pro tbhelp,h, TEXTOUT = textout ;+ ; NAME: ; TBHELP ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to print a description of a FITS binary table header ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TBHELP, h, [TEXTOUT = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; h - FITS header for a binary table, string array ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; TEXTOUT - scalar number (0-7) or string (file name) controling ; output device (see TEXTOPEN). Default is TEXTOUT=1, output ; to the user's terminal ; ; METHOD: ; FITS Binary Table keywords NAXIS*,EXTNAME,TFIELDS,TTYPE*,TFORM*,TUNIT*, ; are read from the header and displayed at the terminal ; ; A FITS header is recognized as bein for a binary table if the keyword ; XTENSION has the value 'BINTABLE' or 'A3DTABLE' ; ; NOTES: ; Certain fields may be truncated in the display ; SYSTEM VARIABLES: ; Uses the non-standard system variables !TEXTOUT and !TEXTUNIT. These ; are automatically defined by TBHELP if they have not been defined ; previously. ; PROCEDURES USED: ; REMCHAR, SXPAR(), TEXTCLOSE, TEXTOPEN, ZPARCHECK ; HISTORY: ; W. Landsman February, 1991 ; Parsing of a FITS binary header made more robust May, 1992 ; Added TEXTOUT keyword August 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Define !TEXTOUT if not already present W. Landsman November 2002 ;- On_error,2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - tbhelp, hdr, [TEXTOUT= ]' return endif ; Define !TEXTOUT and !TEXTUNIT if not already present defsysv,'!TEXTOUT',exists=ex ; Check if !TEXTOUT exists. if ex eq 0 then defsysv,'!TEXTOUT',1 ; If not define it. defsysv,'!TEXTUNIT',exists=ex ; Check if !TEXTUNIT exists. if ex eq 0 then defsysv,'!TEXTUNIT',0 ; If not define it. zparcheck, 'TBHELP', h, 1, 7, 1, 'Table Header' naxis = sxpar( h, 'NAXIS*') if N_elements(naxis) LT 2 then $ message,'ERROR - FITS Binary table must have NAXIS = 2' ext_type = strmid( strtrim( sxpar( h, 'XTENSION'), 2 ), 0, 8) if (ext_type NE 'A3DTABLE') and (ext_type NE 'BINTABLE') then message, $ 'WARNING - Header type of ' + ext_type + ' is not for a FITS Binary Table',/CON n = sxpar( h, 'TFIELDS', Count = N_tfields) if N_tfields EQ 0 then message, $ 'ERROR - Required TFIELDS keyword is missing from binary table header' if not keyword_set(TEXTOUT) then textout = !TEXTOUT textopen,'tbhelp',TEXTOUT=textout printf,!TEXTUNIT,'FITS Binary Table Header' printf,!TEXTUNIT, $ 'Size of Table Array: ',strtrim(naxis[0],2),' by ',strtrim(naxis[1],2) printf,!TEXTUNIT, 'Extension Name: ',sxpar(h,'EXTNAME') printf,!TEXTUNIT,' ' tnull = strarr(n) tform = strarr(n) & tunit = tform & ttype =tform & tcomm = tform key = strmid( h, 0, 5) for i = 1, N_elements(h)-1 do begin case key[i] of 'TTYPE': begin j = fix(strtrim(strmid(h[i],5,3),2)) apos = strpos( h[i], "'") ttype[j-1] = strmid( h[i], apos+1, 20) slash = strpos(h[i],'/') if slash GT 0 then $ tcomm[j-1] = strcompress( strmid(h[i], slash+1, 55)) end 'TFORM': begin apos = strpos( h[i], "'") tform[fix(strtrim(strmid(h[i],5,3),2))-1] = $ strtrim( strmid( h[i], apos+1, 20), 2) end 'TUNIT': begin apos = strpos( h[i], "'") tunit[fix(strtrim(strmid(h[i],5,3),2))-1] = strmid(h[i],apos+1,20) end 'TNULL': begin tnull[fix(strtrim(strmid(h[i],5,3),2))-1] = $ strtrim( strmid( h[i], 10, 20 ),2) end 'END ': goto, DONE ELSE : end endfor DONE: remchar,ttype,"'" & ttype = strtrim(ttype,2) remchar,tunit,"'" & tunit = strtrim(tunit,2) remchar,tform,"'" & tform = strtrim(tform,2) remchar,tnull,"'" & tnull = strtrim(tnull,2) len_ttype = strtrim( max(strlen(ttype)) > 4,2) len_tunit = strtrim( max(strlen(tunit)) > 4,2) len_tform = strtrim( max(strlen(tform)) > 4,2) len_tnull = strtrim( max(strlen(tnull)) > 4,2) fmt = '(A5,1x,A' + len_ttype +',1x,A' + len_tunit + ',1x,A' + len_tform + $ ',1x,A' + len_tnull +',1x,A)' printf,!TEXTUNIT,'Field','Name','Unit','Frmt','Null','Comment',f=fmt printf,!TEXTUNIT,' ' field = strtrim(sindgen(n)+1,2) for i=0,n-1 do begin printf,!TEXTUNIT,field[i],ttype[i],tunit[i],tform[i],tnull[i],tcomm[i], $ format=fmt endfor textclose, TEXTOUT = textout return end