FUNCTION BREAK_PATH, PATHS, NOCURRENT=NOCURRENT ;+ ; NAME: ; BREAK_PATH() ; ; PURPOSE: ; Breaks up a path string into its component directories. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = BREAK_PATH( PATHS [ /NoCurrent]) ; ; INPUTS: ; PATHS = A string containing one or more directory paths. The ; individual paths are separated by commas, although in UNIX, ; colons can also be used. In other words, PATHS has the same ; format as !PATH, except that commas can be used as a separator ; regardless of operating system. ; ; A leading $ can be used in any path to signal that what follows ; is an environmental variable, but the $ is not necessary. (In ; VMS the $ can either be part of the path, or can signal logical ; names for compatibility with Unix.) Environmental variables ; can themselves contain multiple paths. ; ; OUTPUT: ; The result of the function is a string array of directories. ; Unless the NOCURRENT keyword is set, the first element of the array is ; always the null string, representing the current directory. All the ; other directories will end in the correct separator character for the ; current operating system. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /NOCURRENT = If set, then the current directory (represented by ; the null string) will not automatically be prepended to the ; output. ; ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; Functions: STR_SEP() V5.3 or earlier ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 6 May 1993. ; Added IDL for Windows compatibility. ; Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 16 May 1995 ; Added keyword NOCURRENT ; Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 29 August 1995 ; Modified to use OS_FAMILY ; Version 4, Zarro, GSFC, 4 August 1997 ; Added trim to input ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman 25-Nov-1997 ; Fix directory character on Macintosh system A. Ferro February 2000 ; Use STRSPLIT instead of STR_SEP W. Landsman July 2002 ;- ; ON_ERROR, 2 FORWARD_FUNCTION strsplit ;Pre V5.3 Compatibility ; ; Check the number of parameters: ; IF SIZE(PATHS,/TNAME) NE 'STRING' THEN MESSAGE, $ 'Syntax: Result = BREAK_PATH( PATHS )' ; ; Reformat PATHS into an array. The first element is the null string. In ; Unix, both the comma and colon character can be separators, so two passes ; are needed to extract everything. The same is true for Microsoft Windows ; and semi-colons. ; CASE !VERSION.OS_FAMILY OF 'vms': SEP = ',' 'Windows': SEP = ';' 'MacOS': SEP = ',' ELSE: SEP = ':' ENDCASE PATH = '' IF !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' THEN $ PATH = [PATH,STRSPLIT(PATHS,SEP + ',',/EXTRACT)] ELSE BEGIN PATHS=STRTRIM(PATHS,2) TEMP = STR_SEP(PATHS,SEP) FOR I = 0,N_ELEMENTS(TEMP)-1 DO $ ;Second pass. PATH = [PATH, STR_SEP(TEMP[I],',')] ENDELSE ; ; For each path, see if it is really an environment variable. If so, then ; decompose the environmental variable into its constituent paths. ; I = 0 WHILE I LT N_ELEMENTS(PATH) DO BEGIN ; ; First, try the path by itself. Remove any trailing "/", "\", or ":" ; characters. In VMS, GETENV requires an uppercase argument. ; CHAR = STRMID(PATH[I],STRLEN(PATH[I])-1,1) IF (CHAR EQ '/') OR (CHAR EQ '\') OR (CHAR EQ ':') THEN $ PATH[I] = STRMID(PATH[I],0,STRLEN(PATH[I])-1) TEMP = PATH[I] IF !VERSION.OS EQ 'vms' THEN TEMP = STRUPCASE(TEMP) TEST = GETENV(TEMP) ; ; If that doesn't yield anything, and the path begins with the $ prompt, then ; try what follows after the $. ; IF TEST EQ '' THEN IF STRMID(PATH[I],0,1) EQ '$' THEN BEGIN FOLLOWING = STRMID(TEMP,1,STRLEN(TEMP)-1) TEST = GETENV(FOLLOWING) ; ; In VMS, don't decompose logical names, because of the possibility that a ; logical name may have more than one translation. Simply substitute the true ; logical name for the one preceeded by the $, if necessary. ; IF (TEST NE '') AND (!VERSION.OS EQ 'vms') THEN $ PATH[I] = FOLLOWING ENDIF ; ; On the other hand, if the value of the logical name contains any commas, ; then assume that this will itself be a series of paths. ; IF (!VERSION.OS EQ 'vms') AND (STRPOS(TEST,',') LT 0) THEN $ TEST = '' ; ; If something was found, then decompose this into whatever paths it may ; contain. ; IF TEST NE '' THEN BEGIN IF !VERSION.RELEASE GE '5.3' THEN $ PTH = STRSPLIT(TEST,SEP+',',/EXTRACT) $ ELSE BEGIN PTH = '' TEMP = STR_SEP(TEST,SEP) FOR J = 0,N_ELEMENTS(TEMP)-1 DO $ PTH = [PTH, STR_SEP(TEMP[J],',')] PTH = PTH[1:*] ENDELSE ; ; Insert this sublist into the main path list. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(PATH) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN PATH = PTH END ELSE IF I EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PATH = [PTH,PATH[1:*]] END ELSE IF I EQ N_ELEMENTS(PATH)-1 THEN BEGIN PATH = [PATH[0:I-1],PTH] END ELSE BEGIN PATH = [PATH[0:I-1],PTH,PATH[I+1:*]] ENDELSE ; ; Otherwise, check whether or not the path ends in the correct character. In ; VMS, if the path does not end in "]" or ":", then append the ":" character. ; In Unix, if the path does not end in "/" then append it. Do the same with ; the "\" character in Microsoft Windows. This step is only taken once the ; routine has completely decomposed this part of the path list. ; END ELSE BEGIN IF PATH[I] NE '' THEN BEGIN LAST = STRMID(PATH[I], STRLEN(PATH[I])-1, 1) CASE !VERSION.OS_FAMILY OF 'vms': IF (LAST NE ']') AND (LAST NE ':') $ THEN PATH[I] = PATH[I] + ':' 'Windows': IF LAST NE '\' THEN $ PATH[I] = PATH[I] + '\' 'MacOS': IF LAST NE ':' THEN $ PATH[I] = PATH[I] + ':' ELSE: IF LAST NE '/' THEN $ PATH[I] = PATH[I] + '/' ENDCASE ENDIF ; ; Advance to the next path, and continue. ; I = I + 1 ENDELSE ENDWHILE ; ; If the NOCURRENT keyword was set, then remove the first element which ; represents the current directory ; IF KEYWORD_SET(NOCURRENT) AND (N_ELEMENTS(PATH) GT 1) THEN $ PATH = PATH[1:*] ; RETURN, PATH END