pro col_define,ct,ncols,nowindow=nowindow,die=die,help=help ;; this routine defines a system variable !col to let us use colors ;; in IDL in a way that is independent of the depth of graphics ;; device. ;; ;; We take the names from rgb.txt and define elements like ;; !col.antiquewhite that can be used to get something exactly ;; correct for truecolor devices and something approximately ;; correct for 8 bit displays. ;; ;; There is also an array !col.ct that lets us emulate the idl color ;; tables on truecolor and doesn't get in the way on 8 bit displays. if keyword_set(help) then begin print,' usage: col_define[,colortable[,ncols]]' print,' Always defines a variable !col if it is undefined. print,' If called with colortable, then that color table is loaded and' print,' values of !col are modified to match the new colortable. If' print,' this variable is omitted, the existing colortable is used. If' print,' ncols is defined and the display is 16 or 24 bits, then !col.ct' print,' mimics a colortable of (ncols < 256) elements.' return endif ;; This is all much harder than it needs to be because IDL makes ;; runtime definitions of structures a real pain. ;; if we have not yet made a connection to the X server then this ;; won't work, because !d.n_colors will be 256. Make default to ;; make a connection. if not keyword_set(nowindow) and (! eq 'X') then begin ;; I think we use the least amount of resources (especially over a ;; slow connection) if we force an X connection by making the ;; smallest possible pixmap window,/free,/pixmap,xsize=1,ysize=1 wdelete,!d.window endif truecolor = (!d.n_colors ge 2L^16) ;; Does !col already exist? We can call this routine to change the ;; color table but we can't redefine !col from scratch. ;; if you change this definition the REST OF THIS ROUTINE WILL BREAK! defsysv,'!col',exists=col_exists if (not col_exists) then begin ;; !col needs to be (re)defined ;; this is generated by ;; gawk '{if (NF==4) print " "$4": 0L, "$4"_rgb: ["$1"B,"$2"B,"$3"B], $"}' /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt > rgb.idl defsysv,'!col',{ ct: lonarr(256), $ snow: 0L, snow_rgb: [255B,250B,250B], $ GhostWhite: 0L, GhostWhite_rgb: [248B,248B,255B], $ WhiteSmoke: 0L, WhiteSmoke_rgb: [245B,245B,245B], $ gainsboro: 0L, gainsboro_rgb: [220B,220B,220B], $ FloralWhite: 0L, FloralWhite_rgb: [255B,250B,240B], $ OldLace: 0L, OldLace_rgb: [253B,245B,230B], $ linen: 0L, linen_rgb: [250B,240B,230B], $ AntiqueWhite: 0L, AntiqueWhite_rgb: [250B,235B,215B], $ PapayaWhip: 0L, PapayaWhip_rgb: [255B,239B,213B], $ BlanchedAlmond: 0L, BlanchedAlmond_rgb: [255B,235B,205B], $ bisque: 0L, bisque_rgb: [255B,228B,196B], $ PeachPuff: 0L, PeachPuff_rgb: [255B,218B,185B], $ NavajoWhite: 0L, NavajoWhite_rgb: [255B,222B,173B], $ moccasin: 0L, moccasin_rgb: [255B,228B,181B], $ cornsilk: 0L, cornsilk_rgb: [255B,248B,220B], $ ivory: 0L, ivory_rgb: [255B,255B,240B], $ LemonChiffon: 0L, LemonChiffon_rgb: [255B,250B,205B], $ seashell: 0L, seashell_rgb: [255B,245B,238B], $ honeydew: 0L, honeydew_rgb: [240B,255B,240B], $ MintCream: 0L, MintCream_rgb: [245B,255B,250B], $ azure: 0L, azure_rgb: [240B,255B,255B], $ AliceBlue: 0L, AliceBlue_rgb: [240B,248B,255B], $ lavender: 0L, lavender_rgb: [230B,230B,250B], $ LavenderBlush: 0L, LavenderBlush_rgb: [255B,240B,245B], $ MistyRose: 0L, MistyRose_rgb: [255B,228B,225B], $ white: 0L, white_rgb: [255B,255B,255B], $ black: 0L, black_rgb: [0B,0B,0B], $ DarkSlateGray: 0L, DarkSlateGray_rgb: [47B,79B,79B], $ DarkSlateGrey: 0L, DarkSlateGrey_rgb: [47B,79B,79B], $ DimGray: 0L, DimGray_rgb: [105B,105B,105B], $ DimGrey: 0L, DimGrey_rgb: [105B,105B,105B], $ SlateGray: 0L, SlateGray_rgb: [112B,128B,144B], $ SlateGrey: 0L, SlateGrey_rgb: [112B,128B,144B], $ LightSlateGray: 0L, LightSlateGray_rgb: [119B,136B,153B], $ LightSlateGrey: 0L, LightSlateGrey_rgb: [119B,136B,153B], $ gray: 0L, gray_rgb: [190B,190B,190B], $ grey: 0L, grey_rgb: [190B,190B,190B], $ LightGrey: 0L, LightGrey_rgb: [211B,211B,211B], $ LightGray: 0L, LightGray_rgb: [211B,211B,211B], $ MidnightBlue: 0L, MidnightBlue_rgb: [25B,25B,112B], $ navy: 0L, navy_rgb: [0B,0B,128B], $ NavyBlue: 0L, NavyBlue_rgb: [0B,0B,128B], $ CornflowerBlue: 0L, CornflowerBlue_rgb: [100B,149B,237B], $ DarkSlateBlue: 0L, DarkSlateBlue_rgb: [72B,61B,139B], $ SlateBlue: 0L, SlateBlue_rgb: [106B,90B,205B], $ MediumSlateBlue: 0L, MediumSlateBlue_rgb: [123B,104B,238B], $ LightSlateBlue: 