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Last modified: Sun Oct 26 20:43:11 2008.
NAME: CATATOM PURPOSE: This is second most basic object in the CATALYST Object Library. It is a subclassed CATCONTAINER object and implements an IDL object hierarchy. All objects in the CATALYST Object Library are subclassed from the CATATOM object. Object error handling, object reporting and documentation, object messaging, and widget event handling are all set up in this object, allowing all objects in the CATALYST Object Library to partake in this functionality. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CATCONTAINER, IDLITCOMPONENT IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: atomObject = Obj_New('CATATOM') CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CATATOM, $ ; The CATATOM object class name. _controlPanel : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; The control panel for the object. _errorLevel : 0B, $ ; The error reporting level. _event_method : "", $ ; The name of the event method associated with this object. _event_objects : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; The object(s) to whom events for this object are passed. _excl_event_object : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; An exclusive event object. _messageRecipients : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; A list of objects to be notified of method calls. _reportLevel : 0B, $ ; The info reporting level. _trash : OBJ_NEW(), $ ; A trash container for destroying other objects. _uvalue : PTR_NEW (), $ ; A user value placeholder for the object. INHERITS CatContainer, $ ; All objects in the Catalyst Library are containers INHERITS IDLitComponent $ ; Inherits the IDLitComponnet class for object properties. } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 13 March 2003. Made sure there are no duplicated registrations in RegisterForMessage. DWF. 15 May 2004. Made a change in the way EVENT_METHOD is assigned. If not passed in, will try to get EVENT_METHOD from the parent first, before assigning EventHandler as method. 9 August 2004. DWF. Removed TOP_OBJECT reference. It was not being used and got in the way of saving/restoring object. 22 January 2005. DWF. Added TRASH container and ADDTOTRASH method. 27 July 2005. DWF.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::ADDTOTRASH PURPOSE: This procedure adds a specified object to the trash container. The purpose is to have a place to store objects that need to be cleaned up when another object is destroyed. Every object in the Catalyst system has a trash container. SYNTAX: object -> AddToTrash, anotherObject ARGUMENTS: anotherObject: The object, or array of objects, to be added to the trash container. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CATATOM object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None. MODIFICATIONS: I have commented out the code that destroys the control panel, if it exits. While programs work fine with this code in the IDLDE, the code causes errors on program exit in run-time programs. I believe this is because of the order in which objects are destroyed. In any case, control panels always destroy themselves in my experience and commenting this code out here has not resulted in any memory leakage in any of the programs I have tested. DWF. 10 Sept 2003.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatAtom::CONTROLPANEL PURPOSE: This method creates a control panel for the object. A control panel is a graphical user interface for setting object properties. SYNTAX: theObject -> ControlPanel, baseObject ARGUMENTS: baseObject: The object reference of a base widget for this control to be added to. If not supplied, the control panel will be in a self contained window (i.e., a TOPLEVELBASE object). KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the CatControlPanel::INIT method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::COPY PURPOSE: This procedure takes an object and returns a copy of it. Note that this is a "deep" copy in so far as all the data referred to by the object is copied. Also note that this is an inherently SLOW process!! This routine uses a temporary file during execution, so ensure that some disk space is available. The temporary file is stored in the current directory unless the TEMPDIR keyword is set or the default variable TEMPDIR has been defined with CatSetDefault. SYNTAX: copy = obj -> Copy, object, TempDir=tempdir ARGUMENTS: OBJECT: The object to be copied. If not supplied, self is copied. KEYWORDS: TEMPDIR: The directory to be used for the temporary file.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::DOCUMENT PURPOSE: This method creates an HTML file (usually files, since superclass objects are also documented) for the object. If running on Windows, a Internet Explorer is spawned to read the documentation files. SYNTAX: self -> Document ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: DIRECTORY: The name of directory where the HTML files should be saved. By default, the method will try to use the default variable DOCDIR, which can be set with CatSetDefault. Otherwise, the user is asked to specify a currently-existing directory. If none is specified, the current directory is used.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::DRAW PURPOSE: This method propogates a DRAW method invocation to the children of this object. We expect the method to be called automatically by all subclasses of the CatAtom class. On those occasions when you do NOT want the DRAW method of children invoked, set the NO_CHILDREN keyword and the DRAW method returns immediately. If an invalid child object is discovered, it is removed from the parent container. SYNTAX: self -> Draw ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: REQUESTER: This optional keyword is set to the object that requests a DRAW of the object. This is helpful sometimes when messages are received by other objects. NO_CHILDREN: If this keyword is set, the DRAW method is not propogated to the object children, but the DRAW method returns immediately.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::ERROR PURPOSE: This method implements an error report into a log file or to standard output. The method should normally only be called from within a CATCH error handler. It relies on !ERROR_STATE having current information about the error. SYNTAX: self -> Error ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::EVENTHANDLER PURPOSE: A dummy event handler method to catch widget events. If events come here, they are dispatched, if possible, to the first parent of this object. If there are no parents, an error message is delivered. SYNTAX: Called from the CATEVENTDISPATCHER utility routine. ARGUMENTS: Event: The event structure from a widget event. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method is used to get the object's properties. SYNTAX: self -> GetProperty, Name=objectName ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: A flag indicating whether this objects lifecycle is controlled my the memory management system. CONTROLPANEL: The object reference of the control panel. If none exists, a null object is returned. ERRORLEVEL: The error reporting level for this object. EVENT_METHOD: The name of the current event method for this object. EVENT_OBJECTS: This keyword returns the widget object or objects that will handle events for this particular object. EXCLUSIVE_EVENT_OBJECT: The exclusive event object, if available. NAME: The name given to this object. PARENTS: An array of the parents of this object. REPORTLEVEL: The informational reporting level for this object. TOP: A reference to the object at the top of the object hierarchy to which this object belongs. NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the UVALUE without copying. UVALUE: A user value pointer. Can be used to store any IDL variable type.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::GETSTATE PURPOSE: This method is used to get the object's properties as a structure. It is primarily intended to be used with the corresponding SETSTATE method. SYNTAX: state = self -> GetState () ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: SCALARS: Set this keyword to include scalar properties. If no type keywords are specified, this will be set. (Input) ARRAYS: Set this keyword to include array properties. If no type keywords are specified, this will be set. (Input) POINTERS: Set this keyword to include pointer properties. If no type keywords are specified, this will NOT be set. (Input) OBJECTS: Set this keyword to include object reference properties. If no type keywords are specified, this will NOT be set. (Input) ALL: Set this keyword to include the all the above types. (Input) INHERITED: Set this keyword to include properties inherited from the superclass. (Input)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::HELP PURPOSE: This method allows you to look at the current value of the object class structure. It is similar to doing a Help, object, /Structure call at the IDL command line. It depends upon having defined an output parameter for the CLASSNAME__DEFINE procedure of any object that uses the method. All Catalyst objects use this convention: PRO CLASSNAME__DEFINE, class class = {....} END SYNTAX: anObject = self -> Help ARGUMENTS: theField: The name of a particular field you would like HELP on. KEYWORDS: FIELDS: Set this keyword to see a list of the structure field names.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CATATOM object class creator method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: ERRORLEVEL: The error level for this object. The default value is 2. Values can be: 0: Silently ignore the error. No visual output to the user. 1: Notify the user of the error by writing traceback information in the command log or journal file. No graphical user interface notification. 