Most of the controls of this tool should be fairly obvious from the elements of the GUI. For all of the editable entry boxes, you must hit "enter" after making any changes so that the new material is recognized. All of the fields in the lower left part of the tool allow you control which objects are selected for display. The group of three button below the time controls the plotting restrictions to all objects, just those for which pass 1 could be done and those needing pass 2. MinSep is the distance that you want to have the object move before you observe it again. Overhead is the amount of deadtime between successive exposures. MinErr and MaxErr define the range of current positional uncertainty that are interesting to you. Your field of view will basically determine MaxErr. The uncertainties in the support file are supposed to be 1-sigma errors. If your field of view is 6 arc-minutes, then an object with an error of 1 arcminute would have to have an error worse than 3-sigma to be missed. You should set MaxErr to a sigma level that you are comfortable with. MinErr should be set to the largest value that gives you enough objects to fill the available time. You do the most good for an orbit by measuring an object with a non-zero error. The larger the error at the time of observation, the more improvement you make for a given observation. The bottom row of entries comprise the exposure time calculator. The program has defaults appropriate for the KPNO/CTIO 4-m telescopes. Given a limiting magnitude for a given exposure time and seeing, the program will compute a predicted exposure time needed based on the target brightness and the current seeing. The plot window is active for target selection. Clicking in the window will select the object in the plot window that is nearest to where you clicked. Only those objects being plotted can be selected by clicking. To select another object, you must enter the object name directly or pick from the list (Tools --> Select Object). The "Field" button will select the westernmost target that is ready for its second image (pass 2). If there are no objects ready for pass 2, nothing will be selected. The "UT1" and "UT2" buttons will insert the current system time into the editable field and save it for the current object. Even if the time is not quite right, you can still click one of the buttons and then edit the time shown (hit enter to save).