Contents of Marc Buie's IDL library. This listing generated: Tue Oct 9 16:27:39 MST 2001 2-D plotting ______________ -------------- cleandat - Interactive program to eliminate and smooth over bad data points. focscan - Summarize and plot focus log files from PCCD. occplot - Plot small pieces of stellar occultation data. oplerr - Overplot data points with accompanying x or y error bars. rddat - Display the X and Y value of the cursor in a plot zplot - Plot differential refraction as a function of wavelength. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrometry ______________ -------------- ast2ted - Convert astrometry file to a Ted Bowell format astrometry file. astcol - Collect astrometry observations for multiple objects asteval - Evaulate an astrometric polynomial function. astinvrt - Invert an astrometric solution to get x,y given ($\xi$,$\eta$). astlinks - Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements astlist - Create a summary listing from a final astrometry file. astpred - Simple asteroid position predictor when no orbit is available. astprmt - Promote version of an astrometry fit coefficient file to highest version. astrd2sn - Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to ($\xi$,$\eta$) astrd2xy - Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to image (x,y) astrepro - Re-reduce existing astrometry originally measured with ASTROM astrom - Astrometry from a digital image. astsn2rd - Astrometry conversion from ($\xi$,$\eta$) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$) astsolve - Solve for astrometric transformation from image to sky coordinates. astterms - Evaulate the independent vectors to match an astrometric polynomial function. astxy2rd - Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$) ephcheck - Compare a set of astrometry observations against an ephemeris. frmdxdy - Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy offset between lists. kbompck - Pre-check and summary for MPC data submission for KBO/Centaur observations linkobj2 - Cross check source lists from one field and identify moving objects. linkobj - Cross check three source lists from one field and identify moving objects. looker - Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images. lplastchk - Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements matchup - Read a batch of FITS files and create a list of common object exposures. mergeobj - Merge a pair of object lists. moscheck - Scan Mosaic astrometry data and look for inconsistencies and problems mosplot - Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do astrometry. mpcdcvt - Convert to and from Minor Planet Center packed designation format. objcheck - Validate and summarize object positions and astrometry objprmt - Promote version of an object list file to highest version. objrepor - Generate a report about the contents of the object files in a directory. plast - Support routine for calling ``PLAST'' to get asteroids on an image. plastext - Batch mode extraction of PLAST asteroid lists. rdoblist - Read a object list from a file. refext - Batch mode extraction of REFNET star catalog fields in support of ASTROM refnet - Support routine for calling ``REFNET'' to get stars from USNO A1.0 catalog. srcast - Compute ra,dec for all objects in a source list (see findsrc). wroblist - Write an object list to a file. xdesig - Digest and record Minor Planet Center designation cross refereces. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy ______________ -------------- addstars - Manipulate the master star catalog (add/replace) airmass - Compute airmass for one or more times. altoha - Convert an object altitude to its hour angle. caldatm - Find year, month, day, hour, minute, second from Julian Date. decparse - Convert Declination string to radians. decstr - Convert declination in radians to an ASCII string. dmstorad - Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians. edtcoord - Display a celestial coordinate and permit editing the value. eph4move - Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer. ephem - Ephemeris generator for solar system objects. fieldobs - Real-time display of where objects are in the sky findobj - Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays futureob - Plot geometric circumstances for a solar system object for some years. getstars - Retrieve coordinates from the master star catalog hangle - Compute the local hour angle of an object. hastr - Convert an Hour Angle to a string. hatojd - Find the nearest Julian date for a given hour angle and date. hmstorad - Convert from hours, minutes, and seconds of Right Ascension to radians. jd2year - Convert Julian date to decimal year. jdparse - Read and parse a Julian Date from a calendar string kbolist - Create a summary listing of KBOs in a single directory of DES data kboplan - KBO observing planning table generation kbosum - Create a summary listing of KBOs in all directories of DES data loadstar - Load the master star catalog file lsidtim - Compute local sidereal time at a given longitude and time. mag2flx - Convert from magnitudes to flux units with errors. naifname - Convert an ephem standard name to a common name (NAIF name scheme) objappul - Generate a list of nightly appulses for a solar system object. objstars - Get a list of stars from the USNO A2.0 catalog centered on a solar system object. obsplan - Generate a graphical summary of object location(s) for a given night. obsprop - Observing proposal planning table generation obswind - Compute possible observing window for a celestial object. radtodms - Convert an angle from radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds. radtohms - Convert from radians to hours, minutes, and seconds of right ascension. raparse - Convert Right Ascension (RA) string to radians. rastr - Convert RA in radians to hours, minutes, and seconds (ASCII string). refrac - Apply atmospheric refraction to a ``true'' zenith angle savestar - Save the master star catalog file showelem - Print out current osculating