pro plotc_lc,startdate,days,exclude,screen,plot,plotstart,plotend ; ;IDL program opens 3 @ YYDDDHHc files from Lost Creek (day of interest and previous/following days), ;performs LI-6251 calibration, outputs 3 minute averaged ascii file for all levels, and plots data ;and regressions equations. ; ;WARNING: This program attempts to spline all gaps! Be careful if large chunks are missing! ;You can exclude a single period of time from any or all levels if desired (-999 will appear in the *.ppm file) ; ;NOTE: If IDL returns NaN for a spline proceedure, check the raw data for clock resets that would ;cause the normally increasing time array to go backwards! (this is not typical, because the datalogger ;clock is synchronized every hour and reset if more than 1 second different) ; ;written by Bruce Cook ;modified from plotc_wc 20 September 2000 ;modified for unix 8 April 2001 IF n_elements(startdate) EQ 0 THEN begin print,'Enter start date in yyddd format: ' startdate='' read,startdate print,'Enter number of days to process (do not over overlap Jan 1): ' days=1S read,days print,'Do you want to exclude a specific time period for any level?: ' exclude='' read,exclude if (exclude eq 'y') then begin print,'Which level (enter "1" through "5", or "all")?: ' level='' read,level level=str_sep(level,',') print,'Enter start time (hhmm): ' starttime=0S read,starttime print,'Enter end time (hhmm): ' endtime=0S read,endtime endif print,'Do you want to view screen plots?: ' screen='' read,screen if (screen eq 'y') then plotstart=0S else plotstart=1S print,'Do you want to make postscript plots and output files?: ' plot='' read,plot if (plot eq 'y') then plotend=1S else plotend=0S endif ;extract file name information yy=strtrim(strmid(startdate,0,2),2) IF (fix(yy) GE 98) THEN yyyy='19'+yy ELSE yyyy='20'+yy startday=fix(strmid(startdate,2,3)) mm=strmid(strtrim(jdatetodate(startday,yyyy),2),4,2) dd=strmid(strtrim(jdatetodate(startday,yyyy),2),6,2) jdn_start=julday(mm,dd,yyyy); determine Julian Day Number for startday ;start loop for multiple days for x=1,days do begin jdn=jdn_start+(x-1); advance to next day skip=0; reset error flag (when there is not enough data for calculations) ;determine month, day, and year of files to open caldat,jdn-1,m1,d1,y1 caldat,jdn,m2,d2,y2 caldat,jdn+1,m3,d3,y3 ;determine yy and ddd for files to open yy1=strmid(strtrim(string(y1),2),2,2) yy2=strmid(strtrim(string(y2),2),2,2) yy3=strmid(strtrim(string(y3),2),2,2) ddd1=jdate2(y1,m1,d1) ddd=jdate2(y2,m2,d2) ddd3=jdate2(y3,m3,d3) ;add zeroes to Julian dates if needed if (ddd1 lt 10) then ddd1='00'+strtrim(string(ddd1),1) else $ if (ddd1 lt 100) then ddd1='0'+strtrim(string(ddd1),1) else ddd1=strtrim(string(ddd1),1) if (ddd lt 10) then ddd2='00'+strtrim(string(ddd),1) else $ if (ddd lt 100) then ddd2='0'+strtrim(string(ddd),1) else ddd2=strtrim(string(ddd),1) if (ddd3 lt 10) then ddd3='00'+strtrim(string(ddd3),1) else $ if (ddd3 lt 100) then ddd3='0'+strtrim(string(ddd3),1) else ddd3=strtrim(string(ddd3),1) file1=yy+ddd1+'00c' file2=yy+ddd2+'00c' file3=yy+ddd3+'00c' ;setup array for data to be plotted nmax=1600; maximum number of rows in input file datafinal=dblarr(8,nmax); 8 columns x nmax rows datafinal(*,*)=-999. line='' ;begin loop to open three files (day of interest, and previous/following days) i=0; reset line loop counter for j=1,3 do begin; begin loop for each of 3 files if j eq 1 then filename=file1 else $ if j eq 2 then filename=file2 else filename=file3 