;+ ; NAME: ; coord ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec). ; DESCRIPTION: ; CATEGORY: ; Photometry ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; coord,jd,obs,object,namefile,ra,dec ; INPUTS: ; jd - Julian date (scalar or vector). ; obs - Observatory code, Marsden's IAUC codes (scalar). ; object - Object name (scalar string or string array). ; namefile - Correspondence file to match up to standard names. ; If this variable is undefined or set to '[[STANDARD]]' ; then the object names are taken to be standard names ; already and the list is used as is. In this case, the ; the return value of STANDARD is precisely equal to object. ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; FILE - Name of star catalog file. Default is: ; '/gryll/data1/buie/starcat/starcat.dat' ; B1950 - If set, will return B1950 equinox coordinates (def=of date). ; J2000 - If set, will return J2000 equinox coordinates (def=of date). ; OFDATE - Coordinates should be referred to equinox of date. ; If selected, EPOCH must be provided. ; DEBUG - Flag, if turned on causes all pipe I/O to be echoed to screen. ; OUTPUTS: ; ra - Right ascension of object in radians. ; dec - Delination of object in radians. ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; STANDARD - string array of standard names that match up to object. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 3/31/93 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ; 10/5/93, MWB, added support for two Landolt catalogs. ; 99/02/23, MWB, allowed bypass of namefile specification. ;- pro coord,jd,obs,object,namefile,ra,dec, $ FILE=file, OFDATE=ofdate, STANDARD=standard, B1950=b1950, J2000=j2000, $ DEBUG=debug ; First validation. if n_params() ne 6 then begin print,'Usage: coord,jd,obs,object,namefile,ra,dec' return endif if badpar(jd,5,[0,1],caller='COORD: (jd) ',npts=n1) then return if badpar(obs,[2,3],0,caller='COORD: (obs) ') then return if badpar(object,7,[0,1],caller='COORD: (object) ',npts=n2) then return if badpar(namefile,[0,7],0,caller='COORD: (namefile) ',default='[[STANDARD]]') then return if badpar(debug,[0,1,2,3],0,caller='COORD: (DEBUG) ',default=0) then return if n1 ne n2 then begin print,'COORD: jd and object name lists must agree in length.' return endif if namefile ne '[[STANDARD]]' then begin rdmatch,namefile,proper,informal,err=err if err then return ; Check to make sure there are no blank (undefined) standard names z=where(strlen(proper) eq 0,count) if count ne 0 then begin print,'COORD: the following objects have undefined standard names.' for i=0,count-1 do begin print,informal[z[i]] endfor return endif matchobj,proper,informal,object,standard endif else begin standard=object endelse ; Extract the first character of each object type = strmid(standard,0,1) ; Make sure there aren't any unknown objects. z=where(type eq 'u',count) if count ne 0 then begin bad = object[z] bad = bad[uniq(bad,sort(bad))] print,'The following objects are undefined in the name list file ',namefile for i=0,n_elements(bad)-1 do print,' ',bad[i] print,'Cannot continue, coordinates not generated.' return endif ;Set up output arrays ra = dblarr(n1) dec = dblarr(n2) ;Separate object list into Fixed Objects (stars, etc.) and Moving Objects ft = where(type ne 'a' and type ne 'c' and type ne 'p',count_ft) mt = where(type eq 'a' or type eq 'c' or type eq 'p',count_mt) print,count_ft,' Stars in list.' print,count_mt,' Moving objects in list.' if count_mt ne 0 then begin print,'Computing ephemerides...',format='(a,$)' code=0 if keyword_set(b1950) then code=1 if keyword_set(j2000) then code=2 code=code+50 ephem,jd[mt],obs,code,standard[mt],eph,DEBUG=debug ra[mt] = eph[0,*] dec[mt] = eph[1,*] print,'done.' endif if count_ft ne 0 then begin print,'Computing star positions...',format='(a,$)' if keyword_set(b1950) or keyword_set(j2000) then ofdate=0 else ofdate=1 jd2year,jd[ft[0]],epoch getstars,standard[ft],ra_s,dec_s,found,epoch=epoch, $ OFDATE=ofdate,B1950=b1950,J2000=j2000,FILE=file if n_elements(found) gt total(found) then $ message,'Not all the stars were found!',/info ra[ft] = ra_s dec[ft] = dec_s print,'done.' endif end