orbital elements for a solar system object. ssgeom - Compute Sun and Earth distance and phase angle for solar system object. sspos - Interactive program for generating solar system body ephemerides. starcat - Retreive coordinates from the star catalogs. synstar2 - Compute a synthetic (Lorentizian) star image. tnoobs - Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations. tnorecov - Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CCD data processing ______________ -------------- acre - Automatic Cosmic Ray Extraction autocal - Automatic program for creating CCD calibration files. avgclip - Average over a 3-D array, clipping unusual deviants. backsub - Background subtraction from an image. basphote - Circular aperture photometry extraction from images. bildmask - Stack a set of bad pixel mask images into one master mask. boxm - Find location of a maximum within a sub-array. calibchg - Calibration structure maintenance utility. calval - Validate overscan, cropping region, and calibration file settings. ccdcal - Batch mode image calibration program (apply bias, dark and flats) ccdgain - Extract and plot CCD gain transfer curve from flat field image data. ccdproc - Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw image. centrod - Compute center of mass of an object aperture. cgetrng - How to integrate over a circle. clean - Remove a PSF from an image via the ``clean'' algorithm. colbias - Determine and subtract column-wise overscan correction with cropping. darkadj - Adjust a superdark CCD calibration frame by a multiplicative constant. findsrc - Automatic source detection and photometry from a digital image. fitsbin - Software binning of an image in FITS file format. fixsnap - Munge a SNAPSHOT format ``FITS'' header and make it legal FITS fxtm - Fix bad time codes from Anderson Mesa CCD software. getannul - Extract an annulus from a 2-D array. gridwt - Compute circle overlap weights in a circle within an array. imqual - Generate a ``grade'' for image quality of input image. juploc - Find and extract Jupiter in images and create PDS FITS headers on output. ldcalib - Load calibration frames and information as instructed by calib file. limbcen - Find center of body from centroid of limb points (Designed for Jupiter). maxloc - Find the column-wise, row-wise, or point location of the image maximum. medarr_mwb - Combine arrays with a median average. mkbias - Collect and combine CCD bias frames into a superbias frame mkcalib - Interactive program for creating CCD calibration files. mkdark - Collect and combine CCD dark frames into a superdark frame mkflat - Collect and combine CCD flat frames into a superflat frame mknicsky - Create a master sky image from a set of dithered NICMOS images. mmaspli - Splice WIYN MMA images back together. moscal - Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw group-FITS image. p6model - Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST Planetary Camera, Chip 6. parsekey - Extract FITS header information by parsing supplied keys pickim - Interactive program to select best image from cube for SL9 data. pixwt - Circle-rectangle overlap area computation. psfstack - Generate an average numerical psf by stacking observed images. radp - Extract point-wise radial ``profile'' from image data. redfits - Apply standard CCD processing steps to a raw CCD image. ringprof - Compute a surface brightness profile. sl9proc - Interactive program to process and crop image for SL9 data. spotrm - Spot remover for images sumann - Integrate over an annulus. wrcalb - Save contents of a calibration structure to a file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Widgets ______________ -------------- cw_cpmgr - Interactive sky selection for faint comet photometry (from itool). cw_ipmgr - Display and edit itool image parameters. cw_itool - General purpose image display. cw_osipl - Display the various spectra generated by xdavg cw_pfile - Widget application for plots and profiles of an image. cw_pixed - Pixel editor. cw_ppmgr - Display and edit itool photometry parameters. cw_tplat - Create a photometry template widget. cw_tpmgr - Photometry template manager for itool. it_init - Itool initialization. it_pplod - Load itool photometry parameters from a file. it_ppsav - Save itool photometry parameters to a file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- File I/O ______________ -------------- delfile - Delete file exists - Check for file (or directory) existence. fitsedit - Interactive, widget-based editing of FITS header values. gxpar - General purpose FITS file header keyword extraction. hardcopy - Close printer or ps graphics device and spool output. loadkeys - Load FITS header keyword correspondence list from file. mkdir - Create a new directory photprmt - Promote version of a photometry log file to highest version. rdast - Read final astrometry data file. rdastfc - Read an astrometry fit coefficient file. rdat1i - Read and return a one dimensional 2-byte integer vector. rdat1r - Read and return a one dimensional single precision floating point vector. rdat2i - Read and return a two dimensional two byte integer vector. rdat2r - Read and return a two dimensional single precision floating point vector. rdat2u - Read and return a two dimensional two byte unsigned integer vector. rdbyt - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file. rdctioph - Reads raw card image CTIO photometry data files. rdflt - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file. rdgrab - Read raw binary IRTF-grabber1 format data files. rdimg - Read and return the two images in an old style MaxEnt map. rdkeylis - Read a correspondence list file into arrays. rdland2 - Read the Combined Landolt Standard system photometry file. rdland - Read the Landolt Standards data file. rdlplast - Read a Bowell format asteroid cross reference file (lplast.xrft) rdmatch - Read a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. rdobjdes - Read in a file in the format of newobj.dat for use rdobscod - Read standard observatory