PRO EOFcalc,field,lats,eofs,pcs,svls,FVE,cutoff ;EOFcalc ; calculates the EOFs of a given field. ; corrected the variances - ; modified ; from /home/dan/idl/ ; 27/1/04 ; field = array containing input field (assumed to be (lon,lat,time) ) ; lats = a vector containing lattitude coordinates (lat) ; eofs = output array containing eofs (lon,lat,cutoff) ; pcs = output array containing pcs (time,cutoff) ; svls = output array containing the singular values (cutoff) ; FVE = output array containing the Fractional Variance of the ; input array Explained by a given EOF (cutoff) ; cutoff= The number of Number of EOFs to retain (max = no. time points) s=size(field) nlons=s(1) nlats=s(2) ntims=s(3) ; w*w=L ; where X.X^T E=LE ; hence tr(X.X^T)=tr(L)=tr(w^2) ; Applying latitude weighting. fac=!pi/180. for j=0,nlats-1 do begin cfac=sqrt(abs(cos(lats(j)*fac))) field(*,j,*)=field(*,j,*)*cfac endfor ; Reform data into a 2d array data=reform(field,nlons*nlats,ntims,/overwrite) ; subtract time mean from data to produce anomalies. for i=0,nlons*nlats-1 do begin data(i,*)=data(i,*)-total(data(i,*))/ntims endfor ; this is TR(X.X^T) = total sum of variance ; note that in the EOF basis TR(Lambda) is the total sum of variance ; but that Lambda is the Eigenvalue matrix of X.X^T (W=sqrt(Lambda) in svd) tr=0 for jk=0,nlons*nlats-1 do begin tr=tr+total(data(jk,*)*data(jk,*)) endfor print,'sum of (space) variances:',tr/(ntims-1) svdc,data(*,*),w,u,v,/column svdsrt,w,u,v,/column ;cut off u=u(*,0:cutoff-1) w=w(0:cutoff-1) v=v(*,0:cutoff-1) eofs=reform(u(*,*),nlons,nlats,cutoff) pcs=v svls=w FVE=(svls*svls)/tr print,'CHECK. Sum of space variances',total(w*w)/(ntims-1),tr/(ntims-1) ; Latitude de-weight fac=!pi/180. for j=0,nlats-1 do begin cfac=1./sqrt(abs(cos(lats(j)*fac))) eofs(*,j,*)=cfac*eofs(*,j,*) endfor end pro svdsrt,w,u,v,row=row,column=column ; sorts singular values and left and right singular vectors after call to ; svdc into order of descending singular value su=size(u) sv=size(v) index=reverse(sort(w)) w=w(index) if (keyword_set(column)) then begin for k=0, su(1)-1 do u(k,*)=u(k,index) for k=0, sv(1)-1 do v(k,*)=v(k,index) endif else begin for k=0, su(2)-1 do u(*,k)=u(index,k) for k=0, sv(2)-1 do v(*,k)=v(index,k) endelse return end