PRO calcSolarposition,jd, latitude, longitude, solarazimuth=solarazimuth, solarelevation=solarelevation, solarzenith=solarzenith ;calculate solar position for the entered date, time and location. t = calcTimeJulianCent(double(JD)) R = calcSunRadVector(double(t)) alpha = calcSunRtAscension(double(t)) theta = calcSunDeclination(double(t)) Etime = calcEquationOfTime(double(t)) eqtime = Etime SolarDec = theta ;// in degrees earthRadVec = R zone = 0.0 solarTimeFix = eqtime - 4.0d * longitude + 60.0d * zone caldat,double(jd),month,day,year,hh,mm,ss trueSolarTime = hh * 60.0d + mm + SS / 60.0d + solarTimeFix WHILE (trueSolarTime GT 1440) DO trueSolarTime = trueSolarTime - 1440 hourangle = trueSolarTime / 4.0d - 180.0d IF (hourangle LT (-180.0d)) THEN hourangle = hourangle + 360.0 harad = ((!dpi/180.0d)*hourangle) csz = Sin(((!dpi/180.0d)*Latitude)) * Sin(((!dpi/180.0d)*SolarDec)) + Cos(((!dpi/180.0d)*Latitude)) * Cos(((!dpi/180.0d)*SolarDec)) * Cos(harad) IF (csz GT 1.0d) THEN csz = 1.0 ELSE IF (csz LT (-1.0d)) THEN csz = -1.0d zenith = ((180.0d/!dpi)*Acos(csz)) azDenom = (Cos(((!dpi/180.0d)*Latitude)) * Sin(((!dpi/180.0d)*zenith))) If (Abs(azDenom) GT 0.001) THEN BEGIN azRad = ((Sin(((!dpi/180.0d)*Latitude)) * Cos(((!dpi/180.0d)*zenith))) - Sin(((!dpi/180.0d)*SolarDec))) / azDenom If (Abs(azRad) GT 1.0d) THEN IF (azRad LT 0.0d) THEN azRad = (-1.0d) ELSE azRad = 1.0d azimuth = 180.0d - ((180.0d/!dpi)*Acos(azRad)) If (hourangle GT 0.0d) THEN azimuth = (-1.0d) * azimuth ENDIF ELSE IF (Latitude GT 0.0d) THEN azimuth = 180.0d ELSE azimuth = 0.0d If (azimuth LT 0.0d) THEN azimuth = azimuth + 360.0d exoatmElevation = 90.0d - zenith If (exoatmElevation GT 85.0d) THEN refractionCorrection = 0.0 ELSE BEGIN te = Tan(((!dpi/180.0d)*exoatmElevation)) IF (exoatmElevation GT 5.0) THEN BEGIN refractionCorrection = 58.1 / te - 0.07 / (te * te * te) + 0.000086 / (te * te * te * te * te) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (exoatmElevation GT (-0.575d)) THEN BEGIN step1 = (-12.79d + exoatmElevation * 0.711d) step2 = (103.4d + exoatmElevation * (step1)) step3 = (-518.2d + exoatmElevation * (step2)) refractionCorrection = 1735.0d + exoatmElevation * (step3) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN refractionCorrection = -20.774 / te ENDELSE ENDELSE refractionCorrection = refractionCorrection / 3600.0d ENDELSE solarzenith = zenith - refractionCorrection solarazimuth = azimuth solarelevation = 90.0d - solarzenith END PRO BirdAndHulstrom,doy, hh, mm, ss, yr=yr, pressureMb=pressureMb, $ ozoneCm=ozoneCm, waterCm=WaterCm, AOD500nm=AOD500nm, $ AOD380nm=AOD380nm, Ba=Ba, albedo=albedo, $ directBeam=directBeam, directHz=directHz, globalHz=globalHz, $ diffuseHz=diffuseHz, birdETR=birdETR, lat=lat, lon=lon, $ solarazimuth=solarazimuth, solarelevation=solarelevation, $ solarzenith=solarzenith ;Bird and Hulstrom's solar radiation model ;From the publication "A Simplified Clear Sky model ;for Direct and Diffuse Insolation on Horizontal Surfaces" ;by R.E. Bird and R.L Hulstrom, SERI Technical Report ;SERI/TR-642-761, Feb 1991. ;Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO. ;Inputs: ;DOY = Day of Year - optional (default: use current day and time) ;HH = Hour (UTC) - optional (default is 0) ;MM = Minutes - optional (default is 0) ;SS = Seconds - optional (default 0) ;Yr = Year - optional (use current year) ;pressureMb = barometric pressure (default is 947 mb) ;ozoneCm = ozone thickness of atm (default is 0.3 cm) ;waterCm = water vapor thickness of atm (default is 1.5 cm) ;AOD500nm = aerosol optical depth at 500 nm (default is 0.1) ;AOD380nm = aerosol optical depth at 380 nm (default is 0.05) ;Ba = forward scattering of incoming radiation (default is 0.85) ;albedo = surface albedo (default is 0.25) ;lat = latitude (default is Sylvania flux tower) ;lon = longitude (default is Sylvania flux tower) ;Outputs: ;BirdETR = Extraterrestrial radiation normal to beam ;DirectBeam = radiation