pro fitsdir ,directory, TEXTOUT = textout, Keywords = keywords, $ nosize = nosize, alt1_keywords=alt1_keywords, alt2_keywords=alt2_keywords,$ alt3_keywords = alt3_keywords, NoTelescope = NoTelescope,exten=exten ;+ ; NAME: ; FITSDIR ; PURPOSE: ; Display selected FITS keywords from the headers of FITS files. ; EXPLANATION: ; The values of either user-specified or default FITS keywords are ; displayed in either the primary header and/or the first extension header. ; Unless the /NOSIZE keyword is set, the data size is also displayed. ; The default keywords are as follows (with keywords in 2nd row used if ; those in the first row not found, and the 3rd row if neither the keywords ; in the first or second rows found:) ; ; DATE-OBS TELESCOP OBJECT EXPTIME ; TDATEOBS TELNAME TARGNAME INTEG ;First Alternative ; DATE OBSERVAT EXPOSURE ;Second Alternative ; INSTRUME EXPTIM ;Third Alternative ; ; FITSDIR will also recognize gzip compressed files (must have a .gz ; extension). ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FITSDIR , [ directory, TEXTOUT =, /FLAT, KEYWORDS=, /NOSIZE, /NoTELESCOPE ; ALT1_KEYWORDS= ,ALT2_KEYWORDS = ,ALT3_KEYWORDS = ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; DIRECTORY - Scalar string giving file name, disk or directory to be ; searched. Wildcard file names are allowed. Examples of ; valid names include 'iraf/*.fits' (Unix), d:\myfiles\f*.fits', ; (Windows) or 'Macintosh HD:Files:*c0f.fits' (Macintosh). ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETER ; KEYWORDS - FITS keywords to display, as either a vector of strings or as ; a comma delimited scalar string, e.g.'testname,dewar,filter' ; If not supplied, then the default keywords are 'DATE-OBS', ; 'TELESCOP','OBJECT','EXPTIME' ; ALT1_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited ; strings of alternative keywords to use if the default ; KEYWORDS cannot be found. By default, 'TDATEOBS', is the ; alternative to DATE-OBS, 'TELNAME' for 'TELESCOP','TARGNAME' ; for 'OBJECT', and 'INTEG' for EXPTIME ; ALT2_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited ; strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS ; nor ALT1_KEYWORDS can be found. ; ALT3_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited ; strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS ; nor ALT1_KEYWORDS nor ALT2_KEYWORDS can be found. ; /NOSIZE - if set then information about the image size is not displayed ; TEXTOUT - Controls output device as described in TEXTOPEN procedure ; textout=1 TERMINAL using /more option ; textout=2 TERMINAL without /more option ; textout=3 .prt ; textout=4 laser.tmp ; textout=5 user must open file ; textout=7 Append to existing .prt file ; textout = filename (default extension of .prt) ; /EXTEN - If set, then the first FITS extension is also checked for the ; desired keywords. ; /NOTELESCOPE - If set, then if the default keywords are used, then the ; TELESCOPE (or TELNAME, OBSERVAT, INSTRUME) keywords are omitted ; to give more room for display other keywords. The /NOTELESCOP ; keyword has no effect if the default keywords are not used. ; OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) Print info on all'*.fits' files in the current directory using default ; keywords. Include information from the extension header ; IDL> fitsdir,/exten ; ; (2) Write a driver program to display selected keywords in HST/ACS drizzled ; (*drz) images ; pro acsdir ; keywords = 'date-obs,targname,detector,filter1,filter2,exptime' ; fitsdir,'*drz.fits',key=keywords,/exten ; return & end ; ; (3) Write info on all *.fits files in the Unix directory /usr2/smith, to a ; file 'smith.txt' using the default keywords, but do not display the ; value of the TELESCOPE keyword ; ; IDL> fitsdir ,'/usr2/smith/*.fits',t='smith.txt', /NoTel ; ; PROCEDURE: ; FINDFILE (or FILE_SEARCH if since V5.5) is used to find the specified ; FITS files. The header of each file is read, and the selected ; keywords are extracted. The formatting is adjusted so that no value ; is truncated