0L, LightSlateBlue_rgb: [132B,112B,255B], $ MediumBlue: 0L, MediumBlue_rgb: [0B,0B,205B], $ RoyalBlue: 0L, RoyalBlue_rgb: [65B,105B,225B], $ blue: 0L, blue_rgb: [0B,0B,255B], $ DodgerBlue: 0L, DodgerBlue_rgb: [30B,144B,255B], $ DeepSkyBlue: 0L, DeepSkyBlue_rgb: [0B,191B,255B], $ SkyBlue: 0L, SkyBlue_rgb: [135B,206B,235B], $ LightSkyBlue: 0L, LightSkyBlue_rgb: [135B,206B,250B], $ SteelBlue: 0L, SteelBlue_rgb: [70B,130B,180B], $ LightSteelBlue: 0L, LightSteelBlue_rgb: [176B,196B,222B], $ LightBlue: 0L, LightBlue_rgb: [173B,216B,230B], $ PowderBlue: 0L, PowderBlue_rgb: [176B,224B,230B], $ PaleTurquoise: 0L, PaleTurquoise_rgb: [175B,238B,238B], $ DarkTurquoise: 0L, DarkTurquoise_rgb: [0B,206B,209B], $ MediumTurquoise: 0L, MediumTurquoise_rgb: [72B,209B,204B], $ turquoise: 0L, turquoise_rgb: [64B,224B,208B], $ cyan: 0L, cyan_rgb: [0B,255B,255B], $ LightCyan: 0L, LightCyan_rgb: [224B,255B,255B], $ CadetBlue: 0L, CadetBlue_rgb: [95B,158B,160B], $ MediumAquamarine: 0L, MediumAquamarine_rgb: [102B,205B,170B], $ aquamarine: 0L, aquamarine_rgb: [127B,255B,212B], $ DarkGreen: 0L, DarkGreen_rgb: [0B,100B,0B], $ DarkOliveGreen: 0L, DarkOliveGreen_rgb: [85B,107B,47B], $ DarkSeaGreen: 0L, DarkSeaGreen_rgb: [143B,188B,143B], $ SeaGreen: 0L, SeaGreen_rgb: [46B,139B,87B], $ MediumSeaGreen: 0L, MediumSeaGreen_rgb: [60B,179B,113B], $ LightSeaGreen: 0L, LightSeaGreen_rgb: [32B,178B,170B], $ PaleGreen: 0L, PaleGreen_rgb: [152B,251B,152B], $ SpringGreen: 0L, SpringGreen_rgb: [0B,255B,127B], $ LawnGreen: 0L, LawnGreen_rgb: [124B,252B,0B], $ green: 0L, green_rgb: [0B,255B,0B], $ chartreuse: 0L, chartreuse_rgb: [127B,255B,0B], $ MediumSpringGreen: 0L, MediumSpringGreen_rgb: [0B,250B,154B], $ GreenYellow: 0L, GreenYellow_rgb: [173B,255B,47B], $ LimeGreen: 0L, LimeGreen_rgb: [50B,205B,50B], $ YellowGreen: 0L, YellowGreen_rgb: [154B,205B,50B], $ ForestGreen: 0L, ForestGreen_rgb: [34B,139B,34B], $ OliveDrab: 0L, OliveDrab_rgb: [107B,142B,35B], $ DarkKhaki: 0L, DarkKhaki_rgb: [189B,183B,107B], $ khaki: 0L, khaki_rgb: [240B,230B,140B], $ PaleGoldenrod: 0L, PaleGoldenrod_rgb: [238B,232B,170B], $ LightGoldenrodYellow: 0L, LightGoldenrodYellow_rgb: [250B,250B,210B], $ LightYellow: 0L, LightYellow_rgb: [255B,255B,224B], $ yellow: 0L, yellow_rgb: [255B,255B,0B], $ gold: 0L, gold_rgb: [255B,215B,0B], $ LightGoldenrod: 0L, LightGoldenrod_rgb: [238B,221B,130B], $ goldenrod: 0L, goldenrod_rgb: [218B,165B,32B], $ DarkGoldenrod: 0L, DarkGoldenrod_rgb: [184B,134B,11B], $ RosyBrown: 0L, RosyBrown_rgb: [188B,143B,143B], $ IndianRed: 0L, IndianRed_rgb: [205B,92B,92B], $ SaddleBrown: 0L, SaddleBrown_rgb: [139B,69B,19B], $ sienna: 0L, sienna_rgb: [160B,82B,45B], $ peru: 0L, peru_rgb: [205B,133B,63B], $ burlywood: 0L, burlywood_rgb: [222B,184B,135B], $ beige: 0L, beige_rgb: [245B,245B,220B], $ wheat: 0L, wheat_rgb: [245B,222B,179B], $ SandyBrown: 0L, SandyBrown_rgb: [244B,164B,96B], $ tan: 0L, tan_rgb: [210B,180B,140B], $ chocolate: 0L, chocolate_rgb: [210B,105B,30B], $ firebrick: 0L, firebrick_rgb: [178B,34B,34B], $ brown: 0L, brown_rgb: [165B,42B,42B], $ DarkSalmon: 0L, DarkSalmon_rgb: [233B,150B,122B], $ salmon: 0L, salmon_rgb: [250B,128B,114B], $ LightSalmon: 0L, LightSalmon_rgb: [255B,160B,122B], $ orange: 0L, orange_rgb: [255B,165B,0B], $ DarkOrange: 0L, DarkOrange_rgb: [255B,140B,0B], $ coral: 0L, coral_rgb: [255B,127B,80B], $ LightCoral: 0L, LightCoral_rgb: [240B,128B,128B], $ tomato: 0L, tomato_rgb: [255B,99B,71B], $ OrangeRed: 0L, OrangeRed_rgb: [255B,69B,0B], $ red: 0L, red_rgb: [255B,0B,0B], $ HotPink: 0L, HotPink_rgb: [255B,105B,180B], $ DeepPink: 0L, DeepPink_rgb: [255B,20B,147B], $ pink: 0L, pink_rgb: [255B,192B,203B], $ LightPink: 0L, LightPink_rgb: [255B,182B,193B], $ PaleVioletRed: 0L, PaleVioletRed_rgb: [219B,112B,147B], $ maroon: 0L, maroon_rgb: [176B,48B,96B], $ MediumVioletRed: 0L, MediumVioletRed_rgb: [199B,21B,133B], $ VioletRed: 0L, VioletRed_rgb: [208B,32B,144B], $ magenta: 0L, magenta_rgb: [255B,0B,255B], $ violet: 0L, violet_rgb: [238B,130B,238B], $ plum: 0L, plum_rgb: [221B,160B,221B], $ orchid: 0L, orchid_rgb: [218B,112B,214B], $ MediumOrchid: 0L, MediumOrchid_rgb: [186B,85B,211B], $ DarkOrchid: 0L, DarkOrchid_rgb: [153B,50B,204B], $ DarkViolet: 0L, DarkViolet_rgb: [148B,0B,211B], $ BlueViolet: 0L, BlueViolet_rgb: [138B,43B,226B], $ purple: 0L, purple_rgb: [160B,32B,240B], $ MediumPurple: 0L, MediumPurple_rgb: [147B,112B,219B], $ thistle: 0L, thistle_rgb: [216B,191B,216B], $ snow1: 0L, snow1_rgb: [255B,250B,250B], $ snow2: 0L, snow2_rgb: [238B,233B,233B], $ snow3: 0L, snow3_rgb: [205B,201B,201B], $ snow4: 0L, snow4_rgb: [139B,137B,137B], $ seashell1: 0L, seashell1_rgb: [255B,245B,238B], $ seashell2: 0L, seashell2_rgb: [238B,229B,222B], $ seashell3: 0L, seashell3_rgb: [205B,197B,191B], $ seashell4: 0L, seashell4_rgb: [139B,134B,130B], $ AntiqueWhite1: 0L, AntiqueWhite1_rgb: [255B,239B,219B], $ AntiqueWhite2: 0L, AntiqueWhite2_rgb: [238B,223B,204B], $ AntiqueWhite3: 0L, AntiqueWhite3_rgb: [205B,192B,176B], $ AntiqueWhite4: 0L, AntiqueWhite4_rgb: [139B,131B,120B], $ bisque1: 0L, bisque1_rgb: [255B,228B,196B], $ bisque2: 0L, bisque2_rgb: [238B,213B,183B], $ bisque3: 0L, bisque3_rgb: [205B,183B,158B], $ bisque4: 0L, bisque4_rgb: [139B,125B,107B], $ PeachPuff1: 0L, PeachPuff1_rgb: [255B,218B,185B], $ PeachPuff2: 0L, PeachPuff2_rgb: [238B,203B,173B], $ PeachPuff3: 0L, PeachPuff3_rgb: [205B,175B,149B], $ PeachPuff4: 0L, PeachPuff4_rgb: [139B,119B,101B], $ NavajoWhite1: 0L, NavajoWhite1_rgb: [255B,222B,173B], $ NavajoWhite2: 0L, NavajoWhite2_rgb: [238B,207B,161B], $ NavajoWhite3: 0L, NavajoWhite3_rgb: [205B,179B,139B], $ NavajoWhite4: 0L, NavajoWhite4_rgb: [139B,121B,94B], $ LemonChiffon1: 0L, LemonChiffon1_rgb: [255B,250B,205B], $ LemonChiffon2: 0L, LemonChiffon2_rgb: [238B,233B,191B], $ LemonChiffon3: 0L, LemonChiffon3_rgb: [205B,201B,165B], $ LemonChiffon4: 0L, LemonChiffon4_rgb: [139B,137B,112B], $ cornsilk1: 0L, cornsilk1_rgb: [255B,248B,220B], $ cornsilk2: 0L, cornsilk2_rgb: [238B,232B,205B], $ cornsilk3: 0L, cornsilk3_rgb: [205B,200B,177B], $ cornsilk4: 0L, cornsilk4_rgb: [139B,136B,120B], $ ivory1: 0L, ivory1_rgb: [255B,255B,240B], $ ivory2: 0L, ivory2_rgb: [238B,238B,224B], $ ivory3: 0L, ivory3_rgb: [205B,205B,193B], $ ivory4: 0L, ivory4_rgb: [139B,139B,131B], $ honeydew1: 0L, honeydew1_rgb: [240B,255B,240B], $ honeydew2: 0L, honeydew2_rgb: [224B,238B,224B], $ honeydew3: 0L, honeydew3_rgb: [193B,205B,193B], $ honeydew4: 0L, honeydew4_rgb: [131B,139B,131B], $ LavenderBlush1: 0L, LavenderBlush1_rgb: [255B,240B,245B], $ LavenderBlush2: 0L, LavenderBlush2_rgb: [238B,224B,229B], $ LavenderBlush3: 0L, LavenderBlush3_rgb: [205B,193B,197B], $ LavenderBlush4: 0L, LavenderBlush4_rgb: [139B,131B,134B], $ MistyRose1: 0L, MistyRose1_rgb: [255B,228B,225B], $ MistyRose2: 0L, MistyRose2_rgb: [238B,213B,210B], $ MistyRose3: 0L, MistyRose3_rgb: [205B,183B,181B], $ MistyRose4: 0L, MistyRose4_rgb: [139B,125B,123B], $ azure1: 0L, azure1_rgb: [240B,255B,255B], $ azure2: 0L, azure2_rgb: [224B,238B,238B], $ azure3: 0L, azure3_rgb: [193B,205B,205B], $ azure4: 0L, azure4_rgb: [131B,139B,139B], $ SlateBlue1: 0L, SlateBlue1_rgb: [131B,111B,255B], $ SlateBlue2: 0L, SlateBlue2_rgb: [122B,103B,238B], $ SlateBlue3: 0L, SlateBlue3_rgb: [105B,89B,205B], $ SlateBlue4: 0L, SlateBlue4_rgb: [71B,60B,139B], $ RoyalBlue1: 0L, RoyalBlue1_rgb: [72B,118B,255B], $ RoyalBlue2: 0L, RoyalBlue2_rgb: [67B,110B,238B], $ RoyalBlue3: 0L, RoyalBlue3_rgb: [58B,95B,205B], $ RoyalBlue4: 0L, RoyalBlue4_rgb: [39B,64B,139B], $ blue1: 0L, blue1_rgb: [0B,0B,255B], $ blue2: 0L, blue2_rgb: [0B,0B,238B], $ blue3: 0L, blue3_rgb: [0B,0B,205B], $ blue4: 0L, blue4_rgb: [0B,0B,139B], $ DodgerBlue1: 0L, DodgerBlue1_rgb: [30B,144B,255B], $ DodgerBlue2: 0L, DodgerBlue2_rgb: [28B,134B,238B], $ DodgerBlue3: 0L, DodgerBlue3_rgb: [24B,116B,205B], $ DodgerBlue4: 0L, DodgerBlue4_rgb: [16B,78B,139B], $ SteelBlue1: 0L, SteelBlue1_rgb: [99B,184B,255B], $ SteelBlue2: 0L, SteelBlue2_rgb: [92B,172B,238B], $ SteelBlue3: 0L, SteelBlue3_rgb: [79B,148B,205B], $ SteelBlue4: 0L, SteelBlue4_rgb: [54B,100B,139B], $ DeepSkyBlue1: 0L, DeepSkyBlue1_rgb: [0B,191B,255B], $ DeepSkyBlue2: 0L, DeepSkyBlue2_rgb: [0B,178B,238B], $ DeepSkyBlue3: 0L, DeepSkyBlue3_rgb: [0B,154B,205B], $ DeepSkyBlue4: 0L, DeepSkyBlue4_rgb: [0B,104B,139B], $ SkyBlue1: 0L, SkyBlue1_rgb: [135B,206B,255B], $ SkyBlue2: 0L, SkyBlue2_rgb: [126B,192B,238B], $ SkyBlue3: 0L, SkyBlue3_rgb: [108B,166B,205B], $ SkyBlue4: 0L, SkyBlue4_rgb: [74B,112B,139B], $ LightSkyBlue1: 0L, LightSkyBlue1_rgb: [176B,226B,255B], $ LightSkyBlue2: 0L, LightSkyBlue2_rgb: [164B,211B,238B], $ LightSkyBlue3: 0L, LightSkyBlue3_rgb: [141B,182B,205B], $ LightSkyBlue4: 0L, LightSkyBlue4_rgb: [96B,123B,139B], $ SlateGray1: 0L, SlateGray1_rgb: [198B,226B,255B], $ SlateGray2: 0L, SlateGray2_rgb: [185B,211B,238B], $ SlateGray3: 0L, SlateGray3_rgb: [159B,182B,205B], $ SlateGray4: 