;+ ; NAME: ; setwin ; ; PURPOSE: ; Set current draw window, create if needed. ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; This is intended to be a more general call for controlling the use of ; multiple plot windows especially in scripts or programs. In its simplest ; form, just type setwin,NUMBER to make window NUMBER the current window. ; If the window does not exist it will be created. The other optional inputs ; work as described in the IDL documentation for WDEL, WSHOW, WINDOW, WSET. ; If the size, location, and title of the window does not change, then the window ; is not recreated and its status on the screen is unchanged. ; ; If the current display device is PS or PRINTER, most of the information ; held by this routine is ignored. Instead, the x and y sizes are used ; to set the aspect ratio of the plot, using as much of the full page as ; possible. This routine will make a decision between portrait and landscape ; orientations. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Utility ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; setwin,id ; ; INPUTS: ; id - window number to make the current draw window (0 <= id <= 31) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ERASE - Flag, if set causes the window to be erased after setting. ; SHOW - Flag, if set causes the window to be brought to the front. ; XPOS - X position of the lower left corner of the window ; YPOS - Y position of the lower left corner of the window ; XSIZE - the x size of the window. ; YSIZE - the y size of the window. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; MWB_SETWIN - hold internal data between calls ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; There is a limitation of the MAC platform. You cannot easily discover if ; a previously opened plot window still exists on the desktop. Until this ; is (ever) fixed, you should NEVER close (not minimize, that's ok) a window ; once it's been opened. I could make this function in this case (rather ; than crashing), but it would destroy the intended functionality of this ; program. ; ; Also, this program only manages the first 32 "direct" plot windows. It ; cannot deal with the extra windows automatically managed beyond 31. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 94/04/26 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ; 98/01/29 - MWB, Added TITLE keyword and improved use of XPOS,YPOS ; 2000/04/03, MWB, Complete rewrite to improve cross-platform functionality. ;- pro setwin,id, ERASE=erase,SHOW=show,TITLE=title, $ XPOS=xpos,YPOS=ypos,XSIZE=xsize,YSIZE=ysize common mwb_setwin,info if badpar(id,[1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (id) ') then return if badpar(erase,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (ERASE) ',default=0) then return if badpar(show,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (SHOW) ',default=0) then return if badpar(xpos,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (XPOS) ',default=-1) then return if badpar(ypos,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (YPOS) ',default=-1) then return if badpar(xsize,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (XSIZE) ',default=-1) then return if badpar(ysize,[0,1,2,3],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (YSIZE) ',default=-1) then return if badpar(title,[0,7],0,CALLER='SETWIN: (TITLE) ',default='[[default]]') then return if id lt 0 or id ge 32 then begin print,'SETWIN: window id must be >= 0 and < 32' return endif ; If no structure yet, initialize sz_info=size(info) if sz_info[n_elements(sz_info)-2] ne 10 then info = ptrarr(32) ; Start with the assumption that the window doesn't need creation, this ; may be modified later. create = 0 if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 and !d.name ne 'MAC' then begin device,window_state=win_state if win_state[id] eq 0 then create=1 endif ; Has this window been used before? if not ptr_valid(info[id]) then begin create = 1 info[id] = ptr_new( { id: id, $ xpos: xpos, $ ypos: ypos, $ xsize: xsize, $ ysize: ysize, $ xoffset: 0, $ yoffset: 0, $ title: title } ) endif else if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 and not create then begin wset,id (*info[id]).xsize = !d.x_size (*info[id]).ysize = !d.y_size device,get_window_position=wp (*info[id]).xpos = wp[0] - (*info[id]).xoffset if !d.name eq 'WIN' or !d.name eq 'MAC' then begin (*info[id]).ypos=wp[1] - (*info[id]).ysize - (*info[id]).yoffset endif else begin (*info[id]).ypos=wp[1] endelse endif if xsize ge 0 and (*info[id]).xsize ne xsize then begin (*info[id]).xsize=xsize create=1 endif if ysize ge 0 and (*info[id]).ysize ne ysize then begin (*info[id]).ysize=ysize create=1 endif if xpos ge 0 and (*info[id]).xpos ne xpos then begin if !d.name eq 'WIN' or !d.name eq 'MAC' then begin (*info[id]).xpos=xpos endif else begin (*info[id]).xpos=xpos endelse create=1 endif if ypos ge 0 and (*info[id]).ypos ne ypos then begin (*info[id]).ypos=ypos create=1 endif if title ne '[[default]]' and title ne (*info[id]).title then begin (*info[id]).title = title create=1 endif ; If postscript device, then just adjust xsize and ysize according to ; the input. The goal is to keep the aspect ratio the same. This will ; choose between portrait and landscape and will make the plot the full ; size of the page subject to the constraint of the apsect ratio of the ; known size of the chosen window. if !d.name eq 'PS' or !d.name eq 'PRINTER' then begin aspect = float((*info[id]).ysize)/float((*info[id]).xsize) if aspect lt 1.0 then begin ; more wide than tall, landscape xsize = 25.0 ysize = 25.0*(*info[id]).ysize/(*info[id]).xsize fac = 19.0/ysize if fac lt 1.0 then begin xsize=xsize*fac ysize=ysize*fac endif setpage,/landscape,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize endif else begin ; more tall than wide, portrait ysize = 25.0 xsize = 25.0*(*info[id]).xsize/(*info[id]).ysize fac = 19.0/xsize if fac lt 1.0 then begin xsize=xsize*fac ysize=ysize*fac endif setpage,/portrait,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize endelse return endif ; If not a windowing device, exit before doing anything. if (!d.flags and 256) eq 0 then return ; if the window needs to be created, check and see if positions, sizes, ; or title are defaulted. ; if so, make the defaults match the way the system does it. if create eq 1 then begin device,get_screen_size=sc case id mod 4 OF 0: begin default=[sc[0]/2,sc[1]/2,sc[0]/2-10,sc[1]/2-25] end 1: begin default=[sc[0]/2,0,sc[0]/2-10,sc[1]/2-25] end 2: begin default=[0,sc[1]/2,sc[0]/2-10,sc[1]/2-25] end 3: begin default=[0,0,sc[0]/2-10,sc[1]/2-25] end endcase if (*info[id]).xpos lt 0 then (*info[id]).xpos =default[0] if (*info[id]).ypos lt 0 then (*info[id]).ypos =default[1] if (*info[id]).xsize lt 0 then (*info[id]).xsize=default[2] if (*info[id]).ysize lt 0 then (*info[id]).ysize=default[3] if (*info[id]).title eq '[[default]]' then (*info[id]).title='IDL '+strn(id) window,id,xpos=(*info[id]).xpos-(*info[id]).xoffset, $ ypos=(*info[id]).ypos-(*info[id]).yoffset, $ xsize=(*info[id]).xsize,ysize=(*info[id]).ysize, $ title=(*info[id]).title device,get_window_position=wp if !d.name eq 'WIN' or !d.name eq 'MAC' then begin (*info[id]).yoffset = wp[1] - (*info[id]).ysize - (*info[id]).ypos endif else begin (*info[id]).yoffset = wp[1] - (*info[id]).ypos endelse (*info[id]).xoffset = wp[0] - (*info[id]).xpos endif else begin wset,id endelse ; Erase if set if erase then erase ; Bring to front if SHOW set if show then wshow end