;+ ; NAME: ; rdobjdes ; PURPOSE: ; Read in a file in the format of newobj.dat for use ; DESCRIPTION: ; CATEGORY: ; File I/O ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rdobjdes,filename,ncodes,objcode,field,xref,xsec ; INPUTS: ; filename - name of file to read ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ASTPATH - path to astrometry data (default=/gryll/data1/buie/astrometry) ; COMMENTS - original xref string containing all comments ; OUTPUTS: ; ncodes - number of entries read ; objcode - object code ; field - first frame observation ; xref - cross reference in newobj.dat file ; xsec - Indicates if the local code is a secondary designation ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 01/01/08, Written by Susan Kern ; 2001/08/15, MWB, upgraded to use LONG for all counters. ;- pro rdobjdes,filename,ncodes,objcode, field,xref,xsec, $ ASTPATH=astpath, COMMENTS=comments if badpar(filename,7,0,caller='rdobjdes:(filename)') then return if badpar(astpath,[0,7],0,caller='rdobjdes:(ASTPATH)', $ default='/gryll/data1/buie/astrometry') then return ; Locate the id code file and load it ncodes=0L if exists(addslash(astpath)+filename) then begin openr,lun,addslash(astpath)+filename,/get_lun line='' while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,line,format='(a1)' ncodes = ncodes+1L endwhile endif point_lun,lun,0L line='' objcode=strarr(ncodes) field=strarr(ncodes) xref=strarr(ncodes) xsec=intarr(ncodes) tab = string( byte(9) ) for i=0L,ncodes-1 do begin readf,lun,line,format='(a)' words=strsplit(line,tab,/EXTRACT) objcode[i]=words[0] field[i]=words[1] if strlen(line) gt 21 then begin xref[i]=words[2] endif endfor objcode=strtrim(objcode,2) field=strtrim(field,2) xref=strtrim(xref,2) comments = xref xref=strcompress(xref) length=0 for i=0L,ncodes-1 do begin if strlen(xref[i]) ne 0 then begin words=strsplit(xref[i],/EXTRACT) xref[i]=words[0] length=strlen(xref[i]) ; note, if the second is true we know it is a secondary designation if strmid(xref[i],0,1) eq '(' and $ strmid(xref[i],0,1,/REVERSE_OFFSET) eq ')' then begin xref[i]=strmid(xref[i],1,length-2) endif else if strmid(xref[i],0,1) eq '(' then begin xref[i]=strmid(xref[i],1) xsec[i]=1 endif endif endfor free_lun,lun end