PRO abi_nacp_sipnet,prefix,indir=indir,outdir=outdir ;Read "prefix" ;convert to Sipnet "prefix".clim and .spd file ;input: NACP met file ;output: SIPNET ASCII files ;sipnet.clim ;Location Year Day Hour Timestep(fday) ;Tair(C) Tsoil(C) PAR(ein/m2/timestep) Precip(mm/timestep) ;VPD (PA) VPDS (Pa) Vpress (Pa) U (m/s) S_moist(%sat) ;sipnet.spd ;Year_start jd_start steps per day #number of days -1 ;Set up file names and default folders IF n_elements(indir) EQ 0 THEN indir = expand_path('/Users/adesai/Desktop')+'/' IF n_elementS(outdir) EQ 0 THEN outdir = expand_path('/Users/adesai/Desktop')+'/' IF n_elements(prefix) EQ 0 THEN prefix = 'US-WCr' infile = indir + prefix + '' climfile = outdir + prefix + '.clim' spdfile = outdir + prefix + '.spd' ;Test for file read/write IF file_test(infile,/read) AND file_test(outdir,/write) THEN BEGIN nc = ncdf_open(infile) ;From the attributes of the time variable, find the start year and day ncdf_attget,nc,'t','time_origin',time_origin time_origin = strmid(string(time_origin),0,10) year = strmid(time_origin,0,4) month = strmid(time_origin,5,2) day = strmid(time_origin,8,2) DOY = dy_to_jd(year+month+day) ;From attributes of timestep and dimensions, find time step and number of days ncdf_attget,nc,'timestp','tstep_sec',tstep_sec steps_per_day = 86400l/long(tstep_sec) ncdf_diminq,nc,0,tdimname,tdim ;first dimension is time ndays = tdim / steps_per_day ;Build string to write to spd file spd = year + ' ' + string(long(DOY),format='(i0)') + ' ' + string(steps_per_day,format='(i0)') + ' #' + string(ndays,format='(i0)') + ' -1' ;Build time output for the clim file (year day hour timestep) ;Create a Julian time array, convert to calendar time, convert to ;string, and then to day of year ;Convoluted but very fast and general - handles leap years et al gracefully times_j = TIMEGEN(tdim, UNITS='Seconds', STEP_SIZE=tstep_sec, START=JULDAY(long(month),long(day),long(year))) caldat,times_j,mon,day,yr,hr,mn,sec time_str = string(yr,format='(i4.4)')+string(mon,format='(i2.2)')+string(day,format='(i2.2)') jd = dy_to_jd(time_str) hour = float(hr)+(float(mn)/60.) timestep = float(tstep_sec) / 3600. ;Build met variables ;Air temp - convert to C ncdf_varget,nc,'Tair',Tair Tair -= 273.15 ;Soil temp - model from air temperature Tsoil = smooth(tair,steps_per_day*7.0,/edge) > 0 ;PAR - model from SW ncdf_varget,nc,'SWdown',SW PAR = SW*2.21 ;4.43 umol/J * 0.5 PAR = PAR * float(tstep_sec) / 1e6 ;convert to einsteins/m2/timestep ;Precip(mm/timestep) ncdf_varget,nc,'Rainf',precip ;kg/m2/s = mm/s precip = precip * float(tstep_sec) ;mm/timestep ;VPD (Pa),VPDS (Pa), Vpress (Pa) ncdf_varget,nc,'Qair',Qair ;specific humidity kg/kg ncdf_varget,nc,'Psurf',Press ;pressure Pa Es = 100. * 6.112 * exp( (17.67 * Tair) / (243.5 + Tair)) ;saturation vapor pressure Es_soil = 100. * 6.112 * exp( (17.67 * Tsoil) / (243.5 + Tsoil)) Ea = (Qair * Press)/(0.622 + (1 - 0.622)* Qair) ;vapor pressure vpd = es-ea > 0 ;VPD, correct for a few stray negative VPD vpd_s = es_soil - ea ;relative soil vapor deficit assuming soil pore space is saturated ;Wind speed (m/s) ncdf_varget,nc,'Wind',Wind ;S_moist(%sat) - set to fixed value Smoist = 1.0 ;Write the files ;sipnet.clim ;Location Year Day Hour Timestep(fday) ;Tair(C) Tsoil(C) PAR(ein/m2/timestep) Precip(mm/timestep) ;VPD (PA) VPDS (Pa) Vpress (Pa) U (m/s) S_moist(%sat) ;sipnet.spd ;Year_start jd_start steps per day #number of days -1 openw,fl,climfile,/get_lun FOR i = 0,n_elements(yr)-1 DO BEGIN printf,fl,0,yr[i],jd[i],hour[i],timestep,Tair[i],Tsoil[i],$ PAR[i],Precip[i],VPD[i],VPD_S[i],Ea[i],Wind[i],Smoist,$ format='(i1," ",i4," ",i3," ",f6.1," ",f15.8,9f15.3)' ENDFOR free_lun,fl openw,fl,spdfile,/get_lun printf,fl,spd,format='(a0)' free_lun,fl ENDIF ELSE print,'File read/write error' stop END