2: Default. Notify the user with a graphical dialog and also write traceback information in the command log or journal file. EVENT_METHOD: Set this keyword to the name of the event method that should be called when an event is generated for this widget. If undefined, the event method is "EventHandler". EVENT_OBJECT: This is an object reference to an object that will receive the event from a specific widget event. It is the equivalent (in widget terms) of specifying an EVENT_PRO or EVENT_FUNC keyword. In other words, it is a way of deflected an event from the EVENTHANDLER method of the object that generated the event to the EVENTHANDLER method of the object specified with this keyword. EXCLUSIVE_EVENT_OBJECT: If this keyword is set to a vaid object, events are passed directly and only to this object, ignoring the other event objects. To disable this, set this keyword to be a NULL object or zero. This keyword is designed for situations where an object wishes to hog the events for a limited period. NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the UVALUE without copying. PARENT: A parent container object. Must be subclassed from IDL_CONTAINER. The object will be added to its parent container. (Input) REPORTLEVEL: This sets the report level for the object. Reports are sent with the REPORT method with a ReportLevel value. If the ReportLevel value is less than the REPORTLEVEL value set here, then the report is suppressed. The default REPORTLEVEL value is 2, allowing normal and debug messages to be recorded while suppressing more verbose reporting. Report levels correspond to these values: 0: An "alert" message is sent. 1: An "informational" message is sent. 2: A "debug informational" message is sent. 3: A "normal" message is sent. (This is the default for the REPORT method.) Reports are sent to a log file (if the Catalyst Library global variable LOGFILENAME is defined) or or the command log window. UVALUE: A user-value pointer. Can be used to store any IDL variable type. _EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the IDL_CONTAINER::INIT method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::MESSAGEHANDLER PURPOSE: This method receives notification of a SENDMESSAGE call from another object's method. This method should be overridden in any object that expects to receive messages from objects. Be sure your MessageHandler methods define the arguments and keywords shown here. If the message gets here, we issue an error message. SYNTAX: thisObject -> MessageHandler, title, SENDER=sender, DATA=data ARGUMENTS: TITLE: The title of the message. KEYWORDS: DATA: A keyword that contains any information the sender wishes to pass with the message. It can be empty. SENDER: The object that generated the message
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::PRINT PURPOSE: This method prints a simple display showing the hierarchy rooted at this object. SYNTAX: self -> Print ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: Level: The depth in the hierarchy of this object. Note that this is normally set internally as the program recurses through the hierarchy.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::REGISTERFORMESSAGE PURPOSE: This method enables an object to request messages of a specific title. These messages, when generated, will be passed to the MessageHandler method of the recipient object. This method can also be used to unregister for a message by setting the UNREGISTER keyword. SYNTAX: thisObject -> Register_For_Message, recipient, title ARGUMENTS: RECIPIENT: The object that requires notification. TITLE: The title of messages to pass. KEYWORDS: UNREGISTER: Set this keyword to unregister an object that has previously registered itself for messages. The RECIPIENT and TITLE must be the same as when the RECIPIENT registered the message.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::REPORT PURPOSE: This method is used to send program reports either to a log file or to standard output. If the self._reportLevel variable is less than or equal to that requested, the message is output. This allows great flexibility in the kinds of reports that get reported, and in particular it allows the user to turn reporting to a higher level for a specific object than for other objects. This is extremely useful in debugging object programs. Reports are sent to a log file if the LogFileName system default is not a NULL string. An "alert" message throws up a DIALOG_MESSAGE widget that the user must repond to. SYNTAX: self -> Report, theMessage, reportLevel ARGUMENTS: theMessage: The message text. reportLevel: The type of report. 0: alert, 1: informational, 2: verbose report. All reports depend upon a comparison between the ReportLevel, the self._reportLevel and the input reportLevel values. The largest of these three values is used to set the report level. KEYWORDS: COMPLETED: A "completed" standard verbose message. FAILED: A "failed" standard verbose message. STARTED: A "started" standard verbose message.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::SELECT PURPOSE: This method is a dummy method for a "selection" process. An object who wishes to be "selected" must override this method. A "selected" object will return its own object reference. SYNTAX: thisObject -> Select, x, y ARGUMENTS: X: A dummy parameter. Perhaps the X location in a draw widget. Y: A dummy parameter. Perhaps the Y location in a draw widget. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: Set to 1 if a selection is made. To 0 otherwise. _EXTRA: Any extra keywords.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::SENDMESSAGE PURPOSE: This method dispatches messages to objects that have registered to receive them (using the RegisterForMessage method). SYNTAX: thisObject -> SendMessage, title, DATA=data ARGUMENTS: TITLE: The title of the message. The message will be sent to objects that have registered to receive messages with this title. KEYWORDS: DATA: A keyword for passing relevant data along with the message.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method is used to set the object's properties. SYNTAX: self -> SetProperty, NAME=theName ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: Set this keyword to use memory management to destroy the object. (Input) CONTROLPANEL: A control panel object. Must be subclassed from CATCONTROLPANEL. (Input) DRAW: Set this keyword to call the draw method after setting properties (Input). ERRORLEVEL: Set this keyword to modify the behaviour when an error occurs (Input). EVENT_METHOD: Set this keyword to the name of the object method that will handle the events for this object. It is roughly equivalent to setting EVENT_PRO in a widget program. EVENT_OBJECTS: This is an object reference to an object that will receive the event from a specific widget event. It is the equivalent (in object terms) of specifying an EVENT_PRO or EVENT_FUNC keyword. In other words, it is a way of deflected an event from the EVENTHANDLER method of the object widget that generated the event to the EVENTHANDLER method of the object specified with this keyword. It may be an array of objects. Any objects currently defined as event objects will be replaced. EXCLUSIVE_EVENT_OBJECT: If this keyword is set to a vaid object, events are passed directly and only to this object, ignoring the other event objects. To disable this set this keyword to be a NULL object or zero. This keyword is designed for situations where an object wishes to hog the events for a limited period. GROUP_LEADER: The group leader widget ID. Must be used for floating and modal base widgets. NAME: The "name" of the object. Used to keep track of the object in the code. (Input) NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the UVALUE without copying. REPORTLEVEL: Set this keyword to modify the behaviour when an message is invoked (Input). UVALUE: A user-value pointer. Can be used to store any IDL variable type.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::SETSTATE PURPOSE: This method is used to set the object's properties using a structure. It is primarily intended to be used with the corresponding GETSTATE method. SYNTAX: self -> SetState (state) ARGUMENTS: STATE: A structure whose tag names match some/all of the object properties. Normally this structure would be from a GETSTATE method invocation for this object or another of the same class. KEYWORDS: IGNORE_CLASS: The state structure returned by the GETSTATE method has a name identifying it as the state structure for a partucular class. If an attempt is made to apply it to another class, the call fails. To override this behaviour, set the UNMATCHED keyword. (Input)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATATOM::WHOMESSAGERECIPIENTS PURPOSE: This method prints out the name of all current message recipients and which messages they are regestered for. This is a debugging method. SYNTAX: thisObject -> WhoMessageRecipients ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer PURPOSE: This is the most basic object in the Catalyst Library. It is actually a simple wrapper around the IDL_CONTAINER object, adding get-by-name, reference counting, and memory management. Reference counting is what assures that objects in the Catalyst system are not destroyed until every other object in the system is done using them. For the most part, users can completely ignore this feature of the program and their programs will clean themselves up miraculously. To avoid memory leaks, all you have to do is make sure you destroy all pointers and objects you use to hold information in your program in your CLEANUP method. (And be *absolutely* sure you call the superclass CLEANUP method.) But any objectyou add to another object is destroyed automatically. This feature alone is worth the astronomical cost of the Catalyst Library! AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: catContainerObject = Obj_New('CatContainer') CLASS_STRUCTURE: struct = { CatContainer, $ ; The CatContainer object class name. _autoDestroy : 0B, $ ; A flag denoting whether the object self destructs when reference count reaches 0. _name : "", $ ; The "name" of the object. _parents : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; A list (container) of parent objects. _memoryManagement : 0B, $ ; A flag to show if objects contained within this object know about this object. _indexed : 0B, $ ; A flag to specify whether the list is specifically indexed. INHERITS IDL_CONTAINER $ } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 12th March 2003 Added OCHILD and OSYBLING keywords to the GetProperty method. 24 June 2005. DWF.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::ADD PURPOSE: This method overrides the IDL_CONTAINER Add method to allow the user to add an child object to this container. If the child is a CatContainer (or subclass of), it is notified of the additional parent. SYNTAX: container -> Add, object ARGUMENTS: object: The object to add to the container. (Required) KEYWORDS: POSITION: The position index where the object should be added to the container.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::ADDPARENT PURPOSE: This method is used to notify this object that it has been added to a new parent object. This is used internally in the object and should not be called from the outside. SYNTAX: container -> AddParent, object ARGUMENTS: object: The parent object to which this one has been added. (Required) KEYWORDS: NONE.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CatContainer object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::FindByName PURPOSE: This method is returns the positions (indices) of named objects in the container. SYNTAX: locns = container -> FindByName( searchName ) ARGUMENTS: searchName: The name of the object you are looking for in this container (Required) KEYWORDS: CASE_SENSITIVE: Set this keyword to 1 to indicate a case-sensitive search. By default, the search is case-insensitive. COUNT: Set this keyword to a named variable that upon exit will contain the number of objects returned that meet the searchName description. (Output) REGEXP: Set this keyword to 1 to indicate the searchName is a regular expression. _EXTRA: Any keywords supported by STREGEX can also be used. Requires REGEXP to be set.