FUNCTION CONS_RA,RA,Y,ASTR, DELTA ;Find line of constant RA ;+ ; NAME: ; CONS_RA ; PURPOSE: ; Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant right ascension ; EXPLANATION: ; Return a set of X pixel values given an image with astrometry, ; and either ; (1) a set of Y pixel values, and a scalar right ascension, or ; (2) a set of right ascension values, and a scalar Y value. ; ; In usage (1), CONS_RA can be used to determine the (X,Y) values ; of a line of constant right ascension. In usage (2), CONS_RA can ; used to determine the X positions of specified RA values, along a ; line of constant Y. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; X = CONS_RA( RA, Y, ASTR, [ DEC] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; RA - Right Ascension value in DEGREES (0 < RA < 360.). If Y is a ; vector, then RA must be a scalar ; Y - Specified Y pixel value(s) for line of constant right ascension ; If RA is a vector, then Y must be a scalar ; ASTR - Astrometry structure as extracted from a FITS header by the ; procedure EXTAST ; OUTPUTS ; X - Computed set of X pixel values. The number of elements of X ; is the maximum of the number of elements of RA and Y. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; DEC - Computed set of declinations (in DEGREES) for X,Y, coordinates ; NOTES: ; The algorithm (and notation) is based on AIPS Memo 27 by Eric Greisen, ; with modifications for a coordinate description (CD) matrix as ; described in Paper II of Calabretta & Greisen (2002, A&A, 395, 1077). ; These documents are available from ; ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Implemented only for the TANgent and SIN projections ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written, Wayne Landsman STX Co. April, 1988 ; Algorithm adapted from AIPS memo No. 27 by Eric Griessen ; New astrometry structure ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Added SIN projection W. Landsman January 2000 ; Fix possible sign error introduced Jan. 2000 W. Landsman May 2000 ;- On_error,2 if ( N_params() LT 3 ) then begin print,'Syntax - X = CONS_RA( RA, Y, ASTR, [ Dec ])' return, 0 endif radeg = 180.0/!DPI n = N_elements(y) crpix = astr.crpix - 1. crval = astr.crval/RADEG cdelt = astr.cdelt cdelta = [ [ cdelt[0], 0.],[0., cdelt[1] ] ] cd = cdel0 = cos( crval[1] ) & sdel0 = sin( crval[1] ) delra = ra/RADEG - crval[0] cdelra = cos( delra ) & sdelra = sin( delra ) ctype = strupcase( strmid(astr.ctype[0], 5,3)) case ctype of 'TAN': begin cdi = invert( cdelta # cd ) ;Griesen uses invert of CD matrix yy = y - ( crpix[1]) ;New coordinate origin, Unit pixel offset in CRPIX delta = atan( sdel0*cdelra*cdi[1,1] - sin(delra)*cdi[1,0] + yy*cdelra*cdel0, $ cdel0*cdi[1,1] - yy*sdel0) end 'SIN': begin A = -cd[0,0]*cdelt[0] B = -cd[0,1]*cdelt[0] C = cd[1,0]*cdelt[1] D = cd[1,1]*cdelt[1] yy = (y - crpix[1])*(b*c - a*d) ;New coordinate origin aa = cdel0*d bb = sdel0*cdelra*d + sdelra*b denom = sqrt(aa^2 + bb^2) delta = atan(bb/aa) + asin(yy/denom) end ELSE: message,'ERROR - Program only works for TAN and SIN projections' endcase delta = delta*RADEG if (N_elements(ra) EQ 1) and (n GT 1) then $ ad2xy, replicate(ra,n), delta, astr, x else $ ad2xy, ra, delta, astr, x return, x end