code data file. rdoccpht - Read a Occultation Photometer data file. rdphalt - Reads photometry from an alternate format basphote log file. rdphocat - Read a photometry standard catalog from a file. rdphot2 - Reads the original BASPHOTC photometry log file. rdphot3 - Reads photometry from a reduced photometry file (see WRPHOT) rdphot - Reads photometry from a basphotc log file. rdpricat - Read data from a private star catalog. rdraw - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from a raw animation file. rdrawast - Read raw astrometry data file. rdtbl - Read the data from the table file from one night of OSIRIS observations wrbophot - Write a simple photometry data file. wrmatch - Write a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. wrphalt - Write a photometry log file. wrphocat - Write a photometry standard catalog file. wrphot - Write a standard raw photometry data file (Pluto format). wrtbl - Update the table file of a night's OSIRIS data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Function fitting ______________ -------------- atmofit - Fit 1 or 2 gaussians to an astronomical image that is seeing limited. edgefit - Fit an edge between two signal levels fourfit - Fit one or more fourier terms to discrete (periodic) data. goodpoly - Robust fitting of a polynomial to data. lcfit - Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lcfitsvd - Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). mysvdfit - Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates. plch_fun - Two 2-d gaussian images, support routine for PLCHFIT. plchfit - Two gaussian fit to an image of the Pluto-Charon system. rcgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term). rfgfit - Fit a radial gaussian to the input data (no linear term, width fixed). rgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function and 2nd order polynominal to the input data. rqgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term). slope - Compute slope of a line using part of the data. star_fun - Single 2-d gaussian image, support routine for STARFIT. starfit - Single gaussian fit to a stellar image. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Image display ______________ -------------- digit - Digitize from a displayed gif file. hardim - Create a postscript image and/or print from an image. initvc - Compute unit vectors for a spherical surface map. itool - General purpose image display (front-end for cw\_itool). negative - Invert the current display lookup table. render - Render a rectangular projection map to a sphere. seerad - Display a radial profile at X and Y value of the cursor skysclim - Compute stretch range for a hard stretch on the background in an image. wedge - Compute and return a gray scale step wedge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical ______________ -------------- angsep - Compute the angular distance between two spherical coordinates. deriver - Compute the step-wise derivative of a function of one variable. fourfunc - Compute a Fourier series function (called by fourfit) gauss2d - Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array. hgp - Compute a single parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function. interp - One dimensional interpolation onto a new x grid (both irregular) lcfun - Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lcfunf - Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). prival - Reduce an angle to its principal value (0 $\leq \Theta < 2\pi$). rotpoint - Rotate x,y,z point(s) about arbitrary axis. round - round a floating point number. salb - Compute single particle scattering albedo. sshift2d - Shift a 2-D array using a damped sinc function for the fractional part. synstar - Compute a synthetic (gaussian) star image. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous ______________ -------------- airindex - Compute the real part of the refractive index of air. bidr2 - Compute the bi-directional reflectance (newer Hapke formula). This bidr - Compute the bi-directional reflectance (old Hapke formula). colcob - Compute the offset from the center-of-light to center-of-body. dewp - Compute dew point temperature give temperature and relative humidity difref - Compute amount of atmospheric refraction relative to 5000 Angstroms. getsalb - Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance gpsproc - Process and average a single day GPS record. hstpsf - Find or create a HST PSF file using Tiny Tim. logerror - Simplified error logging program. mapseq - Animate a seqence of PLUTOMEM maps. plotglob - Plot a globe projection with latitude and longitude lines pwd - Print current working directory. readtil - Read and return the two images in a MaxEnt tile map file. tvmaps - Display a full set of Pluto/Charon model .til maps on the current display. tvtil - Display a Pluto/Charon .til map as an image on the current display. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Numerical ______________ -------------- avger - Temporal averaging of time-series data. findmax - Find the interpolated local maximum in a 2-D array. lowess - Lowess smoothing of data. sincfltr - Pass 1-d data through a low-pass filter (damped sinc). sint2d - Sinc interpolation of a 2-D array of data. sint - Sinc interpolation of a 1-D vector of data. sinterp4 - Four-fold sinc interpolation of a vector of data. slidefil - Sliding spatial filter on time series data. sshift - Shift data using a damped sinc function for fractional part. stats - Compute and print statistics plus plot histogram of data. