;+ ; NAME: ; angsep ; PURPOSE: ; Compute the angular distance between two spherical coordinates. ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; CATEGORY: ; Mathematical ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ans=angsep(ra1,dec1,ra2,dec2) ; ; INPUTS: ; ra1 - RA of first position (radians) ; dec1 - Dec of first position (radians) ; ra2 - RA of second position (radians) ; dec2 - Dec of second position (radians) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; return value is the angular distance in radians. ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ;- function angsep,ra1,dec1,ra2,dec2 angsep=acos( sin(dec1)*sin(dec2)+ $ cos(dec1)*cos(dec2)*cos(ra1-ra2) ) return,angsep end