0L, SlateGray4_rgb: [108B,123B,139B], $ LightSteelBlue1: 0L, LightSteelBlue1_rgb: [202B,225B,255B], $ LightSteelBlue2: 0L, LightSteelBlue2_rgb: [188B,210B,238B], $ LightSteelBlue3: 0L, LightSteelBlue3_rgb: [162B,181B,205B], $ LightSteelBlue4: 0L, LightSteelBlue4_rgb: [110B,123B,139B], $ LightBlue1: 0L, LightBlue1_rgb: [191B,239B,255B], $ LightBlue2: 0L, LightBlue2_rgb: [178B,223B,238B], $ LightBlue3: 0L, LightBlue3_rgb: [154B,192B,205B], $ LightBlue4: 0L, LightBlue4_rgb: [104B,131B,139B], $ LightCyan1: 0L, LightCyan1_rgb: [224B,255B,255B], $ LightCyan2: 0L, LightCyan2_rgb: [209B,238B,238B], $ LightCyan3: 0L, LightCyan3_rgb: [180B,205B,205B], $ LightCyan4: 0L, LightCyan4_rgb: [122B,139B,139B], $ PaleTurquoise1: 0L, PaleTurquoise1_rgb: [187B,255B,255B], $ PaleTurquoise2: 0L, PaleTurquoise2_rgb: [174B,238B,238B], $ PaleTurquoise3: 0L, PaleTurquoise3_rgb: [150B,205B,205B], $ PaleTurquoise4: 0L, PaleTurquoise4_rgb: [102B,139B,139B], $ CadetBlue1: 0L, CadetBlue1_rgb: [152B,245B,255B], $ CadetBlue2: 0L, CadetBlue2_rgb: [142B,229B,238B], $ CadetBlue3: 0L, CadetBlue3_rgb: [122B,197B,205B], $ CadetBlue4: 0L, CadetBlue4_rgb: [83B,134B,139B], $ turquoise1: 0L, turquoise1_rgb: [0B,245B,255B], $ turquoise2: 0L, turquoise2_rgb: [0B,229B,238B], $ turquoise3: 0L, turquoise3_rgb: [0B,197B,205B], $ turquoise4: 0L, turquoise4_rgb: [0B,134B,139B], $ cyan1: 0L, cyan1_rgb: [0B,255B,255B], $ cyan2: 0L, cyan2_rgb: [0B,238B,238B], $ cyan3: 0L, cyan3_rgb: [0B,205B,205B], $ cyan4: 0L, cyan4_rgb: [0B,139B,139B], $ DarkSlateGray1: 0L, DarkSlateGray1_rgb: [151B,255B,255B], $ DarkSlateGray2: 0L, DarkSlateGray2_rgb: [141B,238B,238B], $ DarkSlateGray3: 0L, DarkSlateGray3_rgb: [121B,205B,205B], $ DarkSlateGray4: 0L, DarkSlateGray4_rgb: [82B,139B,139B], $ aquamarine1: 0L, aquamarine1_rgb: [127B,255B,212B], $ aquamarine2: 0L, aquamarine2_rgb: [118B,238B,198B], $ aquamarine3: 0L, aquamarine3_rgb: [102B,205B,170B], $ aquamarine4: 0L, aquamarine4_rgb: [69B,139B,116B], $ DarkSeaGreen1: 0L, DarkSeaGreen1_rgb: [193B,255B,193B], $ DarkSeaGreen2: 0L, DarkSeaGreen2_rgb: [180B,238B,180B], $ DarkSeaGreen3: 0L, DarkSeaGreen3_rgb: [155B,205B,155B], $ DarkSeaGreen4: 0L, DarkSeaGreen4_rgb: [105B,139B,105B], $ SeaGreen1: 0L, SeaGreen1_rgb: [84B,255B,159B], $ SeaGreen2: 0L, SeaGreen2_rgb: [78B,238B,148B], $ SeaGreen3: 0L, SeaGreen3_rgb: [67B,205B,128B], $ SeaGreen4: 0L, SeaGreen4_rgb: [46B,139B,87B], $ PaleGreen1: 0L, PaleGreen1_rgb: [154B,255B,154B], $ PaleGreen2: 0L, PaleGreen2_rgb: [144B,238B,144B], $ PaleGreen3: 0L, PaleGreen3_rgb: [124B,205B,124B], $ PaleGreen4: 0L, PaleGreen4_rgb: [84B,139B,84B], $ SpringGreen1: 0L, SpringGreen1_rgb: [0B,255B,127B], $ SpringGreen2: 0L, SpringGreen2_rgb: [0B,238B,118B], $ SpringGreen3: 0L, SpringGreen3_rgb: [0B,205B,102B], $ SpringGreen4: 0L, SpringGreen4_rgb: [0B,139B,69B], $ green1: 0L, green1_rgb: [0B,255B,0B], $ green2: 0L, green2_rgb: [0B,238B,0B], $ green3: 0L, green3_rgb: [0B,205B,0B], $ green4: 0L, green4_rgb: [0B,139B,0B], $ chartreuse1: 0L, chartreuse1_rgb: [127B,255B,0B], $ chartreuse2: 0L, chartreuse2_rgb: [118B,238B,0B], $ chartreuse3: 0L, chartreuse3_rgb: [102B,205B,0B], $ chartreuse4: 0L, chartreuse4_rgb: [69B,139B,0B], $ OliveDrab1: 0L, OliveDrab1_rgb: [192B,255B,62B], $ OliveDrab2: 0L, OliveDrab2_rgb: [179B,238B,58B], $ OliveDrab3: 0L, OliveDrab3_rgb: [154B,205B,50B], $ OliveDrab4: 0L, OliveDrab4_rgb: [105B,139B,34B], $ DarkOliveGreen1: 0L, DarkOliveGreen1_rgb: [202B,255B,112B], $ DarkOliveGreen2: 0L, DarkOliveGreen2_rgb: [188B,238B,104B], $ DarkOliveGreen3: 0L, DarkOliveGreen3_rgb: [162B,205B,90B], $ DarkOliveGreen4: 0L, DarkOliveGreen4_rgb: [110B,139B,61B], $ khaki1: 0L, khaki1_rgb: [255B,246B,143B], $ khaki2: 0L, khaki2_rgb: [238B,230B,133B], $ khaki3: 0L, khaki3_rgb: [205B,198B,115B], $ khaki4: 0L, khaki4_rgb: [139B,134B,78B], $ LightGoldenrod1: 0L, LightGoldenrod1_rgb: [255B,236B,139B], $ LightGoldenrod2: 0L, LightGoldenrod2_rgb: [238B,220B,130B], $ LightGoldenrod3: 0L, LightGoldenrod3_rgb: [205B,190B,112B], $ LightGoldenrod4: 0L, LightGoldenrod4_rgb: [139B,129B,76B], $ LightYellow1: 0L, LightYellow1_rgb: [255B,255B,224B], $ LightYellow2: 0L, LightYellow2_rgb: [238B,238B,209B], $ LightYellow3: 0L, LightYellow3_rgb: [205B,205B,180B], $ LightYellow4: 0L, LightYellow4_rgb: [139B,139B,122B], $ yellow1: 0L, yellow1_rgb: [255B,255B,0B], $ yellow2: 0L, yellow2_rgb: [238B,238B,0B], $ yellow3: 0L, yellow3_rgb: [205B,205B,0B], $ yellow4: 