;+ ; NAME: ; transf ; ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Determine transformation coefficients from instrumental to standard mags. ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; This will take a set of all-sky standard star measurements and derive ; the best fitting set of transformation coefficients from instrumental ; to standard magnitudes. ; ; Normally, you give this routine ALL the data taken with a single filter. ; Only those objects that are standards in this filter and the alternate ; color will be used in the fit. Only those that should be standards ; can end up marked as bad from this program. ; ; My conventions for the photometric fit are patterned after Hardie's ; nomenclature. However, there is one additional term I've added which ; is a first order expansion term of extinction with respect to time. ; The basic formula for the transformation is: ; ; m0 = m - kX - n(t-t0)X - k"CX + eC + Z ; ; where ; m = instrumental magnitude ; k = extinction coefficient, mag/airmass ; X = airmass ; n = coefficient of the 1st order expansion of extinction as a ; function of time ; t = Time of observation (in hours) ; t0 = Reference time for n, time dependent correction is zero at ; this time, usually is the middle of the observation set. ; k" = second order extinction coefficient ; C = Standard system color of the object ; e = color term ; Z = zero point ; m0 = Standard magnitude ; ; The fitting process takes advantage of the uncertainties on the instrumental ; magnitude and the uncertainties on the forced terms. The uncertainties ; on the catalog standard magnitudes are ignored. The coefficients, k", ; e, and n are considered to be auxillary coefficients and can be either ; fit for or forced. k" and e can be forced to explicit values. n is ; either fit for or set to 0. The extinction and zero-point are always ; fit for. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Photometry ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; transf,names,jd,filter,color1,color2,airm,mag,err,bad, ; [ RESID=resid,FILE=landfile,NOPLOT=noplot,OTHER=other, ; OLAB=olab,TITLE=title ] ; ; INPUTS: ; names - String array of standard names. ; jd - Julian date of observations. ; filter - Filter number of data. (0-U, 1-B, 2-V, 3-R, 4-I) ; color1 - First filter for color. ; color2 - Second filter for color. (eg., B-V is 1,2) ; airm - Vector of airmasses for observations. ; mag - Vector of instrumental magnitudes. ; err - Vector of uncertainties. ; bad - Vector of flags, 0=good, 1=bad, default is good ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; These keywords affect how the fit is done. ; ; CTERM - Optional, fixed color term. If provided, the color term is ; assumed, not fitted. ; K2 - Second order extinction coefficient. If provided, this term ; is assumed, not fitted. ; KTIME - Flag, enable time dependent extinction. ; ; ------------------- ; ; These keywords affect the plotting output ; ; NOPLOT - Flag, if true inhibits the summary plots. ; OLAB - Label for the plot of residuals vs. OTHER. ; OTHER - If provided, allows plotting the residuals against some other ; variable, eg., exposure time. Must match the length of ; the data input vectors. ; ; ------------------- ; ; Other control options ; ; FILE - Optional name for the Landolt "system" Standards catalog. ; NOEDIT - Flag, if set inhibits final interactive editing of fitted points. ; This keyword has no effect and is not