pro irafrd,im,hd,filename, SILENT=silent ;Read in IRAF image array and header array ;+ ; NAME: ; IRAFRD ; PURPOSE: ; Read an IRAF (.imh) file into IDL image and header arrays. ; EXPLANATION: ; The internal IRAF format changed somewhat in IRAF V2.11 to a machine ; independent format, with longer filename allocations. This version ; of IRAFRD should be able to read either format. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IRAFRD, im, hdr, filename, [/SILENT ] ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; FILENAME - Character string giving the name of the IRAF image ; header. If omitted, then program will prompt for the ; file name. IRAFRD always assumes the header file has an ; extension '.imh'. IRAFRD will automatically locate the ; ".pix" file containing the data by parsing the contents of ; the .imh file. (If the parse is unsuccesful, then IRAFRD looks ; in the same directory as the .imh file.) ; OUTPUTS: ; IM - array containing image data ; HDR - string array containing header. Basic information in the ; IRAF header is converted to a FITS style header ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; /SILENT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then messages displayed ; while reading the image will be suppressed. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; (1) Image size and history sections of the IRAF header are copied ; into the FITS header HDR. Other information (e.g. astrometry) ; might not be included unless it is also in the history section ; (2) IRAFRD ignores the node name when deciphering the name of the ; IRAF ".pix" file. ; (3) Certain FITS keywords ( DATATYPE, IRAFNAME) may appear more than ; once in the output name ; (4) Does not read the DATE keyword for the new (V2.11) IRAF files ; NOTES: ; IRAFRD obtains dimensions and type of image from the IRAF header. ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; FDECOMP, SPEC_DIR(), SXADDPAR, SXPAR() ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman, STX January 1989 ; Converted to IDL Version 2. M. Greason, STX, June 1990 ; Updated for DecStation compatibility W. Landsman March 1992 ; Don't leave an open LUN W. Landsman July 1993 ; Don't overwrite existing OBS-DATE W. Landsman October 1994 ; Don't bomb on very long FITS headers W. Landsman April 1995 ; Work on Alpha/OSF and Linux W. Landsman Dec 1995 ; Remove /VMSIMG keyword, improve efficiency when physical and ; image dimensions differ W. Landsman April 1996 ; Don't use FINDFILE (too slow) W. Landsman Oct 1996 ; Read V2.11 files, remove some parameter checks W. Landsman Nov. 1997 ; Fixed problem reading V2.11 files with long headers Jan. 1998 ; Accept names with multiple extensions W. Landsman April 98 ; Test for big endian machine under V2.11 format W. Landsman Feb. 1999 ; Don't read past the end of file for V5.4 compatilibity W.L. Jan. 2001 ; Convert to square brackets W.L May 2001 ;- On_error,2 ;Return to caller npar = N_params() if ( npar EQ 0 ) then begin print,'Syntax - IRAFRD, im, hdr, [filename, /SILENT ]' return endif if ( npar EQ 3 ) then $ if ( N_elements(filename) EQ 0 ) then message, $ 'Third parameter (IRAF Header file name) must be a character string' $ else begin file_name = filename goto,FINDER endelse file_name = '' ;Get file