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Photometry ______________ -------------- colorsol - Find the standard color of an unknown star. coord - Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec). crmatch - Create a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. datamon - Summary plot of raw data contained in photometry log file disphase - Apply distance and phase angle correction to observed magnitudes. flx2mag - Convert from flux units to magnitudes with errors. getcolor - Given a list of names and JD, return B-V and V-R colors. gettran - Find and return transformation solution for a given night and instrument inst2std - Apply photometric transformation from instrumental to standard mags. ltcrv2 - Photometric lightcurve reductions with known transformation. ltcrv2c - 2-color lightcurve reductions with known transformation. ltcrv - Photometric lightcurve reductions against a single comparison star. onchip - Extract and optionally plot differential on-chip photometry. pdm2 - Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based) pdm2dis - Phase disconnect shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdm2shif - Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdm - Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdmshif - Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). perser - Automated asteroid period search tool. phasebin - Compute a phase binned average lightcurve photred - Reduction of non-variable point source absolute photometry. plotphot - Plot extinction fits from Tholen's ltcrv program. plpedit - Interactive editing of photometry data files. reductor - Automated photometry reduction tool. rephot - Reprocess photometry data set by re-extracting from images. starproc - Collect and process final (standard) star photometry stdcheck - Determine if object is in a given standard catalog. transf - Determine transformation coefficients from instrumental to standard mags. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectroscopy ______________ -------------- avgspec - Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra from FITS files. cavgspec - Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra. clnspec - Interactive cleaning of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum. clscan - Scan a group of raw OSIRIS XD frames and find rough spectral location. flagspec - Interactive marking of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum. getpair - Read two OSIRIS XD data files and return the difference strip image. getspec - Extract a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data. getstrip - Extract a 2-d rectangular strip image from a OSIRIS XD image. inslit - Compute flux passing through a slit assuming a gaussian image. lclxtrem - Find local minima or maxima in a 1-d vector. ldcalir - Load calibration information for OSIRIS XD data from a calib file. nic1scan - Scan for best spectrum location of a weak-signal NICMOS spectrum. nic1src - Improved 1 source extraction from single NICMOS Grism image data. nic2src - Detangle two sources from single NICMOS Grism image data. nicinit - Extract initial spectrum and profile from NICMOS Grism image data. nicplot - Create a summary plot of the contents of a NICMOS Grism data structure. nicprof - Update NICMOS observation structure based on a new centerline. objratio - Ratio object spectra to one or more comp star spectra. optspec - Optimal extraction of a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data. osiclean - Automatic cleaning of bad and low signal data from OSIRIS XD spectrum osidvfit - Find the linear fit coefficients for a spectrum for each order osislope - Correct an IR OSIRIS spectrum for the slope problem. osismean - Compute mean of a set of OSIRIS XD spectra. plotsn - Analyze a vector and retrieve the signal-to-noise ratio. plotspec - Plot OSIRIS XD spectral data with wavelength scale. rdnicobs - Read a NICMOS observation set description file. sigratio - Compute the relative signal level between a set of spectra (1-d vectors). tblparse - Determine properties and problems from the table file with OSIRIS data wrcalir - Write calibration information for OSIRIS XD data to a calib file. xdavg - Interactive tool for combining and correcting OSIRIS XD spectra. xdspec - End-to-end reduction tool for OSIRIS XD spectral data. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics ______________ -------------- meanerr2 - Calculate the mean and estimated error for a set of weighted data points meanerr - Calculate the mean and estimated errors for a set of data points moment4 - Compute various statistical moments of the data. robomean - Robust statistical moments of the data. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Utility ______________ -------------- addslash - Append a trailing / to string (if needed). badpar - Validate an input parameter against valid entries. cputime - Return the accumulated user and system times since an arbitrary time. display - IDL procedure for initializing the X window display for plotting. exporter - GUI to facilitate exporting a subset of a night's data. filecopy - Copy one file to a new place or name. filemove - Move one file to a new place or name. intrsect - Find the intersection or its inverse between two arrays. jdstr - Convert Julian date into an ASCII string. landscap - Procedure for initializing the PS device for plotting. matchobj - Find matches for non-standard names in a correspondence list. maxmin - Return vector [max,min] of input array or vector. nobname - Replace all blanks in a string with an underscore character. portrait - IDL procedure for initializing the PS device for portrait mode plotting. rangepar - Parse a string with numbers and ranges to get an expanded list of numbers. relpath - Prepend a path to the file name if file starts with {\tt +} repchar - Replace a target string with a new string in string or string array. repwrite - Update file by replacing or adding line of information setpage - Set size and location of plot on page to center the output. setusym - Set the user defined symbol to one of many shapes. setwin - Set current draw window, create if needed. strb36 - Convert an integer into a Base 36 formatted string. strb62 - Convert an integer into a Base 62 formatted string. tobacksl - Convert forward slash (/) to backslash ($\backslash$) in string. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Widgets ______________ -------------- calibed - Widget for editing CCD calibration information. ccdphot - General purpose display and processing of CCD image files (FITS). garth - Visual inspector of moving target triplet detections. logmanip - Widget for editing and manipulating photometry log files. markdata - Widget for marking/unmarking bad data. picker - Widget for selecting a text item from a list. qinput - Prompt user for input from a widget. viewtext - View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget. xoracle - Display ``oracle'' animation image sequences. xrunplot - Display a complete graphical summary of ``plutomem'' output logs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- All routines in alphabetic order acre - Automatic Cosmic Ray Extraction addslash - Append a trailing / to string (if needed). addstars - Manipulate the master star catalog (add/replace) airindex - Compute the real part of the refractive index of air. airmass - Compute airmass for one or more times. altoha - Convert an object altitude to its hour angle. angsep - Compute the angular distance between two spherical coordinates. ast2ted - Convert astrometry file to a Ted Bowell format astrometry file. astcol - Collect astrometry observations for multiple objects asteval - Evaulate an astrometric polynomial function. astinvrt - Invert an astrometric solution to get x,y given ($\xi$,$\eta$). astlinks - Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements astlist - Create a summary listing from a final astrometry file. astpred - Simple asteroid position predictor when no orbit is available. astprmt - Promote version of an astrometry fit coefficient file to highest version. astrd2sn - Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to ($\xi$,$\eta$) astrd2xy - Astrometry conversion from ($\alpha$,$\delta$) to image (x,y) astrepro - Re-reduce existing astrometry originally measured with ASTROM astrom - Astrometry from a digital image. astsn2rd - Astrometry conversion from ($\xi$,$\eta$) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$) astsolve - Solve for astrometric transformation from image to sky coordinates. astterms - Evaulate the independent vectors to match an astrometric polynomial function. astxy2rd - Astrometry conversion from image (x,y) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$) atmofit - Fit 1 or 2 gaussians to an astronomical image that is seeing limited. autocal - Automatic program for creating CCD calibration files. avgclip - Average over a 3-D array, clipping unusual deviants. avger - Temporal averaging of time-series data. avgspec - Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra from FITS files. backsub - Background subtraction from an image. badpar - Validate an input parameter against valid entries. basphote - Circular aperture photometry extraction from images. bidr2 - Compute the bi-directional reflectance (newer Hapke formula). This bidr - Compute the bi-directional reflectance (old Hapke formula). bildmask - Stack a set of bad pixel mask images into one master mask. boxm - Find location of a maximum within a sub-array. caldatm - Find year, month, day, hour, minute, second from Julian Date. calibchg - Calibration structure maintenance utility. calibed - Widget for editing CCD calibration information. calval - Validate overscan, cropping region, and calibration file settings. cavgspec - Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra. ccdcal - Batch mode image calibration program (apply bias, dark and flats) ccdgain - Extract and plot CCD gain transfer curve from flat field image data. ccdphot - General purpose display and processing of CCD image files (FITS). ccdproc - Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw image. centrod - Compute center of mass of an object aperture. cgetrng - How to integrate over a circle. clean - Remove a PSF from an image via the ``clean'' algorithm. cleandat - Interactive program to eliminate and smooth over bad data points. clnspec - Interactive cleaning of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum. clscan - Scan a group of raw OSIRIS XD frames and find rough spectral location. colbias - Determine and subtract column-wise overscan correction with cropping. colcob - Compute the offset from the center-of-light to center-of-body. colorsol - Find the standard color of an unknown star. coord - Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec). cputime - Return the accumulated user and system times since an arbitrary time. crmatch - Create a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. cw_cpmgr - Interactive sky selection for faint comet photometry (from itool). cw_ipmgr - Display and edit itool image parameters. cw_itool - General purpose image display. cw_osipl - Display the various spectra generated by xdavg cw_pfile - Widget application for plots and profiles of an image. cw_pixed - Pixel editor. cw_ppmgr - Display and edit itool photometry parameters. cw_tplat - Create a photometry template widget. cw_tpmgr - Photometry template manager for itool. darkadj - Adjust a superdark CCD calibration frame by a multiplicative constant. datamon - Summary plot of raw data contained in photometry log file decparse - Convert Declination string to radians. decstr - Convert declination in radians to an ASCII string. delfile - Delete file deriver - Compute the step-wise derivative of a function of one variable. dewp - Compute dew point temperature give temperature and relative humidity difref - Compute amount of atmospheric refraction relative to 5000 Angstroms. digit - Digitize from a displayed gif file. disphase - Apply distance and phase angle correction to observed magnitudes. display - IDL procedure for initializing the X window display for plotting. dmstorad - Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians. edgefit - Fit an edge between two signal levels edtcoord - Display a celestial coordinate and permit editing the value. eph4move - Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer. ephcheck - Compare a set of astrometry observations against an ephemeris. ephem - Ephemeris generator for solar system