] = bE solarazimuth[z] = s_az solarelevation[z] = s_el solarzenith[z] = s_ze ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR IF keyword_set(doplot) THEN BEGIN doyarr = indgen(ndays)+startdoy plot,doyarr,rise,title='Sunrise,Noon,Sunset',yrange=[0,(max(fix(set))+1)>24],ytitle='Hour',xtitle='DOY',xrange=[1,days_in_year],xticks=11,xtickv=[1,32,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335],xtickn=['J','F','M','A','M','J','J','A','S','O','N','D'] oplot,doyarr,set oplot,doyarr,noon ENDIF return,daynight END