incident at Earth surface normal to beam ;directHz = direct radiation incident on a horizontal surface ;diffuseHz = diffuse radiation incident on a horizontal surface ;globalHz = global radiation incident on a horizontal surface ;solarazimuth, solarzenith, solarelevation - solar position values (in degrees) comsun = sunrise() ;force compilation of sunrise routines caldat,systime(/julian),mo,day,year,hour,minute,second IF NOT keyword_set(yr) THEN yr = year IF NOT keyword_set(doy) THEN BEGIN doy = DayofYear(mo,day,yr) & hh = hour & mm = minute & ss = second ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(hh) THEN BEGIN hh = 0.0 IF NOT keyword_set(mm) THEN mm = 0.0 IF NOT keyword_set(ss) THEN ss = 0.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(mm) THEN BEGIN mm = 0.0 IF NOT keyword_set(ss) THEN ss = 0.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(Ss) THEN BEGIN ss = 0.0 ENDIF ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDELSE md = CalcMDY(doy,yr) jd = julday(md[0],md[1],yr,hh,mm,ss) IF NOT keyword_set(lat) THEN lat = 46.242017d IF NOT keyword_set(lon) THEN lon = -89.347650d calcSolarposition,jd, lat, lon*(-1.0), solarazimuth=solarazimuth, solarelevation=solarelevation, solarzenith=solarzenith zen = (!dpi/180.0d)*solarzenith IF NOT keyword_set(pressureMb) THEN pressureMb = 947.0 ;sea level = 1013 IF NOT keyword_set(ozoneCm) THEN ozoneCm = 0.3 ;typical 0.05-0.4 IF NOT keyword_set(waterCm) THEN waterCm = 1.5 ;typical 0.01-6.5 IF NOT keyword_set(AOD500nm) THEN AOD500nm = 0.1 ;typical 0.02-0.5 IF NOT keyword_Set(AOD380nm) THEN AOD380nm = 0.05 ;typical 0.1-0.5 IF NOT keyword_set(Ba) THEN Ba = 0.85 ;typical 0.85 IF NOT keyword_set(albedo) THEN albedo = 0.25 ;0.2 land, 0.25 veg, 0.9 snow ;First, calculate extraterrestrial radiation (birdETR) corrected for earth radius vector ;based on Partridge, G. W. and Platt, C. M. R. 1976. ;Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology. ;as described by ; lp = ((((Yr mod 4) eq 0) and ((yr mod 100) ne 0)) or ((yr mod 400) eq 0)) IF lp THEN days_in_year = 366 ELSE days_in_year = 365 RavBeta = 2.0d * !dpi * doy / days_in_year Rav2Rsq = 1.00011d + 0.034221d * Cos(RavBeta) + 0.00128d * Sin(RavBeta) + 0.000719d * Cos(2.0d * RavBeta) + 0.000077d * Sin(2.0d * RavBeta) solConNREL = 1367.0d ;NREL uses solar constant of 1367 W/m^2 birdETR = solConNREL * Rav2Rsq ;Next, calculate insolation using Bird and Hulstrom model tauA = 0.2758 * AOD380nm + 0.35 * AOD500nm ;broadband aerosol optical depth - typical values range from 0.02 to 0.5 If ((180.0d/!dpi)*ZEN) LT 89 THEN BEGIN airMass = 1 / (Cos(ZEN) + 0.15 / (93.885 - ((180.0d/!dpi)*ZEN)) ^ 1.25) tRayliegh = Exp(-0.0903 * (pressureMb / 1013) ^ 0.84 * (1 + pressureMb / 1013 - (pressureMb / 1013) ^ 1.01)) tOzone = 1 - 0.1611 * (ozoneCm * airMass) * (1 + 139.48 * (ozoneCm * airMass)) ^ (-0.3034) - 0.002715 * (ozoneCm * airMass) / (1 + 0.044 * (ozoneCm * airMass) + 0.0003 * (ozoneCm * airMass) ^ 2) tGases = Exp(-0.0127 * airMass * pressureMb / 1013) tWater = 1 - 2.4959 * airMass * waterCm / ((1 + 79.034 * waterCm * airMass) ^ 0.6828 + 6.385 * waterCm * airMass) tAerosol = Exp(-(tauA ^ 0.873) * (1 + tauA - tauA ^ 0.7088) * airMass ^ 0.918) TAA = 1 - 0.1 * (1 - airMass + airMass ^ 1.06) * (1 - tAerosol) rs = 0.0685 + (1 - Ba) * (1 - tAerosol / TAA) Id = 0.9662 * birdETR * tAerosol * tWater * tGases * tOzone * tRayliegh Ias = birdETR * Cos(ZEN) * 0.79 * tOzone * tGases * tWater * TAA * (0.5 * (1 - tRayliegh) + Ba * (1 - (tAerosol / TAA)) / (1 - airMass + (airMass) ^ 1.02)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN airMass = 0.0d tRayliegh = 0.0d tOzone = 0.0d tGases = 0.0d tWater = 0.0d tAerosol = 0.0d TAA = 0.0d rs = 0.0d Id = 0.0d Ias = 0.0d ENDELSE IF ((180.0d/!dpi)*ZEN) LT 90 THEN IdnH = Id * Cos(ZEN) ELSE IdnH = 0 If airMass GT 0 THEN GH = (IdnH + Ias) / (1 - albedo * rs) ELSE GH = 0 directBeam = Id directHz = IdnH globalHz = GH diffuseHz = GH - IdnH END