pro fits_open,filename,fcb,write=write,append=append,update=update, $ no_abort=no_abort,message=message,hprint=hprint ;+ ; NAME: ; FITS_OPEN ; ;*PURPOSE: ; Opens a FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data file. ; ;*CATEGORY: ; INPUT/OUTPUT ; ;*CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FITS_OPEN, filename, fcb ; ;*INPUTS: ; filename : name of the FITS file to open, scalar string ; FITS_OPEN can also open gzip compressed (.gz) file *for ; reading only&, in IDL V5.3 or later, although there is a ; performance penalty ;*OUTPUTS: ; fcb : (FITS Control Block) a IDL structure containing information ; concerning the file. It is an input to FITS_READ, FITS_WRITE ; and FITS_CLOSE ; ; INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /APPEND: Set to append to an existing file. ; /HPRINT - print headers with routine HPRINT as they are read. ; (useful for debugging a strange file) ; /NO_ABORT: Set to return to calling program instead of a RETALL ; when an I/O error is encountered. If set, the routine will ; return a non-null string (containing the error message) in the ; keyword MESSAGE. (For backward compatibility, the obsolete ; system variable !ERR is also set to -1 in case of an error.) ; If /NO_ABORT not set, then FITS_OPEN will print the message and ; issue a RETALL ; /UPDATE Set this keyword to open an existing file for update ; /WRITE: Set this keyword to open a new file for writing. ; ; OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; MESSAGE = value: Output error message. If the FITS file was opened ; successfully, then message = ''. ; ;*NOTES: ; The output FCB should be passed to the other FITS routines (FITS_OPEN, ; FITS_READ, FITS_HELP, and FITS_WRITE). It has the following structure ; when FITS_OPEN is called without /WRITE or /APPEND keywords set. ; ; FCB.FILENAME - name of the input file ; .UNIT - unit number the file is opened to ; .NEXTEND - number of extensions in the file. ; .XTENSION - string array giving the extension type for each ; extension. ; .EXTNAME - string array giving the extension name for each ; extension. (null string if not defined the extension) ; .EXTVER - vector of extension version numbers (0 if not ; defined) ; .EXTLEVEL - vector of extension levels (0 if not defined) ; .GCOUNT - vector with the number of groups in each extension. ; .PCOUNT - vector with parameter count for each group ; .BITPIX - BITPIX for each extension with values ; 8 byte data ; 16 short word integers ; 32 long word integers ; -32 IEEE floating point ; -64 IEEE double precision floating point ; .NAXIS - number of axes for each extension. (0 for null data ; units) ; .AXIS - 2-D array where axis(*,N) gives the size of each axes ; for extension N ; .START_HEADER - vector giving the starting byte in the file ; where each extension header begins ; .START_DATA - vector giving the starting byte in the file ; where the data for each extension begins ; ; .HMAIN - keyword parameters (less standard required FITS ; keywords) for the primary data unit. ; .OPEN_FOR_WRITE - flag (0= open for read, 1=open for write, ; 2=open for update) ; .LAST_EXTENSION - last extension number read. ; .RANDOM_GROUPS - 1 if the PDU is random groups format, ; 0 otherwise ; .NBYTES - total number of (uncompressed) bytes in the FITS file ; ; When FITS open is called with the /WRITE or /APPEND option, FCB ; contains: ; ; FCB.FILENAME - name of the input file ; .UNIT - unit number the file is opened to ; .NEXTEND - number of extensions in the file. ; .OPEN_FOR_WRITE - flag (1=open for write, 2=open for append ; 3=open for update) ; ; ;*EXAMPLES: ; Open a FITS file for reading: ; FITS_OPEN,'myfile.fits',fcb ; ; Open a new FITS file for output: ; FITS_OPEN,'newfile.fits',fcb,/write ; PROCEDURES USED: ; HPRINT, SXDELPAR, SXPAR() ;*HISTORY: ; Written by: D. Lindler August, 1995 ; July, 1996 NICMOS Modified to allow open for overwrite ; to allow