on display. ; ; SYSTEM VARIABLES: ; TEXTOPEN (called by FITSDIR) will automatically define the following ; non-standard system variables if they are not previously defined: ; ; DEFSYSV,'!TEXTOUT',1 ; DEFSYSV,'!TEXTUNIT',0 ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; FDECOMP, FXMOVE, MRD_HREAD, REMCHAR, SPEC_DIR(), ; TEXTOPEN, TEXTCLOSE ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, W. Landsman, HSTX February, 1993 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Search alternate keyword names W.Landsman October 1998 ; Avoid integer truncation for NAXISi >32767 W. Landsman July 2000 ; Don't leave open unit W. Landsman July 2000 ; Added EXTEN keyword, work with compressed files, additional alternate ; keywords W. Landsman December 2000 ; Don't assume floating pt. exposure time W. Landsman September 2001 ; Major rewrite, KEYWORD & ALT*_KEYWORDS keywords, no truncation, ; /NOSIZE keyword W. Landsman, SSAI August 2002 ; ;- On_error,2 FORWARD_FUNCTION FILE_SEARCH, STRSPLIT ;For pre-V5.5, V5.3 compatibility if N_elements(directory) EQ 0 then directory = '*.fits' if N_elements(exten) EQ 0 then exten = 0 fdecomp, directory, disk, dir, filename, ext if filename EQ '' then begin directory = disk + dir + '*.fits' filename = '*' ext = 'fits' endif else if !VERSION.OS_FAMILY EQ 'unix' then begin if (strpos(filename,'*') LT 0) and (ext EQ '') then begin directory = disk + dir + filename + '/*.fits' filename = '*' ext = 'fits' endif endif if N_elements(keywords) EQ 0 then begin keywords = ['date-obs','telescop','object','exptime'] if N_elements(alt1_keywords) EQ 0 then $ alt1_keywords = ['tdateobs','telname','targname','integ'] if N_elements(alt2_keywords) EQ 0 then $ alt2_keywords = ['date','observat','','exposure'] if N_elements(alt3_keywords) EQ 0 then $ alt3_keywords = ['','instrume','','exptim' ] if keyword_set(NoTelescope) then begin ii = [0,2,3] keywords = keywords[ii] & alt1_keywords = alt1_keywords[ii] alt2_keywords = alt2_keywords[ii] & alt3_keywords = alt3_keywords[ii] endif endif if N_elements(keywords) EQ 1 then $ if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' then $ keys = strupcase(strsplit(keywords,',',/EXTRACT)) else $ keys = strupcase(str_sep(strtrim( strcompress(keywords),2),',')) else $ keys = strupcase(keywords) Nkey = N_elements(keys) case N_elements(alt1_keywords) of 0: alt1_set = bytarr(Nkey) 1: if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' then $ alt1_keys = strupcase(strsplit(alt1_keywords[0],',',/EXTRACT)) else $ alt1_keys = strupcase(str_sep(strtrim(strcompress(alt1_keywords[0]),2),',')) else: alt1_keys = strupcase(alt1_keywords) endcase if N_elements(alt1_set) EQ 0 then alt1_set = strlen(strtrim(alt1_keys,2)) GT 0 case N_elements(alt2_keywords) of 0: alt2_set = bytarr(Nkey) 1: if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' then $ alt2_keys = strupcase(strsplit(alt2_keywords,',',/EXTRACT)) else $ alt2_keys = strupcase(str_sep(strtrim(strcompress(alt2_keywords[0]),2),',')) else: alt2_keys = strupcase(alt2_keywords) endcase if N_elements(alt2_set) EQ 0 then alt2_set = strlen(strtrim(alt2_keys,2)) GT 0 case N_elements(alt3_keywords) of 0: alt3_set = bytarr(Nkey) 1: if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' then $ alt3_keys = strupcase(strsplit(alt3_keywords,',',/EXTRACT)) else $ alt3_keys = strupcase(str_sep(strtrim(strcompress(alt3_keywords[0]),2),',')) else: alt3_keys = strupcase(alt3_keywords) endcase if N_elements(alt3_set) EQ 0 then alt3_set = strlen(strtrim(alt3_keys,2)) GT 0 keylen = strlen(keys) direct = spec_dir(directory) if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.5' then $ files = file_search(directory,COUNT = n,/full) else $ files = findfile( direct, COUNT = n) if n EQ 0 then begin ;Any files found? message,'No files found on '+ directory, /CON return endif good = where( strlen(files) GT 0, Ngood) if Ngood EQ 0 then message,'No FITS files found on '+ directory $ else files = files[good] ; Set output device according to keyword TEXTOUT or system variable !TEXTOUT