necessary if the current ; plotting device is 'PS'. ; RESID - Flag, if true enables printing a full residual table. ; TITLE - Title for plots. ; NOFILES - Flag, if true supresses saving information to summary files. ; CHISCALE -Flag, if true rescales final solution to force reduced Chi=1.0 ; TAGDATE -String identifying date of data. ; TAGINST -String identifying instrument. ; HISTFILE -File name of history file to update extintion values in. ; Only one line for TAGDATE/TAGINST is allowed. If a duplicate ; is found, the appropriate line is replaced. ; MAGRESID - Edit bad values by mag residual, not sigma residuals ; ; OUTPUTS: ; No explicit vector outputs. All output is graphical, printed to the ; screen, or saved to external files. ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 93/08/05, Initial version completed, Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory. ; 93/10/05, MWB, added support for 1993 catalog. ; 95/02/22, MWB, modified plots. ; 96/10/16, MWB, added summary save to file, NOFILES, CHISCALE, TAG*, and ; HISTFILE keywords actions added. ; 96/11/22, MWB, changed to new master photometry catalog ; 97/01/24, MWB, added MAGRESID flag ; 97/2/7, MWB, massive rewrite ;- pro transf,names,jd,filter,color1,color2,airm,mag,err,bad, $ CTERM=cterm,K2=k2,KTIME=ktime, $ RESID=resid,FILE=landfile,NOPLOT=noplot,NOEDIT=noedit, $ OTHER=other,OLAB=olab,TITLE=title,NOFILES=nofiles,CHISCALE=chiscale, $ TAGDATE=in_tagdate,TAGINST=in_taginst,HISTFILE=histfile,MAGRESID=magresid if badpar(names,7,1,caller='TRANSF: (names) ',npts=len1) then return if badpar(jd,5,1,caller='TRANSF: (jd) ',npts=len6) then return if badpar(filter,[1,2,3],0,caller='TRANSF: (filter) ') then return if badpar(color1,[1,2,3],0,caller='TRANSF: (color1) ') then return if badpar(color2,[1,2,3],0,caller='TRANSF: (color2) ') then return if badpar(airm,[4,5],1,caller='TRANSF: (airm) ',npts=len2) then return if badpar(mag,[4,5],1,caller='TRANSF: (mag) ',npts=len3) then return if badpar(err,[4,5],1,caller='TRANSF: (err) ',npts=len4) then return if badpar(bad,[0,2,3],[0,1],caller='TRANSF: (bad) ', $ default=intarr(len4),npts=len5) then return if badpar(cterm,[0,4,5],1,caller='TRANSF: [CTERM] ',default=999.0) then return if badpar(k2,[0,4,5],1,caller='TRANSF: [K2] ',default=999.0) then return if badpar(ktime,[0,1,2,3],0,caller='TRANSF: [KTIME] ',default=0) then return if badpar(chiscale,[0,1,2,3],0,caller='TRANSF: [CHISCALE] ',default=0) then return if badpar(olab,[0,7],0,caller='TRANSF: [OLAB] ',default=' ') then return if badpar(title,[0,7],0,caller='TRANSF: [TITLE] ',default='Transformation') then return if badpar(in_tagdate,[0,7],0,caller='TRANSF: [TAGDATE] ',default='') then return if badpar(in_taginst,[0,7],0,caller='TRANSF: [TAGINST] ',default='') then return lens=[len1,len2,len3,len4,len5,len6] if min(lens) ne max(lens) then begin print,'TRANSF: Error! names, jd, airm, mag, and err must be equal in length.' return endif ; Maximum possible number of variables. nvars=5 blanks=' ' fmt='(a,f7.4,a,f6.4,3x,a,f7.4)' fmt1='(a,f7.4,a,f8.4,3x,a,f7.4)' pm=' +/- ' sfnames=['U','B','V','R','I'] ; standard filter names ifnames=['u','b','v','r','i'] ; instrumental filter names fname = sfnames[filter] ; Filter name (standard) that is being reduced iname = ifnames[filter] ; Filter name (instrumental) that is being reduced cname = '('+sfnames[color1]+'-'+sfnames[color2]+')' ; name of color tagdate=strmid(in_tagdate+blanks,0,6) ; string