primary header to be modified ; DJL Oct. 15, 1996 corrected to properly extend AXIS when more ; than 100 extensions present ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Use Message = '' rather than !ERR =1 as preferred signal of normal ; operation W. Landsman November 2000 ; Lindler, Dec, 2001, Modified to use 64 bit words for storing byte ; positions within the file to allow support for very large ; files ; Work with gzip compressed files W. Landsman January 2003 ;- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- FORWARD_FUNCTION strsplit ;Pre-V53 compatibility ; if no parameters supplied, print calling sequence ; if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - FITS_OPEN, filename, fcb' print,' Input Keywords: /Append, /Hprint, /No_abort, /Update, /Write' print,' Output Keyword: Message= ' return endif ; ; set default keyword parameters ; message = '' open_for_read = 1 open_for_update = 0 open_for_write = 0 open_for_overwrite = 0 if keyword_set(write) then begin open_for_read = 0 open_for_update = 0 open_for_write = 1 open_for_overwrite = 0 end if keyword_set(append) then begin open_for_read = 0 open_for_write = 0 open_for_update = 1 open_for_overwrite = 0 end if keyword_set(update) then begin open_for_read = 1 open_for_write = 0 open_for_update = 0 open_for_overwrite = 1 end ; ; on I/O errors goto statement ioerror: ; on_ioerror,ioerror ; ; open file ; docompress = 0 if !VERSION.RELEASE GT '5.3' then begin if open_for_read and (not open_for_overwrite) then begin len = strlen(filename) if strmid(filename, len-3, 3) EQ '.gz' then docompress= 1 endif endif ; ; open file ; get_lun,unit if docompress then openr,unit,filename,/block, /compress else begin case 1 of keyword_set(append): openu,unit,filename,/block keyword_set(update): openu,unit,filename,/block keyword_set(write) : if !version.os eq 'vms' then $ openw,unit,filename,/block,/none,2880 $ else openw,unit,filename else : openr,unit,filename,/block endcase endelse file = fstat(unit) if !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.4' then docompress = file.compress ; Need to spawn to "gzip -l" to get the number of uncompressed bytes in a gzip ; compressed file. I'm not sure how independent this code is with different ; shells and OS's. if docompress then begin spawn,'gzip -l ' + filename, output output = strtrim(output,2) g = where(strmid(output,0,8) EQ 'compress') nbytes_in_file = long64((strsplit(output[g+1],/extract))[1]) endif else nbytes_in_file = file.size ; ; create vectors needed to store header information for each extension ; n = 100 xtension = strarr(n) extname = strarr(n) extver = lonarr(n) extlevel = lonarr(n) gcount = lonarr(n) pcount = lonarr(n) bitpix = lonarr(n) naxis = lonarr(n) axis = lonarr(20,n) start_header = lon64arr(n) ; starting byte in file for header start_data = lon64arr(n) ; starting byte in file for data position = long64(0) ; current byte position in file skip = long64(0) ; Amount to skip from current position ; ; read and process each header in the file if open for read or update ; extend_number = 0 ; current extension number being ; processed if open_for_read or open_for_update then begin main_header = 1 ; first header in file flag h = bytarr(80,36,/nozero) ; read buffer ; ; loop on headers in the file ; repeat begin if skip GT 0 then point_lun,unit,position start = position ; ; loop on header blocks ; first_block = 1 ; first block in header flag repeat begin if position+2879 ge nbytes_in_file then begin if extend_number eq 0 then begin message = 'EOF encountered while reading header' goto,error_exit endif print,'EOF encountered reading extension header' print,'Only '+strtrim(extend_number-1,2) + $ ' extensions processed' goto,done_headers endif readu,unit,h position = position + 2880 hdr = string(h>32b) endline = where(strmid(hdr,0,8) eq 'END ',nend) if nend gt 0 then hdr = hdr[0:endline[0]] if first_block then begin ; ; check