defsysv,'!TEXTOUT',exists=ex ; Check if !TEXTOUT exists. if ex eq 0 then defsysv,'!TEXTOUT',1 ; If not define it. defsysv,'!TEXTUNIT',exists=ex ; Check if !TEXTOUT exists. if ex eq 0 then defsysv,'!TEXTUNIT',1 ; If not define it. if not keyword_set( TEXTOUT ) then textout= !TEXTOUT dir = 'dummy' num = 0 get_lun,unit fdecomp, files, disk, dir2, fname, qual ;Decompose into disk+filename fname = strtrim(fname,2) keyvalue = strarr(n,nkey) bignaxis = strarr(n) namelen = max(strlen(fname)) for i = 0,n-1 do begin ;Loop over each FITS file if (ext EQ 'gz') then compress = 1 else compress = 0 if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' then $ openr, unit, files[i], /block, /binary, error = error, compress = compress $ else openr, unit, files[i], /block, /binary, error = error if error LT 0 then goto, BADHD mrd_hread, unit, h, status, /silent if status LT 0 then goto, BADHD if exten GT 0 then begin close,unit openr, unit, files[i], /block, /binary, $ error = error, compress = compress stat = fxmove(unit, exten, /silent) mrd_hread, unit, h1, status, /silent if status EQ 0 then h = [h1,h] endif keyword = strtrim( strmid(h,0,8),2 ) ;First 8 chars is FITS keyword lvalue = strtrim(strmid(h,10,30),2 ) value = strtrim( strmid(h,10,68),2 ) ;Chars 10-30 is FITS value if not keyword_set(nosize) then begin l= where(keyword EQ 'NAXIS',Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS keyword if Nfound GT 0 then naxis = long( value[ l[0] ] ) else goto, BADHD if naxis EQ 0 then naxisi = '0' else begin l = where( keyword EQ 'NAXIS1', Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS1 keyword if Nfound gt 0 then naxis1 = long( value[l[0] ] ) else goto, BADHD naxisi = strtrim( naxis1,2 ) endelse if NAXIS GE 2 then begin l = where(keyword EQ 'NAXIS2', Nfound) ;Must have NAXIS2 keyword if Nfound gt 0 then naxis2 = long(value[l[0]]) else goto, BADHD naxisi = naxisi + ' ' + strtrim( naxis2, 2 ) endif if NAXIS GE 3 then begin l = where( keyword EQ 'NAXIS3', Nfound ) ;Must have NAXIS3 keyword if Nfound GT 0 then naxis3 = long( value[l[0]] ) else goto, BADHD naxisi = naxisi + ' ' + strtrim( naxis3, 2 ) endif bignaxis[i] = strtrim(naxisi) endif for k=0,nkey-1 do begin l = where(keyword EQ keys[k], Nfound) if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt1_set[k] then $ l = where(keyword EQ alt1_keys[k], Nfound) if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt2_set[k] then $ l = where(keyword EQ alt2_keys[k], Nfound) if Nfound EQ 0 then if alt3_set[k] then $ l = where(keyword EQ alt3_keys[k], Nfound) if nfound GT 0 then begin kvalue = value[l[0]] if strpos(kvalue,"'") GE 0 then begin temp = gettok(kvalue,"'") keyvalue[i,k] = strtrim(gettok(kvalue,"'"),2) endif else keyvalue[i,k] = strtrim(gettok(kvalue,'/'),2) endif endfor BADHD: close,unit endfor DONE: free_lun, unit vallen = lonarr(nkey) for k=0,nkey-1 do vallen[k] = max(strlen(keyvalue[*,k])) textopen, 'fitsdir', TEXTOUT=textout,/STDOUT printf,!TEXTUNIT,'FITS File Directory ' + systime() printf,!TEXTUNIT, direct printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' ' pheader = ' NAME ' if namelen GT 5 then pheader = pheader + string(replicate(32b,namelen-5)) if not keyword_set(nosize) then begin pheader = pheader + 'SIZE ' naxislen = max(strlen(bignaxis))+1 if naxislen GT 5 then pheader = pheader + string(replicate(32b,naxislen-5)) endif for k=0,nkey-1 do begin pheader = pheader + keys[k] + ' ' if vallen[k] GT keylen[k] then $ pheader = pheader + string(replicate(32b,vallen[k]-keylen[k])) endfor printf,!TEXTUNIT, pheader printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' ' xx = namelen + 2 fmt = '(A' if not keyword_set(nosize) then begin fmt = fmt + ',T' + strtrim(xx,2) xx = xx + (naxislen>4) + 1 endif fmt = fmt + ',A' remchar,keyvalue,"'" for k=0,nkey-1 do begin fmt = fmt + ',T' + strtrim(xx,2) + ',A' xx = xx + (vallen[k]>keylen[k]) +1 endfor fmt = fmt + ')' for i=0,n-1 do printf, f= fmt, $ !TEXTUNIT,fname[i],bignaxis[i], keyvalue[i,*] textclose,textout=textout return ;Normal return end