openr,lun1,filepath(filename+'.gz',root_dir='/eddy/s4/lcreek/rawc'),/get_lun,error=err,/compress; open input data file if (err ne 0) then begin; error if no 'c.gz' file filename=strtrim(strmid(filename,0,7),2)+'C.GZ' openr,lun1,filepath(filename,root_dir='/eddy/s4/lcreek/rawc/'),/get_lun,/compress,error=err; open input data file ENDIF; end if no 'c.gz' file if (err ne 0) then begin; error if file not found print,filename+ ' not found' IF (filename EQ file2) THEN BEGIN print,'WARNING!! NO DATA FOUND, SKIPPING CALCULATIONS...' skip=1 GOTO, skipcalcs endif endif else begin; begin loading if file found print,'Loading '+filename ;read data and create file for ploting while (not eof(lun1)) do begin; begin loop readf,lun1,line; read first line of comma delimited data data=str_sep(line,','); separate line into data array ;change selected data from string to floating point jday=double(data(2)); Julian day time=double(data(3)); HHMM (0 to 2459) ;create fractional julian date if time le 59 then begin; IF 2 digit value (i.e., <1 hr) fjday=jday+(time/1440) endif else begin if time le 959 then begin; IF 3 digit value fjday=jday+(double(strmid(data(3),0,1))/24)+(double(strmid(data(3),1,2))/1440) endif else begin; IF 4 digit value fjday=jday+(double(strmid(data(3),0,2))/24)+(double(strmid(data(3),2,2))/1440) endelse endelse datafinal(*,i)=[fjday,double(data(1:7))]; write selected data to file i=i+1; advance counter for next row endwhile ;close files close,lun1 free_lun,lun1 endelse; end if no file found endfor; end open 3 files loop ;standard gas concentrations ;ORIGINAL STANDARDS (low, Toll #T389171; ref, Toll #T420298/22719724; high, Toll #HP-T032547) ; - Calibrated 10 August 1999 (low, high) ; - Recalibrated 26 May 2000 (low, ref, high) stds=[(345.68+344.87)/2,442.46,(551.39+551.51)/2] ;REFERENCE GAS REPLACED (Toll 31777) - 21 Oct 2001 ; - Initially calibrated ?? (439.66 ppm) ; - Recalibrated 9 July 2002 (436.24 ppm) IF ((yy eq 01) AND (ddd GE 294)) OR ((yy EQ 02) AND (ddd LT 314)) THEN $ stds=[(345.68+344.87)/2.,(439.66+436.24)/2.,(551.39+551.51)/2.] ;REFERENCE GAS REPLACED (AGA C148663) - 10 Nov 2002 ; - Initially calibrated 11 Mar 2003 (426.44 ppm) using old method ; stds=[(345.68+344.87)/2.,426.44,(551.39+551.51)/2.] ; - All standards recalibrated 31 Aug 2003 w/4 @ NOAA stds IF ((yy EQ 02) AND (ddd GE 314)) OR (yy eq 03) OR (yy EQ 04 AND ddd LT 127) THEN $ stds=[345.28,426.44,551.45] ;REFERENCE GAS REPLACED (AGA C44429) - 6 May 2004 ; - calibrate 19 June 2004 IF (yy EQ 04 AND (ddd GE 127 AND ddd LT 171)) THEN $ stds=[345.28,396.66,551.45] ;HIGH STANDARD REPLACED (AGA 503116) - 19 June 2004 ; - All standards calibrated 19 June 2004 w/4 @ NOAA stds IF (yy EQ 04 AND (ddd GE 171 AND ddd LT 349)) THEN $ stds=[344.23,396.66,528.92] ;LOW STANDARD REPLACED (AGA T95033644) - 14 December 2004 ; - Initially uncalibrated; 345 ppm on label IF ((yy EQ 04 AND ddd GE 349) OR (yy EQ 05 AND ddd LT 175)) THEN $ stds=[342.86,396.66,528.92] ;ALL STANDARDS RECALIBRATED - 27 June 2005 ; - calibrated using 4 @ NOAA stds IF (yy EQ 05 AND (ddd GE 175 AND ddd LE 2005)) then $ stds=[342.86,404.73,529.14] ;REFERENCE GAS REPLACED (C44429) - 27 July 2005 ; - ref gas calibrated 27 June 2005 using 4 @ NOAA stds IF ((yy EQ 05 AND ddd GT 205) OR (yy EQ 06 AND ddd LE 161)) THEN $ stds=[342.86,444.00,529.14] ;REFERENCE GAS REPLACED (AGA002473) - 10 June 2006 ; - calibrated using 4 @ NOAA standards 16 Aug 2006 IF (yy EQ 06 AND ddd GT 161 AND ddd LE 229) THEN $ stds=[342.86,401.89,529.14] ;HIGH