; plotlagcovar_lc plots lagged covariances (cross-correlation functions) ; ww,wt,wc,wq ; Use is as follows: ; plotlagcovar2,lagcovtime,lagcov,lag,headtitle ; Where ; lagcovtime = time vector corresponding to the lagged covariances ; lagcov = lagged covariances ; lag = lag time in seconds from lagged covariance ; = [wwlag,wtlag,wclag,wqlag] ; headtitle = string of date and hour in yyyymmddhh format and level ; ; Note: lagcovtime and lagcov are originalliy 3-D arrays that come into this ; routine as 2-D arrays pertaining to a specific level. The columns of ; the arrays coming into this routine are for ww,wt,wc,wq, respectively. ; ; Written by BWBerger 8/3/99 from plotlagcovar.pro to make compatible with ; new code combineddayflux2.pro and plothourly.pro. ; ; Modified by Dana Carrington for use with Willow Creek data. ; Modified by W wang for Lost Creek, Sep 20 2000 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro plotlagcovar_lc,lagcovtime,lagcov,lag,headtitle badval = -999. wwlag = strtrim(string(lag(0)),2) wtlag = strtrim(string(lag(1)),2) wclag = strtrim(string(lag(2)),2) wqlag = strtrim(string(lag(3)),2) subtitle = 'LCREEK lagged covariance - ' gww = where(lagcov(0,*) ne badval,count) if count eq 0 then begin gww = where(lagcov(0,*) eq badval) subtitle_ww = 'NO GOOD DATA' endif else begin subtitle_ww = 'Lag = '+wwlag+' s' endelse gwt = where(lagcov(1,*) ne badval,count) if count eq 0 then begin gwt = where(lagcov(1,*) eq badval) subtitle_wt = 'NO GOOD DATA' endif else begin subtitle_wt = 'Lag = '+wtlag+' s' endelse gwc = where(lagcov(2,*) ne badval,count) if count eq 0 then begin gwc = where(lagcov(2,*) eq badval) subtitle_wc = 'NO GOOD DATA' endif else begin subtitle_wc = 'Lag = '+wclag+' s' endelse gwq = where(lagcov(3,*) ne badval,count) if count eq 0 then begin gwq = where(lagcov(3,*) eq badval) subtitle_wq = 'NO GOOD DATA' endif else begin subtitle_wq = 'Lag = '+wqlag+' s' endelse mplot,2,2 xt = 'Time (seconds)' plot,lagcovtime(0,gww),lagcov(0,gww),xtitle = xt,ytitle = 'ww covariance',$ title = subtitle_ww,/YNozero,chars = 1.3,thick = 2,charthick = 2 plot,lagcovtime(1,gwt),lagcov(1,gwt),xtitle = xt,ytitle = 'wt covariance',$ title = subtitle_wt,/YNozero,chars = 1.3,thick = 2,charthick = 2 plot,lagcovtime(2,gwc),lagcov(2,gwc),xtitle = xt,ytitle = 'wc covariance',$ title = subtitle_wc,/YNozero,chars = 1.3,thick = 2,charthick = 2 plot,lagcovtime(3,gwq),lagcov(3,gwq),xtitle = xt,ytitle = 'wq covariance',$ title = subtitle_wq,/YNozero,chars = 1.3,thick = 2,charthick = 2 xyouts,0.5,1.0,subtitle+headtitle,/normal,alignment = 0.5,chars = 1.5 cplot return end