;+ ; NAME: ; autocal ; PURPOSE: ; Automatic program for creating CCD calibration files. ; DESCRIPTION: ; CATEGORY: ; CCD data processing ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; autocal ; INPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; FILKEY = String - FITS keyword to read to get filter code, default = FILPOS ; FNAMEKEY=String - FITS keyword to read to get filter name, default = FILTER ; EXPKEY = String - FITS keyword to read to get exposure time, default = EXPTIME ; TYPEKEY= String - FITS keyword to read to get exposure type, default = IMAGETYP ; OVERSCAN = column overscan region to use for frame bias level, ; default=[-1,-1] ; CROP = region of original image to save, default=[-1,-1,-1,-1]=no crop ; [x1,x2,y1,y2] ; DDIR = String, name of directory where data exists. If not provided, ; the program assumes the current directory. ; ROOT = String, root of file name for data, usually YYMMDD (ut date). ; Default is the last part of DDIR. ; SCALE - 4 element vector which, if provide, defines the region of the ; array dimensions that are used to scale the mean ; of the arrays before combining (. If combined in this ; manner, the arrays are combined weighted by the means. ; [x1,x2,y1,y2] (Used for flats only.) ; These coordinates apply to the pixel locations AFTER cropping. ; OUTPUTS: ; All output is confined to files. ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2001/02/15 - Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory ; 2001/03/19, MWB, fixed file name bug. ; 2001/04/24, MWB, fixed problem with incomplete flat sets on a night. ; 2001/09/25, MWB, forced imagetyp field to be lower case. ;- pro autocal,FILKEY=filkey,FNAMEKEY=fnamekey,EXPKEY=expkey, $ TYPEKEY=typekey,OVERSCAN=in_overscan,CROP=in_crop, $ DDIR=ddir,ROOT=root,SCALE=scale,ASK=in_ask if badpar(filkey,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (FILKEY) ",default="FILPOS") then return if badpar(fnamekey,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (FNAMEKEY) ",default="FILTER") then return if badpar(expkey,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (EXPKEY) ",default="EXPTIME") then return if badpar(typekey,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (TYPEKEY) ",default="IMAGETYP") then return if badpar(in_overscan,[0,2,3],[0,1],caller="AUTOCAL: (OVERSCAN) ",default=[-1,-1]) then return if badpar(in_crop,[0,2,3],[0,1],caller="AUTOCAL: (CROP) ",default=[-1,-1,-1,-1]) then return if badpar(ddir,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (DDIR) ",default="") then return if badpar(in_ask,[0,1,2,3],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (ASK) ",default=0) then return ; Get name of directory where raw data resides. ddirok=0 while not ddirok do begin if ddir eq '[[ASK]]' then begin ddir='.' print,'Enter directory path to where the data resides' read,ddir endif ; Make sure the directory exists if not exists(ddir) then begin print,'The directory [',ddir,']' print,'does not exist. Unable to continue' endif else begin ddirok=1 endelse endwhile ddir=addslash(ddir) if strmid(ddir,0,strlen(ddir)-1) eq '.' then begin cd,'.',current=ddir ddir=addslash(ddir) endif tmproot=strmid(ddir,strlen(ddir)-7,6) if badpar(root,[0,7],0,caller="AUTOCAL: (ROOT) ",default=tmproot) then return ; Get the date of data to reduce if root eq '[[ASK]]' then begin root=' ' read,prompt='Enter UT date of data (YYMMDD) ',root endif root=root+'.' if in_overscan[0] ne -1 then overscan=in_overscan else overscan=[-1,-1] if in_crop[0] ne -1 then crop=in_crop else crop=[-1,-1,-1,-1] ; Setup calibration directory with the data. if not exists(ddir+'calib') then begin print,'Creating calibration directory.' mkdir,ddir+'calib' endif calibdir = addslash(ddir+'calib') ; Scan the headers of all the images in the data directory. Remember the ; image type and the filter. fnlist=findfile(ddir+root+'???',count=nfiles) if nfiles eq 0 then begin print,'No data files found, cannot continue.' print,'Search pattern was ',ddir+root+'???' return endif imagetype=strarr(nfiles) filternum=intarr(nfiles) for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin hdr=headfits(fnlist[i]) imagetype[i] = strlowcase(sxpar(hdr,typekey)) filternum[i] = sxpar(hdr,filkey) endfor imagetype=strtrim(imagetype,2) ; Get a list of unique filter and image types filterlist = filternum[uniq(filternum,sort(filternum))] typelist = imagetype[uniq(imagetype,sort(imagetype))] z=where(typelist ne '') typelist=typelist[z] z=where(imagetype eq 'bias',nbias) if nbias eq 0 then begin print,'No bias frames in this dataset, cannot continue' return endif fname = fnlist[z] exclude=intarr(nbias) biasok=0 while not biasok and nbias gt 0 do begin outsuff='b1' biasok=1 oldexclude=-1 while total(exclude) ne total(oldexclude) do begin oldexclude=exclude mkbias,ddir+root,outsuff,fname,0,bias, $ overscan=overscan,crop=crop,exclude=exclude sz=size(bias,/dimen) setwin,1,xsize=sz[0],ysize=sz[1] skysclim,bias,v1,v2,mval,sig tv,bytscl(bias,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) setwin,0,xsize=sz[0],ysize=sz[1] ask=in_ask z=where(exclude eq 0,count) for i=0,count-1 do begin f=float(readfits(fname[z[i]],/silent)) f=colbias(f,overscan[0],overscan[1],crop[0],crop[1],crop[2],crop[3]) f=f-bias skysclim,f,v1,v2,mval,sig print,fname[z[i]],' ',mval,' +/- ',sig if ask then tv,bytscl(f,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) ans='y' if ask then read,prompt='Does this bias frame look okay?',ans if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'n' then exclude[z[i]]=1 if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'Y' then ask=0 endfor endwhile fullbname = calibdir+root+outsuff filemove,ddir+root+outsuff,fullbname bname='+'+root+outsuff endwhile ; end of bias block print,'Bias: ',bname ; Process dark frames (if present) dname='[none]' dark = 0. z=where(imagetype eq 'dark',ndark) if ndark eq 0 then $ darkok=1 $ else begin fname = fnlist[z] exclude=intarr(ndark) darkok=0 endelse while not darkok do begin outsuff='d' darkok=1 oldexclude=-1 while total(exclude) ne total(oldexclude) do begin oldexclude=exclude mkdark,ddir+root,outsuff,fname,0,bias,dark, $ overscan=overscan,crop=crop,exclude=exclude setwin,1 skysclim,dark,v1,v2,mval,sig tv,bytscl(dark,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) setwin,0 ask=in_ask z=where(exclude eq 0,count) for i=0,count-1 do begin f=float(readfits(fname[z[i]],hdr,/silent)) exptime=sxpar(hdr,expkey,ddir+fname) f=colbias(f,overscan[0],overscan[1],crop[0],crop[1],crop[2],crop[3]) f=f-bias-dark*exptime skysclim,f,v1,v2,mval,sig print,fname[z[i]],' ',mval,' +/- ',sig if ask then tv,bytscl(f,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) ans='y' if ask then read,prompt='Does this dark frame look okay?',ans if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'n' then exclude[z[i]]=1 if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'Y' then ask=0 endfor endwhile fulldname = calibdir+root+outsuff filemove,ddir+root+outsuff,fulldname dname='+'+root+outsuff endwhile print,'Dark: ',dname ; Process flat(s) nflats=n_elements(filterlist) filter = intarr(nflats) flname = strarr(nflats) for i=0,nflats-1 do begin z=where(filternum eq filterlist[i] and imagetype eq 'flat',nflat) if nflat gt 0 then begin fname = fnlist[z] exclude=intarr(nflat) flatok=0 ; TBD flname[i] = strn(filterlist[i]) ; TBD outsuff=flname[i] flatok=1 oldexclude=-1 while total(exclude) ne total(oldexclude) do begin oldexclude=exclude mkflat,ddir+root,outsuff,fname,0,fullbname,fulldname,flat, $ overscan=overscan,crop=crop,exclude=exclude,scale=scale setwin,1 skysclim,flat,v1,v2,mval,sig tv,bytscl(flat,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) setwin,0 ask=in_ask z=where(exclude eq 0,count) for j=0,count-1 do begin f=float(readfits(fname[z[j]],hdr,/silent)) exptime=sxpar(hdr,expkey,ddir+fname) f=colbias(f,overscan[0],overscan[1],crop[0],crop[1],crop[2],crop[3]) f=(f-bias-dark*exptime)/flat skysclim,f,v1,v2,mval,sig print,fname[z[j]],' ',mval,' +/- ',sig if ask then tv,bytscl(f,min=v1,max=v2,top=!d.n_colors-1) ans='y' if ask then read,prompt='Does this flat frame look okay?',ans if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'n' then exclude[z[j]]=1 if strmid(ans,0,1) eq 'Y' then ask=0 endfor endwhile filemove,ddir+root+outsuff,calibdir+root+outsuff flname[i]='+'+root+outsuff print,'Flat: ',filterlist[i],' ',flname[i] endif endfor ; Save names to a calib file print,'Saving files.cal to calib directory in data area' openw,lun,calibdir+'files.cal',/get_lun printf,lun,'calib_file_v03' printf,lun,overscan,format='(2i5)' print,overscan,format='(2i5)' printf,lun,crop,format='(4i5)' print,crop,format='(4i5)' printf,lun,bname print,bname printf,lun,dname print,dname for i=0,nflats-1 do begin if flname[i] ne '' then begin printf,lun,filterlist[i],' ',flname[i] print,filterlist[i],' ',flname[i] endif endfor free_lun,lun end