STANDARD REPLACED (AGA C148649) - 16 Aug 2006 ; - calibrated using 4 @ NOAA standards 16 Aug 2006 IF (yy EQ 06 AND ddd Gt 229) THEN $ stds=[341.41,401.89,534.41] lowstd=stds(0) refgas=stds(1) highstd=stds(2) ;set jday in previous year to 0, and jday in following year to 366 or 367 IF (ddd EQ 1) THEN BEGIN index=where(datafinal(0,*) GT ddd1) IF (index(0) NE -1) THEN datafinal(0,index)=datafinal(0,index)-ddd1 ENDIF IF (fix(ddd3) EQ 1) THEN BEGIN index=where(datafinal(0,*) GT ddd1 AND datafinal(0,*) NE -999.) IF (index(0) NE -1) THEN datafinal(0,index)=datafinal(0,index)+ddd endif ;locate most recent standards on previous and following days and trim dataset id=datafinal(4,*) jday=datafinal(2,*) stds1=where(id eq 8 and jday eq double(strmid(file1,2,3)),count1) stds2=where(id eq 8 and jday eq double(strmid(file2,2,3)),count2) stds3=where(id eq 8 and jday eq double(strmid(file3,2,3)),count3) IF count2 LT 1 THEN BEGIN; do not perform calcs if <1 std set for selected day print,'ERROR!! NO STANDARDS FOR SELECTED DAY, SKIPPING CALCULATIONS...' skip=1 goto, skipcalcs endif if stds1(0) ne -1 then first_std=stds1(count1-1)-2 else first_std=stds2(0)-2; locate first standard set if stds3(0) ne -1 then last_std=stds3(0) else last_std=stds2(count2-1)-2; located last standard set datafinal=datafinal(*,first_std:last_std); keep only first/last standards and data inbetween allstds=where(datafinal(4,*) eq 8,allcount); total number of standards if allcount lt 3 then begin; do not perform calcs if <3 std sets for all days print,'ERROR!! NOT ENOUGH STANDARDS (n='+strtrim(string(allcount),2)+'), SKIPPING CALCULATIONS...' skip=1 goto, skipcalcs endif ;identify variables jday=datafinal(2,*) id=datafinal(4,*) li_t=datafinal(5,*) li_p=datafinal(6,*) IF (yy EQ '01') AND ((ddd GE 193) AND (ddd LE 233)) THEN li_p=li_p+100 co2=datafinal(7,*) ;screen for extreme values (including -99999) and replace with -999 ili_t=where((li_t lt -50) or (li_t gt 75)) if (ili_t(0) ne -1) then li_t(ili_t)=-999 ili_p=where((li_p lt 94) or (li_p gt 120)) if (ili_p(0) ne -1) then li_p(ili_p)=-999 ico2=where((co2 lt -2500) or (co2 gt 2500)) if (ico2(0) ne -1) then co2(ico2)=-999 ;locate bad values and change id to -999 to prevent use in calibrations and calculations badval=where(li_t eq -999 or li_p eq -999 or co2 eq -999,cbadval) if (cbadval ne 0) then id(badval)=-999 ;locate samples, zero gas, standards, beginning and end of day index1=where(id eq 1,count1); 4 feet above the soil surface index2=where(id eq 2,count2); 6 feet index3=where(id eq 3,count3); 10 feet index4=where(id eq 4,count4); 18 feet index5=where(id eq 5,count5); 33 feet, 8 inches (9.93 m) index8=where(id eq 6,count8); reference gas index9=where(id eq 7,count9); low standard index10=where(id eq 8,count10); high standard index8b=index10-2; reference gas when followed by standards begind=where(jday eq double(strmid(file1,2,3)),begcount) endind=where(jday eq double(strmid(file1,2,3)),endcount) ;skip calculations if no good standards IF (count8 LT 3) OR (count9 LT 3) OR (count10 LT 3) THEN BEGIN print,'ERROR!! NOT ENOUGH GOOD STANDARDS, SKIPPING CALCULATIONS...' skip=1 GOTO,skipcalcs endif ;create individual vectors for fractional Julian date (d#), LI-6251 temperature (t#), pressure (p#), and CO2 (c#) if (count1 ge 3) then begin d1=datafinal(0,index1) t1=datafinal(5,index1) p1=datafinal(6,index1) c1=datafinal(7,index1) endif else begin d1=[min(jday),median(jday),max(jday)] t1=[-999.,-999.,-999.] p1=[-999.,-999.,-999.] c1=[-999.,-999.,-999.] endelse