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::GET PURPOSE: This method overrides the IDL_CONTAINER GET method to allow the user to return an object or objects by "name". SYNTAX: object = self -> Get(searchName) RETURN_VALUE: object: The found object or an array of objects (if more than one meet the search criteria). A null object is retuned if there are no matches. ARGUMENTS: searchName: The name of the object to find in the containment hierarchy. If absent, the superclass IDL_CONTAINER::GET method is called and the first object in the container (if there is one) is returned. Otherwise, a null object is returned. You may use a regular expression for the searchName, if the REGEXP keyword is set. For example, to find all objects with the names beginning with capital C through G, the searchName would be "[C-G.]".) KEYWORDS: ALL: Set this keyword to return an array of object references to all of the objects in the container. CASE_SENSITIVE: Set this keyword to do a case-sensitive search for the objects. Searches are case-insensitive by default. COUNT: The number of objects found. Check this output keyword instead of the return value to indicate success. (Output) ISA: Set this keyword equal to a class name or vector of class names. This keyword is used in conjunction with the ALL keyword. The ISA keyword filters the array returned by the ALL keyword, returning only the objects that inherit from the class or classes specified by the ISA keyword. This keyword is ignored if the ALL keyword is not provided. POSITION: Set this keyword equal to a scalar or array containing the zero-based indices of the positions of the objects to return. RECURSIVE_SEARCH: If this keyword is set, the seach is conducted on all objects in the object hierarchy below the entry point. In other words, the search is done not only on child objects, but grandchild objects, great-grandchild objects. etc. REGEXP: Set this keyword to indicate the searchName is a regular expression. _EXTRA: Any keywords supported by STREGEX can also be used. Requires REGEXP to be set.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::GETNAME PURPOSE: This method is used to return the object's name. SYNTAX: name = self -> GetName() ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method is used to get the object's properties. SYNTAX: self -> GetProperty, Name=objectName ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: A flag specifying whether this object self destructs when its parent reference count reduces to zero. (Output) OCHILD: Returns the first child in the object container. If there are no children, a null object is returned. Used to traverse the object hierarchy. FIRST_PARENT: This keyword will return the first parent in the _parents container. If there are no parents, it will return a null object. INDEXED: A flag specifying whether the list is indexed. MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: A flag specifying whether the children of this object know about this parent (and therefore whether their existance depends on this object) (Output) NAME: The "name" of the object. Used to keep track of the object in the code. (Output) PARENTS: An array of parent objects. OSYBLING: Returns the first sybling in the object container. If there are no children, a null object is returned. Used to traverse the object hierarchy.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTAINER::GETPROPERTY (function) PURPOSE: This function method is a wrapper around the GetProperty procedure method. It is primarily intended for convenience in getting a single property. Note that it takes about twice as long to execute as its procedure counterpart. SYNTAX: result = self -> GetProperty (/KEYWORD) ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: KEYWORD: By setting any keyword appropriate for the GetProperty method of this object, that property is returned by the function. If more than one property is set, the function will fail.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CatContainer object class creator method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: PARENT: A parent container object. Must be subclassed from IDL_CONTAINER. The object will be added to its parent container. (Input) KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: The CATCONTAINER object keeps track of the number of parents it has (reference counting). When the reference count changes from 1 to 0, the object is automatically destroyed. Setting AUTO_DESTROY to 0 will prevent this automatic destruction. By default, this keyword is set to 1. Note that if you set AUTO_DESTROY=0 you will be responsible for destroying the object when you are finished with it. (In reference counting, when an object's reference count goes to 0, the object is automatically destroyed. Setting this keyword prevents the automatic destruction that would occur otherwise.) INDEXED: If set, the objects that are added to the container will always have the same index value they are assigned when they are added to the container. If objects are later removed from the container, a null object is added in that indexed space, thus assuring that all objects keep their assigned index number. MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Setting this keyword to 0 disables automatic memory management for this container. This means that objects added to the container will not realize they are children of this container. The default is to set this keyword to 1. (This is "reference counting".) NAME: The "name" of the object. Used to keep track of the object in the code. You can "GET" an object by its name, for example. Any string is acceptible. (Input) POSITION: This object's position in the parent container. See the IDL_CONTAINER documentation. (Input)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::PRINT PURPOSE: This method is used to print a list of the objects contents. SYNTAX: container -> Print ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: LABEL: Any text passed through 'Label' will be prepended onto the printed lines. RECURSIVE: If set, this keyword prints the contents of any child objects who are also containers. (input)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::REMOVE PURPOSE: This method overrides the IDL_CONTAINER REMOVE method to allow the user to remove by name an object with reference counting. SYNTAX: self -> Remove, object ARGUMENTS: object: Either the object reference or name (searchName) of the object to remove. KEYWORDS: ALL: Set this keyword to remove all objects from the container. If both the object parameter and this keyword is set, all objects of the specified type/name will be removed. POSITION: Set this keyword equal to the zero-based index of the object to be removed. If the SearchName argument is supplied, this keyword is ignored. REGEXP: Set this keyword to indicate the searchName is a regular expression. _EXTRA: Any keywords supported by STREGEX can also be used. Requires REGEXP to be set.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::REMOVEPARENT PURPOSE: This method removes a parent reference from an object list. It is used internally in the container object and should not be called from outside. If the last parent is removed and the AutoDestroy property is TRUE, the object will self destruct (as it is no longer required). SYNTAX: container -> RemoveParent, thisParent ARGUMENTS: thisParent: The object reference of the parent to be removed. KEYWORDS: NODESTROY: If this keyword is set, the AUTO_DESTROY keyword is set to 0 on the object before its parent is removed, and set back to its input value on exit. The point of setting the NODESTROY keyword is to be able to remove object parents prior to SAVING the object. (If this is not done, the entire object hierarchy will be SAVED with the SAVE file.)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatContainer::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method is used to set the object's properties. SYNTAX: self -> SetProperty, NAME=theName ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: The CATCONTAINER object keeps track of the number of parents it has (reference counting). When the reference count changes from 1 to 0, the object is automatically destroyed. Setting AUTO_DESTROY to 0 will prevent this automatic destruction. By default, this keyword is set to 1. Note that if you set AUTO_DESTROY=0 you will be responsible for destroying the object when you are finished with it. NAME: The "name" of the object. Used to keep track of the object in the code. (Input)
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTAINER::SHOWCONTENTS PURPOSE: This method is used to graphically represent the contents of an object. It does a recursive search through the object containers. SYNTAX: self -> ShowContents ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the PROPERTYPANEL object.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to implement a control panel as an object. It automatically deals with whether the CP is embedded or standalone and adds OK, APPLY and CANCEL buttons if required. Control panels are most often represented by propertysheet widgets, but don't have to be. Our original notion was that every object in the Catalyst system could have its own control panel to allow the user to manipulate the properties of that object. See the ControlPanel method of the IMGAXES object as an example of how to create control panels for objects. Objects can (and should) customise the control panel by adding other widget objects. Note that the events for these will be passed to the caller object event handler. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: CATEGORY: Object widgets. SYNTAX: aCatControlPanel = Obj_New("CatControlPanel", callerObject) SUPERCLASSES: WIDGETATOM CATATOM IDL_CONTAINER CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CatControlPanel, $ _caller : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; The object that calls the Control Panel. _tlb : OBJ_NEW (), $ ; The pseudo-TLB of the Control Panel widgets. _event_destination: OBJ_NEW(), $ ; The object that will receive events. INHERITS BaseWidget $ } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 19th August 2002.