;+ ; NAME: ; eph4move ; PURPOSE: ; Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer. ; DESCRIPTION: ; CATEGORY: ; Astronomy ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; eph4move,objfile,outfile,TIME=time ; INPUTS: ; objfile - String containing file name of objects to generate ephemerides ; for. This file is a correspondence list between offical ; object codes (see EPHEM.PRO) and common names. RDMATCH ; Gives a description of the format of this file. ; outfile - String containing file name for output, this is the file you ; will give to the MOVE program. ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; TIME - By default, the program will read the system clock and generate ; an output file consistent with the current date. However, ; if you wish to override the date, you give a time vector ; here such as [1995,11,30,0,0,0]. You can also specify a ; Julian date (scalar) for the starting time. ; NDAYS - Number of days to run ephemeris for, default = 1 ; DT - Spacing between ephemeris points, default = 1 hour. ; OUTPUTS: ; All information is written to the output file. ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; This is setup to work for Anderson Mesa only. ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 95/11/30, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ; 95/12/20, MWB, Added NDAYS and DT keywords. ; 96/05/02, MWB, Fixed pipe overflow problem when doing to many position. ; 98/07/03, MWB, added JD option to TIME ;- pro eph4move,objfile,outfile,TIME=time,NDAYS=ndays,DT=dt,DEBUG=debug if n_params() ne 2 then begin print,'eph4move,objfile,outfile[,TIME=time]' return endif if (badpar(ndays,[0,2,3,4,5],0,CALLER='eph4move: (ndays) ',default=1.0)) then return if (badpar(dt,[0,2,3,4,5],0,CALLER='eph4move: (dt) ',default=1.0)) then return if (badpar(time,[0,2,3,4,5],[0,1],CALLER='eph4move (TIME) ',rank=timerank,default=-1)) then return ; Grab the names rdmatch,objfile,obid,objname if n_elements(obid) gt 999 then $ message,'ERROR! there are too many objects in the list. Limit is 999' ; Start up Larry''s ephemeris generator (this assumes it''s in the path). spawn,'geteph',unit=pipe ; Open the output file for writing. openw,outlun,outfile,/get_lun ; Write the ID header printf,outlun,'MOVE EPHEMERIS V1.0' ; Construct time vector. if time[0] lt 0.0 then begin curjd = systime(/julian,/utc) jd0 = double(floor(curjd - 0.5d0)) + 7.0d0/24.0d0 deljd = (curjd-jd0)*24.0 if ( deljd gt 24.0 ) then jd0=jd0+1.0d0 endif else if timerank eq 1 then begin jdcnv,time[0],time[1],time[2],time[3]+time[4]/60.0+time[5]/3600.0,jd0 endif else begin jd0 = double(floor(time - 0.5d0)) + 7.0d0/24.0d0 deljd = (time-jd0)*24.0 if ( deljd gt 24.0 ) then jd0=jd0+1.0d0 endelse jd = dindgen(ceil(ndays*24.0/dt)+1)*dt/24.0 + jd0 ; print out first and last time for info jdstr,jd[0],0,str1 jdstr,jd[n_elements(jd)-1],0,str2 print,'Time span for ephemeris is ',str1,' to ',str2 ; Allocate space for the returning ephemeris information ; eph = dblarr(2,n_elements(jd)) eph = dblarr(2) for j=0,n_elements(obid)-1 do begin print,objname[j],format="($,' ',a)" first=1 ; Get ephemeris data. for i=0,n_elements(jd)-1 do begin printf,pipe,jd[i],688,2+50,obid[j],format='(f13.5,1x,i3,1x,i2,1x,a)' if keyword_set(debug) then $ print,jd[i],688,2+50,obid[j],format='(f13.5,1x,i3,1x,i2,1x,a)' readf,pipe,eph if first eq 1 then begin goodobj = eph[0,0] ge -90.0 first=0 if not goodobj then goto,badobj endif if goodobj then $ printf,outlun,objname[j]+' ', $ 2000.0,jd[i],eph[0],eph[1], $ format='(a20,1x,f6.1,1x,f13.5,1x,f10.8,1x,f11.8)' endfor badobj: if goodobj then begin print,' done.' endif else begin print,' **** Error ',obid[j],' is an invalid object code.' endelse endfor ; Close the pipe free_lun,pipe free_lun,outlun end