if (count2 ge 3) then begin d2=datafinal(0,index2) t2=datafinal(5,index2) p2=datafinal(6,index2) c2=datafinal(7,index2) endif else begin d2=[min(jday),median(jday),max(jday)] t2=[-999.,-999.,-999.] p2=[-999.,-999.,-999.] c2=[-999.,-999.,-999.] endelse if (count3 ge 3) then begin d3=datafinal(0,index3) t3=datafinal(5,index3) p3=datafinal(6,index3) c3=datafinal(7,index3) endif else begin d3=[min(jday),median(jday),max(jday)] t3=[-999.,-999.,-999.] p3=[-999.,-999.,-999] c3=[-999.,-999.,-999] endelse if (count4 ge 3) then begin d4=datafinal(0,index4) t4=datafinal(5,index4) p4=datafinal(6,index4) c4=datafinal(7,index4) endif else begin d4=[min(jday),median(jday),max(jday)] t4=[-999.,-999.,-999.] p4=[-999.,-999.,-999] c4=[-999.,-999.,-999] endelse if (count5 ge 3) then begin d5=datafinal(0,index5) t5=datafinal(5,index5) p5=datafinal(6,index5) c5=datafinal(7,index5) endif else begin d5=[min(jday),median(jday),max(jday)] t5=[-999.,-999.,-999.] p5=[-999.,-999.,-999] c5=[-999.,-999.,-999] endelse d8=datafinal(0,index8) t8=datafinal(5,index8) p8=datafinal(6,index8) c8=datafinal(7,index8) d9=datafinal(0,index9) t9=datafinal(5,index9) p9=datafinal(6,index9) c9=datafinal(7,index9) d10=datafinal(0,index10) t10=datafinal(5,index10) p10=datafinal(6,index10) c10=datafinal(7,index10) d8b=datafinal(0,index8b) t8b=datafinal(5,index8b) p8b=datafinal(6,index8b) c8b=datafinal(7,index8b) ;set time values for interpolation (every 3 minutes) rows=n_elements(id) n=(datafinal(0,rows-1)-datafinal(0,0))*24*60/3 t=datafinal(0,0)+(findgen(n+1)/n)*(datafinal(0,rows-1)-datafinal(0,0)) ;calculate jday and hhmm for interpolated values jday=fix(t) hh=fix((t-jday)*24) mm=(((t-jday)*24)-hh)*60 for z=0,n do begin if (float(mm(z)) eq 60) then begin mm(z)=0 hh(z)=hh(z)+1 endif endfor hhmm=hh*100+mm ;fit data using spline function, and interpolate t1spline=spline(d1,t1,t) p1spline=spline(d1,p1,t) c1spline=spline(d1,c1,t) t2spline=spline(d2,t2,t) p2spline=spline(d2,p2,t) c2spline=spline(d2,c2,t) t3spline=spline(d3,t3,t) p3spline=spline(d3,p3,t) c3spline=spline(d3,c3,t) t4spline=spline(d4,t4,t) p4spline=spline(d4,p4,t) c4spline=spline(d4,c4,t) t5spline=spline(d5,t5,t) p5spline=spline(d5,p5,t) c5spline=spline(d5,c5,t) t8spline=spline(d8,t8,t) p8spline=spline(d8,p8,t) c8spline=spline(d8,c8,t) ;apply pressure correction (P0/P) to mV readings if (count1 ge 3) then c1spline=c1spline*100./p1spline if (count2 ge 3) then c2spline=c2spline*100./p2spline if (count3 ge 3) then c3spline=c3spline*100./p3spline if (count4 ge 3) then c4spline=c4spline*100./p4spline if (count5 ge 3) then c5spline=c5spline*100./p5spline c8spline=c8spline*100./p8spline c8=c8*100./p8 c9=c9*100./p9 c10=c10*100./p10 c8b=c8b*100./p8b ;perform 2nd order polynomial calibrations polyfunc=dblarr(3,count10); setup array for variables (3 columns x n polynomial fits) stdconc=dblarr(3,count10); setup array for temperature corrected standard concentrations (standard minus ref concentration * (T0/T)) for k=0,count10-1 do begin; do for as many standard were run during this time period stdconc(*,k)=[(lowstd-refgas)*(273.15)/(t9(k)+273.15),0,(highstd-refgas)*(273.15)/(t10(k)+273.15)]; standard minus ref conc. (ppm) * (T0/T) mv=[c9(k),c8b(k),c10(k)]; =mV*(P0/P) measurements polyfunc(*,k)=poly_fit(mv,stdconc(*,k),2) endfor ;manual input of coefficients for period when calibration proceedure was not working IF (yy EQ 01) AND ((ddd GE 102) AND (ddd LE 126)) THEN begin polyfunc(0,*)=1.947 ; C0 = avg from 69-72 (4 d before) and 127-130 (4 d after) polyfunc(1,*)=0.2184 ; C1 = avg from 69-72 (4 d before) and 127-130 (4 d after) polyfunc(2,*)=3.133E-05 ; C2 = avg from 69-72 (4 d before) and 127-130 (4 d after) endif ;calculate average values for plotting avg1=moment(polyfunc(0,*)) avg2=moment(polyfunc(1,*)) avg3=moment(polyfunc(2,*)) polyavg1='Averages (n='+strtrim(string(count10),2)+')' polyavg2='C0='+strtrim(string(avg1(0)),1)+' C1='+strtrim(string(avg2(0)),1)+' C2='+strtrim(string(avg3(0)),1) polyavg3='Low standard='+strtrim(string(lowstd),1)+' ppm' polyavg4='Reference gas='+strtrim(string(refgas),1)+' ppm' polyavg5='High standard='+strtrim(string(highstd),1)+' ppm' ;create array for plotting polynomial fits polyplot=dblarr(count10+1,100); setup array for plotting as many columns as fits plus one for co2 concs polyplot(0,*)=min(c9)+(findgen(100)/(100-1))*(max(c10)-min(c9)); create 100 data points between min and max CO2 values for l=1,count10 do begin polyplot(l,*)=polyfunc(0,l-1)+polyfunc(1,l-1)*polyplot(0,*)+polyfunc(2,l-1)*polyplot(0,*)^2 endfor ;fit polynomial data using spline function and interpolate polyspline=dblarr(3,n+1) polyspline(0,*)=spline(d9,polyfunc(0,*),t) polyspline(1,*)=spline(d9,polyfunc(1,*),t) polyspline(2,*)=spline(d9,polyfunc(2,*),t) ;calculate ppm for individual and interpolated reference gas values ppm8=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c8spline+polyspline(2,*)*c8spline^2)*(t8spline+273.15)/273.15 refpts=ppm8(*,index8) ;calculate ppm for interpolated air sampling heights ;(calculate ppm using polynomial, multiply by T/TO, subtract offset, add to known concentration of ref gas) if (count1 ge 3) then ppm1=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c1spline+polyspline(2,*)*c1spline^2)*((t1spline+273.15)/273.15)+refgas-ppm8 $ else ppm1=c1spline if (count2 ge 3) then ppm2=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c2spline+polyspline(2,*)*c2spline^2)*((t2spline+273.15)/273.15)+refgas-ppm8 $ else ppm2=c2spline if (count3 ge 3) then ppm3=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c3spline+polyspline(2,*)*c3spline^2)*((t3spline+273.15)/273.15)+refgas-ppm8 $ else ppm3=c3spline if (count4 ge 3) then ppm4=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c4spline+polyspline(2,*)*c4spline^2)*((t4spline+273.15)/273.15)+refgas-ppm8 $ else ppm4=c4spline if (count5 ge 3) then ppm5=(polyspline(0,*)+polyspline(1,*)*c5spline+polyspline(2,*)*c5spline^2)*((t5spline+273.15)/273.15)+refgas-ppm8 $ else ppm5=c5spline ;exclude range of values (specified by user at start of program) if exclude eq 'y' then BEGIN index=where(level(*) EQ '1' OR level(*) EQ 'all') if index(0) NE -1 then begin badrange=where((hhmm ge starttime) and (hhmm le endtime)) ppm1(badrange)=-999. t1spline(badrange)=-999. p1spline(badrange)=-999. c1spline(badrange)=-999. endif index=where(level(*) EQ '2' OR level(*) EQ 'all') if index(0) NE -1 then begin badrange=where((hhmm ge starttime) and (hhmm le endtime)) ppm2(badrange)=-999. t2spline(badrange)=-999. p2spline(badrange)=-999. c2spline(badrange)=-999. endif index=where(level(*) EQ '3' OR level(*) EQ 'all') if index(0) NE -1 then begin badrange=where((hhmm ge starttime) and (hhmm le endtime)) ppm3(badrange)=-999. t3spline(badrange)=-999. p3spline(badrange)=-999. c3spline(badrange)=-999. endif index=where(level(*) EQ '4' OR level(*) EQ 'all') if index(0) NE -1 then begin badrange=where((hhmm ge starttime) and (hhmm le