0L, yellow4_rgb: [139B,139B,0B], $ gold1: 0L, gold1_rgb: [255B,215B,0B], $ gold2: 0L, gold2_rgb: [238B,201B,0B], $ gold3: 0L, gold3_rgb: [205B,173B,0B], $ gold4: 0L, gold4_rgb: [139B,117B,0B], $ goldenrod1: 0L, goldenrod1_rgb: [255B,193B,37B], $ goldenrod2: 0L, goldenrod2_rgb: [238B,180B,34B], $ goldenrod3: 0L, goldenrod3_rgb: [205B,155B,29B], $ goldenrod4: 0L, goldenrod4_rgb: [139B,105B,20B], $ DarkGoldenrod1: 0L, DarkGoldenrod1_rgb: [255B,185B,15B], $ DarkGoldenrod2: 0L, DarkGoldenrod2_rgb: [238B,173B,14B], $ DarkGoldenrod3: 0L, DarkGoldenrod3_rgb: [205B,149B,12B], $ DarkGoldenrod4: 0L, DarkGoldenrod4_rgb: [139B,101B,8B], $ RosyBrown1: 0L, RosyBrown1_rgb: [255B,193B,193B], $ RosyBrown2: 0L, RosyBrown2_rgb: [238B,180B,180B], $ RosyBrown3: 0L, RosyBrown3_rgb: [205B,155B,155B], $ RosyBrown4: 0L, RosyBrown4_rgb: [139B,105B,105B], $ IndianRed1: 0L, IndianRed1_rgb: [255B,106B,106B], $ IndianRed2: 0L, IndianRed2_rgb: [238B,99B,99B], $ IndianRed3: 0L, IndianRed3_rgb: [205B,85B,85B], $ IndianRed4: 0L, IndianRed4_rgb: [139B,58B,58B], $ sienna1: 0L, sienna1_rgb: [255B,130B,71B], $ sienna2: 0L, sienna2_rgb: [238B,121B,66B], $ sienna3: 0L, sienna3_rgb: [205B,104B,57B], $ sienna4: 0L, sienna4_rgb: [139B,71B,38B], $ burlywood1: 0L, burlywood1_rgb: [255B,211B,155B], $ burlywood2: 0L, burlywood2_rgb: [238B,197B,145B], $ burlywood3: 0L, burlywood3_rgb: [205B,170B,125B], $ burlywood4: 0L, burlywood4_rgb: [139B,115B,85B], $ wheat1: 0L, wheat1_rgb: [255B,231B,186B], $ wheat2: 0L, wheat2_rgb: [238B,216B,174B], $ wheat3: 0L, wheat3_rgb: [205B,186B,150B], $ wheat4: 0L, wheat4_rgb: [139B,126B,102B], $ tan1: 0L, tan1_rgb: [255B,165B,79B], $ tan2: 0L, tan2_rgb: [238B,154B,73B], $ tan3: 0L, tan3_rgb: [205B,133B,63B], $ tan4: 0L, tan4_rgb: [139B,90B,43B], $ chocolate1: 0L, chocolate1_rgb: [255B,127B,36B], $ chocolate2: 0L, chocolate2_rgb: [238B,118B,33B], $ chocolate3: 0L, chocolate3_rgb: [205B,102B,29B], $ chocolate4: 0L, chocolate4_rgb: [139B,69B,19B], $ firebrick1: 0L, firebrick1_rgb: [255B,48B,48B], $ firebrick2: 0L, firebrick2_rgb: [238B,44B,44B], $ firebrick3: 0L, firebrick3_rgb: [205B,38B,38B], $ firebrick4: 0L, firebrick4_rgb: [139B,26B,26B], $ brown1: 0L, brown1_rgb: [255B,64B,64B], $ brown2: 0L, brown2_rgb: [238B,59B,59B], $ brown3: 0L, brown3_rgb: [205B,51B,51B], $ brown4: 0L, brown4_rgb: [139B,35B,35B], $ salmon1: 0L, salmon1_rgb: [255B,140B,105B], $ salmon2: 0L, salmon2_rgb: [238B,130B,98B], $ salmon3: 0L, salmon3_rgb: [205B,112B,84B], $ salmon4: 0L, salmon4_rgb: [139B,76B,57B], $ LightSalmon1: 0L, LightSalmon1_rgb: [255B,160B,122B], $ LightSalmon2: 0L, LightSalmon2_rgb: [238B,149B,114B], $ LightSalmon3: 0L, LightSalmon3_rgb: [205B,129B,98B], $ LightSalmon4: 0L, LightSalmon4_rgb: [139B,87B,66B], $ orange1: 0L, orange1_rgb: [255B,165B,0B], $ orange2: 0L, orange2_rgb: [238B,154B,0B], $ orange3: 0L, orange3_rgb: [205B,133B,0B], $ orange4: 0L, orange4_rgb: [139B,90B,0B], $ DarkOrange1: 0L, DarkOrange1_rgb: [255B,127B,0B], $ DarkOrange2: 0L, DarkOrange2_rgb: [238B,118B,0B], $ DarkOrange3: 0L, DarkOrange3_rgb: [205B,102B,0B], $ DarkOrange4: 0L, DarkOrange4_rgb: [139B,69B,0B], $ coral1: 0L, coral1_rgb: [255B,114B,86B], $ coral2: 0L, coral2_rgb: [238B,106B,80B], $ coral3: 0L, coral3_rgb: [205B,91B,69B], $ coral4: 0L, coral4_rgb: [139B,62B,47B], $ tomato1: 0L, tomato1_rgb: [255B,99B,71B], $ tomato2: 0L, tomato2_rgb: [238B,92B,66B], $ tomato3: 0L, tomato3_rgb: [205B,79B,57B], $ tomato4: 0L, tomato4_rgb: [139B,54B,38B], $ OrangeRed1: 0L, OrangeRed1_rgb: [255B,69B,0B], $ OrangeRed2: 0L, OrangeRed2_rgb: [238B,64B,0B], $ OrangeRed3: 0L, OrangeRed3_rgb: [205B,55B,0B], $ OrangeRed4: 0L, OrangeRed4_rgb: [139B,37B,0B], $ red1: 0L, red1_rgb: [255B,0B,0B], $ red2: 0L, red2_rgb: [238B,0B,0B], $ red3: 0L, red3_rgb: [205B,0B,0B], $ red4: 0L, red4_rgb: [139B,0B,0B], $ DeepPink1: 0L, DeepPink1_rgb: [255B,20B,147B], $ DeepPink2: 0L, DeepPink2_rgb: [238B,18B,137B], $ DeepPink3: 0L, DeepPink3_rgb: [205B,16B,118B], $ DeepPink4: 0L, DeepPink4_rgb: [139B,10B,80B], $ HotPink1: 0L, HotPink1_rgb: [255B,110B,180B], $ HotPink2: 0L, HotPink2_rgb: [238B,106B,167B], $ HotPink3: 0L, HotPink3_rgb: [205B,96B,144B], $ HotPink4: 0L, HotPink4_rgb: [139B,58B,98B], $ pink1: 0L, pink1_rgb: [255B,181B,197B], $ pink2: 0L, pink2_rgb: [238B,169B,184B], $ pink3: 0L, pink3_rgb: [205B,145B,158B], $ pink4: 0L, pink4_rgb: [139B,99B,108B], $ LightPink1: 0L, LightPink1_rgb: [255B,174B,185B], $ LightPink2: 0L, LightPink2_rgb: [238B,162B,173B], $ LightPink3: 0L, LightPink3_rgb: [205B,140B,149B], $ LightPink4: 0L, LightPink4_rgb: [139B,95B,101B], $ PaleVioletRed1: 0L, PaleVioletRed1_rgb: [255B,130B,171B], $ PaleVioletRed2: 0L, PaleVioletRed2_rgb: [238B,121B,159B], $ PaleVioletRed3: 0L, PaleVioletRed3_rgb: [205B,104B,137B], $ PaleVioletRed4: 0L, PaleVioletRed4_rgb: [139B,71B,93B], $ maroon1: 0L, maroon1_rgb: [255B,52B,179B], $ maroon2: 0L, maroon2_rgb: [238B,48B,167B], $ maroon3: 0L, maroon3_rgb: [205B,41B,144B], $ maroon4: 0L, maroon4_rgb: [139B,28B,98B], $ VioletRed1: 0L, VioletRed1_rgb: [255B,62B,150B], $ VioletRed2: 0L, VioletRed2_rgb: [238B,58B,140B], $ VioletRed3: 0L, VioletRed3_rgb: [205B,50B,120B], $ VioletRed4: 0L, VioletRed4_rgb: [139B,34B,82B], $ magenta1: 0L, magenta1_rgb: [255B,0B,255B], $ magenta2: 0L, magenta2_rgb: [238B,0B,238B], $ magenta3: 0L, magenta3_rgb: [205B,0B,205B], $ magenta4: 0L, magenta4_rgb: [139B,0B,139B], $ orchid1: 0L, orchid1_rgb: [255B,131B,250B], $ orchid2: 0L, orchid2_rgb: [238B,122B,233B], $ orchid3: 0L, orchid3_rgb: [205B,105B,201B], $ orchid4: 0L, orchid4_rgb: [139B,71B,137B], $ plum1: 0L, plum1_rgb: [255B,187B,255B], $ plum2: 0L, plum2_rgb: [238B,174B,238B], $ plum3: 0L, plum3_rgb: [205B,150B,205B], $ plum4: 0L, plum4_rgb: [139B,102B,139B], $ MediumOrchid1: 0L, MediumOrchid1_rgb: [224B,102B,255B], $ MediumOrchid2: 0L, MediumOrchid2_rgb: [209B,95B,238B], $ MediumOrchid3: 0L, MediumOrchid3_rgb: [180B,82B,205B], $ MediumOrchid4: 0L, MediumOrchid4_rgb: [122B,55B,139B], $ DarkOrchid1: 0L, DarkOrchid1_rgb: [191B,62B,255B], $ DarkOrchid2: 0L, DarkOrchid2_rgb: [178B,58B,238B], $ DarkOrchid3: 0L, DarkOrchid3_rgb: [154B,50B,205B], $ DarkOrchid4: 0L, DarkOrchid4_rgb: [104B,34B,139B], $ purple1: 0L, purple1_rgb: [155B,48B,255B], $ purple2: 0L, purple2_rgb: [145B,44B,238B], $ purple3: 0L, purple3_rgb: [125B,38B,205B], $ purple4: 0L, purple4_rgb: [85B,26B,139B], $ MediumPurple1: 0L, MediumPurple1_rgb: [171B,130B,255B], $ MediumPurple2: 0L, MediumPurple2_rgb: [159B,121B,238B], $ MediumPurple3: 0L, MediumPurple3_rgb: [137B,104B,205B], $ MediumPurple4: 0L, MediumPurple4_rgb: [93B,71B,139B], $ thistle1: 0L, thistle1_rgb: [255B,225B,255B], $ thistle2: 0L, thistle2_rgb: [238B,210B,238B], $ thistle3: 0L, thistle3_rgb: [205B,181B,205B], $ thistle4: 0L, thistle4_rgb: [139B,123B,139B], $ gray0: 0L, gray0_rgb: [0B,0B,0B], $ grey0: 0L, grey0_rgb: [0B,0B,0B], $ gray1: 0L, gray1_rgb: [3B,3B,3B], $ grey1: 0L, grey1_rgb: [3B,3B,3B], $ gray2: 0L, gray2_rgb: [5B,5B,5B], $ grey2: 0L, grey2_rgb: [5B,5B,5B], $ gray3: 0L, gray3_rgb: [8B,8B,8B], $ grey3: 0L, grey3_rgb: [8B,8B,8B], $ gray4: 0L, gray4_rgb: [10B,10B,10B], $ grey4: 0L, grey4_rgb: [10B,10B,10B], $ gray5: 0L, gray5_rgb: [13B,13B,13B], $ grey5: 0L, grey5_rgb: [13B,13B,13B], $ gray6: 0L, gray6_rgb: [15B,15B,15B], $ grey6: 0L, grey6_rgb: [15B,15B,15B], $ gray7: 0L, gray7_rgb: [18B,18B,18B], $ grey7: 0L, grey7_rgb: [18B,18B,18B], $ gray8: 0L, gray8_rgb: [20B,20B,20B], $ grey8: 0L, grey8_rgb: [20B,20B,20B], $ gray9: 0L, gray9_rgb: [23B,23B,23B], $ grey9: 0L, grey9_rgb: [23B,23B,23B], $ gray10: 0L, gray10_rgb: [26B,26B,26B], $ grey10: 0L, grey10_rgb: [26B,26B,26B], $ gray11: 0L, gray11_rgb: [28B,28B,28B], $ grey11: 0L, grey11_rgb: [28B,28B,28B], $ gray12: 0L, gray12_rgb: [31B,31B,31B], $ grey12: 0L, grey12_rgb: [31B,31B,31B], $ gray13: 0L, gray13_rgb: [33B,33B,33B], $ grey13: 0L, grey13_rgb: [33B,33B,33B], $ gray14: 0L, gray14_rgb: [36B,36B,36B], $ grey14: 0L, grey14_rgb: [36B,36B,36B], $ gray15: 0L, gray15_rgb: [38B,38B,38B], $ grey15: 0L, grey15_rgb: [38B,38B,38B], $ gray16: 0L, gray16_rgb: [41B,41B,41B], $ grey16: 0L, grey16_rgb: [41B,41B,41B], $ gray17: 0L, gray17_rgb: [43B,43B,43B], $ grey17: 0L, grey17_rgb: [43B,43B,43B], $ gray18: 0L, gray18_rgb: [46B,46B,46B], $ grey18: 0L, grey18_rgb: [46B,46B,46B], $ gray19: 0L, gray19_rgb: [48B,48B,48B], $ grey19: 0L, grey19_rgb: [48B,48B,48B], $ gray20: 0L, gray20_rgb: [51B,51B,51B], $ grey20: 0L, grey20_rgb: [51B,51B,51B], $ gray21: 0L, gray21_rgb: [54B,54B,54B], $ grey21: 0L, grey21_rgb: [54B,54B,54B], $ gray22: 0L, gray22_rgb: [56B,56B,56B], $ grey22: 0L, grey22_rgb: [56B,56B,56B], $ gray23: 0L, gray23_rgb: [59B,59B,59B], $ grey23: 0L, grey23_rgb: [59B,59B,59B], $ gray24: 0L, gray24_rgb: [61B,61B,61B], $ grey24: 0L, grey24_rgb: [61B,61B,61B], $ gray25: 0L, gray25_rgb: [64B,64B,64B], $ grey25: 0L, grey25_rgb: [64B,64B,64B], $ gray26: 0L, gray26_rgb: [66B,66B,66B], $ grey26: 0L, grey26_rgb: [66B,66B,66B], $ gray27: 0L, gray27_rgb: [69B,69B,69B], $ grey27: 0L, grey27_rgb: [69B,69B,69B], $ gray28: 0L, gray28_rgb: [71B,71B,71B], $ grey28: 0L, grey28_rgb: [71B,71B,71B], $ gray29: 0L, gray29_rgb: [74B,74B,74B], $ grey29: 0L, grey29_rgb: [74B,74B,74B], $ gray30: 0L, gray30_rgb: [77B,77B,77B], $ grey30: 0L, grey30_rgb: [77B,77B,77B], $ gray31: 0L, gray31_rgb: [79B,79B,79B], $ grey31: 0L, grey31_rgb: [79B,79B,79B], $ gray32: 0L, gray32_rgb: [82B,82B,82B], $ grey32: 0L, grey32_rgb: [82B,82B,82B], $ gray33: 0L, gray33_rgb: [84B,84B,84B], $ grey33: 0L, grey33_rgb: [84B,84B,84B], $ gray34: 0L, gray34_rgb: [87B,87B,87B], $ grey34: 0L, grey34_rgb: [87B,87B,87B], $ gray35: 0L, gray35_rgb: [89B,89B,89B], $ grey35: 0L, grey35_rgb: [89B,89B,89B], $ gray36: 0L, gray36_rgb: [92B,92B,92B], $ grey36: 0L, grey36_rgb: [92B,92B,92B], $ gray37: 0L, gray37_rgb: [94B,94B,94B], $ grey37: 0L, grey37_rgb: [94B,94B,94B], $ gray38: 0L, gray38_rgb: [97B,97B,97B], $ grey38: 0L, grey38_rgb: [97B,97B,97B], $ gray39: 0L, gray39_rgb: [99B,99B,99B], $ grey39: 0L, grey39_rgb: [99B,99B,99B], $ gray40: 0L, gray40_rgb: [102B,102B,102B], $ grey40: 0L, grey40_rgb: [102B,102B,102B], $ gray41: 0L, gray41_rgb: [105B,105B,105B], $ grey41: 0L, grey41_rgb: [105B,105B,105B], $ gray42: 0L, gray42_rgb: [107B,107B,107B], $ grey42: 0L, grey42_rgb: [107B,107B,107B], $ gray43: 0L, gray43_rgb: [110B,110B,110B], $ grey43: 0L, grey43_rgb: [110B,110B,110B], $ gray44: 0L, gray44_rgb: [112B,112B,112B], $ grey44: 0L, grey44_rgb: [112B,112B,112B], $ gray45: 0L, gray45_rgb: [115B,115B,115B], $ grey45: 0L, grey45_rgb: [115B,115B,115B], $ gray46: 0L, gray46_rgb: [117B,117B,117B], $ grey46: 0L, grey46_rgb: [117B,117B,117B], $ gray47: 0L, gray47_rgb: [120B,120B,120B], $ grey47: 0L, grey47_rgb: [120B,120B,120B], $ gray48: 0L, gray48_rgb: [122B,122B,122B], $ grey48: 0L, grey48_rgb: [122B,122B,122B], $ gray49: 0L, gray49_rgb: [125B,125B,125B], $ grey49: 0L, grey49_rgb: [125B,125B,125B], $ gray50: 0L, gray50_rgb: [127B,127B,127B], $ grey50: 0L, grey50_rgb: [127B,127B,127B], $ gray51: 0L, gray51_rgb: [130B,130B,130B], $ grey51: 0L, grey51_rgb: [130B,130B,130B], $ gray52: 0L, gray52_rgb: [133B,133B,133B], $ grey52: 0L, grey52_rgb: [133B,133B,133B], $ gray53: 0L, gray53_rgb: [135B,135B,135B], $ grey53: 0L, grey53_rgb: [135B,135B,135B], $ gray54: 0L, gray54_rgb: [138B,138B,138B], $ grey54: 0L, grey54_rgb: [138B,138B,138B], $ gray55: 0L, gray55_rgb: [140B,140B,140B], $ grey55: 0L, grey55_rgb: [140B,140B,140B], $ gray56: 0L, gray56_rgb: [143B,143B,143B], $ grey56: 0L, grey56_rgb: [143B,143B,143B], $ gray57: 0L, gray57_rgb: [145B,145B,145B], $ grey57: 0L, grey57_rgb: [145B,145B,145B], $ gray58: 0L, gray58_rgb: [148B,148B,148B], $ grey58: 0L, grey58_rgb: [148B,148B,148B], $ gray59: 0L, gray59_rgb: [150B,150B,150B], $ grey59: 0L, grey59_rgb: [150B,150B,150B], $ gray60: 0L, gray60_rgb: [153B,153B,153B], $ grey60: 0L, grey60_rgb: [153B,153B,153B], $ gray61: 0L, gray61_rgb: [156B,156B,156B], $ grey61: 0L, grey61_rgb: [156B,156B,156B], $ gray62: 0L, gray62_rgb: [158B,158B,158B], $ grey62: 0L, grey62_rgb: [158B,158B,158B], $ gray63: 0L, gray63_rgb: [161B,161B,161B], $ grey63: 0L, grey63_rgb: [161B,161B,161B], $ gray64: 0L, gray64_rgb: [163B,163B,163B], $ grey64: 0L, grey64_rgb: [163B,163B,163B], $ gray65: 0L, gray65_rgb: [166B,166B,166B], $ grey65: 0L, grey65_rgb: [166B,166B,166B], $ gray66: 0L, gray66_rgb: [168B,168B,168B], $ grey66: 0L, grey66_rgb: [168B,168B,168B], $ gray67: 0L, gray67_rgb: [171B,171B,171B], $ grey67: 0L, grey67_rgb: [171B,171B,171B], $ gray68: 0L, gray68_rgb: [173B,173B,173B], $ grey68: 0L, grey68_rgb: [173B,173B,173B], $ gray69: 0L, gray69_rgb: [176B,176B,176B], $ grey69: 0L, grey69_rgb: [176B,176B,176B], $ gray70: 0L, gray70_rgb: [179B,179B,179B], $ grey70: 0L, grey70_rgb: [179B,179B,179B], $ gray71: 0L, gray71_rgb: [181B,181B,181B], $ grey71: 0L, grey71_rgb: [181B,181B,181B], $ gray72: 0L, gray72_rgb: [184B,184B,184B], $ grey72: 0L, grey72_rgb: [184B,184B,184B], $ gray73: 0L, gray73_rgb: [186B,186B,186B], $ grey73: 0L, grey73_rgb: [186B,186B,186B], $ gray74: 0L, gray74_rgb: [189B,189B,189B], $ grey74: 0L, grey74_rgb: [189B,189B,189B], $ gray75: 0L, gray75_rgb: [191B,191B,191B], $ grey75: 0L, grey75_rgb: [191B,191B,191B], $ gray76: 0L, gray76_rgb: [194B,194B,194B], $ grey76: 0L, grey76_rgb: [194B,194B,194B], $ gray77: 0L, gray77_rgb: [196B,196B,196B], $ grey77: 