;***************************************************************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; CATALYST ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; This program has no purpose except to test and evaluate Catalyst Library ; functionality. It can be used as examples of good programming practices ; (well, assuming your definition of "good" is pretty loose). The way it is ; used mostly is to look in the GUI method for the "names" of objects that ; generate events. Once you find a name, you look for that name in the EventHandler ; method. In this way, you slowly learn how Catalyst functionality is achieved. ; ; AUTHORS: ; ; FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING ; 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South ; Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon ; CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND ; Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 ; E-mail: davidf@dfanning.com E-mail: davidb@burridgecomputing.co.uk ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; Objects. ; ; SYNTAX: ; ; Catalyst ; ; MODIFICATION_HISTORY: ; ; Written by: David W. Fanning, April 17, 2003. ;- ;******************************************************************************************* ;* Copyright (c) 2008, jointly by Fanning Software Consulting, Inc. * ;* and Burridge Computing. All rights reserved. * ;* * ;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * ;* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * ;* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * ;* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * ;* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * ;* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * ;* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * ;* * Neither the name of Fanning Software Consulting, Inc. or Burridge Computing * ;* nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * ;* derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * ;* * ;* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC. AND BURRIDGE COMPUTING * ;* ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * ;* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * ;* DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC. OR BURRIDGE COMPUTING * ;* BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * ;* DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * ;* LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ;* ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * ;* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * ;* SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ;******************************************************************************************* PRO Catalyst::CreateStatusBar ; The purpose of this method is to create the statusbar for the program. ; Create a statusbar object. self._statusbar = OBJ_NEW('STATUSBAR', self, Name='Statusbar', /Align_Left) END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst::DroplistEvents, event ; The purpose of this method is to see if events can be directed to ; an event handler method *other* than one named EventHandler. self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Widget '+ event.name + ' value: ' + StrTrim(*event.selection,2) END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst::EventHandler, event ; This is the main event handler for the test program. All widget objects ; causing events have been named so we can branch on EVENT.NAME. @cat_pro_error_handler ; Branch on the object name. CASE StrUpCase(event.name) OF 'COMBOBOX': BEGIN IF event.index EQ -1 THEN BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Text=val event.id -> SetProperty, Add=val ENDIF ELSE BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Value=val val = val[event.index] ENDELSE self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text= $ 'Widget '+ event.name + ' value: ' + StrTrim(val,2) END 'SPINNER': BEGIN self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text= $ 'Spinner widget value: ' + String(event.value, Format='(G0)') END 'SURFACE DRAW WIDGET': BEGIN ; Post instructions in the status bar. IF event.type NE 2 THEN self._statusbar -> SetProperty, $ Text='ROTAING SURFACE -- LEFT button: Rotate MIDDLE button: Zoom Out RIGHT button: Zoom In' END 'HISTOGRAM DRAW WIDGET': BEGIN ; Make this draw widget the current window. event.id -> SetWindow ; Get the histogram plot object and find out if you are inside the plot. histogramPlot = event.id -> Get('HistogramPlot') val = histogramPlot -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, Inside=inside) ; If you are inside, then find the closest X data value and ; use that to plot the X and Y data values. IF inside THEN BEGIN histogramPlot -> GetProperty, P1=histodata xdata = Indgen(N_Elements(histodata)) x = val[0] realx = Value_Locate( xdata, x) strText = 'Value: ' + Strtrim(realx[0], 2) + ' No. Pixels: ' + StrTrim(histodata[realx], 2) ENDIF ELSE strText = 'Outside Plot Area' self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=strText END 'TRUE-COLOR DRAW WIDGET': BEGIN ; Make this draw widget the current window. event.id -> SetWindow ; Get the image associated with this draw widget. imageObject = event.ID -> Get('TrueColor Image Example') ; Find the RGB value of the image at this location and display in statusbar. value = imageObject -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, Inside=inside, XPixel=xpix, YPixel=ypix, $ XData=xdata, YData=ydata) IF inside EQ 0 THEN self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Outside Image' ELSE $ BEGIN s = 'R: ' + StrTrim(value[0],2) + ' G: ' + StrTrim(value[1],2) + ' B: ' + StrTrim(value[2],2) s = s + ' Image Coordinate: (' + StrTrim(xpix,2) + ', ' + StrTrim(ypix,2) + ')' + $ ' Image Location: (' + String(xdata,Format='(F6.2)') + ', ' + String(ydata,Format='(F6.2)') + ')' self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=s ENDELSE END 'MAP IMAGE DRAW WIDGET': BEGIN ; It is possible that the user can delete the image! IF Obj_Valid(imageObject) EQ 0 THEN RETURN ; Make this draw widget the current window. event.id -> SetWindow ; Get the image associated with this draw widget. imageObject = event.ID -> Get('Moveable Graphics') ; Find the lat/lon values of the image at this location and display the value ; at that location in the statusbar. value = imageObject -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, Inside=inside, $ XPixel=xpix, YPixel=ypix, XData=xdata, YData=ydata) IF inside EQ 0 THEN self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Outside Image' ELSE $ BEGIN s = 'Lon: ' + StrTrim(xdata,2) + ' Lat: ' + StrTrim(ydata,2) + ' Value: ' + StrTrim(value,2) self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=s ENDELSE END 'MEDICAL IMAGE DRAW WIDGET': BEGIN ; If the first button of the tool bar is selected, these are draw widget events. topObject = CatGetTopObject(event.id) toolbar = topObject -> Get('TOOLBAR', /Recursive) firstButton = toolbar -> Get() firstButton -> GetProperty, Button_Set=set IF ~set THEN BEGIN IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> SetDisplay, event.id self.currentInteraction -> EventHandler, event ENDIF RETURN ENDIF ; Make this draw widget the current window. event.id -> SetWindow ; Get the image associated with this draw widget. knee = event.ID -> Get('KNEEIMAGE') ; What kind of event is this? possibleEvents = ['DOWN', 'UP', 'MOTION', 'SCROLL', 'EXPOSE', 'CH_CHAR', 'KEY_CHAR'] thisEvent = possibleEvents[event.type] CASE thisEvent OF 'DOWN': BEGIN CASE event.press OF 1: BEGIN ; If there is a control modifier, then this is from a non-three button mouse and ; this is a pan event. IF Float(!Version.Release) GE 5.4 THEN BEGIN IF event.modifiers NE 0 THEN BEGIN event.id -> SetProperty, Motion_Events=1 event.id -> GetProperty, XSize=xs, YSize=ys self.pan_x = 0 > event.x < (xs-1) self.pan_y = 0 > event.y < (ys-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN void = knee -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, XPixel=x_img, YPixel=y_img, Inside=inside) IF inside THEN knee -> ZoomIn, x_img, y_img ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN void = knee -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, XPixel=x_img, YPixel=y_img, Inside=inside) IF inside THEN knee -> ZoomIn, x_img, y_img ENDELSE END 2: BEGIN event.id -> SetProperty, Motion_Events=1 event.id -> GetProperty, XSize=xs, YSize=ys self.pan_x = 0 > event.x < (xs-1) self.pan_y = 0 > event.y < (ys-1) END 4: BEGIN void = knee -> Pixel_To_Value(event.x, event.y, XPixel=x_img, YPixel=y_img, Inside=inside) IF inside THEN knee -> ZoomOut, x_img, y_img END ELSE: ENDCASE END 'UP': event.id -> SetProperty, Motion_Events=0 'MOTION': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, XSize=xs, YSize=ys event.x = 0 > event.x < (xs-1) event.y = 0 > event.y < (ys-1) knee -> Pan, event.x - self.pan_x, event.y - self.pan_y self.pan_x = event.x self.pan_y = event.y END ; MOTION case ELSE: ENDCASE END ; of DRAW5 Case 'EXIT' : OBJ_DESTROY, self 'FIELD': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Value=val self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text= 'Field value: '+ StrTrim(val[0],2) END 'SAVE_AS' : BEGIN ; Set the tab to the third window. tabwidget = self -> Get('TabWidget', /Recursive_Search) tabwidget -> GetProperty, Current=currentTab baseWidget = tabwidget -> Get(Position=currentTab) drawWidget = baseWidget -> Get(Position=0) event.id -> GetProperty, Value=buttonValue CASE buttonValue OF 'JPEG File': drawWidget -> Output, /JPEG, Filename='catalyst.jpg' 'TIFF File': drawWidget -> Output, /TIFF, Filename='catalyst.tif' 