pro hprint, h, firstline ;+ ; NAME: ; HPRINT ; PURPOSE: ; Print a FITS header (or other string array) one line at a time ; EXPLANATION: ; The string array is printed 1 line at a time. ; Needed because IDL will add an extra space to the 80 character ; FITS lines on TTY terminals, causing a space to appear between lines. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HPRINT, h, [ firstline ] ; ; INPUTS: ; H - FITS header (or any other string array). ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; FIRSTLINE - scalar integer specifying the first line to begin ; displaying. The default is FIRSTLINE = 1, i.e. display ; all the lines. If Firstline is negative, then the first ; line to be printed is counted backward from the last line. ; ; NOTES: ; HPRINT has the following differences from the intrinsic PRINT procedure ; ; (1) Arrays are printed one line at a time to avoid a space between 80 ; character lines ; (2) Lines are trimmed with STRTRIM before being printed to speed up ; display ; (3) The /more option is used for output. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Read the header from a FITS file named 'test.fits' and display it at the ; terminal beginning with line 50 ; ; IDL> h = headfits( 'test.fits') ;Read FITS header ; IDL> hprint, h, 50 ;Display starting at line 50 ; ; To print the last 25 lines of the header ; ; IDL> hprint, h, -25 ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman July, 1990 ; Added test for user quit July, 1991 ; Added optional FIRSTLINE parameter November, 1992 ; Modified for when STDOUT is not a TTY W. Landsman September 1995 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Fixed printing in IDLDE, C. Gehman August, 1998 ;- On_error,2 ;Return to Caller if N_params() EQ 0 then begin print,'Syntax - HPRINT, h, [ firstline ]' return endif n = N_elements(h) if ( n EQ 0 ) then $ ;Make sure input array is defined message,'String array (first parameter) not defined' stdout = fstat(-1) if stdout.isatty then $ ;Open with /MORE if a TTY openw, outunit, filepath(/TERMINAL), /MORE, /GET_LUN if N_elements( firstline ) EQ 0 then firstline = 1 if ( firstline[0] LT 0 ) then firstline = ( n + firstline[0]) > 1 < n $ else firstline = firstline[0] > 1 < n ; Now print the array one line at a time if stdout.isatty then begin for i = firstline-1, n-1 do begin printf, outunit, strtrim( h[i] ) if !ERR EQ 1 then goto, DONE ;User entered "Q" in response to /more endfor DONE: free_lun, outunit endif else printf,-1,strtrim(h[firstline:*]), FORMAT='(A)' return end