objects. exists - Check for file (or directory) existence. exporter - GUI to facilitate exporting a subset of a night's data. fieldobs - Real-time display of where objects are in the sky filecopy - Copy one file to a new place or name. filemove - Move one file to a new place or name. findmax - Find the interpolated local maximum in a 2-D array. findobj - Locate image changes with 3-plane color overlays findsrc - Automatic source detection and photometry from a digital image. fitsbin - Software binning of an image in FITS file format. fitsedit - Interactive, widget-based editing of FITS header values. fixsnap - Munge a SNAPSHOT format ``FITS'' header and make it legal FITS flagspec - Interactive marking of bad pixels in an OSIRIS XD spectrum. flx2mag - Convert from flux units to magnitudes with errors. focscan - Summarize and plot focus log files from PCCD. fourfit - Fit one or more fourier terms to discrete (periodic) data. fourfunc - Compute a Fourier series function (called by fourfit) frmdxdy - Given two lists of source on field, find the dx,dy offset between lists. futureob - Plot geometric circumstances for a solar system object for some years. fxtm - Fix bad time codes from Anderson Mesa CCD software. garth - Visual inspector of moving target triplet detections. gauss2d - Compute a two dimensional gaussian within an array. getannul - Extract an annulus from a 2-D array. getcolor - Given a list of names and JD, return B-V and V-R colors. getpair - Read two OSIRIS XD data files and return the difference strip image. getsalb - Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance getspec - Extract a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data. getstars - Retrieve coordinates from the master star catalog getstrip - Extract a 2-d rectangular strip image from a OSIRIS XD image. gettran - Find and return transformation solution for a given night and instrument goodpoly - Robust fitting of a polynomial to data. gpsproc - Process and average a single day GPS record. gridwt - Compute circle overlap weights in a circle within an array. gxpar - General purpose FITS file header keyword extraction. hangle - Compute the local hour angle of an object. hardcopy - Close printer or ps graphics device and spool output. hardim - Create a postscript image and/or print from an image. hastr - Convert an Hour Angle to a string. hatojd - Find the nearest Julian date for a given hour angle and date. hgp - Compute a single parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function. hmstorad - Convert from hours, minutes, and seconds of Right Ascension to radians. hstpsf - Find or create a HST PSF file using Tiny Tim. imqual - Generate a ``grade'' for image quality of input image. initvc - Compute unit vectors for a spherical surface map. inslit - Compute flux passing through a slit assuming a gaussian image. inst2std - Apply photometric transformation from instrumental to standard mags. interp - One dimensional interpolation onto a new x grid (both irregular) intrsect - Find the intersection or its inverse between two arrays. it_init - Itool initialization. it_pplod - Load itool photometry parameters from a file. it_ppsav - Save itool photometry parameters to a file. itool - General purpose image display (front-end for cw\_itool). jd2year - Convert Julian date to decimal year. jdparse - Read and parse a Julian Date from a calendar string jdstr - Convert Julian date into an ASCII string. juploc - Find and extract Jupiter in images and create PDS FITS headers on output. kbolist - Create a summary listing of KBOs in a single directory of DES data kbompck - Pre-check and summary for MPC data submission for KBO/Centaur observations kboplan - KBO observing planning table generation kbosum - Create a summary listing of KBOs in all directories of DES data landscap - Procedure for initializing the PS device for plotting. lcfit - Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lcfitsvd - Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lcfun - Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lcfunf - Compute a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). lclxtrem - Find local minima or maxima in a 1-d vector. ldcalib - Load calibration frames and information as instructed by calib file. ldcalir - Load calibration information for OSIRIS XD data from a calib file. limbcen - Find center of body from centroid of limb points (Designed for Jupiter). linkobj2 - Cross check source lists from one field and identify moving objects. linkobj - Cross check three source lists from one field and identify moving objects. loadkeys - Load FITS header keyword correspondence list from file. loadstar - Load the master star catalog file logerror - Simplified error logging program. logmanip - Widget for editing and manipulating photometry log files. looker - Visual identification and measurement of moving objects in digital images. lowess - Lowess smoothing of data. lplastchk - Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements lsidtim - Compute local sidereal time at a given longitude and time. ltcrv2 - Photometric lightcurve reductions with known transformation. ltcrv2c - 2-color lightcurve reductions with known transformation. ltcrv - Photometric lightcurve reductions against a single comparison star. mag2flx - Convert from magnitudes to flux units with errors. mapseq - Animate a seqence of PLUTOMEM maps. markdata - Widget for marking/unmarking bad data. matchobj - Find matches for non-standard names in a correspondence list. matchup - Read a batch of FITS files and create a list of common object exposures. maxloc - Find the column-wise, row-wise, or point location of the image maximum. maxmin - Return vector [max,min] of input array or vector. meanerr2 - Calculate the mean and estimated error for a set of weighted data points meanerr - Calculate the mean and estimated errors for a set of data points medarr_mwb - Combine arrays with a median average. mergeobj - Merge a pair of object lists. mkbias - Collect and combine CCD bias frames into