'BMP File': drawWidget -> Output, /BMP, Filename='catalyst.bmp' 'PNG File': drawWidget -> Output, /PNG, Filename='catalyst.png' 'PostScript File': drawWidget -> Output, /PostScript, Filename='catalyst.ps' ENDCASE END 'SHOW CONTENTS' : self -> ShowContents 'LIST': self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text= $ 'Widget '+ event.name + ' value: ' + StrTrim(*event.selection,2) 'MULTIPLE_LIST': BEGIN text = 'Widget '+ event.name + ' values: ' FOR j=0, N_Elements(*event.selection)-1 DO BEGIN text = text + StrTrim((*event.selection)[j],2) + ', ' ENDFOR text = StrMid(text, 0, StrLen(text)-2) self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text END 'RESIZEDRAWWIDGET': BEGIN ; Find the draw widget, resize it, and draw. drawObject = self -> Get('MAP IMAGE DRAW WIDGET', /Recursive_Search) ; Get the image associated with this draw widget. imageObject = drawObject -> Get('Moveable Graphics') ; Resize the draw widget. drawObject -> SetProperty, XSize=800, YSize=600 ; Reconfigure the image in the window. imageObject -> SetProperty, Position=[0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9] drawObject -> Draw, /Erase ; Set the tab to the fourth window. tabwidget = self -> Get('TabWidget', /Recursive_Search) tabwidget -> SetProperty, Current=3 ; Make the button insensitive. event.ID -> SetProperty, Sensitive=0 END 'TABWIDGET': BEGIN CASE event.tab OF 0: self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Left Button to ZOOM IN, Right Button to ZOOM OUT, and Middle Button to PAN.' + $ ' Use buttons on right to select various types of ROIs.' 1: self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Add annotations, drag them into place, set properties by RIGHT clicking.' 2: BEGIN self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='ROTAING SURFACE -- LEFT button: Rotate MIDDLE button: Zoom Out RIGHT button: Zoom In' drawWidget = self -> Get('SURFACE DRAW WIDGET', /Recursive_Search) drawWidget -> Draw END 3: self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='LEFT click selects objects. RIGHT click selected objects for Properties. SHIFT-LEFT for multiple selection.' 4: self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='All data has its own coordinate system. Move cursor on plot to get value at that location' 5: self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Move cursor on plot to get RGB value and position in image and pixel coordinates' ELSE: ENDCASE END ; Medical Image Toolbar Buttons 'ARROW': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=1 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'ANGLETOOL': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) kneeImage = self.draw5ID -> Get('KNEEIMAGE', /Recursive) kneeImage -> GetProperty, Image=theImage, Zoom_Coord=zcoord self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Selectinteraction', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', /ASK_ON_UP, UVALUE='ANGLETOOL',Thick=2, $ /NoPicRestore, Coord_Object=zcoord, $ STATUSBAR=self._statusbar, MODE='INSERT', $ SelectedObject=Obj_New('AngleTool', /Clockwise, TextColor='Yellow', $ Coord_Object=zcoord, Color='Yellow')) IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'RECTANGLE': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) kneeImage = self.draw5ID -> Get('KNEEIMAGE', /Recursive) kneeImage -> GetProperty, Image=theImage, Zoom_Coord=zcoord self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Selectinteraction', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', /ASK_ON_UP, UVALUE='BOX',Thick=2, Color='Yellow', $ /NoPicRestore, Coord_Object=zcoord, SelectedObject=Obj_New('Box'), MODE='INSERT') IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'ELLIPSE': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Selectinteraction', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', /ASK_ON_UP, UVALUE='ELLIPSE', Thick=2, Color='Yellow', $ /NoPicRestore, Coord_Object=zcoord, SelectedObject=Obj_New('Ellipse'), MODE='INSERT') ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'FREEHAND': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Freehand_ROI', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', UValue='FREEHAND', /ASK_ON_UP, /NoPicRestore) ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'MEASURETOOL': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) kneeImage = self.draw5ID -> Get('KNEEIMAGE', /Recursive) kneeImage -> GetProperty, Image=theImage, Zoom_Coord=zcoord self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Selectinteraction', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', /ASK_ON_UP, UVALUE='MEASURETOOL',Thick=2, Color='Yellow', $ /NoPicRestore, Coord_Object=zcoord, $ SelectedObject=Obj_New('TapeMeasure', UNITS='(cm)', Coord_Object=zcoord), $ STATUSBAR=self._statusbar, MODE='INSERT') IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'POLYGON': BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Helpline=text self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN self.currentInteraction -> RestoreDisplay Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction self.draw5ID -> Draw ENDIF self.currentInteraction = Obj_New('Selectinteraction', self.draw5ID, /Start_Now, $ Name='INTERACTION', /ASK_ON_UP, UVALUE='POLYGON',Thick=2, Color='Yellow', $ /NoPicRestore, Coord_Object=zcoord, SelectedObject=Obj_New('Cat_Polygon'), MODE='INSERT') ruler = self.draw5ID -> Get('Ruler', /Recursive_Search) IF Obj_Valid(ruler) THEN ruler -> SetProperty, Selectable=0 self.draw5ID -> SetProperty, Motion=0 END 'RULER': ; Nothing to do. Allow ruler to be moved. 'COLORBAR': ; Nothing to do. Allow colorbar to be moved. 'MOVEABLE GRAPHICS': ; Nothing to do. Allow image to be moved. 'MOVEABLE TEXT': ; Nothing to do. Allow image to be moved. 'EASY TO CODE': ; Nothing to do. Allow image to be moved. ; All the various interactions from the medical image toolbars have their ; actual events handled here. 'INTERACTION': BEGIN IF Obj_Valid(self.currentInteraction) THEN BEGIN ; Get the ROI points from the current interaction. self.currentInteraction -> GetProperty, UValue=username CASE username OF 'ANGLETOOL': BEGIN IF event.action EQ 'CANCEL' THEN RETURN unit = event.radians ? 'radians' : 'degrees' angle = 'Measured Angle = ' + String(event.angle, Format='(f0.2)') + ' ' + unit self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=angle RETURN END 'BOX': BEGIN IF event.action EQ 'CANCEL' THEN RETURN ; These points have been converted to the draw widget coordinate ; system, which are the same as the zoom coordinate system of the ; image in the window. (A result of setting the draw widget CATCOORD ; object to the ZOOM coordinate object of the image in the GUI method.) xpts = [event.xpts[0], event.xpts[1], event.xpts[1], event.xpts[0]] ypts = [event.ypts[0], event.ypts[0], event.ypts[1], event.ypts[1]] END 'ELLIPSE': BEGIN IF event.action EQ 'CANCEL' THEN RETURN ; These points have been converted to the draw widget coordinate ; system, which are the same as the zoom coordinate system of the ; image in the window. (A result of setting the draw widget CATCOORD ; object to the ZOOM coordinate object of the image in the GUI method.) xpts = event.xpts ypts = event.ypts END 'FREEHAND': BEGIN ; These points have been converted to the draw widget coordinate ; system, which are the same as the zoom coordinate system of the ; image in the window.(A result of setting the draw widget CATCOORD ; object to the ZOOM coordinate object of the image in the GUI method.) xpts = event.xpts ypts = event.ypts END 'MEASURETOOL': BEGIN IF event.action EQ 'CANCEL' THEN RETURN text = 'Measured Distance = ' + String(event.length, Format='(f0.2)') + ' ' + event.units self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text=text RETURN END 'POLYGON': BEGIN IF event.action EQ 'CANCEL' THEN RETURN ; These points have been converted to the draw widget coordinate ; system, which are the same as the zoom coordinate system of the ; image in the window.(A result of setting the draw widget CATCOORD ; object to the ZOOM coordinate object of the image in the GUI method.) xpts = event.xpts ypts = event.ypts END ENDCASE ; Get the knee image object, and from it get the real image data, along ; with the zoom coordinate object and the order of the image on the display. topObject = CatGetTopObject(event.id) kneeImage = topObject -> Get('KNEEIMAGE', /Recursive) kneeImage -> GetProperty, Image=theImage, Zoom_Coord=zcoord, Order=order, ZoomRect=zrect ; If the image is displayed with (0,0) at upper left, then the ypts from ; the interaction have to be reversed with respect to the window coordinate ; system's range. IF order THEN BEGIN zcoord -> GetProperty, YRange=yrange ypts = Scale_Vector(ypts, yrange[1], yrange[0], Minvalue=Min(yrange), MaxValue=Max(yrange)) ENDIF ; Create an ROI object for computing stats, etc. roi = Obj_New('IDLanROI', xpts, ypts) void = roi -> ComputeGeometry(Area=area, Perimeter=perimeter) Obj_Destroy, roi ; Convert the xpts and ypts from a data coordinate space to a window ; pixel coordinate space. zcoord -> Draw c = Convert_Coord(xpts, ypts, /Data, /To_Device) xpts_wpix = c[0,*] ypts_wpix = c[1,*] ; Convert from window pixel coordinate space to image pixel coordinate space. ximgrange = Abs(zrect[2]-zrect[0]) + 1 yimgrange = Abs(zrect[3]-zrect[1]) + 1 self.draw5ID -> GetProperty, XSize=xsize, YSize=ysize xpts_imgpix = (ximgrange * xpts_wpix) / xsize ypts_imgpix = (yimgrange * ypts_wpix) / ysize ; Calculate an image mask. roi = Obj_New('IDLanROI', xpts_imgpix, ypts_imgpix) mask = roi -> ComputeMask(Dimensions=[ximgrange, yimgrange], Mask_Rule=2) mask = mask GT 0 Obj_Destroy, roi ; Calculate the subimage that the mask should apply to and get the average ; value of the pixels there. subimage = theimage[zrect[0]:zrect[2], zrect[1]:zrect[3]] avgValue = Total(subImage * mask) / Total(mask) ; Update the status bar with information. self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text='Area: ' + StrTrim(area,2) + ', Perimeter: ' + $ StrTrim(perimeter,2) + ', Average Pixel Value: ' + StrTrim(avgValue,2) ENDIF END ELSE: BEGIN event.id -> GetProperty, Value=val self._statusbar -> SetProperty, Text= $ 'CATTEST::EventHandler ---> Widget ' + event.name + ' value: '+ StrTrim(val[0],2) END ENDCASE END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst::GUI, menuBar ; The purpose of this method is create all the graphical user interface elements. tlb_org = OBJ_NEW ('BaseWidget', self, Column=2, /Frame) col1 = OBJ_NEW ('BaseWidget', tlb_org, Column=1, /Base_Align_Center) fileMenu = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', menuBar , Value='File', /Menu, Name='File Menu') self.saveAS = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', fileMenu, Value='Save Window As...', /MENU, Name='SAVE AS MENU') void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', self.saveAS, Name='SAVE_AS', Value='JPEG File', Event_Object=self.saveAs) void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', self.saveAS, Name='SAVE_AS', Value='TIFF File', Event_Object=self.saveAs) void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', self.saveAS, Name='SAVE_AS', Value='BMP File', Event_Object=self.saveAs) void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', self.saveAS, Name='SAVE_AS', Value='PNG File', Event_Object=self.saveAs) void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', self.saveAS, Name='SAVE_AS', Value='PostScript File', Event_Object=self.saveAs) void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', fileMenu, Value='Show Contents', NAME='SHOW CONTENTS') void = OBJ_NEW ('ButtonWidget', fileMenu, Name='Exit', Value='Exit', /Separator) label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Droplist Widget') dropList = OBJ_NEW ('DropListWidget', col1, Name='Droplist', Value=['None', 'Bill', 'Ted'], $ Event_Method='DroplistEvents') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='List Widget') list = OBJ_NEW ('ListWidget' , col1, Name='List', Value=['None', 'Wayne', 'Garth']) label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Multiple Element List Widget') list = OBJ_NEW ('ListWidget' , col1, Name='Multiple_List', $ Value=['Frog', 'Toad', 'Coyote', 'Cow', 'Horse', 'Wolf', 'Blue Heron'], /Multiple) spinner = OBJ_NEW ('Spinner', col1, Title='Spinner', Value=10, Increment=1, Name='SPINNER') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Slider Widget') slider = OBJ_NEW ('SliderWidget', col1, Name='Slider', /Drag) label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Text Widget') text = OBJ_NEW ('TextWidget' , col1, Name='Text', Value='Some text', /Editable, /All_Events) label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='ComboBox Widget') comboBox = OBJ_NEW ('ComboBoxWidget', col1, Name='ComboBox', Value=['Coyote', 'Bill', 'Ted'], /Editable) label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Button Widget') button = OBJ_NEW('ButtonWidget', col1, Name='ResizeDrawWidget', Value='Resize Map Image') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value=' ') label = OBJ_NEW ('LabelWidget', col1, Value='Field Widgets') IF !D.Name NE 'WIN' THEN fieldsize=120 ELSE fieldsize=75 field1 = OBJ_NEW ('FieldWidget' , col1, Name='FIELD', Value='text', Title='String Field: ', $ XSize=10, Labelsize=fieldsize, CR_EVENTS=1) field2 = OBJ_NEW ('FieldWidget' , col1, Name='FIELD', Value=54, Title='Integer Field: ', $ XSize=10, Labelsize=fieldsize, CR_EVENTS=1) field3 = OBJ_NEW ('FieldWidget' , col1, Name='FIELD', Value=36.5, Title='Float Field: ', $ XSize=10, Labelsize=fieldsize, CR_EVENTS=1) ; Set up TABing between fields. field1 -> SetProperty, TabNext=field2 field2 -> SetProperty, TabNext=field3 field3 -> SetProperty, TabNext=field1 ;*** TEST TABWIDGET *** col2 = OBJ_NEW ('BaseWidget', tlb_org, Column=1) tabwidget = OBJ_NEW ('TABWIDGET', col2, Name='TabWidget') base5 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='Medical Image', Row=1, Name='Medical Image Base') base6 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='Annotation', Row=1, Name='Annotation Base') base1 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='Surface', Row=1, Name='Surface Base') base4 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='Map Image', Row=1, Name='Map Image Base') base2 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='Histogram', Row=1, Name='Histogram Base') base3 = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', tabwidget, Title='TrueColor