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This method cleans up a control panel. SYNTAX: Called automatically on destruction, thus: OBJ_DESTROY, aCatControlPanel ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords valid for the "BASEWIDGET::CLEANUP" method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::CREATED_OWN_TLB PURPOSE: This method returns a 1 if the control panel object created it's own TLB, and a 0 otherwise. SYNTAX: IF aCatControlPanel -> CREATED_OWN_TLB(tlb) THEN tlb -> Draw ELSE cp -> Show ARGUMENTS: tlb : The object reference stored in the self._tlb field of the object. (Output) KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::DRAW PURPOSE: This method draws the control panel. SYNTAX: aCatControlPanel -> Draw ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords accepted by the "BASEWIDGET::DRAW" method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::EVENTHANDLER PURPOSE: This method serves as an event handler for the "OK", "APPLY" and "CANCEL" buttons (if they exist for this control panel). When an event is received, and new CATCONTROL_PANEL event structure is created with the name of the button as the VALUE field. This event structure is then sent to the real object handling the events for this control panel. SYNTAX: Called automatically by the event dispatcher. ARGUMENTS: event: A structure describing the event. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::INIT PURPOSE: This method creates a default control panel. SYNTAX: Called automatically by initialisation, thus: aCatControlPanel = OBJ_NEW ('CatControlPanel', caller) ARGUMENTS: CALLER: The object reference of the object the control panel controls. KEYWORDS: BASEWIDGET: A parent object for the control panel. If this is a base widget object the control panel will be mounted upon it. Otherwise, the control panel will be in its own window (see the TITLE and TLB_FRAME_ATTR keywords below). EVENT_OBJECT: The object that should receive the events generated by this control panel. If not provided, this will be the same as the CALLER. NAME: The name of the control panel. By default, it is set to the name of the caller object with " Control Panel" appended to it. NO_APPLY: Set this keyword to specify no "Apply" button on the interface. This keyword only applies if the CatControlPanel creates its own top-level base. NO_CANCEL: Set this keyword to specify no "Cancel" button on the interface. This keyword only applies if the CatControlPanel creates its own top-level base. NO_OK: Set this keyword to specify no "OK" button on the interface. This keyword only applies if the CatControlPanel creates its own top-level base. PARENT: A parent object for the control panel. If this is a base widget object the control panel will be mounted upon it. Otherwise, the control panel will be in its own window (see the TITLE and TLB_FRAME_ATTR keywords below). TITLE: The title attributes of the top-level base of the Control Panel. Only used if baseObj is not provided. TLB_FRAME_ATTR: The frame attributes of the top-level base of the Control Panel. Only used if BASEWIDGET keyword is not provided. _EXTRA: Any keywords valid for the "BASEWIDGET::INIT" method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::REFRESH_PROPERTIES PURPOSE: This method searches in the ControlPanel base widget for a child that is a PropertySheet widget. If it finds one, it sets the REFRESH_PROPERTY keyword to 1 so that all the properties in the control panel are updated at once. SYNTAX: aCatControlPanel -> Refresh_Properties ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: PROPERTIES: The string or string array listing the properties that should be refreshed. If not provided, all properties are refreshed.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATCONTROLPANEL::SHOW PURPOSE: This method shows the control panel on the screen. If the control panel already exists, it gets popped to the front. SYNTAX: aCatControlPanel -> Show ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to implement an image processing command as a tool object, giving the command the ability to be undone. Any image processing command can be used. The command will call the GETDATA method on the target image object to obtain the data to processes. Any number of keywords are supported in the object. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: CATEGORY: Objects. SYNTAX: aTool = Obj_New("CATIPTOOL", command, targetImageObject, Keyword=keyword) SUPERCLASSES: CATTOOL CATATOM CATCONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CATIPTOOL, $ ; The CATIPTOOL object class. INHERITS CATTOOL, $ ; Inherits the CATTOOL object class. _command: "", $ ; The IDL image processing command. _p1: Ptr_New(), $ ; The first additional parameter of the command. _p2: Ptr_New(), $ ; The second additional parameter of the command. _p3: Ptr_New(), $ ; The third additional parameter of the command. _nparams: 0L, $ ; The number of additional parameters. _keywords: Ptr_New() $ ; A structure of keywords used with the command. } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, July 14, 2003.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::APPLY PURPOSE: This method applies or executes the image processing command. ; SYNTAX: thisObject -> Apply ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: DRAW: Set this keyword if you wish to call the draw method of the target object after the command has been applied.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CATIPTOOL object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the "TOOLATOM::Cleanup" method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method enables the getting of the CATIPTOOL object class properties. SYNTAX: aGraphicsCmd -> GetProperty ... ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass SetProperty methods.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CATIPTOOL object class initialization method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: command: This is the name of the image processing "command" that is to be executed. It should be a string. The image processing command should also be a function. For example, "SOBEL" or "SMOOTH". targetObject: The image object that will provide the image data to be processed by this image processing command object. p1: This is the first additional parameter of the image processing command. The *first* parameter of the image processing command is always the image data obtained from the targetObject with the GETDATA method. For example, in this case P1 will be equal to 7: smoothObj = Obj_New('CATIPTOOL', 'Smooth', targetObject, 7) And the command that will be executed is this: targetObject -> SetData, Smooth(targetObject->GetData(), 7) p2: This is the second additional parameter of the image processing command. p3: This is the third additional parameter of the image processing command. KEYWORDS: AUTO_DESTROY: This object keeps track of the number of parents it has (reference counting). When this value changes from 1 to 0, the object will be destroyed unless Auto_Destroy has been set to zero. (Input) EVENT_OBJECT: This is an object reference to an object that will receive the event from a specific widget event. It is the equivalent (in object terms) of specifying an EVENT_PRO or EVENT_FUNC keyword. In other words, it is a way of deflected an event from the EVENTHANDLER method of the object widget that generated the event to the EVENTHANDLER method of the object specified with this keyword. EXCLUSIVE_EVENT_OBJECT: If this keyword is set to a vaid object, events are passed directly and only to this object, ignoring the other event objects. To disable this set this keyword to be a NULL object or zero. This keyword is designed for situations where an object wishes to hog the events for a limited period. INDEXED: If set, the contents of this container will remain at the same index(ie: indices will not automatically be re-used. MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Setting this keyword to zero disables automatic memory management for this container. This means that child objects will not realize that they are children of this container. NAME: The "name" of the object. Used to keep track of the object in the code. You can "GET" an object by its name, for example. Any string is acceptible. (Input) NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the UVALUE without copying. NOCACHE: Set this keyword to indicate that the input data should not be cached or stored in the storage location. ORIGINAL: If set to 1, act on original image data instead of image display data. PARENT: A parent container object. Must be subclassed from IDL_CONTAINER. The object will be added to its parent container. (Input) POSITION: This object's position in the parent container. See the IDL_CONTAINER documentation. (Input) REPORTLEVEL: The reporting level for the atom. This is honored only if the reporting level for the atom is higher than the reporting level in the !Smart system variable. It is used primarily for debugging purposes. Values between 0 and 2. (Input) TARGETOBJECT: The image object that is the target of this command. Note that a target object is REQUIRED for the command to work correctly, although you do not have to set the target in the INIT method. You can set it via the LOADCOMMAND and SETPROPERTY methods, too. There must be a valid target at the time the APPLY method is called, or an error is generated. The targetObject must be a valid CATIMAGE2D object. UVALUE: A user-value pointer. Can be used to store any IDL variable type. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the image processing command.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::LoadCommand PURPOSE: This method allows the user to load a command into the object. SYNTAX: aGraphicsCmd -> LoadCommand, 'command', targetObject, p1, p2, p3 ARGUMENTS: command: This is the name of the image processing "command" that is to be executed. It should be a string. The image processing command should also be a function. For example, "SOBEL" or "SMOOTH". targetObject: The image object that will provide the image data to be processed by this image processing command object. p1: This is the first additional parameter of the image processing command. The *first* parameter of the image processing command is always the image data obtained from the targetObject with the GETDATA method. For example, in this case P1 will be equal to 7: smoothObj = Obj_New('CATIPTOOL', 'Smooth', TARGETOBJECT=targetObject, 7) And the command that will be executed is this: targetObject -> SetData, Smooth(targetObject->GetData(), 7) p2: This is the second additional parameter of the image processing command. p3: This is the third additional parameter of the image processing command. KEYWORDS: DRAW: Set this keyword to immediately call the Draw method when the command is executed. TARGETOBJECT: The image object that is the target of this command. Note that a target object is REQUIRED for the command to work correctly, although you do not have to set the target in the INIT method. You can set it via the LOADCOMMAND and SETPROPERTY methods, too. There must be a valid target at the time the APPLY method is called, or an error is generated. The targetObject must be a valid CATIMAGE2D object. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for command may be used.