pro FindPro, Proc_Name, NoPrint=NoPrint, DirList=DirList, ProList=ProList ;+ ; NAME: ; FINDPRO ; PURPOSE: ; Find all locations of a procedure in the IDL !PATH ; EXPLANATION: ; FINDPRO searces for the procedure name (as a .pro or a .sav file) in all ; IDL libraries or directories given in the !PATH system variable. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FINDPRO, [ Proc_Name, /NoPrint, DirList = , ProList = ] ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; Proc_Name - Character string giving the name of the IDL procedure or ; function. Do not include the ".pro" extension. If Proc_Name is ; omitted, the program will prompt for PROC_NAME. "*" wildcards ; are permitted. ; OPTINAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; /NoPrint - if set, then the file's path is not printed on the screen and ; absolutely no error messages are printed on the screen. If not ; set, then - since the MESSAGE routine is used - error messages ; will be printed but the printing of informational messages ; depends on the value of the !Quiet variable. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUTS: ; DirList - The directories in which the file is located are returned in ; the keyword as a string array. ; If the procedure was found in a VMS text library, then the ; full path and name of that library is returned and is prefixed ; by an "@" sign as a flag that it is a library, not a directory. ; If the procedure is an intrinsic IDL procedure, then the ; value of DirList = ['INTRINSIC']. ; If the procedure is not found, the value of DirList = ['']. ; ProList - The list (full pathnames) of procedures found. Useful if you ; are looking for the name of a procedure using wildcards. ; ; The order of the names in DirList and ProList is identical to the order ; in which the procedure name appears in the !PATH ; PROCEDURE: ; The system variable !PATH is parsed using EXPAND_PATH into individual ; libraries or directories. Each library or directory is then ; searched for the procedure name. If not found in !PATH, then the ; the name is compared with the list of intrinsic IDL procedures given ; by the ROUTINE_INFO function. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Find the procedure CURVEFIT. Assume for this example that the user ; also has a copy of the CURVEFIT.PRO procedure in her home directory ; on a Unix machine. ; ; IDL> findpro, 'curvefit', DIRLIST=DirList ; Procedure found in directory . ; Procedure found in directory /home/idl/lib/userlib ; IDL> help, DirList ; DIRLIST STRING = Array(2) ; IDL> help, DirList(0), DirList(1) ; STRING = '.' ; STRING = '/home/idl/lib/userlib' ; ; (2) Find all procedures in one's !path containing the characters "zoom" ; ; IDL> findpro,'*zoom*' ; RESTRICTIONS: ; User will be unable to find a path for a native IDL function ; or procedure, or for a FORTRAN or C routine added with CALL_EXTERNAL. ; Remember that Unix is case sensitive, and most procedures will be in ; lower case. ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; ZPARCHECK, FDECOMP, UNIQ() ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Based on code extracted from the GETPRO procedure, J. Parker 1994 ; Use the intrinsic EXPAND_PATH function W. Landsman Nov. 1994 ; Use ROUTINE_NAMES() to check for intrinsic procs W. Landsman Jul 95 ; Added Macintosh, WINDOWS compatibility W. Landsman Sep. 95 ; Removed spurious first element in PROLIST W. Landsman March 1997 ; Don't include duplicate directories in !PATH WL May 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Use ROUTINE_INFO instead of undocumented ROUTINE_NAMES W.L. October 1998 ; Also check for save sets W. Landsman October 1999 ; Force lower case check for VMS W. Landsman January 2000 ; Only return .pro or .sav files in PROLIST W. Landsman January 2002 ; Force lower case check for .pro and .sav D. Swain September 2002 ; ;- ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ On_error,2 ;Return to caller on error OS = !VERSION.OS ;VMS or Unix operating system if (N_params() EQ 0) then begin ;Prompt for procedure name? Proc_Name = ' ' read,'Enter name of procedure for which you want the path: ',Proc_Name endif else zparcheck, 'getpro', Proc_Name, 1, 7, 0, 'Procedure name' NoPrint = keyword_set(NoPrint) DirList = strarr(1) ProList = strarr(1) fdecomp, Proc_Name, Disk, Dir, Name ;Don't want file extensions Name = strtrim( Name, 2 ) ; Set up separate file and directory separators for VMS and Unix case !VERSION.OS_FAMILY of 'vms': begin DirSep = '' Name = strupcase(Name) lname = name remchar,lname,'*' end 'Windows': DirSep = '\' 'MacOS': DirSep = '' ;Fixed 21-Sep-1995 else: DirSep = '/' endcase pathdir = expand_path(!PATH,/ARRAY, Count = N_dir) cd,current = dir ; Remove duplicate directories in !PATH but keep original order path_dir = [dir] for i = 0,N_dir -1 do begin test = where(path_dir EQ pathdir[i], Ndup) if Ndup EQ 0 then path_dir = [path_dir,pathdir[i]] endfor N_dir = N_elements(path_dir) ; Loop over each directory in !PATH until procedure name found for idir = 0, N_dir-1 do begin dir = path_dir[idir] if (strmid(Dir,0,1) eq '@') then begin ;Text Library? LibName = strmid( Dir, 1, strlen(Dir)-1 ) ;Remove the "@" symbol spawn, 'library /list ' + LibName, List if strpos(name,'*') GE 0 then begin lfound = where( strpos(list, lname) GE 0, Nfound) endif else lfound = where( list EQ name, Nfound) if (Nfound GT 0) then begin for j=0,Nfound-1 do begin DirList = [DirList, Dir] ProList = [ProList, name] Mess = list[lfound[j]] + ' found in the library ' + LibName message, Mess, /CONT, NOPRINT=NoPrint, /NOPREFIX, /NONAME endfor endif endif else begin ;Directory found = 0b ProsFound = findfile(Dir+DirSep+Name+'.*', COUNT=Nfile) if (Nfile ge 1) then begin ;Found by FINDFILE? for j = 0,nfile-1 do begin fdecomp, ProsFound[j], ddisk,ddir,fname,ext if ((strlowcase(ext) EQ 'pro') or (strlowcase(ext) EQ 'sav')) then begin found = 1b profound = prosfound[j] if strlowcase(ext) EQ 'pro' then $ message,/Con,NoPrint = NoPrint,/NoPrefix, /Noname, $ 'Procedure ' + fname + ' found in directory ' + disk + Dir $ else if strlowcase(ext) EQ 'sav' then $ message,/Con,NoPrint = NoPrint,/NoPrefix, /Noname, $ 'Save set ' + fname + '.sav found in directory ' + disk + Dir endif endfor if found then begin DirList = [DirList, Dir] ProList = [ProList, ProFound] endif endif endelse endfor if (N_elements(DirList) GT 1) then begin DirList = DirList[1:*] ProList = ProList[1:*] endif ; At this point !PATH has been searched. If the procedure has not been found ; (nothing is in DirList) check if it is an intrinsic IDL procedure or function if (DirList[0] eq '') then begin funcnames = routine_info(/system,/func) test = where ( funcnames EQ strupcase(name), fcount) funcnames = routine_info(/system) test = where ( funcnames EQ strupcase(name), pcount) if (fcount EQ 0) and (pcount EQ 0) then begin if not(NoPrint) then begin message, 'Procedure '+Name+' not found in a !PATH directory.', /CONT message, 'Check your spelling or search individual directories.', /INF endif endif else begin DirList = ['INTRINSIC'] ProList = ['INTRINSIC'] if not(NoPrint) then begin message, 'Procedure ' + Name + ' is an intrinsic IDL procedure.', /CONT message, 'No path information available.', /INF endif endelse endif return end