;+ ; NAME: ; difref ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Compute amount of atmospheric refraction relative to 5000 Angstroms. ; DESCRIPTION: ; this function is based on the formulas in Filippenko, PASP, v. 94, ; pp. 715-721 for the index of refraction of air (routine REFRAC). ; CATEGORY: ; Miscellaneous ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ans = difref(wave,pressure,temp,water,zenith) ; INPUTS: ; wave - Wavelength of light, in microns. ; pressure - Atmospheric pressure, in mm of Hg. ; temp - Atmospheric temperature, in degrees C. ; water - Water vapor pressure, in mm of Hg. ; zenith - Angle from the zenith, in radians. ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; Returns the amount of differential refraction in arcseconds. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 1991 Feb, by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ;- function difref,wave,pressure,temp,water,zenith dr = 206265.0 * $ (refrac(wave,pressure,temp,water)-refrac(0.5,pressure,temp,water)) * $ tan(zenith) return,dr end