a superbias frame mkcalib - Interactive program for creating CCD calibration files. mkdark - Collect and combine CCD dark frames into a superdark frame mkdir - Create a new directory mkflat - Collect and combine CCD flat frames into a superflat frame mknicsky - Create a master sky image from a set of dithered NICMOS images. mmaspli - Splice WIYN MMA images back together. moment4 - Compute various statistical moments of the data. moscal - Apply standard CCD image correction steps to a raw group-FITS image. moscheck - Scan Mosaic astrometry data and look for inconsistencies and problems mosplot - Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do astrometry. mpcdcvt - Convert to and from Minor Planet Center packed designation format. mysvdfit - Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates. naifname - Convert an ephem standard name to a common name (NAIF name scheme) negative - Invert the current display lookup table. nic1scan - Scan for best spectrum location of a weak-signal NICMOS spectrum. nic1src - Improved 1 source extraction from single NICMOS Grism image data. nic2src - Detangle two sources from single NICMOS Grism image data. nicinit - Extract initial spectrum and profile from NICMOS Grism image data. nicplot - Create a summary plot of the contents of a NICMOS Grism data structure. nicprof - Update NICMOS observation structure based on a new centerline. nobname - Replace all blanks in a string with an underscore character. objappul - Generate a list of nightly appulses for a solar system object. objcheck - Validate and summarize object positions and astrometry objprmt - Promote version of an object list file to highest version. objratio - Ratio object spectra to one or more comp star spectra. objrepor - Generate a report about the contents of the object files in a directory. objstars - Get a list of stars from the USNO A2.0 catalog centered on a solar system object. obsplan - Generate a graphical summary of object location(s) for a given night. obsprop - Observing proposal planning table generation obswind - Compute possible observing window for a celestial object. occplot - Plot small pieces of stellar occultation data. onchip - Extract and optionally plot differential on-chip photometry. oplerr - Overplot data points with accompanying x or y error bars. optspec - Optimal extraction of a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data. osiclean - Automatic cleaning of bad and low signal data from OSIRIS XD spectrum osidvfit - Find the linear fit coefficients for a spectrum for each order osislope - Correct an IR OSIRIS spectrum for the slope problem. osismean - Compute mean of a set of OSIRIS XD spectra. p6model - Generate synthetic PSF images for the HST Planetary Camera, Chip 6. parsekey - Extract FITS header information by parsing supplied keys pdm2 - Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\chi^2$ based) pdm2dis - Phase disconnect shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdm2shif - Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdm - Period search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). pdmshif - Zero-point shift search by phase dispersion minimization ($\theta$ based). perser - Automated asteroid period search tool. phasebin - Compute a phase binned average lightcurve photprmt - Promote version of a photometry log file to highest version. photred - Reduction of non-variable point source absolute photometry. picker - Widget for selecting a text item from a list. pickim - Interactive program to select best image from cube for SL9 data. pixwt - Circle-rectangle overlap area computation. plast - Support routine for calling ``PLAST'' to get asteroids on an image. plastext - Batch mode extraction of PLAST asteroid lists. plch_fun - Two 2-d gaussian images, support routine for PLCHFIT. plchfit - Two gaussian fit to an image of the Pluto-Charon system. plotglob - Plot a globe projection with latitude and longitude lines plotphot - Plot extinction fits from Tholen's ltcrv program. plotsn - Analyze a vector and retrieve the signal-to-noise ratio. plotspec - Plot OSIRIS XD spectral data with wavelength scale. plpedit - Interactive editing of photometry data files. portrait - IDL procedure for initializing the PS device for portrait mode plotting. prival - Reduce an angle to its principal value (0 $\leq \Theta < 2\pi$). psfstack - Generate an average numerical psf by stacking observed images. pwd - Print current working directory. qannounc - Scrollable text display widget with true and false response buttons. qinput - Prompt user for input from a widget. radp - Extract point-wise radial ``profile'' from image data. radtodms - Convert an angle from radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds. radtohms - Convert from radians to hours, minutes, and seconds of right ascension. rangepar - Parse a string with numbers and ranges to get an expanded list of numbers. raparse - Convert Right Ascension (RA) string to radians. rastr - Convert RA in radians to hours, minutes, and seconds (ASCII string). rcgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term). rdast - Read final astrometry data file. rdastfc - Read an astrometry fit coefficient file. rdat1i - Read and return a one dimensional 2-byte integer vector. rdat1r - Read and return a one dimensional single precision floating point vector. rdat2i - Read and return a two dimensional two byte integer vector. rdat2r - Read and return a two dimensional single precision floating point vector. rdat2u - Read and return a two dimensional two byte unsigned integer vector. rdbyt - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file. rdctioph - Reads raw card image CTIO photometry data files. rddat - Display the X and Y value of the cursor in a plot rdflt - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from an animation file. rdgrab - Read raw binary IRTF-grabber1 format data files. rdimg - Read and return the two images in an old style MaxEnt map. rdkeylis - Read a correspondence list file into