PRO QuerySimbad, name, ra, de, id, Found = found ;+ ; NAME: ; QUERYSIMBAD ; ; PURPOSE: ; Query the SIMBAD name resolver at the European Southern Observatory ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Uses the IDL SOCKET command to query the SIMBAD nameserver over the Web. ; Requires IDL V5.4 or later. ; ; SIMBAD can resolve astronomical object names and return coordinates ; in J2000.0. For details on the service, see ; . ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; QuerySimbad, name, ra, dec, [ id, Found=] ; ; INPUTS: ; name - a scalar string containing the target name in SIMBAD ; nomenclature. For details see ; . ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ra - the right ascension of the target in J2000.0 in *degrees* ; dec - declination of the target in degrees ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; id - the primary SIMBAD ID of the target. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; found - set to 1 if the translation was successful, or to 0 if the ; the object name could not be translated by SIMBAD ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) Find the J2000 coordinates for the ultracompact HII region ; G45.45+0.06 ; ; IDL> QuerySimbad,'GAL045.45+00.06', ra, dec ; IDL> print, adstring(ra,dec,1) ; ===>19 14 20.77 +11 09 3.6 ; PROCEDURES USED: ; WEBGET() ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by M. Feldt, Heidelberg, Oct 2001 ; Minor updates, W. Landsman August 2002 ; ;- if N_params() LT 3 then begin print,'Syntax - QuerySimbad, name, ra, dec, [ id ]' print,' Input - object name, scalar string' print,' Output - Ra, dec of object' endif ;; QueryURL = "" + $ strcompress(name,/remove) ;; Result = webget(QueryURL) found = 0 ;; IF strmid(Result.Text[0], 0, 2) EQ 'Id' THEN BEGIN found = 1 ;; ;; prepare the result fields ;; ra = dblarr(N_Elements(Result.Text)-3) de = ra id = strarr(N_Elements(Result.Text)-3) ;; ;; decode the result ;; FOR ii=2, N_Elements(Result.Text)-2 DO BEGIN TheseFields = strsplit(Result.Text[ii], string(9B), /extract) id[ii-2] = TheseFields[0] ra[ii-2] = float(TheseFields[1]) de[ii-2] = float(TheseFields[2]) ENDFOR ;; ;; ready for return ;; IF N_Elements(Result.Text) EQ 4 THEN BEGIN ra = ra[0] ; do not return single-element arrays de = de[0] id = id[0] ENDIF return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message, 'No objects returned by server. The server answered:', /info print, Result.Text ENDELSE END