pro zapbadval,silent,invar,outvar,table0,table1,table2,table3,table4,table5 ;***ZAPBADVAL replaces badvals with values extrapolated from nearby good ;***values. This is done using the average of usually 3 points from each end ;***of the gap. ;*** ;***Input silent = 1 for quiet operation, 0 for printing of run messages ; invar = a vector or an array of data with badvals=-999. ;*** Data must be in columns. ;***Output ;*** outvar = an array exactly like invar, but it has been repaired ;*** for holes by extrapolating between the endpoints. ;*** The endpoints are generally based on the average of ;*** 3 points at each end of the gap. If only one or two ;*** points exist, the first point next to the gap is used ;*** for the extrapolation. If a gap is at the very ;*** beginning or very end of invar, usually 3 points to ;*** the right or left, respectively, are averaged and ;*** the entire gap is given the avg. value. If only one or ;*** two points are available, the first point to the ;*** right and left, respectively, are used. ;*** tableX = a table of the badvalue gaps in invar. The X refers ;*** to the column of invar that the table corresponds to. ;*** format:[blocknumber,leftindex,rightindex] ;*** (if no gaps, table=-1) ;*** Currently, invar arrays with any number of columns ;*** will get repaired, but only six tables can be ;*** returned - this can be remedied by adding tables to ;*** the first line of the code. ;*** ;***Written by BWBerger 9/26/98 (Carved out of ;***Initiallize an outvar the same size as invar outvar=fltarr(col(invar),row(invar))-999. ;***Loop through the program once for each column of invar for ii=0,col(invar)-1 do begin if silent eq 0 then print,'Working on column ',strtrim(string(ii),2) ;***Define an r vector containing all the indicies of bad points in invar r=where(invar(ii,*) eq -999.,c) if (c ne 0) and (c ne row(invar)) then begin ;***Create a table of all the bad blocks of points in r if len(r) eq 1 then begin if silent eq 0 then print,'only one bad pt in series' table=[0,r(0),r(0)] endif else begin table=lonarr(3,50000) i=1L done=0 blockcount=1L blocksize=1L while (done ne 1) do begin if r(i) eq r(i-1)+1 then begin blocksize=blocksize+1 if (i eq len(r)-1) then begin done=1 ;add last blk to table table(*,blockcount-1)=[blockcount,r(i-blocksize+1),r(i)] table=table(*,0:blockcount-1) endif else begin i=i+1 endelse endif else begin table(*,blockcount-1)=[blockcount,r(i-blocksize),r(i-1)] if i eq len(r)-1 then begin table(*,blockcount)=[blockcount+1,r(i),r(i)] table=table(*,0:blockcount) done=1 endif else begin blockcount=blockcount+1 blocksize=1L i=i+1 endelse endelse endwhile endelse ;***Check first block for low and high end points to zapextrapolate ;***across the block repairtype=0 ;check low end of first block if table(1,0) ge 3 then begin ;at least 3 low end pts to avg for extrap sl=2 dl=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'First block - at least 3 low end pts' endif if (table(1,0) eq 1) or (table(1,0) eq 2) then begin ;only 1 or 2 low end pts sl=1 dl=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'First block - only 1 or 2 low end pts' endif if table(1,0) eq 0 then begin ;no low end pts sl=0 dl=0 repairtype=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'First block - no low end pts' endif ;check high end of first block if row(table) gt 1 then begin ;there's more than 1 block if silent eq 0 then print,'There is more than one block.' if table(1,1)-table(2,0) ge 4 then begin ;enough high end pts sh=2 dh=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'First block - at least 3 high end pts' endif if (table(1,1)-table(2,0) eq 3) or (table(1,1)-table(2,0) eq 2) then begin sh=1 ; only 1 or 2 pts dh=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'First block - only 1 or 2 high end pts' endif endif else begin ;First block is also the last block if table(2,0) le row(invar)-1-3 then begin ;enough high end pts sh=2 dh=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'First & Last block - at least 3 high end pts' endif if (table(2,0) eq row(invar)-1-2) or $ (table(2,0) eq row(invar)-1-1) then begin sh=1 ;only 1 or 2 pts dh=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'First & Last block - only 1 or 2 high end pts' endif if table(2,0) eq row(invar)-1 then begin ;no high end pts sh=0 dh=0 repairtype=2 if silent eq 0 then print,'First & Last block - no high end pts' endif endelse ;repair invar zapextrapo,invar(ii,*),table(1,0),table(2,0),sl,sh,dl,dh,repairtype,outvartmp if row(table) eq 1 then begin goto, finish endif ;***If there was more than one block, must now check last block. repairtype=0 ;check low end of last block if table(1,row(table)-1)-table(2,row(table)-1-1) ge 4 then begin sl=2 ; enough low end pts dl=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'Last block - at least 3 low end pts' endif if (table(1,row(table)-1)-table(2,row(table)-1-1) eq 2) $ or (table(1,row(table)-1)-table(2,row(table)-1-1) eq 3) then begin sl=1 ;only 1 or 2 low end pts dl=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'Last block - only 1 or 2 low end pts' endif ;check high end of last block if table(2,row(table)-1) le row(invar)-1-3 then begin ;enough high end pts sh=2 dh=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'Last block - at least 3 high end pts' endif if (table(2,row(table)-1) eq row(invar)-1-2)$ or (table(2,row(table)-1) eq row(invar)-1-1) then begin sh=1 ;only 1 or 2 high end pts dh=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'Last block - only 1 or 2 high end pts' endif if table(2,row(table)-1) eq row(invar)-1 then begin ;no high end pts sh=0 dh=0 repairtype=2 if silent eq 0 then print,'Last block - no high end pts' endif ;repair last block zapextrapo,outvartmp,table(1,len(table)-1),table(2,len(table)-1),sl,sh,dl,dh,$ repairtype,outvartmp if row(table) eq 2 then begin ;only 2 blocks to fix if silent eq 0 then print,'Only two blocks' goto, finish endif ;***If more than two blocks, check middle blocks repairtype=0 for i=1,row(table)-2 do begin ;check low end of block if table(1,i)-table(2,i-1) ge 4 then begin ; enough low end pts sl=2 dl=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'Middle block - at least 3 low end pts' endif if (table(1,i)-table(2,i-1) eq 3) or (table(1,i)-table(2,i-1) eq 2) then begin sl=1 ;only 1 or 2 pts dl=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'Middle block - only 1 or 2 low end pts' endif ;check high end of block if table(1,i+1)-table(2,i) ge 4 then begin ;enough high end pts sh=2 dh=3 if silent eq 0 then print,'Middle block - at least 3 high end pts' endif if (table(1,i+1)-table(2,i) eq 3) or (table(1,i+1)-table(2,i) eq 2) then begin sh=1 ; only 1 or 2 pts dh=1 if silent eq 0 then print,'Middle block - only 1 or 2 high end pts' endif ;repair middle block zapextrapo,outvartmp,table(1,i),table(2,i),sl,sh,dl,dh,repairtype,outvartmp endfor endif else begin outvartmp=invar(ii,*) if c eq 0 then begin table=-1 if silent eq 0 then print,'No gaps.' endif else begin table=-2 if silent eq 0 then print,'No good points in series.' endelse endelse finish: outvar(ii,*)=outvartmp cmd="table"+strtrim(string(ii),2)+"=table" rr=execute(cmd) endfor return end