Image', Row=1, Name='True-Color Image Base') ; Linux machines don't normally retain windows. IF !D.Name NE 'WIN' THEN retain=2 ELSE retain=1 draw1 = Obj_New('ODRAWWIDGET', base1, XSIZE=500, YSize=600, NAME='SURFACE DRAW WIDGET', $ /Button_Events, /Expose_Events, RETAIN=retain) draw2 = Obj_New('DRAWWIDGET', base2, XSIZE=500, YSize=600, NAME='HISTOGRAM DRAW WIDGET', $ RETAIN=retain, /Motion_Events) draw3 = Obj_New('DRAWWIDGET', base3, XSIZE=500, YSize=600, NAME='TRUE-COLOR DRAW WIDGET', $ RETAIN=retain, /Motion_Events, Initial_Color='ivory', /Notify_Realize) draw4 = Obj_New('SELECTABLEDRAWWIDGET', base4, XSIZE=600, YSize=600, NAME='MAP IMAGE DRAW WIDGET', $ RETAIN=retain, Initial_Color='ivory', /Notify_Realize, ERASE_WINDOW=1, /SELECT_EVENTS, /BUTTON_EVENTS, /BUFFER) draw5 = Obj_New('SELECTABLEDRAWWIDGET', /SELECT_EVENTS, base5, XSIZE=500, YSize=600, $ NAME='MEDICAL IMAGE DRAW WIDGET', RETAIN=retain, /Button_Events, /Buffer) draw6 = Obj_New('DRAWWIDGET', base6, XSIZE=500, YSize=600, NAME='ANNOTATION DRAW WIDGET', $ RETAIN=retain, Initial_Color='beige', /Notify_Realize) self.draw5ID = draw5 ; First TAB Window to demonstate use of object graphics in Catalyst. surface = Obj_New('CatSurface', cgDemoData(2), Title='A Fully Rotatable Surface', NAME='Object Graphics Surface') draw1 -> Add, surface, /Handle_Events ; The surface object will handle these events. ; Create an embedded control panel widget. base1cpbase= Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', base1, Name='Surface ControlPanel') surface -> ControlPanel, base1cpbase ; Second TAB Window to demonstate a standard IDL graphics command. ; The CatGraphicsCmdTool can be used execute any IDL graphics command. histogramCmd = Obj_New('CatGraphicsCmdTool', Name='HistogramPlot',Decomposed=1) histogramCmd -> LoadCommand, 'Plot', Histogram(cgDemoData(5)), Max_Value=5000, XStyle=1, $ Title='Histogram Plot', Background=cgColor('charcoal', Decomposed=1), $ Color=cgColor('green', Decomposed=1), /NoData, $ Position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.9, 0.9] histogramOplotCmd = Obj_New('CatGraphicsCmdTool', 'OPlot', Histogram(cgDemoData(5)), Max_Value=5000, $ Color=cgColor('yellow', Decomposed=1), Name='HistogramOPlot') ; Adding the two graphics command tools to the draw object causes ; them to be drawn in the order in which they are added to the draw object. draw2 -> Add, histogramCmd draw2 -> Add, histogramOplotCmd ; Third TAB Window to demonstate a true-color image with axes and ability to print ; out image information in the statusbar window. The LOAD button will interact with ; this image. ; Create a coordinate object for the image. coords = Obj_New('CATCOORD', Name='True Color Image Coordinates', XRange=[0,227], YRange=[0,149]) image3 = Obj_New('CATTRUECOLORIMAGE', cgDemoData(16), Position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85], $ Name='TrueColor Image Example', Coord_Object=coords) draw3 -> Add, image3 ; Create image axes in the window. axisObj = Obj_New('IMGAXES', XRange=[0,1000], YRange=[0,1000], Color='navy', $ Name='True-Color Image Axes', Description='Axis Properties', Coord_Object=coords) image3 -> Add, axisObj ; Create an imbedded control panel widget. base3cpbase= Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', base3, Name='True-Color Image ControlPanel') image3 -> ControlPanel, base3cpbase, Event_Object=image3 ; Fourth TAB Window to demonstate 2D image with control panel. ; Set up coordinates so that image preserves its aspect ratio in ; the window and simulates map coordinate space. pos = [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9] coords = Obj_New('CATCOORD', Name='2D Image Coordinates', XRange=[-180, 180], YRange=[-90, 90]) colors = Obj_New('COLORTOOL', NAME='Earth Colors', 4) ; Create the image object. image4 = Obj_New('CATIMAGE', Congrid(cgDemoData(7), 360, 180), Coord_Object=coords, $ Position=pos, Name='Moveable Graphics', /Keep_Aspect, Color_Object=colors, /Selectable) ; Create image axes in the window. axisObj = Obj_New('IMGAXES', XRange=[-180, 180], YRange=[-90, 90], Color='navy', $ Name='2D Image Axes', Description='Axis Properties', Coord_Object=coords) image4 -> Add, axisObj ; Add the image to the draw widget object, so it will be drawn in the window. draw4 -> Add, image4 ; Get the color object from the image. image4 -> GetProperty, COLOR_OBJECT=i4colors ; Create a colorbar for this image cb = Obj_New('CatColorbar', Color_Object=i4colors, NAME='COLORBAR', $ Color='navy', Position=[0.1, 0.80, 0.9, 0.84]) i4colors -> RegisterForMessage, draw4, 'COLORTOOL_TABLECHANGE' draw4 -> Add, cb ; Create a text object for this image. text = Obj_New('TextLine', 'Moveable DIRECT graphics. Just CLICK and DRAG!!', $ Name='MOVEABLE TEXT', X=0.5, Y=0.24, Color='DARK ORCHID') draw4 -> Add, text ; Create a text object for this image. text = Obj_New('TextLine', 'Easy to code with current IDL knowledge.', $ Name='EASY TO CODE', X=0.5, Y=0.20, Color='RED') draw4 -> Add, text text = Obj_New('TextLine', 'Right click in object to access Control Panel.', $ Name='EASY TO CODE', X=0.5, Y=0.16, Color='Dodger Blue') draw4 -> Add, text ; Fifth TAB Window to demonstate zoom and pan capabilities off CATIMAGE. ; Create a medical image object. DICOM files cannot be read on some (all?) 64-bit OS. IF !Version.Memory_Bits EQ 64 THEN BEGIN filename = Filepath(Subdir=['examples', 'data'], 'endocell.jpg') Read_JPEG, filename, knee knee = Transpose(knee) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN filename = Filepath(Subdir=['examples', 'data'], 'mr_knee.dcm') knee = Read_Dicom(filename) ENDELSE kneescl = BytScl(knee) knee_coord = Obj_New('CATCOORD', Position=[0,0,1,1], XRange=[0,5], YRange=[0,10.]) kneeImage = Obj_New('CatImage', knee, Order=1, Name='KNEEIMAGE', Coord_Object=knee_coord) draw5 -> Add, kneeImage kneeImage -> GetProperty, Color_Object=colors ; Make sure the draw widget has the same coordinate object as the image. draw5 -> SetProperty, Coord_Object=knee_coord ; Add a ruler to the image to distinguish size of features. ruler = Obj_New('RULER', X=0.5, Y=0.1, Length=1.0, Title='CM', Color='cyan', Parent_Coord=knee_coord, $ Name='Ruler', Selectable=1) kneeImage -> Add, ruler ; Create a tool bar for interacting with the image. base = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', base5, Column=1, /Base_Align_Center) toolbar = Obj_New('BASEWIDGET', base, Column=1, /Exclusive, Name='TOOLBAR') button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=Filepath('arrow.bmp', Subdir=['resource','bitmaps']), $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Zoom and Pan', $ Helpline ='Left Button to ZOOM IN, Right Button to ZOOM OUT, and Middle Button to PAN', $ NAME='ARROW', /No_Release) button -> SetProperty, Set_Button=1 button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=Filepath('rectangl.bmp', Subdir=['resource','bitmaps']), $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Draw Rectangle ROI', $ Helpline ='Draw Rectangle ROI on Image. Click inside to drag.', $ NAME='RECTANGLE', /No_Release) button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=Filepath('ellipse.bmp', Subdir=['resource','bitmaps']), $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Draw Ellipse', $ Helpline ='Draw Ellipse on Image. Click inside to drag.', $ NAME='ELLIPSE', /No_Release) button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=Filepath('freepoly.bmp', Subdir=['resource','bitmaps']), $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Draw Freehand ROI', $ Helpline ='Draw Freehand ROI on Image. Click inside to drag.', $ NAME='FREEHAND', /No_Release) button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=Filepath('segpoly.bmp', Subdir=['resource','bitmaps']), $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Draw Polygon ROI', $ Helpline ='Draw Polygon ROI on image. Click inside to drag.', $ NAME='POLYGON', /No_Release) resourcefile = Filepath('cat_linemeasure.bmp', Root_Dir=ProgramRootDir(), Subdir=['resources']) file = File_Search(resourcefile, Count=count) IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN resourcefile = Filepath('cat_linemeasure.bmp', Subdir=['resource']) file = File_Search(resourcefile, Count=count) ENDIF IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN resourcefile = [ $ [000B, 000B], $ [000B, 112B], $ [000B, 080B], $ [000B, 112B], $ [000B, 008B], $ [000B, 004B], $ [000B, 002B], $ [000B, 001B], $ [128B, 000B], $ [064B, 000B], $ [032B, 000B], $ [016B, 000B], $ [014B, 000B], $ [010B, 000B], $ [014B, 000B], $ [000B, 000B] $ ] ENDIF button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=resourcefile, $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Line Measurement Tool', $ Helpline ='Click and measure distance to another point.', $ NAME='MEASURETOOL', No_Release=1) resourcefile = Filepath('cat_angle.bmp', Root_Dir=ProgramRootDir(), Subdir=['resources']) file = File_Search(resourcefile, Count=count) IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN resourcefile = Filepath('cat_angle.bmp', Subdir=['resource']) file = File_Search(resourcefile, Count=count) ENDIF IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN resourcefile = [ $ [000B, 000B], $ [004B, 000B], $ [014B, 000B], $ [031B, 000B], $ [004B, 000B], $ [004B, 000B], $ [004B, 000B], $ [004B, 000B], $ [028B, 000B], $ [036B, 000B], $ [068B, 000B], $ [132B, 016B], $ [132B, 048B], $ [252B, 127B], $ [000B, 048B], $ [000B, 016B] $ ] ENDIF button = Obj_New('BUTTONWIDGET', toolbar, $ VALUE=resourcefile, $ /BitMap, Tooltip='Angle Measurement Tool', $ Helpline ='Click and measure angle to second point.', $ NAME='ANGLETOOL', No_Release=1) colorbar = Obj_New('CT_STRETCH', base, YSize=400, Range=[Min(knee), Max(knee)], Colortool=colors, $ Format='(I4)', Name='Medical Colortable') colors -> RegisterForMessage, kneeImage, 'COLORTOOL_SETPROPERTY' ; Sixth TAB window will be a demonstation of annotation. ; Open an image file. toolbar = OBJ_NEW('BaseWidget', base6, Row=1, Base_Align_Top=1) filename = Filepath(SubDir=['examples', 'data'], 'rbcells.jpg') file = File_Search(filename, Count=count) IF count GT 0 THEN Read_JPEG, filename, image ELSE image = Dist(256) pos = [0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85] coords = Obj_New('CatCoord', XRange=[0,5], YRange=[0,6]) draw6image = OBJ_NEW('CatImage', image, Position=pos, /Keep_Aspect, Coord_Object=coords) axes = Obj_New('ImgAxes', Coord_Object=coords, XTickformat='(F4.1)', YTickformat='(F4.1)', $ XRange=[0,5], YRange=[0,6], Color='Navy') draw6image -> Add, axes coords -> SetProperty, Position=pos draw6 -> Add, draw6image ; Create the statusbar. self -> CreateStatusBar ; Create an annotation interaction. self.annotateLayer = Obj_New('CatLayer', Name='AnnotationLayer') self.annotate = Obj_New('AnnotateInteraction', draw6, Layer=self.annotateLayer, /Start_Now, $ Coord_Object=coords, Statusbar=self._statusbar, Color='navy') ; Add some text to the annotation layer. text = Obj_New('TextLine', 'Annotation Example: Drag Me Around!!', X=0.35, Y=0.85, Color='NAVY', $ Font=1, Name='Initial_Text') self.annotateLayer -> Add, text ; Add the interaction control panel to the toolbar. self.annotate -> ControlPanel, toolbar, Column=1 ; Display the entire application in the window. self -> Draw;, /Center END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst::Kill_Notify ; The purpose of this method is to call the utility routine CatDestroyDefaults. ; This will completely clean up any objects that were used to set up the ; Catalyst system as well as "system" variables. This method is called when ; the application is destroyed by the user. CatDestroyDefaults END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst::CLEANUP Obj_Destroy, self.currentInteraction Obj_Destroy, self.annotate Obj_Destroy, self.annotateLayer self -> TOPLEVELBASE::Cleanup END FUNCTION Catalyst::INIT, _Ref_Extra=extra ; This INIT method simply instantiates a top-level base object with a status bar. ok = self->TOPLEVELBASE::INIT(_Extra=extra) IF ~ok THEN RETURN, 0 RETURN, 1 END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst__Define ; The Catalyst class definition. It is a top-level base object widget. class = {Catalyst, INHERITS TopLevelBase, $ _statusbar:Obj_New(), $ currentInteraction: Obj_New(), $ ; The current interaction for the medical image. draw5ID: Obj_New(), $ ; The draw widget containing the medical image. annotate: Obj_New(), $ ; An annotation interaction. annotateLayer: Obj_New(), $ ; The annotation layer object. saveAS: Obj_New(), $ ; The SAVE AS button. pan_x: 0L, $ ; The last pan location in X. pan_y: 0L} ; The last pan location in Y. END ;***************************************************************************************************** PRO Catalyst, tlb @cat_pro_error_handler ; Check to see if the system is set up in 24-bit color. Device, Get_Visual_Name=visualName, Get_Visual_Depth=theDepth CASE StrUpCase(visualName) OF 'TRUECOLOR': BEGIN END ELSE: BEGIN text = [ ' Catalyst requires a 24-bit TrueColor visual class. You are running a', $ ' ', $ ' ' + StrTrim(theDepth,2) + '-bit ' + StrTrim(visualName,2), $ '', $ ' visual class. Please see your on-line IDL documentation for how to ', $ ' configure IDL to run in the proper visual class. Typically, this ', $ ' selection occurs in an IDL startup file with a command similar to this:', $ '', $ ' ' + 'DEVICE, TRUE_COLOR=24', $ ''] IF StrUpCase(visualName) EQ 'DIRECTCOLOR' THEN text = [text, $ ' NOTE: The DirectColor visual class is NOT recommended for *any* IDL application! ', $ ' You will almost certainly want to learn how to change this. You can find additional', $ ' information here:', $ '', $ ' http://www.dfanning.com/misc_tips/idlsetup.html', $ ''] xDisplayFile, 'dummy', Text=text, /Modal, Title='Problem with the IDL Visual Class and Catalyst Program', $ Height=N_Elements(text), Done_Button='Dismiss' RETURN END ENDCASE ; Create a default data directory, and restore all system variables ; to their default values. CatSetDefault, 'DATADIR', FILEPATH ('', SubDir=['examples','data']) ; Create the widgets that make up the application. Run it. tlb = OBJ_NEW('Catalyst', Column=1, MBar=menubar, /Kill_Notify, $ Title='Catalyst Test Application: Everything in this window is an OBJECT and part of' + $ ' the Catalyst Library!', Name='Catalyst Test Application', xoffset=50, yoffset=200) tlb -> GUI, menubar END ;*****************************************************************************************************