endtime)) ppm4(badrange)=-999. t4spline(badrange)=-999. p4spline(badrange)=-999. c4spline(badrange)=-999. endif index=where(level(*) EQ '5' OR level(*) EQ 'all') if index(0) NE -1 then begin badrange=where((hhmm ge starttime) and (hhmm le endtime)) ppm5(badrange)=-999. t5spline(badrange)=-999. p5spline(badrange)=-999. c5spline(badrange)=-999. endif endif ;combine vectors and trim file to 24 hours ppmall=dblarr(7,n+1) ppmall(*,*)=-999. ppmall(0,*)=jday ppmall(1,*)=hhmm ppmall(2,*)=ppm1(0,*) ppmall(3,*)=ppm2(0,*) ppmall(4,*)=ppm3(0,*) ppmall(5,*)=ppm4(0,*) ppmall(6,*)=ppm5(0,*) dddkeep=where(jday eq ddd) ppmall=ppmall(*,dddkeep) help,ppmall; print array information ;compute stats for graphing allc=[c1spline(dddkeep),c2spline(dddkeep),c3spline(dddkeep),c4spline(dddkeep), $ c5spline(dddkeep)] avgc=moment(allc(where(allc ne -999))) allt=[t1spline(dddkeep),t2spline(dddkeep),t3spline(dddkeep),t4spline(dddkeep), $ t5spline(dddkeep)] avgt=moment(allt(where(allt ne -999))) allp=[p1spline(dddkeep),p2spline(dddkeep),p3spline(dddkeep),p4spline(dddkeep), $ p5spline(dddkeep)] avgp=moment(allp(where(allp ne -999))) ;make sure there are enough good values to compute statistics (after removing levels) newindex1=where(ppmall(2,*) NE -999,newcount1); 2 feet newindex2=where(ppmall(3,*) NE -999,newcount2); 5 feet newindex3=where(ppmall(4,*) NE -999,newcount3); 10 feet newindex4=where(ppmall(5,*) NE -999,newcount4); 25 feet newindex5=where(ppmall(6,*) NE -999,newcount5); 45 feet if (newcount1 ge 3) then avgppm1=moment(ppmall(2,where(ppmall(2,newindex1) ne -999))) else avgppm1=[-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.] if (newcount2 ge 3) then avgppm2=moment(ppmall(3,where(ppmall(3,newindex2) ne -999))) else avgppm2=[-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.] if (newcount3 ge 3) then avgppm3=moment(ppmall(4,where(ppmall(4,newindex3) ne -999))) else avgppm3=[-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.] if (newcount4 ge 3) then avgppm4=moment(ppmall(5,where(ppmall(5,newindex4) ne -999))) else avgppm4=[-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.] if (newcount5 ge 3) then avgppm5=moment(ppmall(6,where(ppmall(6,newindex5) ne -999))) else avgppm5=[-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.] avgppm8=moment(ppm8(dddkeep)) ;begin plotting loop for plot_loop=plotstart,plotend do BEGIN fname='lc'+strmid(file2,0,5)+'.ppm' if (plot_loop eq 0) then begin window,/free,xsize=382.5,ysize=495,title=fname,xpos=5,ypos=200 endif if (plot eq 'y') and (plot_loop eq 1) then begin; set plotting to postscript second time through loop set_plot,'ps' device,file='/eddy/s4/lcreek/ppm/ps/'+file2+'.ps',/inches,xoffset=.5,yoffset=.5,xsize=7.5,ysize=10 endif if (plot eq 'y') or (screen eq 'y') then begin; plot only if screen or ps files requested ;plot graphs (note:0 empty fields,2 columns, 3 rows, 0 z-dim plots, starts in top-left then down) !p.multi=[0,2,3,0,1] ;make x-axis labels labels=['0','4','8','12','16','20','24'] ;plot fractional Julian date vs. mV*p0/p for 7 levels maxy=max(allc(where(allc ne -999))) miny=min(allc(where(allc ne -999))) plot,t(dddkeep),c1spline(dddkeep),title='Raw CO!d2!n voltages',ytitle='mV*(P0/P)',xtitle='Time (UT)',xrange=[ddd,ddd+1],charthick=2,yrange=[miny,maxy],xticks=6,xtickname=labels,xminor=4,xstyle=1,min_value=-998 oplot,t(dddkeep),c2spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),c3spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),c4spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),c5spline(dddkeep) endif