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::REDO PURPOSE: This method attempts to redo the previous command operation. ; SYNTAX: thisObject -> REDO ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: DRAW: Set this keyword if you wish to call the DRAW method on the target object after the REDO operation.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method enables the setting of the CATIPTOOL object class properties. SYNTAX: aGraphicsCmd -> SetProperty ... ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: TARGETOBJECT: The image object that is the target of this command. Note that a target object is REQUIRED for the command to work correctly, although you do not have to set the target in the this method. You can set it via the LOADCOMMAND and INIT methods, too. There must be a valid target at the time the APPLY method is called, or an error is generated. The targetObject must be a valid CATIMAGE2D object. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass SetProperty methods.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATIPTOOL::UNDO PURPOSE: This method attempts to undo the previous command operation by restoring the cached image data. ; SYNTAX: thisObject -> UNDO ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: DRAW: Set this keyword if you wish to call the DRAW method on the target object after the UNDO operation.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::APPLYCOLORS PURPOSE: This method sets up the colors for the layer object if they exist. For this reason, sub-classes *MUST* call this method at the *START* of their draw methods. SYNTAX: self -> ApplyColors ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::APPLYCOORDS PURPOSE: This method sets up the coordinates for the data object if they exist. For this reason, sub-classes *MUST* call this method at the *START* of their draw methods. SYNTAX: self -> ApplyCoords ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CATLAYER object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::CONTROLPANEL PURPOSE: This method creates a control panel for the CATLAYER object. A control panel is a graphical user interface for setting object properties. If you create a control panel, the events are typically sent to the EVENTHANDLER method. SYNTAX: theObject -> ControlPanel, baseObject ARGUMENTS: baseObject: The object reference of a base widget for this control to be added to. If not supplied, the control panel will be in a self contained window (i.e., a TOPLEVELBASE object). KEYWORDS: _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the CatControlPanel::INIT method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::DRAW PURPOSE: This method may or may not be needed by your object, depending upon whether a graphical representation of the object is required. If you wish the DRAW method to automatically propogates down to any objects contained in this object's container, call the superclass DRAW method. SYNTAX: theObject -> Draw ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::EVENT_HANDLER PURPOSE: This method is the event handler for the CATLAYER object. It will typically be used to respond to events from widget objects created in the CONTROLPANEL method. SYNTAX: This method is called automatically by the event handling mechanism. ARGUMENTS: event: The event structure as described in the IDL help files, except that the ID, TOP and HANDLER tags will be object references. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method allows the user to obtain CATLAYER properties. Be sure you ALWAYS call the superclass GETPROPERTY method if you have extra keywords! SYNTAX: theObject -> GetProperty ... ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: COLOR_OBJECT: Use this keyword to get the contained COLORTOOL object. COORD_OBJECT: Use this keyword to get the contained CATCOORD object. SELECTABLE: Set to 1 if the layer is selectable, otherwise to 0. VISIBLE: Set to 1 if the layer is visible, otherwise to 0. _REF_EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass GetProperty method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CATLAYER object class initialization method SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: parent: The parent object reference. KEYWORDS: COLOR_OBJECT: Use this keyword to load a color object for setting up colors for data display. COORD_OBJECT: Use this keyword to load a coordinate object for setting up the data coordinate system for data display. SELECTABLE: Set this keyword to 0 to turn layer selectability OFF and to 1 to turn selectability ON. Selectability is set to 1 by default. VISIBLE: Set this keyword to 0 to turn layer visibilty OFF and to 1 to turn visibility ON. Visibility is set to 1 by default. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass INIT method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::SELECT PURPOSE: This method passes on a selection event to its SELECTABLEOBJECT children, and returns all possible selected objects. SYNTAX: selectedObject = theObject -> Select, x, y ARGUMENTS: X: The X location of a point in device or window coordinates. Y: The Y location of a point in device or window coordinates. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: Set to 1 if a selection is made. To 0 otherwise.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method allows the user to set the CATLAYER object's properties. Be sure you ALWAYS call the superclass SETPROPERTY method if you have extra keywords! SYNTAX: theObject -> SetProperty ... ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: SELECTABLE: Set this keyword to 0 to turn layer selectability OFF and to 1 to turn selectability ON. Selectability is set to 1 by default. VISIBLE: Set this keyword to 0 to turn layer visibilty OFF and to 1 to turn visibility ON. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass SetProperty method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLAYER__DEFINE PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to implement a container object that can be used for layering or overlaying graphic elements in a draw widget, on an image, etc. Essentially, it is a means of grouping graphic elements (e.g., annotations) in a way that make them easy to draw and easy to turn on/off. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: CATEGORY: Objects. SYNTAX: theObject = Obj_New("CATLAYER") SUPERCLASSES: CATATOM CATCONTAINER IDLITCOMPONENT IDL_CONTAINER CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CATLAYER, $ _coords : OBJ_NEW(), $ ; A CATCOORD object of some type. _colors : OBJ_NEW(), $ ; A COLORTOOL object for setting up color tables. _visible : 0L, $ ; A flag that indicates the layer is visible (1), or not (0). _selectable: 0L, $ ; A flag that indicates if the layer will allow selection on contained objects. INHERITS CATATOM $ } MESSAGES: None. MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 18 January 2005.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList PURPOSE: This is object is part of the Catalyst Library. It presents a mechanism for dynamically creating and retrieving lists of information of any data type. It is like a hash in the perl programming language. CATLISTVALUE objects are stored in the CATLIST. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CAT_CONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: CatListObject = Obj_New('CatList') CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CatList $ ; The CatContainer object class name. INHERITS CatContainer $ ; Sub-class of CatContainer } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 12th March 2003
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList::ADD PURPOSE: This method overrides the default ADD method to provide two possiblities: either child objects of class CatListValue can be added, or a name and value can be specified which causes the CatListValue to be created. SYNTAX: defaultsObj -> Add, name, Value=value, Success=success ARGUMENTS: NAME: If this is a text string, a CatListValue object of this name is created to add. If this is a CatListValue object it is added directly to this container. KEYWORDS: VALUE: The value to enter into the list if NAME is a string. Can be of any IDL type. If NAME is specified without VALUE, VALUE will be a NULL string. SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList::ADDVALUE PURPOSE: This method adds child objects of class CatListValue or a name and value can be specified which causes the CatListValue to be created and added to the list. SYNTAX: defaultsObj -> AddValue, name, Value=value, Success=success ARGUMENTS: NAME: If this is a text string, a CatListValue object of this name is created to add. If this is a CatListValue object it is added directly to this container. KEYWORDS: VALUE: The value to enter into the list if NAME is a string. Can be of any IDL type. If NAME is specified without VALUE, VALUE will be a NULL string. SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CatList object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList::GetValue PURPOSE: This function method gets a named value from the container. Note that only one value can be returned at a time. To implement multiple Gets, Use the normal GET method and extract the values sequentially. SYNTAX: Value = ListObject -> GetValue (name) ARGUMENTS: NAME: The name of the value to retrieve from the container. (Required) KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatList::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CatList object class creator method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE PURPOSE: This object is part of the Catalyst Library. It is a simple object used to store a named value of any data type in a CatList object. It is similar to a hash in the perl programming language. This object is designed solely to be used by the CATLIST container object and should not be called individually. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CATCONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: catListValueObject = Obj_New('CatListValue', parent, name, Value=value) ARGUMENTS: parent: The parent object - must be a CatList object (required) name: The name of the value in the list (optional) KEYWORDS: VALUE: The variable to be assigned as the value of the object. If no value is supplied, a NULL string is used. CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CatListValue, $ _value : PTR_NEW (), $ INHERITS CatContainer $ } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 12th March 2003.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE STRUCTURE DEFINITION PURPOSE: This procedure defines the CatListValue object structure. SYNTAX: None. See syntax for INIT method ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE::ADD PURPOSE: This method overrides the default ADD method to prevent child objects being added. SYNTAX: None. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This function method cleans up the object upon destruction. SYNTAX: OBJ_DESTROY, defaultValueObj ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE::GETVALUE PURPOSE: This function method retrieves the data value associated with the list entry. SYNTAX: value = valueObj -> GetValue () ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE::INIT PURPOSE: This function method initialises the object. SYNTAX: valueObj = OBJ_NEW ('CatListValue') ARGUMENTS: Parent: The parent object - must be a CatLists object (required) Name: The name of the value in the list (optional) KEYWORDS: Value: The variable to be assigned to the first value (input). If no value is supplied, a NULL string is used.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATLISTVALUE::SETVALUE PURPOSE: This procedure method sets the data value associated with the list entry. SYNTAX: valueObj -> SetValue, listValue ARGUMENTS: ListValue: The variable to be used as the value. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: A flag indicating the success of the routine. If set, the routine will fail quietly.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL PURPOSE: This object implements a tool object class. It contains a storage pointer for the data before the tool is applied. This is so the result of the tool can be undone later. And it contains a target field so it knows what object was the target of the tool. The tool applies an operation to the target object. AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CATATOM CATCONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: toolObject = OBJ_NEW ('CATTOOL') CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { CATTOOL, $ ; The object class name. INHERITS CATATOM, $ ; Inherits CATATOM _theCache: Ptr_New(), $ ; The pre-tool data location. _noCache: 0L $ ; A flag that indicates the input data is not to be cached or stored. _theTarget: Obj_New(), $ ; The tool target. The tool is APPLIED to the data in this object. } MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 3 April 2003.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL::CACHE PURPOSE: This method enables the CATTOOL storage pointer to be loaded with the pre-tool data. SYNTAX: toolObject -> Cache, theData ARGUMENTS: theData: The data to be cached or saved. KEYWORDS: NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the data to the cache pointer without making a copy.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CATTOOL object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed thus: OBJ_DESTROY, toolObject ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method is used to get properties of the CATTOOL object SYNTAX: toolObject -> GETPROPERTY, CACHED_DATA=data ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: CACHED_DATA: The data cached in the storage pointer. NOCACHE: The current setting of the noCache flag. TARGET: A reference to the target object. _REF_EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the superclass GETPROPERTY method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL::INIT PURPOSE: This method is called upon object creation. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created thus: toolObject = OBJ_NEW ('CATTOOL') ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: NOCACHE: Set this keyword to indicate that the input data should not be cached or stored in the storage location. TARGET: Set this keyword to an object reference for the target object. The tool is applied to the data in this target. _EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the INIT method of the superclass object.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CATTOOL::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method enables the setting of the CATTOOL object class properties. SYNTAX: toolObject -> SETPROPERTY, CACHED_DATA=cached_data ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: CACHED_DATA: The data stored in the cache. NOCACHE: Set this keyword to indicate that the input data should not be cached or stored in the storage location. NO_COPY: Set this keyword to transfer the data to the cache without making a copy. TARGET: Set this keyword to an object reference for the target object. The tool is applied to the data in this target. _EXTRA: Any keywords appropriate for the superclass SetProperty method.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList PURPOSE: This is object is part of the Catalyst Library. It presents a mechanism for creating and managing lists of tools (objects that operate on others). AUTHORS: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins Warborough, Oxon CO 80526 USA OX10 7DN, ENGLAND Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0)1865 858279 E-mail: E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CATATOM CATCONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: ToolListObject = Obj_New('CatToolList') CLASS_STRUCTURE: struct = {CatToolList, _current:0L, _limit:0L, INHERITS CatAtom} MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David Burridge, 29th April 2003
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::Add PURPOSE: This method overrides the default ADD method to ensure that objects added to this list are ToolAtom objects. The new object becomes the "current" tool. Note that if the tool is not added to the end of the list (i.e. previous operation was an UNDO), the remaining tools will be removed. Since the validity of the items in the list depends on it being sequential, addition of tools within the list (using the POSITION keyword) causes the list to be truncated. Note that the ADD method of the IDL_CONTAINER object is used. This is to bypass all memory management of CatToolList objects. These just need to be added to simple containers. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> Add, tool ARGUMENTS: TOOL: The tool to be added. This must be subclasses from CATTOOL. KEYWORDS: POSITION: The position that the tool should be added to the list. If this keyword is set, the list will be truncated at the new tool.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the CatToolList object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::Get PURPOSE: This method overrides the default GET method so that a default GET (with no POSITION or ALL keyword) gets the CURRENT tool (rather than the first). SYNTAX: currentTool = toolListObj -> Get () ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: POSITION: The position that the tool should be added to the list. If this keyword is set, the list will be truncated at the new tool. ALL: Set this keyword to get all of the tools from the list.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::GetProperty PURPOSE: This method exists so that properties of the object can be retrieved. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> Add, tool ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: CURRENT_INDEX: The current index into the tool list array. CURRENT_TOOL: The current tool in the tool list array. LIMIT: The current limit for the number of tools in this tool list. _REF_EXTRA: Any extra keywords for superclass GETPROPERTY methods.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::INIT PURPOSE: This is the CatToolList object class creator method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is created. ARGUMENTS: PARENT: The parent object that will contain the tool list. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::Redo PURPOSE: This method includes a previously "undone" tool back into the tool list. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> Redo ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: ALL: Set this keyword to REDO all undone items in the list, starting from the current item.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::Remove PURPOSE: This method overrides the default REMOVE method. The last object in the list becomes the "current" tool. Note that the REMOVE method of the IDL_CONTAINER object is used. This is to bypass all memory management of CatToolList objects. These just need to be removed from simple containers. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> Remove, Position=pos ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: POSITION: The position of the tool to remove from the list.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::SetProperty PURPOSE: This method exists so that properties of the object can be set. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> SetProperty, Limit=10 ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: LIMIT: The current limit for the number of tools in this tool list. _F_EXTRA: Any extra keywords for superclass SETPROPERTY methods.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: CatToolList::Undo PURPOSE: This method UNDOes a tool from tool list. SYNTAX: toolListObj -> Undo ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: ALL: Set this keyword to UNDO all items in the list, starting from the current item.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL PURPOSE: The purpose of the ColorTool object is to allow the user to construct and manage a color table. Standard color tables can be loaded, drawing colors can be specified by name and value, etc. Calling the DRAW method on a Colortool object causes that object's color table to be loaded in IDL's hardware color table. A fundamental principle of the Catalyst Library is that every piece of data should have associated with it a color table by which it can be displayed, and a coordinate system which will establish a data coordinate system for the data. The COLORTOOL performs the former function. It can be set and retrieved from data objects by using the COLOR_OBJECT keyword in SetProperty and GetProperty methods. ColorTool objects are often inherited by objects. For example, if you add a data object to a draw widget, the data object is likely to inherit the ColorTool object of the draw widget. This makes it easy to establish a consistent color scheme for all objects being displayed in a single draw widget. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING BURRIDGE COMPUTING 1645 Sheely Drive 18 The Green South Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Warborough, Oxon, OX10 7DN England Phone: 970-221-0438 Phone: +44 (0) 1865 858 279 E-mail: SUPERCLASSES: CATATOM CATCONTAINER IDL_CONTAINER SYNTAX: colorObject = Obj_New('COLORTOOL') CLASS_STRUCTURE: class = { COLORTOOL, $ ; The COLORTOOL object definition. INHERITS CATATOM, $ ; Inherits the CATATOM object class. _brewer: 0B, $ ; Flag that indicates a brewer color table. _r: BytArr(256), $ ; The red color table vector. _g: BytArr(256), $ ; The green color table vector. _b: BytArr(256), $ ; The blue color table vector. _colornames: Ptr_New(), $ ; The names of "known" colors. _rvalue: Ptr_New(), $ ; The red color values associated with color names. _gvalue: Ptr_New(), $ ; The red color values associated with color names. _bvalue: Ptr_New(), $ ; The red color values associated with color names. _colorfile: "", $ ; The name of the color table file to read. _ncolors: 0L, $ ; The number of colors in standard color table. _bottom: 0L, $ ; The starting index of the standard color table. _scTLB: Obj_New(), $ ; The SHOWCOLORS tlb object. _selTLB: Obj_New(), $ ; The SELECTCOLORS tlb object. _xcTLB: Obj_New(), $ ; The XCOLORS tlb object. _xc_registerName: "", $ ; The name with which the XCOLORS dialog is registered. _ctindex: 0L, $ ; The current color table index. _r_old: BytArr(256), $ ; The old red color table vector. _g_old: BytArr(256), $ ; The old green color table vector. _b_old: BytArr(256) $ ; The old blue color table vector. } MESSAGES: COLORTOOL_TABLECHANGE: A message with this title is sent when color table vectors are changed in the object. In additon to the message, a DATA keyword is used to pass an anonymous structure containing the current R, G, and B color table vectors, along with the BOTTOM index for loading the vectors. COLORTOOL_SETPROPERTY: A message with this title is sent any time the SetProperty method is called. No data is sent. Message recipients can call the GetPropery method on the message SENDER to obtain appropriate information. MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 13 March 2003. Added system color names to GETCOLOR method. DWF. 23 Jan 2004. Modified the way ShowColors method works if a ShowColors window is on the display. Now current colors are always displayed when ShowColors is called. DWF, 26 Jan 2004. Added Stretch method to object. DWF, 26 Jan 2004. Added support for 8-bit displays to GETCOLOR method. DWF. 25 Aug 2004. Added support for BREWER color tables. 25 June 2008. DWF. Added PICKCOLORNAME method. 7 July 2008. DWF. Additional changes to BREWER support. 25 October 2008. DWF.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::AddNamedColor PURPOSE: This method adds a color to the internal list of named colors. SYNTAX: colorObject -> AddNamedColor, color, colorName or colorObject -> AddNamedColor, r, g, b, colorName ARGUMENTS: color: A long integer (or integer array) represeting a 24-bit color. colorname: The name of the color. The color *must* have a name! r: The red component (or array of components) of the color. g: The green component (or array of components) of the color. b: The blue component (or array of components) of the color. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::CLEANUP PURPOSE: This is the COLORTOOL object class destructor method. SYNTAX: Called automatically when the object is destroyed. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::COLOR24to8 PURPOSE: This method converts a 24-bit integer value representing a color to a three-element array representing the equivalent RGB values of the 24-bit integer. In other words, it is the inverse operation to Color8to24. SYNTAX: rgbcolor = colorObject -> Color24to8(color24) ARGUMENTS: color: A 24-bit long integer value representing a 24-bit color. RETURN VALUE: rgbcolor: A three-element array, representing the red, green, and blue components of the 24-bit starting value. Or, if an array is passed in, a 3-by-n array of color values. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::COLOR8to24 PURPOSE: This method converts a color triple to an equivalent 24-bit integer value. SYNTAX: color24 = colorObject -> Color8to24(color) ARGUMENTS: color: A [red, green, blue] color triple that describes a particular color. The triple can be either a row or column vector of 3 elements or it can be an N-by-3 array of color triples. RETURN VALUE: color24: A 24-bit value, representing the red, green, and blue components of the 8-bit starting values. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::CONGRID PURPOSE: This method is a slight variation of IDL's Congrid routine. Specifically, it checks for a divide by zero that can occur occasionally in XCOLORS. SYNTAX: newArray = colorObject -> Congrid(array, x, y, z) ARGUMENTS: array: A 1, 2, or 3 dimensional array to resize. Data Type : Any type except string or structure. x: The new X dimension of the resized array. Data Type : Int or Long (greater than or equal to 2). y: The new Y dimension of the resized array. If the original array has only 1 dimension then y is ignored. If the original array has 2 or 3 dimensions then y MUST be present. z: The new Z dimension of the resized array. If the original array has only 1 or 2 dimensions then z is ignored. If the original array has 3 dimensions then z MUST be present. KEYWORDS: CENTER: If this keyword is set, shift the interpolation so that points in the input and output arrays are assumed to lie at the midpoint of their coordinates rather than at their lower-left corner. CUBIC: If specified and non-zero, "Cubic convolution" interpolation is used. This is a more accurate, but more time-consuming, form of interpolation. CUBIC has no effect when used with 3 dimensional arrays. If this parameter is negative and non-zero, it specifies the value of the cubic interpolation parameter as described in the INTERPOLATE function. Valid ranges are -1 <= Cubic < 0. Positive non-zero values of CUBIC (e.g. specifying /CUBIC) produce the default value of the interpolation parameter which is -1.0. INTERP: If set, causes linear interpolation to be used. Otherwise, the nearest-neighbor method is used. MINUS_ONE: If set, will prevent CONGRID from extrapolating one row or column beyond the bounds of the input array. For example, If the input array has the dimensions (i, j) and the output array has the dimensions (x, y), then by default the array is resampled by a factor of (i/x) in the X direction and (j/y) in the Y direction. If MINUS_ONE is present (AND IS NON-ZERO) then the array will be resampled by the factors (i-1)/(x-1) and (j-1)/(y-1).
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::DRAW PURPOSE: This method loads the color table vectors in the hardware color table. SYNTAX: colorObject -> Draw ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::EVENTHANDLER PURPOSE: An event handler method to handle widget events from the various graphical user interfaces associated with the ColorTool Object. SYNTAX: Typically called from the EVENTDISPATCHER utility routine. All event objects are named, and the CASE statement branches on the object's name. ARGUMENTS: Event: The event structure from a widget event. Object: The object reference of the widget object that generated the event. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::GETCOLOR PURPOSE: The purpose of this method is to obtain a drawing color by name and in a device-decomposition independent way. To see a list of color names available, type: colorNames = colorObject -> GetColor(/Names) & Print, colorNames SYNTAX: result = colorObject -> GetColor(theColor, colorIndex) EXAMPLE: axisColor = colorObject -> GetColor("Green", !D.Table_Size-2) backColor = colorObject -> GetColor("Charcoal", !D.Table_Size-3) dataColor = colorObject -> GetColor("Yellow", !D.Table_Size-4) Plot, Findgen(11), Color=axisColor, Background=backColor, /NoData OPlot, Findgen(11), Color=dataColor ARGUMENTS: theColor: A string with the "name" of the color. To see a list of the color names available set the NAMES keyword. This may also be a vector of color names. Colors available are these: Almond Antique White Aquamarine Beige Bisque Black Blue Blue Violet Brown Burlywood Charcoal Chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornsilk Cyan Dark Goldenrod Dark Gray Dark Green Dark Khaki Dark Orchid Dark Salmon Deep Pink Dodger Blue Firebrick Forest Green Gold Goldenrod Gray Green Green Yellow Honeydew Hot Pink Indian Red Ivory Khaki Lavender Lawn Green Light Coral Light Cyan Light Gray Light Salmon Light Yellow Lime Green Linen Magenta Maroon Medium Gray Medium Orchid Moccasin Navy Olive Olive Drab Orange Orange Red Orchid Pale Goldenrod Pale Green Papaya Peru Pink Plum Powder Blue Purple Red Rose Rosy Brown Royal Blue Saddle Brown Salmon Sandy Brown Sea Green Seashell Sienna Sky Blue Slate Gray Snow Spring Green Steel Blue Tan Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Violet Red Wheat White Yellow Also, these system color names are available in IDL 5.6 and higher: Frame, Text, Active, Shadow, Highlight, Edge, Selected, Face. The color WHITE is used if this parameter is absent or a color name is mis-spelled. To see a list of the color names available in the program, type this: Print, self -> GetColor(/Names), Format='(6A15)' theColorIndex: The color table index (or vector of indices the same length as the color name vector) where the specified color is loaded. The color table index parameter should always be used if you wish to obtain a color value in a color-decomposition-independent way in your code. See the NORMAL CALLING SEQUENCE for details. If theColor is a vector, and theColorIndex is a scalar, then the colors will be loaded starting at theColorIndex. RETURN VALUE: The value that is returned by this method depends upon the keywords used to call it and on the version of IDL you are using. In general, the return value will be either a color index number where the specified color is loaded by the program, or a 24-bit color value that can be decomposed into the specified color on true-color systems. (Or a vector of such numbers.) If you are running IDL 5.2 or higher, the program will determine which return value to use, based on the color decomposition state at the time the program is called. If you are running a version of IDL before IDL 5.2, then the program will return the color index number. This behavior can be overruled in all versions of IDL by setting the DECOMPOSED keyword. If this keyword is 0, the program always returns a color index number. If the keyword is 1, the program always returns a 24-bit color value. If the TRIPLE keyword is set, the program always returns the color triple, no matter what the current decomposition state or the value of the DECOMPOSED keyword. Normally, the color triple is returned as a 1 by 3 column vector. This is appropriate for loading into a color index with TVLCT: IDL> TVLCT, FSC_Color('Yellow', /Triple), !P.Color But sometimes (e.g, in object graphics applications) you want the color returned as a row vector. In this case, you should set the ROW keyword as well as the TRIPLE keyword: viewobj= Obj_New('IDLgrView', Color=FSC_Color('charcoal', /Triple, /Row)) If the ALLCOLORS keyword is used, then instead of a single value, modified as described above, then all the color values are returned in an array. In other words, the return value will be either an NCOLORS-element vector of color table index numbers, an NCOLORS-element vector of 24-bit color values, or an NCOLORS-by-3 array of color triples. If the NAMES keyword is set, the program returns a vector of color names known to the program. INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ALLCOLORS: Set this keyword to return indices, or 24-bit values, or color triples, for all the known colors, instead of for a single color. DECOMPOSED: Set this keyword to 0 or 1 to force the return value to be a color table index or a 24-bit color value, respectively. NAMES: If this keyword is set, the return value of the function is a ncolors-element string array containing the names of the colors. These names would be appropriate, for example, in building a list widget with the names of the colors. If the NAMES keyword is set, the COLOR and INDEX parameters are ignored. listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) ROW: If this keyword is set, the return value of the function when the TRIPLE keyword is set is returned as a row vector, rather than as the default column vector. This is required, for example, when you are trying to use the return value to set the color for object graphics objects. This keyword is completely ignored, except when used in combination with the TRIPLE keyword. TRIPLE: Setting this keyword will force the return value of the function to *always* be a color triple, regardless of color decomposition state or visual depth of the machine. The value will be a three-element column vector unless the ROW keyword is also set. OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CANCEL: This keyword is always set to 0, unless that SELECTCOLOR keyword is used. Then it will correspond to the value of the CANCEL output keyword in PICKCOLORNAME. NCOLORS: The number of colors recognized by the program. It will be 88 by default.