;+ ; NAME: ; lcfun ; PURPOSE: ; Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). ; DESCRIPTION: ; This is to be used in cases where you already know the fundamental period. ; The input independent variable is assumed to be reduced to phase of a ; fundamental period already. The integer part of the number is not used ; by the function. ; CATEGORY: ; Mathematical ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; x - independent variable (longitude, between 0 and 360) ; c - fourier series coefficients ; 0 - beta -> linear phase coefficient ; 1 - a(0) -> constant term ; 2 - a(1) -> cos(x2pi) ; 3 - b(1) -> sin(x2pi) ; 4 - a(2) -> cos(2x2pi) ; 5 - b(2) -> sin(2x2pi) ; and so on for as many elements as in c ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; f - Evaluated function value ; pder - (Optional) partial derivatives ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 94/10/10, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ;- pro lcfun,x,c,f,pder,PHANG=in_phang common lc_com,phang if n_elements(in_phang) eq 1 or $ n_elements(x) eq n_elements(in_phang) then phang = in_phang beta = c[0] const = c[1] nterms = n_elements(c) alen = fix((nterms-1)/2) if nterms/2*2 ne nterms then blen = alen-1 else blen = alen a = c[indgen(alen)*2+2] b = c[indgen(blen)*2+3] ;Evaluate f = const + beta*phang for i=0,alen-1 do f = f + a[i]*cos(2.0*!pi*(i+1)*x/360.0) for i=0,blen-1 do f = f + b[i]*sin(2.0*!pi*(i+1)*x/360.0) ;Need partial? if n_params(0) eq 4 then begin pder=fltarr(n_elements(x),nterms) pder[*,0] = phang pder[*,1] = 1.0 for i=0,alen-1 do pder[*,2*i+2] = cos(2.0*!pi*(i+1)*x/360.0) for i=0,blen-1 do pder[*,2*i+3] = sin(2.0*!pi*(i+1)*x/360.0) endif end