that identifies the date taginst=strmid(in_taginst+blanks,0,10) ; string that identifies the instrument ; Name of file where a summary of the fit is to be written sumfile = iname+'_'+ifnames[color1]+'m'+ifnames[color2]+'.sum' ; information on how each term was treated transtr=strarr(nvars) ; Grab the Landolt standard photometric catalog rdland2,lname,lmags,lcode ; Build index that points to the Landolt catalog entry for each observation. ; If that star is not a useful standard, set the index to -1 idx=intarr(len1) for i=0,len1-1 do begin z=where(names[i] eq lname) z=z[0] if z ne -1 then begin if lcode[filter,z] eq 1 and $ lcode[color1,z] eq 1 and $ lcode[color2,z] eq 1 then idx[i]=z $ else idx[i] = -1 endif else idx[i] = -1 endfor land = where(idx ne -1, count_land) ; Setup the transformation coefficient vectors. trans = fltarr(nvars) transig = fltarr(nvars) fit = replicate(1,nvars) IF k2[0] ne 999.0 THEN BEGIN trans[1] = k2[0] transig[1] = k2[1] fit[1] = 0 ENDIF IF cterm[0] ne 999.0 THEN BEGIN trans[2] = cterm[0] transig[2] = cterm[1] fit[2] = 0 ENDIF IF not ktime THEN BEGIN trans[4] = 0. transig[4] = 0. fit[4] = 0 ENDIF ; On the first pass, the fit will proceed with the given errors. Later there ; may be an aposteriori adjustment of the uncertainties. first=1 sigscale=1.0 edit = not keyword_set(noedit) and !d.name ne 'PS' plotit = not keyword_set(noplot) saveit = not keyword_set(nofiles) if count_land ne 0 then begin ; This is for the output summary file. if saveit then openw,lusum,sumfile,/get_lun ; Declare working variables for all stars. y = fltarr(count_land) ; Dependent variables. ysig = fltarr(count_land) ; Uncertainty on y. x = fltarr(nvars,count_land) ; Independent variables. ; Extract the standard values n = count_land-1 std_mag = lmags[filter,idx[land]] std_mag = std_mag[*] std_col = lmags[color1,idx[land]] - lmags[color2,idx[land]] std_col = std_col[*] omag = mag[land] oerr = err[land] oairm = airm[land] if keyword_set(other) then l_other = other[land] l_names = names[land] l_bad = bad[land] jdref = total(jd[land]-jd[land[0]])/double(count_land)+jd[land[0]] dt = float(jd[land]-jdref)*24.0 ; Fill independent variable vectors x[0,*] = -oairm x[1,*] = -oairm*std_col x[2,*] = std_col x[3,*] = 1.0 x[4,*] = -dt*oairm ; restart here on second pass for chisqr adjustmet chi_scale: ; scale errors oerr = oerr*sigscale after_edit: ; predefine variables for mysvdfit yfit=1 var=1 chisq=1 sing=1 ; Weed out bad measurements zbad = where(omag gt 90,badcount) if badcount gt 0 then begin l_bad[zbad] = 1 oerr[zbad] = 0.1 endif zgood = where(l_bad eq 0,goodcount) if goodcount eq 0 then begin print,'TRANSF: no good observations to fit, all marked bad!' return endif if not first or not chiscale or edit then begin print,'Landolt transformation for ',fname,' and ',cname,' from ', $ string(goodcount,form='(i3)'),' stars' if saveit and ( not first or not edit ) then $ printf,lusum,'Landolt transformation for ',fname,' and ',cname,' from ', $ string(goodcount,form='(i3)'),' stars' endif ; Setup the indepedent vector and uncertainty y = std_mag - omag ysig = oerr^2 FOR i=0,nvars-1 DO BEGIN IF fit[i] eq 0 THEN BEGIN y = y - x[i,*]*trans[i] ysig = ysig + (x[i,*]*transig[i])^2 transtr[i]='forced' ENDIF ENDFOR ysig = sqrt(ysig) ; Call the fitting routine zfit = where(fit eq 1,nfit) xfit = x[*,zgood] xfit = xfit[zfit,*] coeff = mysvdfit(xfit,y[zgood],1,weight=1/ysig[zgood], $ yfit=yfit,var=var,chisq=chisq,sing=sing) sigma = sqrt(var) ; copy the fitted values back out to results ic = 0 yallfit=fltarr(count_land) FOR i=0,nvars-1 DO BEGIN IF fit[i] eq 1 THEN BEGIN trans[i] = coeff[ic] transig[i] = sigma[ic] yallfit = yallfit + x[i,*] * trans[i] ic = ic+1 ENDIF ENDFOR ; Compute some summary quantities scatter = mean(abs(y[zgood]-yfit)) mnerr = mean(oerr) csq = sqrt(chisq/(float(goodcount-nfit))) mag_calc = omag mag_err = oerr^2 FOR i=0,nvars-1 DO BEGIN mag_calc = mag_calc + x[i,*]*trans[i] mag_err = mag_err + (x[i,*]*transig[i])^2 ENDFOR mag_err = sqrt(mag_err) ; Print summary if not first or not chiscale or edit then begin print,'extinction ',trans[0],pm,transig[0],transtr[0],format=fmt print,'second order extinction ',trans[1],pm,transig[1],transtr[1],format=fmt print,'color term ',trans[2],pm,transig[2],transtr[2],format=fmt print,'zero point ',trans[3],pm,transig[3],transtr[3],format=fmt print,'extin/time (mag/hr/am) ',trans[4],pm,transig[4],transtr[4],format=fmt if first then $ print,'Reduced Chi ',csq,format=fmt1 $ else $ print,'Reduced Chi ',csq,' << ',sigscale,'>>',format=fmt1 print,'Scatter (mag) ',scatter,format=fmt print,'Mean error (mag) ',mnerr,format=fmt if saveit and ( not first or not edit ) then begin printf,lusum,'extinction ',trans[0],pm,transig[0],transtr[0],format=fmt printf,lusum,'second order extinction ',trans[1],pm,transig[1],transtr[1],format=fmt printf,lusum,'color term ',trans[2],pm,transig[2],transtr[2],format=fmt printf,lusum,'zero point ',trans[3],pm,transig[3],transtr[3],format=fmt printf,lusum,'extin/time (mag/hr/am) ',trans[4],pm,transig[4],transtr[4],format=fmt if first then $ printf,lusum,'Reduced Chi ',csq,format=fmt $ else $ printf,lusum,'Reduced Chi ',csq,' << ',sigscale,'>>',format=fmt printf,lusum,'Scatter (mag) ',scatter,format=fmt printf,lusum,'Mean error (mag) ',mnerr,format=fmt endif if plotit then begin ps = !d.name eq 'PS' pmult=!p.multi if ps then begin cs=0.75 ss=0.4 endif else begin cs=1.8 ss=0.5 endelse ; compute data vectors for plot that leaves only one variable. ; compute magnitudes correcting for second order extinction and color ; leaving extinction in place. y_var1 = y - trans[1]*x[1,*] $ - trans[2]*x[2,*] $ - trans[3]*x[3,*] $ - trans[4]*x[4,*] ; compute magnitudes correcting for extinction and color leaving ; second order extinction in place. y_var2 = y - trans[0]*x[0,*] $ - trans[2]*x[2,*] $ - trans[3]*x[3,*] $ - trans[4]*x[4,*] ; compute magnitudes correcting for extinction and 2nd order ext. ; leaving color term in place. y_var3 = y - trans[0]*x[0,*] $ - trans[1]*x[1,*] $ - trans[3]*x[3,*] $ - trans[4]*x[4,*] ; compute magnitudes correcting for all but k(t) y_var4 = y - trans[0]*x[0,*] $ - trans[1]*x[1,*] $ - trans[2]*x[2,*] $ - trans[3]*x[3,*] if ps then begin !p.multi=[0,2,8,0,1] endif else begin setwin,0 !p.multi=[0,1,4] endelse ylab1=fname+'-'+iname ylab2='Residual' ylab3='Residual (sigma)' ploterror,-x[0,zgood],y_var1[zgood],oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Airmass',ytit=ylab1,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss,tit=title ploterror,-x[1,zgood],y_var2[zgood],oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Airmass*'+cname,ytit=ylab1,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ploterror,x[2,zgood],y_var3[zgood],oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit=cname,ytit=ylab1,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ploterror,-x[4,zgood],y_var4[zgood],oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Delta