name if not supplied read,'Enter name of IRAF data file (no quotes): ',file_name if ( file_name EQ '' ) then return FINDER: fdecomp, file_name, disk, dir, name, ext, ver IF ext EQ 'imh' THEN fname = file_name ELSE fname = file_name + '.imh' openr, lun1, fname, /STREAM, /GET_LUN, ERROR = error ;Open the IRAF header file if error NE 0 then $ message, 'Unable to find IRAF header file '+ spec_dir(fname) ; Get image size and name from IRAF header irafver = bytarr(5) readu, lun1, irafver newformat = string(irafver) EQ 'imhv2' big_endian = (!VERSION.OS EQ "vms") or (!VERSION.ARCH EQ "mipsel") or $ (!VERSION.OS EQ "OSF") or (!VERSION.ARCH EQ "x86") if newformat then begin hdrsize = 2048 doffset = 2048 endif else begin hdrsize = 572 doffset = 1024 endelse point_lun, lun1, 0 ;Back to top of the header tmp = assoc(lun1,bytarr(hdrsize)) hdr = tmp[0] hdr2 = hdr if not newformat then begin ;Old format is not machine independent if not big_endian then begin byteorder,hdr,/sswap byteorder,hdr,/lswap endif hdrlen = fix(hdr,12) ;Length (in words) of header datatype = fix(hdr,16) ;IRAF datatype ndim = fix(hdr,20) ;Number of dimensions if ( ndim GT 5 ) then $ message,'Too stupid to do more than 5 dimensions' if (ndim EQ 0) then message,'IRAF file contains no data (NAXIS = 0)' dimen = long(hdr2,24,ndim) ;Get vector of image dimensions physdim = long(hdr2,52,ndim) ;Get vector of physical dimensions if big_endian then pixname = string( hdr[412+indgen(80)*2] ) else $ pixname = string( hdr2[413+indgen(80)*2] ) endif else begin hdrlen = long(hdr,6) ;Length (in words) of header datatype = fix(hdr,12) ;IRAF datatype ndim = fix(hdr,20) ;Number of dimensions if big_endian then begin byteorder,hdrlen,/NTOHL byteorder,datatype,/NTOHS byteorder,ndim,/NTOHS endif if ( ndim GT 7 ) then $ message,'Too stupid to do more than 7 dimensions' if (ndim EQ 0) then message,'IRAF file contains no data (NAXIS = 0)' dimen = long(hdr,22,ndim) ;Get vector of image dimensions physdim = long(hdr,50,ndim) ;Get vector of physical dimensions if big_endian then begin byteorder,dimen,/NTOHL byteorder,physdim, /NTOHL endif pixname = string(hdr[126:126+255]) endelse expos = strpos(pixname,'!') pixname = strmid(pixname,expos+1,strlen(pixname)) expos = strpos(pixname,'!') pixname = strmid(pixname,expos+1,strlen(pixname)) if strmid(pixname,0,4) eq 'HDR$' then begin if disk + dir EQ '' then begin cd, CURRENT = curdir if !VERSION.OS NE 'vms' then curdir = curdir + '/' endif else curdir = disk+dir pixname = curdir + strmid(pixname,4,strlen(pixname)) endif ; Use file name found in header to open .pix file. If this file is not ; found then look for a .pix file in the same directory as the header openr, lun2, pixname, ERROR=err, /STREAM, /GET_LUN ; ...on given directory if ( err LT 0 ) then begin openr,lun2, name + '.pix',/STREAM, ERROR = err, /GET_LUN if ( err LT 0 ) then goto, NOFILE endif if not keyword_set(SILENT) then begin sdim = strtrim(dimen[0],2) if ( ndim GT 1 ) then for i = 1,ndim-1 do $ sdim = sdim + ' by ' + strtrim(dimen[i],2) $ else sdim = sdim + ' element' message,'Now reading '+sdim+' IRAF array', /INFORM endif ; Convert from IRAF data types to IDL data types CASE datatype OF 1: begin & dtype = 1 & bitpix = 8 & end ;Byte 3: begin & dtype = 2 & bitpix = 16 & end ;Integer*2 4: begin & dtype = 3 & bitpix = 32 & end ;Integer*4 5: begin & dtype = 3 & bitpix = 32 & end ;Integer*4 6: begin & dtype = 4 & bitpix = -32 & end ;Real*4 7: begin & dtype = 5 & bitpix = -64 & end ;Real*8 11: begin &dtype = 3 & bitpix = 16 & end ;Integer*2 else: message,'Unknown Datatype Code ' + strtrim(datatype,2) endcase ; Read the .pix file, skipping the first 1024 bytes. The last physical ; dimension can be set equal to the image dimension. physdim[ndim-1] = dimen[ndim-1] tmp = assoc (lun2, make_array(DIMEN = physdim, TYPE= dtype, /NOZERO), doffset) im = tmp[0] ; If the physical dimension of an IRAF image is larger than the image size, ; then extract the appropriate subimage dimen = dimen - 1 pdim = physdim - 1 case ndim of 1 : 2 : if dimen[0] LT pdim[0] then im = im[ 0:dimen[0], *] 3 : if total(dimen LT pdim) then im = im[ 0:dimen[0], 0:dimen[1], * ] 4 : if total(dimen LT pdim) then $ im = im[ 0:dimen[0], 0:dimen[1], 0:dimen[2], * ] 5 : if total(dimen LT pdim) then $ im = im[ 0:dimen[0], 0:dimen[1], 0:dimen[2], 0:dimen[3], *] 6: if total(dimen LT pdim) then $ im = im[ 0:dimen[0], 0:dimen[1], 0:dimen[2], 0:dimen[3], $ 0:dimen[4], *] 7: if total(dimen LT pdim) then $ im = im[ 0:dimen[0], 0:dimen[1], 0:dimen[2], 0:dimen[3], $ 0:dimen[4], 0:dimen[5], *] endcase hd = strarr(ndim + 5) + string(' ',format='(a80)') ;Create empty FITS hdr hd[0] = 'END' + string(replicate(32b,77)) sxaddpar, hd, 'SIMPLE', 'T',' Read by IDL: '+ systime() sxaddpar, hd, 'BITPIX', bitpix sxaddpar, hd, 'NAXIS', ndim ;# of dimensions if ( ndim GT 0 ) then $ for i = 1, ndim do sxaddpar,hd,'NAXIS' + strtrim(i,2),dimen[i-1]+1 sxaddpar,hd,'irafname',name + '.imh' ;Add history records if ( hdrlen GT 513 ) then begin ;Add history records if newformat then nfits = (hdrlen*2l - 2049)/81 else $ nfits = (hdrlen*4l - 2054)/162 tmp = assoc(lun1,bytarr(hdrlen*4l < (fstat(lun1)).size )) hdr = tmp[0] if not newformat then if not big_endian then byteorder, hdr, /SSWAP SKIP1: if newformat then $ object = string( hdr[638 + indgen(67)] ) else $ object = string( hdr[732 + indgen(67)*2] ) if (object NE '') then $ sxaddpar, hd, 'OBJECT', object,' Object Name' ;Add object name endline = where( strmid(hd,0,8) EQ 'END ') endline = endline[0] endfits = hd[endline] hd = [ hd[0:endline-1], strarr(nfits+1) ] if newformat then begin index = indgen(80) for i = 0l,nfits-1 do $ hd[endline+i] = string( hdr[2046 + 81*i + index] ) endif else begin index = indgen(80)*2 for i = 0l,nfits-1 do $ hd[endline+i] = string( hdr[ 2052 + 162*i + index] ) endelse hd[endline + nfits] = endfits ;Add back END keyword if not newformat then begin history = string(hdr[ 892 + indgen(580)*2] ) st1 = gettok( history, string(10B)) if big_endian then $ origin = gettok( strmid( st1, 1, strlen(st1)),"'") else $ origin = gettok( strmid( st1, 0, strlen(st1)),"'") sxaddpar, hd, 'ORIGIN', origin, ' ', 'IRAFNAME' ; Add 'ORIGIN" record test = sxpar(hd,'HISTORY', COUNT = N) if N EQ 0 then begin while (strpos(history,string(10B)) GE 0) do begin hist_rec = gettok( history, string(10B) ) ; Add history comment strings sxaddpar, hd, 'HISTORY', hist_rec endwhile endif endif endif free_lun,lun1,lun2 return ;Successful return NOFILE: message,'Unable to find IRAF pixel file ' + pixname,/CON free_lun,lun1 return end