pro pdm,t,x0,sigx0,freq1,freq2,dfreq,freq,period,theta ;+ ; NAME: ; pdm ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). ; DESCRIPTION: ; This routine computes the Theta statistic for period searching ; in time-series data using the technique described by Stellingwerf, ; ApJ, 224, pp. 953-960 (1978). ; CATEGORY: ; Photometry ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pdm,t,x,freq1,freq2,dfreq,freq,period,theta ; INPUTS: ; t - independent variable (usually time) ; x0 - dependent variable (usually magnitude or intensity) ; sigx0 - Uncertainty on x. ; freq1 - Lower limit to frequency to compute statistic (units=[1/t]) ; freq2 - Upper limit to frequency to compute statistic (units=[1/t]) ; dfreq - Frequency interval. (units=[1/t]) ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; freq - Frequency vector. ; period - inverse frequency. ; theta - PDM statistic (1 ==> insignificant, 0 ==> significant). ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 1992 Feb 11, by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ;- if (freq1 le 0 or freq2 le 0 or freq1 eq freq2) then begin print,"Illegal frequency values." return endif if (freq1 gt freq2) then begin tmp=freq1 freq1=freq2 freq2=tmp endif freq = findgen((freq2-freq1)/dfreq) freq = freq/(n_elements(freq)-1) freq = freq * (freq2-freq1) + freq1 period = 1.0/freq theta = fltarr(n_elements(freq)) nbins = 60 width = 1.0/20.0 pbinl = findgen(nbins)/float(nbins) pbinr = pbinl + width meanerr,x0,sigx0,mx,dummy,sigsamp varsamp = sigsamp^2 ;varsamp = x0 - mean(x0) ;varsamp = varsamp^2 ;varsamp = total(varsamp)/(n_elements(x0)-1) ;print,varsamp ;Double the input data to eliminate phase wrapping x=[x0,x0] sigx=[sigx0,sigx0] for i=0,n_elements(freq)-1 do begin lphase = t * freq[i] lphase = lphase - fix(lphase) lphase = [lphase,lphase+1.0] samp = intarr(nbins) sig = fltarr(nbins) ; vars = fltarr(nbins) for p=0,nbins-1 do begin z = where( lphase gt pbinl[p] and lphase le pbinr[p], count) if (count gt 1) then begin meanerr,x[z],sigx[z],m,dummy,vals sig[p] = vals ; tmp = x(z) - mean(x(z)) ; vars(p) = total(tmp^2)/(count-1) samp[p] = count ;print,m,mean(x(z)),dummy^2,sig(p)^2,vars(p) endif endfor z = where(samp gt 0) ; s = total(vars(z)*(samp(z)-1))/float(total(samp(z))-nbins) s = total(sig[z]^2*(samp[z]-1))/float(total(samp)-nbins) theta[i] = s/varsamp endfor end