Time in hours * Airmass',ytit=ylab1,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ; ploterror,std_mag[zgood],y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ ; charsize=cs,xtit=fname+' Magnitude',ytit=ylab2,symsiz=ss if ps then begin !p.multi=[8,2,8,0,1] endif else begin setwin,1 !p.multi=[0,1,4] endelse ploterror,-x[0,zgood],y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Airmass',ytit=ylab2,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss,tit=title ploterror,-x[1,zgood],y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Airmass*'+cname,ytit=ylab2,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ploterror,x[2,zgood],y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit=cname,ytit=ylab2,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ploterror,-x[4,zgood],y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Delta Time in hours * Airmass',ytit=ylab1,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss ; ploterror,y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ ; xtit='Point number',ytit=ylab2,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss if ps then begin !p.multi=[3,2,6,0,1] endif else begin setwin,2 !p.multi=[0,1,3] endelse plot,oairm[zgood],std_col[zgood],charsize=cs,symsiz=ss,xtit='Airmass', $ ytit=cname,psym=8,tit=title xi = findgen(51)/50.0*(max(oairm)-min(oairm)) + min(oairm) oplot,xi,0.5/xi oplot,xi,1.0/xi oplot,xi,2.0/xi oplot,xi,3.0/xi plot,oairm[zgood],oairm[zgood]*std_col[zgood],charsize=cs,symsiz=ss, $ xtit='Airmass',ytit='Airmass*'+cname,psym=8 plot,std_mag[zgood],std_col[zgood],psym=8,symsiz=ss, $ charsize=cs,xtit=fname,ytit=cname for i=0,goodcount-1 do $ xyouts,std_mag[zgood[i]],std_col[zgood[i]],l_names[zgood[i]], $ align=0.0,orient=90.0,charsize=cs*0.5 if keyword_set(other) then begin IF ps THEN !p.multi=[12,2,8,0,1] ELSE !p.multi=[0,1,3] endif else begin IF ps THEN !p.multi=[ 9,2,6,0,1] ELSE !p.multi=[0,1,2] endelse if not ps then setwin,3 if keyword_set(other) then $ plot,l_other[zgood],(y[zgood]-yfit)/oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit=olab,ytit=ylab3,charsize=cs,tit=title,symsiz=ss ploterror,y[zgood]-yfit,oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Point number',ytit=ylab2,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss plot,(y[zgood]-yfit)/oerr[zgood],psym=8, $ xtit='Point number',ytit=ylab3,charsize=cs,symsiz=ss if ps then begin x = 0.06 y = 0.122 dy = -0.0114 cs=cs*0.9 str=string('Landolt transformation for ',fname,' and ',cname,' from ') xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string(goodcount,form='(i3)')+' stars' y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('extinction ',trans[0],pm,transig[0],transtr[0],format=fmt) y=y+dy*2 xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('second order extinction ',trans[1],pm,transig[1],transtr[1],format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('color term ',trans[2],pm,transig[2],transtr[2],format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('zero point ',trans[3],pm,transig[3],transtr[3],format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('extin/time (mag/hr/am) ',trans[4],pm,transig[4],transtr[4],format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal if first then $ str=string('Reduced Chi ',csq,format=fmt1) $ else $ str=string('Reduced Chi ',csq,' << ',sigscale,'>>',format=fmt1) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('Scatter (mag) ',scatter,format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal str=string('Mean error (mag) ',mnerr,format=fmt) y=y+dy xyouts,x,y,str,charsize=cs,/normal endif else begin setwin,0 endelse !p.multi=pmult endif ; End of plotting section. ;Print a summary table of the calibrated averages of each standard star. ; Compute the corrected magnitudes. if not first then begin ; Sort the list of standard names and keep only unique names. tmpid = l_names[zgood] object = tmpid[uniq(tmpid,sort(tmpid))] for i=0,n_elements(object)-1 do begin z1 = where(l_names eq object[i] and l_bad eq 0,count) meanerr,mag_calc[z1],mag_err[z1],avgmag,sigm,sigd if count ne 1 then sigd = sigd/sqrt(count-1) if keyword_set(resid) then begin for j=0,count-1 do begin if abs((y[z1[j]]-yallfit[z1[j]])/oerr[z1[j]]) gt 3.0 then $ sigflag = '*' else sigflag = ' ' if abs(y[z1[j]]-yallfit[z1[j]]) gt 0.02 then $ resflag = '+' else resflag = ' ' print,sigflag,resflag,z1[j], $ (y[z1[j]]-yallfit[z1[j]])/oerr[z1[j]], $ y[z1[j]]-yallfit[z1[j]], $ y[z1[j]],yallfit[z1[j]],' ',l_names[z1[j]], $ omag[z1[j]],oairm[z1[j]], $ format='(5x,a,1x,a,2x,i5,4f8.4,a,a,2f8.4)' endfor endif print,object[i]+blanks,count, $ avgmag,sigm,' or ',sigd,'[',std_mag[z1[0]],']', $ avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]], (avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]])/sigm, $ (avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]])/sigd, $ format='(a16,1x,i3,1x,f7.4,1x,f6.4,a,f6.4,2x,a,'+ $ 'f6.3,a,1x,f6.3,1x,f6.2,1x,f6.2)' if saveit then $ printf,lusum,object[i]+blanks,count, $ avgmag,sigm,' or ',sigd,'[',std_mag[z1[0]],']', $ avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]], (avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]])/sigm, $ (avgmag-std_mag[z1[0]])/sigd, $ format='(a16,1x,i3,1x,f7.4,1x,f6.4,a,f6.4,2x,a,'+ $ 'f6.3,a,1x,f6.3,1x,f6.2,1x,f6.2)' endfor endif endif if edit and first then begin oldbad=l_bad if not keyword_set(magresid) then $ markdata,indgen(count_land),(y-yallfit)/oerr,l_bad, $ xtitle='Point number',ytitle='Residuals (sigma)',/connect $ else $ markdata,indgen(count_land),y-yallfit,l_bad, $ xtitle='Point number',ytitle='Residuals (mag)',/connect if long(total(l_bad eq oldbad)) ne count_land then begin z=where(l_bad ne oldbad and l_bad eq 1,count) if count ne 0 then print,'Observations removed:' for i=0,count-1 do begin print,l_names[z[i]]+blanks, $ omag[z[i]],oerr[z[i]],oairm[z[i]], $ mag_calc[z[i]],std_mag[z[i]], $ format='(a16,1x,f7.4,1x,f6.4,1x,f5.3,'+ $ '2x,"m",f7.4,1x,"s",f7.4)' endfor goto,after_edit endif endif if chiscale and first then begin sigscale=csq first=0 goto,chi_scale endif if saveit then free_lun,lusum if keyword_set(histfile) then begin histname='/gryll/data1/Reduced/transf_'+iname+'.'+ $ ifnames[color1]+'m'+ifnames[color2] ; prepare new history line outstr='' for i=0,4 do begin if transtr[i] eq '' then fill=' ' else fill='f' outstr=outstr+string(trans[i],fill,transig[i],format='(1x,f7.4,a1,f6.4)') endfor outstr=outstr+string(jdref,format='(1x,f13.5)') outstr=outstr+string(goodcount,format='(1x,i3)') if first then $ outstr=outstr+string(csq,format='(1x,f5.2)') $ else $ outstr=outstr+string(sigscale,format='(1x,f5.2)') ; update history file (if found). newobs=taginst+' '+tagdate repwrite,histname,newobs,newobs+outstr endif bad[land] = l_bad endif else begin print,'No Landolt stars were found, unable to continue' endelse end