PRO JDCNV, YR, MN, DAY, HR, JULIAN ;+ ; NAME: ; JDCNV ; PURPOSE: ; Converts Gregorian dates to Julian days ; ; EXPLANATION: ; For IDL versions V5.1 or greater, this procedure is superceded by ; JULDAY() function in the standard IDL distribution. Note, however, ; that prior to V5.1 there wasa bug in JULDAY() that gave answers off ; by 0.5 days. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; JDCNV, YR, MN, DAY, HR, JULIAN ; ; INPUTS: ; YR = Year, integer scalar or vector ; MN = Month integer (1-12) scalar or vector ; DAY = Day integer 1-31) scalar or vector ; HR = Hours and fractions of hours of universal time (U.T.), scalar ; or vector ; ; OUTPUTS: ; JULIAN = Julian date (double precision) ; ; EXAMPLE: ; To find the Julian Date at 1978 January 1, 0h (U.T.) ; ; IDL> JDCNV, 1978, 1, 1, 0., JULIAN ; ; will give JULIAN = 2443509.5 ; NOTES: ; (1) JDCNV will accept vector arguments ; (2) JULDATE is an alternate procedure to perform the same function ; ; REVISON HISTORY: ; Converted to IDL from Don Yeomans Comet Ephemeris Generator, ; B. Pfarr, STX, 6/15/88 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ;- On_error,2 if N_params() LT 5 then begin print,'Syntax - JDCNV, yr, mn, day, hr, julian' print,' yr - Input Year (e.g. 1978), scalar or vector' print,' mn - Input Month (1-12), scalar or vector' print,' day - Input Day (1-31), scalar or vector' print,' hr - Input Hour (0-24), scalar or vector' print,' julian - output Julian date' return endif yr = long(yr) & mn = long(mn) & day = long(day) ;Make sure integral L = (mn-14)/12 ;In leap years, -1 for Jan, Feb, else 0 julian = day - 32075l + 1461l*(yr+4800l+L)/4 + $ 367l*(mn - 2-L*12)/12 - 3*((yr+4900l+L)/100)/4 julian = double(julian) + (HR/24.0D) - 0.5D return end