;+ ; NAME: ; MULTIPLOT ; PURPOSE: ; Create multiple plots with shared axes. ; EXPLANATION: ; This procedure makes a matrix of plots with *SHARED AXES*, either using ; parameters passed to multiplot or !p.multi in a non-standard way. ; It is good for data with one or two shared axes and retains all the ; versatility of the plot commands (e.g. all keywords and log scaling). ; The plots are connected with the shared axes, which saves space by ; omitting redundant ticklabels and titles. Multiplot does this by ; setting !p.position, !x.tickname and !y.tickname automatically. ; A call (multiplot,/reset) restores original values. ; ; Note: This method may be superseded by future improvements in !p.multi ; by RSI. For now, it's a good way to gang plots together. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; multiplot[pmulti][,/help][,/initialize][,/reset][,/rowmajor] ; EXAMPLES: ; multiplot,/help ; print this header. ; ; Then copy & paste, from your xterm, the following lines to test: ; ; x = findgen(100) ; MULTIPLOT ; t=exp(-(x-50)^2/300) ; ------------------------- ; erase ; | | | ; u=exp(-x/30) ; | | | ; y = sin(x) ; | UL plot | UR plot | ; r = reverse(y*u) ; | | | ; !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] ; | | | ; multiplot ; y------------------------- ; plot,x,y*u,title='MULTIPLOT' ; l| | | ; multiplot & plot,x,r ; a| | | ; multiplot ; b| LL plot | LR plot | ; plot,x,y*t,ytit='ylabels' ; e| | | ; multiplot ; l| | | ; plot,x,y*t,xtit='xlabels' ; s------------------------- ; multiplot,/reset ; xlabels ; ; wait,2 & erase ; TEST ; multiplot,[1,3] ; H------------------------ ; plot,x,y*u,title='TEST' ; E| plot #1 | ; multiplot ; I------------------------ ; plot,x,y*t,ytit='HEIGHT' ; G| plot #2 | ; multiplot ; H------------------------ ; plot,x,r,xtit='PHASE' ; T| plot #3 | ; multiplot,/reset ; ------------------------ ; ; PHASE ; ; multiplot,[1,1],/init,/verbose ; one way to return to single plot ; % MULTIPLOT: Initialized for 1x1, plotted across then down (column major). ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; pmulti = 2-element or 5-element vector giving number of plots, e.g., ; multiplot,[1,6] ; 6 plots vertically ; multiplot,[0,4,2,0,0] ; 4 plots along x and 2 along y ; multiplot,[0,4,2,0,1] ; ditto, except rowmajor (down 1st) ; multiplot,[4,2],/rowmajor ; identical to previous line ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; help = flag to print header ; initialize = flag to begin only---no plotting, just setup, ; e.g., multiplot,[4,2],/init,/verbose & multiplot & plot,x,y ; reset = flag to reset system variables to values prior to /init ; default = flag to restore IDL's default value for system variables ; rowmajor = flag to number plots down column first (D=columnmajor) ; verbose = flag to output informational messages ; Outputs: ; !p.position = 4-element vector to place a plot ; !x.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames ; !y.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames ; !p.noerase = 1 ; Common blocks: ; multiplot---to hold saved variables and plot counter. See code. ; Side Effects: ; Multiplot sets a number of system variables: !p.position, !p.multi, ; !x.tickname, !y.tickname, !P.noerase---but all can be reset with ; the call: multiplot,/reset ; RESTRICTIONS: ; 1. If you use !p.multi as the method of telling how many plots ; are present, you have to set !p.multi at the beginning each time you ; use multiplot or call multiplot with the /reset keyword. ; 2. There's no way to make an xtitle or ytitle span more than one plot, ; except by adding spaces to shift it or to add it manually with xyouts. ; 3. There is no way to make plots of different sizes; each plot ; covers the same area on the screen or paper. ; PROCEDURE: ; This routine makes a matrix of plots with common axes, as opposed to ; the method of !p.multi where axes are separated to allow labels. ; Here the plots are joined and labels are suppressed, except at the ; left edge and the bottom. You tell multiplot how many plots to make ; using either !p.multi (which is then reset) or the parameter pmulti. ; However, multiplot keeps track of the position by itself because ; !p.multi interacts poorly with !p.position. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; write, 21-23 Mar 94, Fred Knight (knight@ll.mit.edu) ; alter plot command that sets !x.window, etc. per suggestion of ; Mark Hadfield (hadfield@storm.greta.cri.nz), 7 Apr 94, FKK ; add a /default keyword restore IDL's default values of system vars, ; 7 Apr 94, FKK ; modify two more sys vars !x(y).tickformat to suppress user-formatted ; ticknames, per suggestion of Mark Hadfield (qv), 8 Apr 94, FKK ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ;- pro multiplot,help=help,pmulti $ ,initialize=initialize,reset=reset,default=default $ ,rowmajor=rowmajor,verbose=verbose ; ; =====>> COMMON ; common multiplot $ ,nplots $ ; [# of plots along x, # of plots along y] ,nleft $ ; # of plots remaining---like the first element of !p.multi ,pdotmulti $ ; saved value of !p.multi ,margins $ ; calculated margins based on !p.multi or pmulti ,pposition $ ; saved value of !p.position ,colmajor $ ; flag for column major order ,noerase $ ; saved value of !p.noerase ,xtickname $ ; Original value ,ytickname $ ; Original value ,xtickformat $; Original value ,ytickformat ; Original value ; ; =====>> HELP ; ;on_error,2 if keyword_set(help) then begin & doc_library,'multiplot' & return & endif ; ; =====>> RESTORE IDL's DEFAULT VALUES (kill multiplot's influence) ; if keyword_set(default) then begin !p.position = 0 !x.tickname = '' !y.tickname = '' !x.tickformat = '' !y.tickformat = '' !p.multi = 0 !p.noerase = 0 nleft = 0 nplots = [1,1] pdotmulti = !p.multi margins = 0 pposition = !p.position noerase = !p.noerase xtickname = !x.tickname ytickname = !y.tickname xtickformat = !x.tickformat ytickformat = !y.tickformat if keyword_set(verbose) then begin message,/inform,'Restore IDL''s defaults for affected system variables.' message,/inform,'Reset multiplot''s common to IDL''s defaults.' endif return endif ; ; =====>> RESTORE SAVED SYSTEM VARIABLES ; if keyword_set(reset) then begin if n_elements(pposition) gt 0 then begin !p.position = pposition !x.tickname = xtickname !y.tickname = ytickname !x.tickformat = xtickformat !y.tickformat = ytickformat !p.multi = pdotmulti !p.noerase = noerase endif nleft = 0 if keyword_set(verbose) then begin coords = '['+string(!p.position,form='(3(f4.2,","),f4.2)')+']' multi = '['+string(!p.multi,form='(4(i2,","),i2)')+']' message,/inform,'Reset. !p.position='+coords+', !p.multi='+multi endif return endif ; ; =====>> SETUP: nplots, MARGINS, & SAVED SYSTEM VARIABLES ; if n_elements(nleft) eq 1 then init = (nleft eq 0) else init = 1 if (n_elements(pmulti) eq 2) or (n_elements(pmulti) eq 5) then init = 1 if (n_elements(!p.multi) eq 5) then begin if (!p.multi[1] gt 0) and (!p.multi[2] gt 0) then init = (!p.multi[0] eq 0) endif if init or keyword_set(initialize) then begin case n_elements(pmulti) of 0:begin if n_elements(!p.multi) eq 1 then return ; NOTHING TO SET if n_elements(!p.multi) ne 5 then message,'Bogus !p.multi; aborting.' nplots = !p.multi[1:2] > 1 if keyword_set(rowmajor) then colmajor = 0 else colmajor = !p.multi[4] eq 0 end 2:begin nplots = pmulti colmajor = not keyword_set(rowmajor) ; D=colmajor: left to rt 1st end 5:begin nplots = pmulti[1:2] if keyword_set(rowmajor) then colmajor = 0 else colmajor = pmulti[4] eq 0 end else: message,'pmulti can only have 0, 2, or 5 elements.' endcase pposition = !p.position ; save sysvar to be altered xtickname = !x.tickname ytickname = !y.tickname xtickformat = !x.tickformat ytickformat = !y.tickformat pdotmulti = !p.multi nleft = nplots[0]*nplots[1] ; total # of plots !p.position = 0 ; reset !p.multi = 0 plot,/nodata,xstyle=4,ystyle=4,!x.range,!y.range,/noerase ; set window & region margins = [min(!x.window)-min(!x.region) $ ; in normlized coordinates ,min(!y.window)-min(!y.region) $ ,max(!x.region)-max(!x.window) $ ,max(!y.region)-max(!y.window)] noerase = !p.noerase !p.noerase = 1 ; !p.multi does the same if keyword_set(verbose) then begin major = ['across then down (column major).','down then across (row major).'] if colmajor then index = 0 else index = 1 message,/inform,'Initialized for '+strtrim(nplots[0],2) $ +'x'+strtrim(nplots[1],2)+', plotted '+major[index] endif ; print,margins,'=margins' if keyword_set(initialize) then return endif ; ; =====>> Define the plot region without using !p.multi. ; cols = nplots[0] ; for convenience rows = nplots[1] nleft = nleft - 1 ; decrement plots remaining cur = cols*rows - nleft ; current plot #: 1 to cols*rows idx = [(1.-margins[0]-margins[2])/cols $ ,(1.-margins[1]-margins[3])/rows] ; normalized coords per plot if colmajor then begin ; location in matrix of plots col = cur mod cols if col eq 0 then col = cols row = (cur-1)/cols + 1 endif else begin ; here (1,2) is 1st col, 2nd row row = cur mod rows if row eq 0 then row = rows col = (cur-1)/rows + 1 endelse pos = [(col-1)*idx[0],(rows-row)*idx[1],col*idx[0],(rows-row+1)*idx[1]] $ + [margins[0],margins[1],margins[0],margins[1]] ;print,row,col,rows,cols,pos ; ; =====>> Finally set the system variables; user shouldn't change them. ; !p.position = pos onbottom = (row eq rows) or (rows eq 1) onleft = (col eq 1) or (cols eq 1) if onbottom then !x.tickname = xtickname else !x.tickname = replicate(' ',30) if onleft then !y.tickname = ytickname else !y.tickname = replicate(' ',30) if onbottom then !x.tickformat = xtickformat else !x.tickformat = '' if onleft then !y.tickformat = ytickformat else !y.tickformat = '' if keyword_set(verbose) then begin coords = '['+string(pos,form='(3(f4.2,","),f4.2)')+']' plotno = 'Setup for plot ['+strtrim(col,2)+','+strtrim(row,2)+'] of ' $ +strtrim(cols,2)+'x'+strtrim(rows,2) message,/inform,plotno+' at '+coords endif ;stop return end