0L, grey77_rgb: [196B,196B,196B], $ gray78: 0L, gray78_rgb: [199B,199B,199B], $ grey78: 0L, grey78_rgb: [199B,199B,199B], $ gray79: 0L, gray79_rgb: [201B,201B,201B], $ grey79: 0L, grey79_rgb: [201B,201B,201B], $ gray80: 0L, gray80_rgb: [204B,204B,204B], $ grey80: 0L, grey80_rgb: [204B,204B,204B], $ gray81: 0L, gray81_rgb: [207B,207B,207B], $ grey81: 0L, grey81_rgb: [207B,207B,207B], $ gray82: 0L, gray82_rgb: [209B,209B,209B], $ grey82: 0L, grey82_rgb: [209B,209B,209B], $ gray83: 0L, gray83_rgb: [212B,212B,212B], $ grey83: 0L, grey83_rgb: [212B,212B,212B], $ gray84: 0L, gray84_rgb: [214B,214B,214B], $ grey84: 0L, grey84_rgb: [214B,214B,214B], $ gray85: 0L, gray85_rgb: [217B,217B,217B], $ grey85: 0L, grey85_rgb: [217B,217B,217B], $ gray86: 0L, gray86_rgb: [219B,219B,219B], $ grey86: 0L, grey86_rgb: [219B,219B,219B], $ gray87: 0L, gray87_rgb: [222B,222B,222B], $ grey87: 0L, grey87_rgb: [222B,222B,222B], $ gray88: 0L, gray88_rgb: [224B,224B,224B], $ grey88: 0L, grey88_rgb: [224B,224B,224B], $ gray89: 0L, gray89_rgb: [227B,227B,227B], $ grey89: 0L, grey89_rgb: [227B,227B,227B], $ gray90: 0L, gray90_rgb: [229B,229B,229B], $ grey90: 0L, grey90_rgb: [229B,229B,229B], $ gray91: 0L, gray91_rgb: [232B,232B,232B], $ grey91: 0L, grey91_rgb: [232B,232B,232B], $ gray92: 0L, gray92_rgb: [235B,235B,235B], $ grey92: 0L, grey92_rgb: [235B,235B,235B], $ gray93: 0L, gray93_rgb: [237B,237B,237B], $ grey93: 0L, grey93_rgb: [237B,237B,237B], $ gray94: 0L, gray94_rgb: [240B,240B,240B], $ grey94: 0L, grey94_rgb: [240B,240B,240B], $ gray95: 0L, gray95_rgb: [242B,242B,242B], $ grey95: 0L, grey95_rgb: [242B,242B,242B], $ gray96: 0L, gray96_rgb: [245B,245B,245B], $ grey96: 0L, grey96_rgb: [245B,245B,245B], $ gray97: 0L, gray97_rgb: [247B,247B,247B], $ grey97: 0L, grey97_rgb: [247B,247B,247B], $ gray98: 0L, gray98_rgb: [250B,250B,250B], $ grey98: 0L, grey98_rgb: [250B,250B,250B], $ gray99: 0L, gray99_rgb: [252B,252B,252B], $ grey99: 0L, grey99_rgb: [252B,252B,252B], $ gray100: 0L, gray100_rgb: [255B,255B,255B], $ grey100: 0L, grey100_rgb: [255B,255B,255B], $ DarkGrey: 0L, DarkGrey_rgb: [169B,169B,169B], $ DarkGray: 0L, DarkGray_rgb: [169B,169B,169B], $ DarkBlue: 0L, DarkBlue_rgb: [0B,0B,139B], $ DarkCyan: 0L, DarkCyan_rgb: [0B,139B,139B], $ DarkMagenta: 0L, DarkMagenta_rgb: [139B,0B,139B], $ DarkRed: 0L, DarkRed_rgb: [139B,0B,0B], $ LightGreen: 0L, LightGreen_rgb: [144B,238B,144B]} endif ;; now !col is defined, and the rgb values are in place. Next, load ;; in the color table, if one is requested. if n_elements(ncols) eq 0 then ncols = 256 ncols = !d.table_size < ncols if n_elements(ct) ne 0 then begin ;; this means that one of IDL's predfined color tables has been ;; requested. loadct,ct,ncolors=(ncols < 256) endif tvlct,r,g,b,/get ;; Now we have to either build the color indexes to match the table, ;; or build the color table to match the ;; this is a pain because we have no good way to get to the tags. ;; docs do not specify that tags will necessarily be in the order ;; defined. Because that is much faster, I will assume it and ;; check the validity nct = n_tags(!col) nstrcols = (nct-1)/2 ;; this is the # of colors named in the structure tagnames = tag_names(!col) if truecolor then begin ;; first we build all the color indices from the rgb values for i=0,nstrcols-1 do begin ;; first check colors j = 2*i+1 if tagnames(j)+'_RGB' eq tagnames(j+1) then begin !col.(j) = total(!col.(j+1)*[1,256L,65536L]) endif else begin print,' I don''t understand the structure. Oops.' stop endelse endfor ;; now fill in the color table values !col.ct = r+256L*g+65536L*b endif else begin ;; now we deal with the 8-bit displays ;; define an index for each color name matching as close as ;; possible the rgb color for i=1,nstrcols-1 do begin ;; first check colors j = 2*i+1 if tagnames(j)+'_RGB' eq tagnames(j+1) then begin ;; find which entry in color table is least squares closest to ;; rgb values of the color chi2 = (long(!col.(j+1)[0])-long(r))^2 + $ (long(!col.(j+1)[1])-long(g))^2+(long(!col.(j+1)[2])-long(b))^2 dummy = min(chi2,indy) ;; BUT we want to avoid mapping !col.(j) = indy endif else begin print,' I don''t understand the structure. Oops.' stop endelse endfor ;; using color table !col.ct[i]=i What could be easier? !col.ct[0:ncols-1] = indgen(ncols) endelse ;; fill the top with white if ncols lt 256 then $ !col.ct(ncols:255) = !col.white if keyword_set(die) then stop ;; we're done. bye bye. end