for valid header (SIMPLE keyword must be first for PDU and ; XTENSION keyword for the extensions. ; header = hdr keyword = strmid(header[0],0,8) if (extend_number eq 0) and $ (keyword ne 'SIMPLE ') then begin message = 'Invalid header, no SIMPLE keyword' goto,error_exit endif if (extend_number gt 0) and $ (keyword ne 'XTENSION') then begin print,'Invalid extension header encountered' print,'XTENSION keyword missing' print,'Only '+strtrim(extend_number-1,2) + $ ' extensions processed' goto,done_headers endif end else header = [header,hdr] first_block = 0 end until (nend gt 0) ; ; print header if hprint set ; if keyword_set(hprint) then hprint,header ; ; end of loop on header blocks ; ; Increase size of vectors if needed ; if extend_number ge n then begin xtension = [xtension,strarr(n)] extname = [extname,strarr(n)] extver = [extver,lonarr(n)] extlevel = [extver,lonarr(n)] gcount = [gcount,lonarr(n)] pcount = [pcount,lonarr(n)] bitpix = [bitpix,lonarr(n)] naxis = [naxis,lonarr(n)] old_axis = axis axis = lonarr(20,n*2) axis[0,0] = old_axis start_header = [start_header,lonarr(n)] start_data = [start_data,lonarr(n)] n = n*2 end ; ; extract information from header ; xtension[extend_number] = strtrim(sxpar(header,'xtension')) st = sxpar(header,'extname', Count = N_extname) if N_extname EQ 0 then st = '' extname[extend_number] = strtrim(st,2) extver[extend_number] = sxpar(header,'extver') extlevel[extend_number] = sxpar(header,'extlevel') gcount[extend_number] = sxpar(header,'gcount') pcount[extend_number] = sxpar(header,'pcount') bitpix[extend_number] = sxpar(header,'bitpix') nax = sxpar(header,'naxis') naxis[extend_number] = nax if nax gt 0 then for i=1,nax do $ axis[i-1,extend_number] = sxpar(header,'naxis'+strtrim(i,2)) start_data[extend_number] = position start_header[extend_number] = start ; ; if first header, save without FITS required keywords ; if extend_number eq 0 then begin hmain = header random_groups = sxpar(header,'groups') sxdelpar,hmain,['SIMPLE','BITPIX','NAXIS','NAXIS1', $ 'NAXIS2','NAXIS3','NAXIS4','NAXIS5', $ 'NAXIS6','NAXIS7','NAXIS8','EXTEND', $ 'PCOUNT','GCOUNT','GROUPS','BSCALE', $ 'BZERO','NPIX1','NPIX2','PIXVALUE'] if (pcount[0] gt 0) then for i=1,pcount[0] do $ sxdelpar,hmain,['ptype','pscal','pzero']+strtrim(i,2) endif ; ; skip past data to go to next header ; ndata = axis[0,extend_number] if naxis[extend_number] gt 1 then $ for i=2,naxis[extend_number] do $ ndata = ndata*axis[i-1,extend_number] nbytes = (abs(bitpix[extend_number])/8) * $ (gcount[extend_number]>1)*(pcount[extend_number] + ndata) skip = (nbytes + 2879)/2880*2880 position = position + skip ; ; end loop on headers ; extend_number = extend_number + 1 end until (position ge nbytes_in_file-2879) end ; ; point at end of file in /extend ; done_headers: if open_for_update then point_lun,unit,nbytes_in_file ; ; number of extensions ; if open_for_write then nextend = -1 $ else nextend = extend_number - 1 ; ; set up blank hmain if open for write ; if open_for_write then begin hmain = strarr(1) hmain[0] = 'END ' end ; ; create output structure for the file control block ; if open_for_write or open_for_update then begin fcb = {filename:filename,unit:unit,nextend:nextend, $ open_for_write:open_for_write + open_for_update*2} end else begin nx = nextend fcb = {filename:filename,unit:unit,nextend:nextend, $ xtension:xtension[0:nx],extname:extname[0:nx], $ extver:extver[0:nx],extlevel:extlevel[0:nx], $ gcount:gcount[0:nx],pcount:pcount[0:nx], $ bitpix:bitpix[0:nx],naxis:naxis[0:nx], $ axis:axis[*,0:nx], $ start_header:start_header[0:nx], $ start_data:start_data[0:nx],hmain:hmain, $ open_for_write:open_for_overwrite*3,$ last_extension:-1, $ random_groups:random_groups, $ nbytes: nbytes_in_file } end !err = 1 return ; ; error exit ; ioerror: message = !err_string error_exit: free_lun,unit !err = -1 if keyword_set(no_abort) then return print,'FITS_OPEN ERROR: '+message retall end