if (plot eq 'y') and (plot_loop eq 1) then begin; other titles for ps plot only xyouts,.48,1.02,fname,/normal,charthick=2; main title=ouput file name xyouts,.58,.97,polyavg1,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; polynominal stats xyouts,.58,.96,polyavg2,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.94,polyavg3,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.93,polyavg4,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.92,polyavg5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.08,.97,'Level',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; mean/stdev mV*(P0/P) (7 levels) xyouts,.08,.96,'All',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.14,.97,'Mean',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.1,.96,avgc(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.19,.97,'Std dev',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.16,.96,avgc(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.08,.635,'Level',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; mean/stdev LI-6251 temperature (7 levels) xyouts,.08,.625,'All',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.14,.635,'Mean',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.1,.625,avgt(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.19,.635,'Std dev',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.16,.625,avgt(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.08,.30,'Level',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; mean/stdev LI-6251 pressure (7 levels) xyouts,.08,.29,'All',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.14,.30,'Mean',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.1,.29,avgp(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.19,.30,'Std dev',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.16,.29,avgp(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.635,'Mean='+strtrim(string(avgppm8(0)),2),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; reference gas (ppm) xyouts,.58,.625,'Std dev='+strtrim(string(avgppm8(0)),2),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.30,'Level',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2; ppm Mixing ratios (7 levels) xyouts,.58,.29,' 2 ft',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.28,' 5 ft',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.27,'10 ft',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.26,'25 ft',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.58,.25,'45 ft',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.64,.3,'Mean',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.6,.29,avgppm1(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.6,.28,avgppm2(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.6,.27,avgppm3(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.6,.26,avgppm4(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.6,.25,avgppm5(0),size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.69,.30,'Std dev',size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.66,.29,avgppm1(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.66,.28,avgppm2(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.66,.27,avgppm3(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.66,.26,avgppm4(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 xyouts,.66,.25,avgppm5(1)^.5,size=0.5,/normal,charthick=2 endif if (plot eq 'y') or (screen eq 'y') then begin; plot only if screen or ps files requested ;plot fractional Julian date vs. LI-6251 temperature for 7 levels maxy=max(allt(where(allt ne -999))) miny=min(allt(where(allt ne -999))) plot,t(dddkeep),t1spline(dddkeep),title='LI-6262 Temperature',ytitle='!uo!nC',yrange=[miny,maxy],xtitle='Time (UT)',xrange=[ddd,ddd+1],charthick=2,xticks=6,xtickname=labels,xminor=4,xstyle=1,min_value=-998 oplot,t(dddkeep),t2spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),t3spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),t4spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),t5spline(dddkeep) ;plot fractional Julian date vs. LI-6251 pressure for 7 levels maxy=max(allp(where(allp ne -999))) miny=min(allp(where(allp ne -999))) plot,t(dddkeep),p1spline(dddkeep),title='LI-6262 Pressure',ytitle='kPa',xtitle='Time (UT)',yrange=[miny,maxy],xrange=[ddd,ddd+1],charthick=2,xticks=6,xtickname=labels,xminor=4,xstyle=1,min_value=-998 oplot,t(dddkeep),p2spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),p3spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),p4spline(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),p5spline(dddkeep) ;plot polynomial calibrations (mV*P0/P vs. ppm (Cs-Cr)*T0/T) plot,polyplot(0,*),polyplot(1,*),title='Calibration Curves',ytitle='(Cs-Cr)*T0/T',xtitle='mV*P0/P',charthick=2 oplot,c9,stdconc(0,*),psym=1,symsize=0.5 oplot,c8b,stdconc(1,*),psym=1,symsize=0.5 oplot,c10,stdconc(2,*),psym=1,symsize=0.5 for m=2,count10 do begin oplot,polyplot(0,*),polyplot(m,*) endfor ;plot fractional Julian date vs. reference gas (ppm CO2) plot,t(dddkeep),ppm8(dddkeep),title='Reference gas',ytitle='ppm CO!d2',xtitle='Time (UT)',xrange=[ddd,ddd+1],charthick=2,xticks=6,xtickname=labels,xminor=4,xstyle=1 ;oplot,d8,refpts,psym=1,symsize=0.5 ;plot fractional Julian date vs. ppm CO2 at seven sampling heights ppm=[ppm1(dddkeep),ppm2(dddkeep),ppm3(dddkeep),ppm4(dddkeep),ppm5(dddkeep)] maxy=max(ppm(where(ppm ne -999))) miny=min(ppm(where(ppm ne -999))) plot,t(dddkeep),ppm1(dddkeep),title='CO!d2!n Mixing ratios',ytitle='ppm CO!d2',xtitle='Time (UT)',yrange=[miny,maxy],xrange=[ddd,ddd+1],charthick=2,xticks=6,xtickname=labels,xminor=4,xstyle=1,min_value=-998 oplot,t(dddkeep),ppm2(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),ppm3(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),ppm4(dddkeep) oplot,t(dddkeep),ppm5(dddkeep) endif if (plot eq 'y') and (plot_loop eq 1) then begin; close ps file, reset plotting to 1 per page, return plotting to unix device device,/close !p.multi=0 set_plot,'X' endif endfor; end plot loop if (plot eq 'y') then begin cmd="spawn,'gzip -f /eddy/s4/lcreek/ppm/ps/'+file2+'.ps'" r=execute(cmd) endif skipcalcs: ;set up 24 hour array to include all possible times ppmday=dblarr(7,480); 3 minute intervals ppmday(0,*)=ddd; fill day column ;fill hhmm column i=0 for j=0,23 do begin for k=0,19 do begin hhmm=(j*100)+(k*3) ppmday(1,i)=hhmm i=i+1 endfor endfor ppmday(2:6,*)=-999 IF skip NE 1 THEN begin; fill data where available for i=0,479 do begin index=where(float(ppmall(1,*)) eq float(ppmday(1,i))) if (index(0) ne -1) then ppmday(2:6,i)=ppmall(2:6,index) ENDFOR endif if (plot eq 'y') then begin ;save 24 hour array to ascii file fname='lc'+strmid(file2,0,5)+'.ppm' print,'Saving '+fname openw,lun1,filepath(fname,root_dir='/eddy/s4/lcreek/ppm'),/get_lun thisformat='(i3,TR3,i4,TR1,7(d9.3,TR1))' for i=0,479 do begin printf,lun1,ppmday(*,i),format=thisformat endfor close,lun1 free_lun,lun1 endif endfor; end multiple day loop print,'Completed!' return end