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::GETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method obtains properties from the object. SYNTAX: colorObject -> GetProperty, RED=r, GREEN=g, BLUE=b TVLCT, r, g, b ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: BLUE: The blue color vector. BREWER: Is set, using Brewer Color Tables. COLORPALETTE: A n-by-3 array containing the current color table vectors CTINDEX: The current color table index number. GREEN: The green color vector. NCOLORS: The number of colors. RED: The red color vector. _REF_EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the GETPROPERTY method of the superclass object.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::GUI_UPDATE PURPOSE: This method updates the colors in any COLORTOOL GUI that happens to be open on the display. SYNTAX: colorObject -> GUI_Update ARGUMENTS: INFO: The information structure used by the XCOLORS method. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::INIT PURPOSE: This method initiates the COLORTOOL object. SYNTAX: colorObject Obj_New('ColorTool') ARGUMENTS: colorIndex: The color table index number to load. A number between 0 and 40. If missing, 0 is assumed. KEYWORDS: BREWER: Set this keyword to load the Brewer color tables. This program will look first in the $IDL_DIR/resource/colors directory for the color table file, and failing to find it there will look in the same directory that the source code of this program is located, then in the current directory. Finally, if it still can't find the file, it will ask you to locate it. If you can't find it, the program will simply return without loading a color table. NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FSC_BREWER.TBL FILE FROM THE COYOTE LIBRARY AND PLACE IT IN ONE OF THE THREE PLACES OUTLINED ABOVE: BOTTOM: The starting location where the color table is loaded. COLORFILE: The fully qualified file name of the file containing color tables. By default, colorFile = Filepath(SubDirectory=['resource','colors'], 'colors1.tbl') COLORPALETTE: An n-by-3 byte array containing the color palette to load. NCOLORS: The number of colors in the color palette.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::LOADCOLOR PURPOSE: This method loads a color value or values into the color table vectors. All color vectors must be the same size. SYNTAX: colorObject -> LoadColor, colorName or, colorObject -> LoadColor, r, g, b ARGUMENTS: colorName: A scalar or vector of color names. Or, r: A scalar or vector of red values. g: A scalar or vector of green values. b: A scalar or vector of blue values. KEYWORDS: DRAW: If this keyword is set, the DRAW method is called after the colors have been loaded. INDEX: If a scalar, the starting index for loading the specified color vectors. IF a vector, the indices of the specified colors. Must be the same size as the color vectors. If absent, then set to !D.Table_Size - (N_Elements(r) + 1). EXAMPLE: colorObject -> LoadColor, 'red', Index=10 colorObject -> LoadColor, ['red','yellow'], Index=20 colorObject -> LoadColor, ['red','yellow'], Index=[30,35] colorObject -> ShowColors colorObject -> LoadColor, 255, 255, 0, Index=10 colorObject -> LoadColor, [255, 0], [255,255], [0,0], Index=20 colorObject -> LoadColor, [255, 0], [255,255], [0,0], Index=[30,35] colorObject -> ShowColors
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::LOADCT PURPOSE: This method loads a pre-determined color table. SYNTAX: colorObject -> LoadCT, colorIndex ARGUMENTS: colorIndex: The color table index number to load. If absent, 0 is assumed KEYWORDS: DRAW: If this keyword is set, the DRAW method is called after the colors have been loaded.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::PICKCOLORNAME PURPOSE: This method allows the user to select a color name interactively. SYNTAX: theColor = colorObject -> PickColorName() ARGUMENTS: defaultColor: The name of the default color to be set to the "current color" If not supplied, the color "white" is used. RETURN_VALUE: theColor: The name of the selected color. KEYWORDS: GROUP_LEADER: The group leader object or widget reference. The group leader MUST be passed to make this a modal widget. If absent, the program will try to block the IDL command line. But this is not guaranteed and is not recommended. INDEX: If this keyword is set to a color index, the selected color will be loaded at that location in the internal color table. TITLE: The title of the pop-up dialog widget.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::RESET PURPOSE: This method allows resets the current color vectors to the old color vectors. SYNTAX: colorObject -> Reset ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::REVERSE PURPOSE: This method allows the current color vectors to be reversed. SYNTAX: colorObject -> Reverse ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: DRAW: If this keyword is set, the DRAW method is called after the colors have been loaded.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::SELECTCOLOR PURPOSE: This method allows the user to select a color interactively. SYNTAX: theColor = colorObject -> SelectColor() ARGUMENTS: defaultColor: The name of the default color to be set to the "current color", or the RGB value (three-element array or 24-bit value) of the default color. If not supplied, the color "white" is used. RETURN_VALUE: theColor: A three-element array, representing the RGB values of the selected color. KEYWORDS: GROUP_LEADER: The group leader object or widget reference. The group leader MUST be passed to make this a modal widget. If absent, the program will try to block the IDL command line. But this is not guaranteed and is not recommended. INDEX: If this keyword is set to a color index, the selected color will be loaded at that location in the internal color table. TITLE: The title of the pop-up dialog widget.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::SETPROPERTY PURPOSE: This method allows properties of the object to be set. SYNTAX: TVLCT, r, g, b, /GET colorObject -> SetProperty, RED=r, GREEN=g, BLUE=b ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: BLUE: The blue color vector. BREWER: Use the brewer color tables. BOTTOM: The bottom color index. COLORFILE: The fully-qualified name of a color table file to open and display. COLORPALETTE: A n-by-3 array containing the current color table vectors GREEN: The green color vector. INDEX: The color table index number. NCOLORS: The number of colors in the color table. RED: The red color vector. _EXTRA: Any keyword appropriate for the SETPROPERTY method of the CATATOM object.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::SHOWCOLORS PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to allow the user to see the colors currently loaded in the color table vectors. A window with the current colors will open on the display. SYNTAX: colorObject -> ShowColors ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: TITLE: The title of the window.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::STRETCH PURPOSE: This method stretches the current colortable between minValue and maxValue. SYNTAX: colorObject -> Stretch, minValue, maxValue ARGUMENTS: minValue: The minimum value of the stretch. 0 > minValue < maxValue < 256 . maxValue: The maximum value of the stretch. 0 > minValue > maxValue < 256. KEYWORDS: DRAW: If this keyword is set, the DRAW method is called after the colors have been loaded.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::XCOLORS PURPOSE: The purpose of this method is to interactively change color tables. SYNTAX: colorObject -> XColors ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: BREWER: Set this keyword if you wish to use the Brewer Colors, as implemented by Mike Galloy in the file brewer.tbl, and implemented here as fsc_brewer.tbl. See these references: Brewer Colors: Mike Galloy Implementation: This program will look first in the $IDL_DIR/resource/colors directory for the color table file, and failing to find it there will look in the same directory that the source code of this program is located, then in your IDL path. Finally, if it still can't find the file, it will ask you to locate it. If you can't find it, the program will simply return without loading a color table. NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FSC_BREWER.TBL FILE FROM THE COYOTE LIBRARY AND PLACE IT IN ONE OF THE THREE PLACES OUTLINED ABOVE: DRAG: Set this keyword if you want colors loaded as you drag the sliders. Default is to update colors only when you release the sliders. Applies only to UNIX computers. GROUP_LEADER: The group leader for this program. When the group leader is destroyed, this program will be destroyed. MODAL: Set this keyword (along with the GROUP_LEADER keyword) to make the XCOLORS dialog a modal widget dialog. Note that NO other events can occur until the XCOLORS program is destroyed when in modal mode. TITLE: This is the window title. It is "Load Color Tables" by default. XOFFSET: This is the X offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. YOFFSET: This is the Y offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\
NAME: COLORTOOL::XCOLORS_UPDATE PURPOSE: This method updates the color tables for the XCOLORS method. SYNTAX: Called from the EVENT_HANDLER method when events occur in the XCOLORS method interface. ARGUMENTS: None. KEYWORDS: None.
(See C:\IDL\Catalyst\source\core\