arrays. rdland2 - Read the Combined Landolt Standard system photometry file. rdland - Read the Landolt Standards data file. rdlplast - Read a Bowell format asteroid cross reference file (lplast.xrft) rdmatch - Read a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. rdnicobs - Read a NICMOS observation set description file. rdobjdes - Read in a file in the format of newobj.dat for use rdoblist - Read a object list from a file. rdobscod - Read standard observatory code data file. rdoccpht - Read a Occultation Photometer data file. rdphalt - Reads photometry from an alternate format basphote log file. rdphocat - Read a photometry standard catalog from a file. rdphot2 - Reads the original BASPHOTC photometry log file. rdphot3 - Reads photometry from a reduced photometry file (see WRPHOT) rdphot - Reads photometry from a basphotc log file. rdpricat - Read data from a private star catalog. rdraw - Read and return a two dimensional byte array from a raw animation file. rdrawast - Read raw astrometry data file. rdtbl - Read the data from the table file from one night of OSIRIS observations readtil - Read and return the two images in a MaxEnt tile map file. redfits - Apply standard CCD processing steps to a raw CCD image. reductor - Automated photometry reduction tool. refext - Batch mode extraction of REFNET star catalog fields in support of ASTROM refnet - Support routine for calling ``REFNET'' to get stars from USNO A1.0 catalog. refrac - Apply atmospheric refraction to a ``true'' zenith angle relpath - Prepend a path to the file name if file starts with {\tt +} render - Render a rectangular projection map to a sphere. repchar - Replace a target string with a new string in string or string array. rephot - Reprocess photometry data set by re-extracting from images. repwrite - Update file by replacing or adding line of information rfgfit - Fit a radial gaussian to the input data (no linear term, width fixed). rgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function and 2nd order polynominal to the input data. ringprof - Compute a surface brightness profile. robomean - Robust statistical moments of the data. rotpoint - Rotate x,y,z point(s) about arbitrary axis. round - round a floating point number. rqgfit - Fit a radial gaussian function to the input data (no linear term). salb - Compute single particle scattering albedo. savestar - Save the master star catalog file seerad - Display a radial profile at X and Y value of the cursor setpage - Set size and location of plot on page to center the output. setusym - Set the user defined symbol to one of many shapes. setwin - Set current draw window, create if needed. showelem - Print out current osculating orbital elements for a solar system object. sigratio - Compute the relative signal level between a set of spectra (1-d vectors). sincfltr - Pass 1-d data through a low-pass filter (damped sinc). sint2d - Sinc interpolation of a 2-D array of data. sint - Sinc interpolation of a 1-D vector of data. sinterp4 - Four-fold sinc interpolation of a vector of data. skysclim - Compute stretch range for a hard stretch on the background in an image. sl9proc - Interactive program to process and crop image for SL9 data. slidefil - Sliding spatial filter on time series data. slope - Compute slope of a line using part of the data. spotrm - Spot remover for images srcast - Compute ra,dec for all objects in a source list (see findsrc). ssgeom - Compute Sun and Earth distance and phase angle for solar system object. sshift2d - Shift a 2-D array using a damped sinc function for the fractional part. sshift - Shift data using a damped sinc function for fractional part. sspos - Interactive program for generating solar system body ephemerides. star_fun - Single 2-d gaussian image, support routine for STARFIT. starcat - Retreive coordinates from the star catalogs. starfit - Single gaussian fit to a stellar image. starproc - Collect and process final (standard) star photometry stats - Compute and print statistics plus plot histogram of data. stdcheck - Determine if object is in a given standard catalog. strb36 - Convert an integer into a Base 36 formatted string. strb62 - Convert an integer into a Base 62 formatted string. sumann - Integrate over an annulus. synstar2 - Compute a synthetic (Lorentizian) star image. synstar - Compute a synthetic (gaussian) star image. tblparse - Determine properties and problems from the table file with OSIRIS data tnoobs - Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations. tnorecov - Real-time planning and field selection tool for TNO survey observations. tobacksl - Convert forward slash (/) to backslash ($\backslash$) in string. transf - Determine transformation coefficients from instrumental to standard mags. tvmaps - Display a full set of Pluto/Charon model .til maps on the current display. tvtil - Display a Pluto/Charon .til map as an image on the current display. viewtext - View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget. wedge - Compute and return a gray scale step wedge. wrbophot - Write a simple photometry data file. wrcalb - Save contents of a calibration structure to a file. wrcalir - Write calibration information for OSIRIS XD data to a calib file. wrmatch - Write a standard name --- non-standard name correspondence file. wroblist - Write an object list to a file. wrphalt - Write a photometry log file. wrphocat - Write a photometry standard catalog file. wrphot - Write a standard raw photometry data file (Pluto format). wrtbl - Update the table file of a night's OSIRIS data xdavg - Interactive tool for combining and correcting OSIRIS XD spectra. xdesig - Digest and record Minor Planet Center designation cross refereces. xdspec - End-to-end reduction tool for OSIRIS XD spectral data. xoracle - Display ``oracle'' animation image sequences. xrunplot - Display a complete graphical summary of ``plutomem'' output logs. zplot - Plot differential refraction as a function of wavelength. ---------------------------------------------------------------------